#sure war gets to be a star that pollutes water with disdain weve all been there
hairscare · 11 months
Tysm! Lemme show you my kids!
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This is illness, he likes making his own plagues and pretends to be an "angel of mercy" and makes his victims think their deaths are an accident. (It's absolutely not)
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Here's wilt, he of greed and gluttony, takes joy in manipulating authority figures into raising the food prices. things go against his plans, however, and he's quick to throw a hissy fit.
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Hatred likes violence and starting a chain reaction of civil war. She'll fight anyone who speaks against her WITH HER BARE HANDS!
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Vanquish is the most responsible of the bunch, sure. But they're also snobby and stuck up! Always wanting to dominate every domain! (Control freak...)
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Lastly, little death, she comforts souls who lost their bodies to her fellow harbringers. She sometimes gets people to commit suicide however...
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I also wanted to add wormwood, the leader of the 5. He just loves the chaos.
That's everyone :)
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i had to draw the crossover of the century
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