#saison Marguerite
blee-bleep · 10 months
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tbh idk what mack was expecting when they finally arrived
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phatcatphergus · 8 months
Literally Tubbo rn
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Botanic Tournament : Main Bracket !
Round 2 Poll G
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Itsuki can mean timber tree
Marguerite means daisy in French
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(Timber trees and daisy)
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mellowmiint · 1 year
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Sketches of some Barbie girls….wip I guess
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taybatwo2 · 10 months
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This new Barbie (from @a_plastic_tan on Instagram) is giving me Saison Marguerite from Most Popular Girls in School.
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michelada12 · 1 year
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The Most Popular Girls in School
Series about a group of cheerleaders doing what it takes to be popular.
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skeksisloving · 1 year
"Brittany, do you have an extra. How do you say, hair tie?"
"Why do you say how do you say before words you clearly know how to say?!!"
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Fuck you Saison Marguerite!!
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esparia · 2 years
The Saison Margeurite Puzzle
I have a lot of thoughts about MPGIS (most popular girls in school) but Saison is one that after S5 I have crafted a theory for. Or at least an explanation to the best of my vague ability. ( @ifrickupmywords I tried to condense it but...)
The Main Questions I'm trying to answer:
Pretends she’s French when she’s Canadian. Why?
A.) Could be master manipulator, points are showing this.
B.) Could be trolling, evidence doesn’t fully back this but it could have started as such.
C.) Could be a power trip. She obviously likes fucking with people but this point could go to either A or B.
Why France?
A.) Greater popularity points to be an exchange student than a “new student”.
B.) Being French would be easier to fake if she already knew French bc she’s from Montreal and grew up in Quebec which has a close tie to French as a language.
Why not Canadian?
A.) Doesn’t score cool points. Not an exchange if she just moved. Lacks “cool” accent and experiences.
B.) Could be past related. Past unknown.
Thus, Popularity Aim Theory.
If she’s aiming to be popular why the route she’s taking? It seems convoluted and uncertain.
What she has done so far is make her position un-topple-able by not staking her popularity on what she is but herself. So here's the timeline of events.
Starting point. “French Student”, grabs everyone’s attention immediately. Gets interest from the social hubs and is thus introduced to many of their connections bc she needs to be “shown around”. Is thus labeled a non threat to their hierarchy and they will only help her instead of try to pull her down from her “fumbling climb up the social ladder”.
Taking French as a class. Perhaps she “misunderstood” what French was, just like how English is, as a class. It would give her an easy passing grade and raise her GPA. Some classes give the opportunity to have a France trip (when that opportunity falls through she joins the French club which gets her that trip)
Her introduction. A “Good but Confused Student”. Goes to the “wrong” class but is earnest and obviously just turned around and is directed back by a teacher and likely got a tardy pass so she could make it to her other class and get her book and still make it in time. Endears her to the staff. They are likelier to be softer on her bc of it. (added bonus, she gains Blaine)
Blaine is a football player. Perfect for a least a romp which would earn her points with him an gain his ear. A connection to the male side of the popularity royalty would gain elevate her but he proves beyond perfect.
-Blain is naive and bc of that easily lied to. Anything odd she can pass of as her being “French” and not understanding. He’d believe her. He’d also tell her what he hears readily enough if she is his girlfriend and prom date.
Prom is easy to get into bc of Blaine and she is sure to be featured in at least the yearbook’s prom section bc of Blaine’s football status. Everyone will see her with him there and those not at prom will see her as the gf of a football player. Status instantly on par with the cheerleaders.
Baby Brittany. Saison is not stupid and would use protection if she wanted to avoid a baby. However I believe Lunch Lady Belinda got her thinking with her comment “the babies you two make tonight are going to be so stupid”. What gets the whole school talking about you, class and status regardless? A pregnant girl. Add in that she is the exchange student, the gf of Blaine, and kind but dumb? Everyone will want to support her. Again, she is zero threat.
Flashing forward she names Brittany after the one person who is most vocal against her. Making her a god parent. Tying the cheer squad to her and neutralizing or at least making peace with an actual threat. BUT only announces it after the stage is set.
She, whether planned or not, takes her pregnancy and uses it to it’s full potential. She’s amazing at grabbing opportunities when she gets them. Sure fire way to get the school to know she’s pregnant? Leaving the tests behind instead of hiding them. We know theres more than one bc Desmond (the janitor) says “and people be leaving these (positive pregnancy test) all over the gd floor” implying more than one all over the place. Someone and likely more than one will find them the rumor mill will start and speculation will rise. Thus building it up to a bigger reveal. Mackenzie was going to spread it around and ridicule whoever it was when she found out. (the confrontation between the squad and her is very interesting if you think about it)
But that’s not enough for the long haul. She needs a support system that can’t be rocked. She needs to cement her position thus “Babes having Babies”, it falls through but it connects her to Brittany for a while and its shown she already has a connection with Shay “practically royalty”. The whole school is basically beneath her now that she has a reality show and wants the influence she has. Even Brittany. It falls through yes but it’s what she wants. If the nation sees it it’s likelier for her parents to see or someone to recognize her and fake claim her. It cancelling is perfect bc it served her purpose and she can move on.
She has grown her connections and anything added is a cake walk. Her school image of being really tolerant of Brittany’s hostility also cemented the illusion of a “friendly and forgiving” nature. Again lowering her threat level and being welcomed by just about everyone.
Being added then removed from the cheer squad was pretty solid strategy wise. She got in for Cheer Nationals, a place she doesn’t have to act just dance and be on TV. It doesn’t have the risk of getting her fake claimed like BhB. But it guaranteed that she wouldn’t fall into obscurity. She kept part of the status boost her own reality show would have given her. She got kicked off after but that worked in her favor as it left the opening and she was known to be an ok cheer leader.
She left before it tanked on the social ladder and made connections with the outcasts (public image aiding this no doubt) and was eventually accepted back on the squad bc she used that easy opening to get onto what she knew would end up victorious. Fads come and go and she used it to build that network but she guaranteed a future when the fad died.
She does manage to keep her oblivious status or ditzy look when her water breaks in the lunch room. Either it happened really fast and she was caught unaware or she has balls of steel and timed it to deliver in the lunch room or at least start labor there. Deandra being a midwife could have thrown plans to go to the hospital out the window but she rolled with it. Either way, she rolled with it and is now legendary amongst the students.
All in all, junior year has her in a nice gray neutral zone escaping most of the drama that could tear her down. Keeping her good natured persona lets her keep all her connections and general popularity without risk now it's about maintenance. Which she does perfectly in s4. The exception is getting in the gun fight which couldn't have been foreseen at all. It does however prove the level of danger Brittany is and the importance to get her to fully believe Saison's act. Which I personally started fully suspecting because of Baby Brittany's weird ability to understand what Saison is saying. Dumb + Naive could make Genius but if Saison is brilliant enough to manipulate her surroundings to come out on top why not be able to pass it on?
Either way s5 shows how desperate she is to get Brittany off her back and neutralize that threat she poses.
That trip finally comes up and it'll either be a way to familiarize herself with France but Paris in particular to gain credit for the backstory she's fabricated and/or learn the french accent/dialect and drop the Canadian french. This is why she could have originally planed to go. (However if her parents were already in France at that time, the opportunity to show Rachel and Judith was there which would get back to Brittany eventually.)
She could also use it to “visit” her parents. Not inviting Blaine along with the excuse that it was a club activity. Speculation about how deep her knowledge and strings go it could be a complete spider web of strings she's pulling or she could simply be reacting to circumstances and taking advantage of it.
I fully believe she knew that Rachel and Judith followed her around and likely was testing that exactly bc she knew Brittany's tendency to... go to extremes. She just got confirmation at the drunken party about the Brittany bit. This is when I think she for sure made plans to show off her parents. That laugh and confidence just scream security.
The reveal doesn't exactly add much to it but it does show how she flips between to states relatively easily. In the end Brittany “came around” and with her in her corner there's little to no way her position will be shakable.
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nonbinary-hatter · 1 year
Most popular girls in school. Is such a great show
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goblinbabe666 · 1 year
“i’ve had a few miscarriages myself, before yknow” “yeah i can fuckin tell” THIS WHOLE SERIES IS GOLD.
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lesellieknope · 3 months
he broke his, how you say, nose
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Since Shasta and Daisy will compete together (they tied and it was voted on), we have a free spot in the main bracket for a Daisy.
Here are the last four eliminated ones. Which one do you pick ?
Top left : Daisy Bell
Top right : Daisy Johnson
Bottom left : Saison Marguerite
Bottom right : Alice "Daisy" Tonner
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dixvinsblog · 7 months
Anna Maria Carulina Celli - À toi
Qui à la belle saison, a désiré me cueillirObjetCaprice de l’éphémèreM’effeuiller parmi les margueritesJe t’aime un peu… pas du toutAlouette, je te plumerai les ailesÀ ma couronne, reste un pétaleMais lequel ? Nue, je suis venue à toiTu ne t’es jamais déshabilléComme ces femmes entièrement voiléesQui vous regardent mais ne se donnent pasÀ voirTu as laissé couler le temps de tes poches…
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hummingbird-hunter · 1 year
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chic-a-gigot · 11 months
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 44, vol. 20, 30 octobre 1898, Paris. 1. Corsage de bal ou de dîner. Collier Cyrano. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
No. 1. Parmi les dernières créations parues pour la saison des bals, nous avons choisi, dans le nombre, un charmant collier, dit "Esclavage," dont la simplicité et le bon goût nous ont séduit. Il est en perles fines de moyenne grosseur et mesure l m 76de long; le fermoir, un vrai bijou, représente une marguerite, avec perle fine entourée de simili-brillants; les personnes qui ne mettront pas de fleur au corsage laisseront voir ce fermoir qui formera une garniture charmante, surtout s'il retient une draperie ou un papillon de dentelle.
Le prix modeste de ce collier le met à la portée de toutes les bourses; son prix est de 7 fr. 95, franco par la poste.
Corsage de bal ou de dîner, composé d’une doublure ajustée, voilée de mousseline de soie et garni de deux draperies de velours retenues sur la poitrine par un bouquet de fleur. Ceinture de velours, manche froncée laissant voir le bras.
No. 1. Among the latest creations published for the ball season, we chose, among the number, a charming necklace, called "Esclavage," whose simplicity and good taste seduced us. It is made of medium-sized fine pearls and measures 1.76 m long; the clasp, a real jewel, represents a daisy, with a fine pearl surrounded by imitation diamonds; People who do not put a flower on the bodice will leave this clasp visible which will form a charming decoration, especially if it holds a drapery or a lace butterfly.
The modest price of this necklace puts it within the reach of all budgets; its price is 7 fr. 95, free by post.
Ball or dinner bodice, composed of a fitted lining, veiled in silk muslin and garnished with two velvet draperies held on the chest by a bouquet of flowers. Velvet belt, gathered sleeve revealing the arm.
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skeksisloving · 1 year
So fun fact. Saison Marguerite is a 1991 Beauty and The Beast Barbie with bangs. So if you want a Saison of your own buy this Barbie.
She really is French omg!!
Mattel licensed MPGIS merch lol
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