#sure it was kinda crass and has a lot of poop jokes
sinningsprinkles · 2 years
My ideas for Most Popular Girls in School S6
A new canadian exchange student comes to school for everyone's senior year, she recognized Saison but is forced to keep the montreal secret. Brittany hates her for being Canadian, but i picture them both going through french canadian hijinx and falling in love.
Mackenzie comes back from the world wide modeling competition and nobody watched it other than for the whole 'the entire french team was evil and then died.' she's frustrated at the fame that trisha 2 and Cameron have achieved while shes basically nothing. Also the school is like 'holy fuck those two went to our school and are now world famous models' which is making her extra bitter
Trisha is told shes gonna flunk her senior year and be held back if she doesnt do better, her boyfriend, Matthew Derringer, offers to find her a tutor, it turns out Ashely Katchadorian is offering tutoring for money since shes not a cheerleader anymore. Trisha, missing Trisha 2 tries to spend more time with Matthew and becomes way too clingy and he tries to find her some hobbies
Deandra is having fun teasing Mackenzie, but then is saddled with the job of helping the Canadian girl acclimate to football since theres no hockey team here. She becomes the only other girl on the football team. That makes some jealousy for the attention she gets, which quickly subsides.
Judy and Red are actually semi popular now on their talk show and are now making more money to do more elaborate stuff on Judy and Red in the Morning.
Shea Van Buren becomes friends with the Canadian girl bc theyre both queer (Shea was semi mentioned to be bicurious) and they maybe talk about girls and shea comes out as bi???? Also she gets a bunch of Camerons old clothes bc shes not coming home often and when she does she has a bunch of new model clothes that shea also takes (and finally dresses well)
Saison is being surprisingly an ok mom. Shes also avoiding Brit and the Canadian girl like the plague.
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