#sure wish i could remember my own text post tag rn though
prncples · 1 year
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unorthodoxsavvy · 7 years
Wowie so I got tagged by my friend Ginny, or @dead-nightingale to answer these 92 truths about yourself (myself). And at the end I’m going to tag 25 people.
Here we go!!
1. Drink: Hot Chocolate
2. Phone Call: My boyfriend last night
3. Text Message: “When I was trying to fall asleep last night, Cece was walking on my side and trying to find a spot to lay down on me. And then this morning she laid down on my stomach and I was petting her.” from my boyfriend.
4. Song You Listened To: I’m listening to “Wanting More” by Memphis May Fire.
5. Time You Cried: Sunday. 
6. Dated Someone Twice: No, haha, no one makes that mistake twice
7. Been Cheated On: No
8. Kissed Someone And Regretted It: No.
9. Lost Someone Special: Yeah. On my birthday.
10. Been Depressed: My entire life??? Okay, kidding. But yes, I have PDD.
11. Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up: No, I don’t drink.
12. Metallic silvery-blue.
13. Black
14. Aqua
15. Made New Friends: Only like 50, give or take.
16. Fallen Out of Love: Yeah, but not completely, and I was still willing to try and right myself because I know it was all just because of the amount of confusing things going on at the time.
17. Laughed Until You Cried: Probably?
18. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: Yeah, and I thought it was fucking hilarious.
19. Met Someone Who Changed You: Yeah................................. let’s not talk about that right now
20. Found Out Who Your True Friends Are: This year was the year of finding out who my true friends are lmao. And sometimes I was wrong. I’m glad my real friends pulled through despite my doubts about them.
21. Kissed Someone On Your Facebook: The day I own a Facebook is the day I’ll send myself to a Nunnery. 
22. How Many of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know in Real Life: Seriously? Let Facebook burn in the pits of hell.
23. Do You Have Any Pets: Yeah, I temporarily have a pet cat, I have an old doggo some of you might know named Bailey, I have Marian, of course, my gecko, and a fish named Vic. We used to also have Kellin but we don’t have Kellin anymore.
24. Do You Want To Change Your Name: Yes. My middle name can burn in the puts of hell next to Facebook. 
25. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: Shit what did I do? Uhhhhhhhh.... let me ask my boyfriend. Well he doesn’t know either. OH! I remember: I made a weird cake with cookie dough and stuff and we had other cake and I went to Boston for a Teen Author convention and also my mom’s best friend died and I cried on my boyfriend a lot. I think I kind of blocked that day out of my memory.
26. What Time Did You Wake Up: 8:30ish
27. What Were You Doing at Midnight Last Night: Watching Gintama lmao
28. Name Something You Cannot Wait For: WARPED TOUR, PRIDE, and LOCAL AGRICULTURE FAIRS! And for me to actually get a job.
29. When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mother: Between 10-11 last night.
30. What is One Thing You Wish You Could Change About Your Life: Getting a job :’) plz someone hire me :’) I know I’ve only applied like 2 places but like c’mon
31. What Are You Listening To Right Now: Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides
32. Have You Ever Talked To a Person Named Tom: Yes, I have. 
33. Something That Is Getting On Your Nerves: People flirting with other people and me whoops. Me flirting with other people. Myself. People. Trump. The not-so-slow decline of humanity. My own saltiness rn.
34. Most Visited Website: Google
35. Elementary: Like elementary school? There was cool art on the pillars outside the office. I met my best friend there and had my first kiss in elementary school. Someone threw a brick at my friend’s head. I was smol and had long blonde hair. Someone who I’m now friends with pushed me and I fractured my wrist and the school told me I was exaggerating and didn’t even tell my mom what had happened and she said that when she reached for my arm to like help me out of the car I would pull away and finally she took me to the doctor’s and found out and she was pissed at the school. I got stuck in the playground. Field Day was fun. I miss the sketch playground they had.
36. High School: 
Freshman Year
What to heck I actually have friends, I’m popularish? People don’t treat me like shit? Boys are flirting with me? I have drama? What? I’m so confused. I’m going to just stick with playing with the animals in the barn and crying over the fact I forgot to put my seatbelt on the first time on the tractor. The Golden Trio. 
Sophomore Year
First real boyfriend
Traumatic experiences ----->emo
Junior Year
I’m emo
I LIKE GIRLS??????????
Wow that fanfiction though
Wow I have a crush on a Trans Guy? Guess I really am bi
Wow I’m dating a Trans Guy (it needs to be caps in my head, sorry lol) Guess I am bi but also can we appreciate what a cute fucking bean he is???
Omg! Full time Natural Resources Student! The Dream Come True!
Senior Year
I hate you all
I hate you too Emory
If you don’t want to hang out with me that’s fine but don’t expect me to hang out with you.
Wow all my friends desserted me.
What friends
Oh those friends
Yeah they aren’t my friends today
Wow I’m some elite choir student
My choir teacher is still sketchy af
My natural resources teacher is actually letting us pick him out an outfit to buy at GAP.
My natural resources teacher’s wife is actually letting us browse for like an hour and 45 minutes in Barnes and Nobels looking for That Gay Shit
We didn’t find That Gay Shit but I bought a Fun. album and DAPGO so that’s pretty much the same thing
I’m pretty sure we all just outted ourselves to our teacher’s wives
Wow I’m making an album
Wow I’m not taking any real classes I’m just passing the time cuddling dogs
Wow friends from Freshman Year throwback
California is Gay
Boston wasn’t supposed to be Gay but we snuck into Pride
I cried a lot during graduation because at that point a bunch of people were horrible to me and I couldn’t take it anymore but then also my teacher got me a scholarship and I cried during that too
Let’s party and stay up at school until 5:30am
37. College/University: What’s college
38. Hair Color: 50 shades of cool colors but not green
39. Long Hair or Short Hair: Shorter than a Corgi’s tail
40. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Yeah, and I really wish I didn’t.
41. What Do You Like About Yourself: Gay
42. Piercings: Over my needlephobic body
43. Blood Type: Does anyone actually know this? I’d kill someone before I’d let them near enough to me to find out
44. Nickname: Savvy
45. Relationship Status: (If you didn’t get this by now, I’m dating @ancient-hero)
46. Zodiac Sign: Libra af
47. Pronouns: She/her
48. Favorite TV Show: Fairy Tail
49. Tattoos: I waaaaaaant but neeeeeeeeedles
50. Right or Left Hand: Righty
51. Surgery: None
52. Piercing: Ears in 3rd grade
54. Sport: Dance
55. Vacation: Gosh idk I was probably still in the womb
56. Pair of Trainers: What? How about first pair of Converse? I like that better. My first pair of Converse was in like 6th grade and my friend was like “ohmigod, how have you never owned a pair of Converse before? They’re your shoe.”
57. Eating: What does this even mean?????? How about this: the first time I ate blueberry pie, it was heavenly and I was in Maine and now I love blueberry pie.
58. Drinking: Let’s talk alcohol.I said I don’t drink, and that’s true. My first alcohol was this year, my mom gave us champagne. That doesn’t count as drinking, we all know that.
59. I’m About To: Keep writing this post. And doing all the other tags I’ve been tagged in, and then try and schedule them so I don’t flood people with useless info about me. I might take a break though because I’ve been here almost an hour.
60. Listening To: Bulls in the Bronx.
61. Waiting For: A Sign A Job Me to stop catching feelings Warped Tour
62. Want: Warped Tour!!! (And more specifically to actually know bands and songs playing more than I do now. I’m trying to crash course myself in bands like a week before again)
63. Get Married: YES YES YES
64. Career: Music Video Producer and Storyboarder and Filmer
65. Hugs or Kisses: Hugs
66. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
67. Shorter or Taller: Ahhhhhhh I’ve had a bit of both idk which one I like better maybe shorter cause I’m short anyone “tall” towers over me
68. Older of Younger: Older 
70. Nice Arms or Nice Stomach: ??? A girl is a girl?? A boy is a boy?? I don’t like buff people? I like squishy people??
71. Sensitive or Loud: Both! I want both, dammit! I can’t take just one or the other, it won’t work.
72. Hook Up or Relationship: I wouldn’t know.
73. Troublemaker or Hesitant: Once again, both. Either of a lot is too much. I feel like most people I’m comparing are polar opposites and that’s why things haven’t/aren’t working.
74. Kissed a Stranger: NO BUT I WANT TO (just not while dating anyone)
75. Drank Hard Liquor: Still no
76. Lost Glasses/Contact Lenses: Who owns a pair who hasn’t? If you own either you have.
77. Turned Someone Down: Lmao no
78. Sex on First Date: Nooooooooo
79. Broken Someone’s Heart: Once again, hasn’t everyone? And if they haven’t, they will.
80. Had Your Heart Broken: Once again, hasn’t everyone? And if they haven’t, they will.
81. Been Arrested: No, but had the cops called on me, yes.
82. Cried When Someone Died: Yes, on my birthday, in my kitchen, on my boyfriend.
83. Fallen For a Friend: I don’t fall for anyone seriously who isn’t a friend.
84. Yourself: Yes.
85. Miracles: Yes.
86. Love at First Sight: It’s called lust, look it up.
87. Santa Claus: No, sorry.
88. Kiss on First Date: Sure, that’s cute.
89. Angels: No
90. Current Best Friend’s Name: Olivia. Best friends since Kindergarten. Just with a few gaps and rough patches.
91. Eye Color: Blue
92. Favorite Movie: Stand By Me
Wow I need a break before I even tag anyone.
Okay, so after everyone’s read through all this nonsense, here is to whome I bestow this task:
First off I probably owe @ancient-hero to be tagged since he’s mentioned so much.
@articulate-mess, @teatowelhowell, @sleepyphil, @danisthirsty, @weirdkidstories, @fondan, @pocketcow, @memory--ghost, @mymagnificentself, @gods-not-on-a-flatbread, @cushionstaxk, @xloonaticbloodx, @liabilitylester, @kendellisnotonfire, @smoltheatrekid, @softcharizard, @vgetables, @thebookofmadison, @infidany, @i-craft-ladders, @alecdoesnotmakepie, @astonishowell, @deadpan-trashcan @smolphaniel
Wow, okay, cool. Obviously if you don’t want to do it I’m not going to fly to you and kick down your door and make you. So, have fun, do the thing if you want, sorry if not, and have a nice day!
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chimkkookbts · 7 years
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag! 
Thank you for tagging me ❤ @muchbetterjulia
[1] drink: water
[2] phone call: my bff
[3] text message: the same bff
[4] song you listened to: bts/exo mashup playboy/house of cards
[5] time you cried: 2day
[6] dated someone twice: no
[7] been cheated on: nope
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: nope since i think alot i dont think i’d regret such things
[9] lost someone special: yes
[10] been depressed: yes , the past 3 months
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: hmm is it weird that i dont drink?
[12] white
[13] red
[14] blue
[15] made new friends: yup
[16] fallen out of love: thats too yes
[17] laughed until you cried: alot lol
[18] found out someone was talking about you:  Yeah unfortunately
[19] met someone who changed you: all the ppl i met kinda changed something about me
[20] found out who your true friends are: yeah im sure rn
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: noooo
[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: i kno all of them since its private
[23] do you have any pets: a cat
[24] do you want to change your name: im kinda satisfied
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: jst had a surprise party in a big resturant from my best friends
[26] what time did you wake up: 8:30 am
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: Watching jikook reaction videos and i think i watched alllll of them like really all
[28] name something you cannot wait for:  hmm since i graduated college this year i cant wait for going to korea someday
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: like half an hour ago
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: to be working on my own
[31] what are you listening to right now: nothing cuz of a severe headache
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: hahah nooo but since u mentioned this i want to
[33] something that is getting on your nerves: a friend that she’s not a friend anymore
[34] most visited website: tumblr , youtube , ao3
[35] elementary: nice memories
[36] high school: the best friends but the worst days of my life
[37] college: i thought it’d be better but should have kept my expectations lower
[38] hair colour: brown
[39] long or short hair: my hair is long but i wanna have a short haircut soon
[40] do you have a crush on someone: no thanx god
[41] what do you like about yourself?: i dont kno mayb that i can understand lots of personalities
[42] piercings: none i jst have 2 on my ears
[43] blood type: O+
[44] nickname: Ara
[45] relationship status: freeee and single thanx to jungkook yeah
[46] zodiac sign: pisces
[47] pronouns: She/Her
[48] fav tv show(s): I dont watch tv actually
[49] tattoos: if they r simple i’d like to try them but for now no
[50] right or left handed: right
[51] surgery: none
[52] piercing: jst my ears
[53] best friend: she’s not here on tumblr so i cant mention her 💔
[54] sport: basketball though im short
[55] vacation: only my lovely house lol
[56] pair of trainers: i have nike and i wanna buy ones of puma
[57] eating: anything simple
[58] drinking: water and natural juices
[59] i’m about to: sleep and mayb i’ll fall asleep at any moment
[60] listening to: i listen to lots of songs but bts r on rewind
[61] waiting for: my life to keep it down
[62] want: to do my best when i start working
[63] get married: if its korean then yes 
[64] career: dentist
[65] hugs or kisses: hungs only if he’s nice smell
[66] lips or eyes: eyes
[67] shorter or taller: taller
[68] older or younger: older
[69] romantic or spontaneous: some1 who knows when to be this or that
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: nice stomach plz
[71] sensitive or loud: also knows when tobe both
[72] hook up or relationship: relationship
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: trouble maker
[74] kissed a stranger?: nope
[75] drank hard liquor?: nope
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses?: i dont wear them
[77] turned someone down: yeah ..
[78] sex on first date?: noooo
[79] broken someone’s heart?: many …
[80] had your own heart broken?: yeah once
[81] been arrested?: nooo
[82] cried when someone died?: always
[83] fallen for a friend: no cuz i draw a line between us
[84] yourself?: yes
[85] miracles?: there r miracles only bcuz there r ppl who work hard to make them
[86] love at first sight?: never
[87] santa claus?: nooo
[88] kiss on the first date?: no i cant
[89] angels?: yesss
[90] current best friend’s name: zena
[91] eye colour: hazel
[92] favourite movies: harry potter , king arthur , and animations
since i have to tag like 25 ppl i dont even know how fins this number of ppl so i’ll tag whom i remember from posts or talks And sure u dont have to do it if u dont like to ❤ @beeyeah @bananacookies1 @kookminworld0507 @staycute1234 @keyonna901 @jeonslilmonster @muchbetterbts @minkookbusan @kookmint @blt-prf @flywithourarmywings @nini17
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custompotato · 7 years
(My first one! Ahhh! Im So excited!) Thank you, @lovelylangst, for tagging me!
Rules: Write 92 truths about yourself then tag 25 people (I dont have 25 people But imma try anyway!!!)
Long ass post.
LAST… [1] drink: Coffee [2] phone call:My mom [3] text message: Sent? My mom. Received?  One of my WoW friends (whom i love) [4] song you listened to: She Keeps Me Up, by Nickleback. [5] time you cried: Last night.
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: I dont think so.  [7] been cheated on: Probably tbh [8] kissed someone and regretted it: Nope. [9] lost someone special: Do... Do pets count?  [10] been depressed: Yes, but I’m getting a lot of help from the fambam  [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope!! Dont drink too much, and I cant remember the last time I threw up involuntarily.
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLORS: [12] Dark Blue [13] Orange  [14] Red
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: Yup! And I’m so, so happy! I love them! [16] fallen out of love: I can’t say I’ve ever romantically *loved* someone, just kinda liked them, and that’s still going strong so. [17] laughed until you cried: ...We do not mention that night. [18] found out someone was talking about you: In what way? Like. meanly? Nicely? I dont think anyone would tbh I kinda suck [19] met someone who changed you: Read: The Fambam.  [20] found out who your true friends are: Uhhhh. Nothing like... Super cataclysmic clued me in?  [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: ... I dont think so? My memory of time is pretty shit tbh.
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: All but like. 4. [23] do you have any pets: 54: 3 dogs, 8 cats, 3 goats(babies incoming), 12 ducks, 24 chickens, 2 pigs, 1 snake, 1 goose [24] do you want to change your name: Not to anything specific?? I just like using alias [25] what did you do for your last birthday: Do people celebrate those? ;;;; haha... ha. Im a lonely, old gremlin. [26] what time did you wake up: 6:53 [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping. [28] name something you cannot wait for: S3 of Voltron, more wonderful angst of any of my favorite characters, happiness without worry, being 18 so i can do shit, retirement, bedtime. [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: 3 seconds ago when I looked over to make sure she didnt know I was on Tumblr. [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: My insecurites and general disgust and hatred for life. [31] what are you listening to right now: One of the freaking chickens laying eggs outside. And the pig playing with her food toy.  [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: ... Prob, tbh, but I dont know their names. Only their groceries. [33] something that is getting on your nerves: My family [34] most visited website: Tumblr/Ao3 [35] elementary: Coal Creek [36] high school: (i dont understand the context.) What year im in? last. One i go to? Connections Academy. Favorite year? Junior [37] college: I do intend on going? To Aims [38] hair color: Natural? Brown. Current? Brown with the underside a dark red(really pretty red) [39] long or short hair: Long <3  [40] do you have a crush on someone: No comment... *sweatdrops* [41] what do you like about yourself: Uh... Um... I am the reincarnation of Happy Bunny, as said by my coworker. [42] piercings: A helix. I want my tongue done though [43]blood type: Hell if i know. Red. Prob... kinda salty-sweet, for you vamps out there. I dont taste good but youre welcome to try.  [44] nickname: Carrie/Path [45] relationship status: Single. [46] zodiac sign: Virgo.  [47] pronouns:She/her [48] fav tv show: Too many to list, but current is Voltron [49] tattoos: I wanna get one. Several, really. [50] right or left hand: Right
FIRST… [51] surgery: Idk, maybe? Prob not though.  [52] piercing: Ears [53] best friend: Irl? Ruby/Bo. Online? the Fambam in its entirety. [54] sport: To do? Ick. To watch? Basketball, i guess Favorites to watch/read about: tennis, basketball [55] vacation: Vegas, 7th Grade [56] pair of trainers: Those are shoes right?
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: Nothing! [58] drinking: Nothing! [59] i’m about to: Finish this up, read some langst, and go to work! [60] listening to: Nothing, rn  [61] waiting for: Happiness. And my later doom. Screw work. [62] want: Happiness. And a nap.  [63] get married: Only for tax benefits [64] career: Divorce Lawyer! (dreams of little girls, right?)
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: both. Fight me.  [66] lips or eyes: Eyes, because they dont mock me verbally. Also i can actually draw them so. [67] shorter or taller: I like tall people. I wish I were short.  [68] older or younger: Should I care??? As long as I’m not breaking laws, well. [70] nice arms or nice stomach: Stomach. And arms. Crush me against your nice stomach with your nice arms. [71] sensitive or loud: I am loud to cover up my sensitivity [72] hook up or relationship: ... depends tbh. If i were more confident in my body i would totally lean to hook up though. But also, cuddles are nice? I want cuddles. [73] troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant. I am the most timid potato.
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? Nope! [75] drank hard liquor? Yup! [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? Dont remind me. [77] turned someone down: Yup! [78] sex on first date? Haha. Me? Sex? (im not confident enough for sex. also. No dates) [79] broken someone’s heart? ....If i think really hard and ignore the part of me saying noone could love me like that, I actually... Have? Several times? FML IM SORRY SIT!  [80] had your own heart broken? You cant break what I have already crushed! Haha! [81] been arrested? Almost, but not really.  [82] cried when someone died? Do pets/videogame characters count?? [83] fallen for a friend? ... No comment. (looks away shiftily)
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? I thought we established the extreme no-ness of this? [85] miracles? Why should I? They’ll never benefit me. [86] love at first sight? Lust, yes. Love? Doesnt exist. [87] Santa Claus? No. [88] kiss on the first date? Who is the date with?  [89] angels? Nope!
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: Ruby/Bo/Ro/Entirety of Fambam [91] eye color: Brown [92] favorite movie: uhh... Kung Fu Panda 2 I guess.
Tagged peoples:
@moriatake @hubbletuff @redmullets @strifingkind @ghost-toaster @vivelavoltron @rubatosisopossum @kaxpha (you dont know me but I love you) @appsa @baked-mashed-potato @daddyshiro @aquabutterfly @demiquaver @lance-lance-revolution hnnnn how many more to go idont want to just tag random people ahh plz dont hate me, @bext-k because. youre like a queen. we need to know things. @lolygothica bc youre pretty much the reason i have tumblr thank you for all your fake fb posts and texts ilysm, @moroseconcept @prince-lance-of-altea cant wait for the Secret Circle au, ily for that, @sniperlance bc im running out of people and ily too even if we never talked before, @the-blue-artemis at this point half the people here i know from their langst. pretty sure im doing this wrong is it supposed to be just mutuals?!?! okay im done its not 25 people but i cant.. figure out... who else. (Please dont hate me T-T)
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gnostalgist · 7 years
🌻rules: once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag.
I was tagged by @fixationpsychosis ! (thank u!)

[1] drink: zero ultra monster energy fsdjlfkjds (its the only Good(TM) monster so i had to specify)

[2] phone call: my grandma probably. if skype calls count, then dirk.

[3] text message: my grandma...

[4] song you listened to: ok it was the schuyler sisters from hamilton but it was bc i was doign a colorguard routine to it which probably doesnt help but
[5] time you cried: idk... a couple days ago
[6] dated someone twice: yeah

[7] been cheated on: uh you know what? probably, yeah.

[8] kissed someone and regretted it: not immediately??? but yeah

[9] lost someone special: yeah i mean.. i hope its not permanent but yeah

[10] been depressed: all day erryday

[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nah

[12] pastel pink

[13] the one shade of red u know. like my blog aesthetic

[14] orange but its gotta be soft

[15] made new friends: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i made so many new good friends somewhat recently!! i love them!!!

[16] fallen out of love: im trying
[17] laughed until you cried: yeah

[18] found out someone was talking about you: hhhh yeah
[19] met someone who changed you: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

[20] found out who your true friends are: hh yeah

[21] kissed someone on your Facebook list: ive only kissed two people ever and theyre both BLOCKED AS FUCK

[22] how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: (sidenote: i dont like the term “real life” when talking abt friends bc just bc u have ldrs doesnt mean u dont know the person in ‘real life’ bc u do. but i know what its asking so im just gonna answer that) 3... because i panicked and deleted almost everyone off my friends list

[23] do you have any pets: i have a cat named Pico de Gato
[24] do you want to change your name: legally? yeah. but idk im ok w my name(s) rn

[25] what did you do for your last birthday: hhhhh I CRIED BC NOBODY WAS ABLE TO HANG OUT AND I SAT IN MY ROOM ALONE but then the other day my friend brought me weed as a belated bday present so whatever
[26] what time did you wake up: 6 am

[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: sleepin
[28] name something you cannot wait for: GREEN DAY AND AGAINST ME CONCERT NEXT MONTH!

[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: oh god last summer i think im not sure

[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: not having bpd and ruining all of my relationships
[31] what are you listening to right now: against me bc i remembered the concert for #28...
[32] have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i went to middle school w someone named tom and i had him in social studies and he wrote a song for a class project on guitar except it was really bad 

[33] something that is getting on your nerves: this one kid i kind of know thats.. actualyl terrible i want them to die....

[34] most visited website: tumblr/youtube 

[35] elementary: idk what these are actually asking but i... think its asking where... i started to kindergarten at a school in south dakota, and then a different school here from then until 2nd grade; 3rd grade in texas; 4th in rochester, minnesota and 5th in winona, minnesota

[36] high school: currently in rn and it sux

[37] college: either going to a technical school here to get a degree as a diagnostic medical sonographer or going somewhere??? to get a phd in psych to be a clinical psychologist. prolly the former tho,,
[38] hair colour: black but rly badly dyed

[39] long or short hair: idk its like to my shoulders when its down but also i have a mohawk

[40] do you have a crush on someone: YEA IM RLY GAY FOR MY BF
[41] what do you like about yourself: my eyes and Musical Abilities(TM)

[42] piercings: idk i dont really want any,,

[43] blood type: idk ??
[44] nickname: roxy (if that counts..), kasp, rox, friendly ghost

[45] relationship status: IM LVOE DIRK

[46] zodiac sign: picses/aries

[47] pronouns: god i dont fucking know.. any?? except if we’re not close u cant use she/her but. yeah idk. any.

[48] fav TV show: hm twd probably

[49] tattoos: i dont have any, BUT
 im going to get a bike helmet? idk where yet though. and then just those plastic vampire teeth, and finally, the Most Important one, the word ‘drown’ in morse code on the inside of my left arm. im gonna?? try to meet tyler joseph and have him write it for me.
[50] right or left handed: right

[51] surgery: i had surgery on my tongue in like 1st/2nd grade bc i couldnt like. lift it up

[52] piercing: none

[53] best friend: a girl named zaneb
[54] sport: uhhh i tried to do bmx for a while but ive never been in a sport rly until now if u count colorguard

[55] vacation: hm my familys always been poor so like. we’ve only gone to texas and south dakota to see family

[56] pair of trainers: wh.. what

[57] eating: nothing but i just ate a cookie i baked. also i know this isnt what it asked but i just want to say ive ate 7 tacos in the past 3 day.

[58] drinking: ALRIGHT i started writing this post like 4 hours ago but im still drinking that monster

[59] I’m about to: nut
[60] listening to: against me

[61] waiting for: dirk to come online?????

[62] want: dirk to come online?????

[63] get married: probably not..

[64] career?: diagnostic medical sonography or clinical psychologist

[65] hugs or kisses: hugs... kissing is honestly disgusting and ngl like 95% of the time ive kissed anyone i just found it Gross dskfjds;ld

[66] lips or eyes: eyes.....

[67] shorter or taller: ok i dont actually care either way but listen. dallon weekes is 6′4′’ and he can W R E C K  M E

[68] older or younger: i dont care but i usually just happen to like ppl older than me? but not by much like a year at most

[69] romantic or spontaneous: both

[70] nice arms or nice stomach: idc s’all cute

[71] sensitive or loud: idk both but at different times??
[72] hook up or relationship: relationship...

[73] troublemaker or hesitant: idk..

[74] kissed a stranger: god no. i tried once when i was 12

[75] drank hard liquor: yeah but i was depressed and we dont talk about that period of my life
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses: i dont.. wear them.
[77] turned someone down: i dont think so... nobody is interested in me ever lmao
[78] sex on first date: GROSS

[79] broken someone’s heart: i dont think so

[80] had your own heart broken: yeah
[81] been arrested: ....listen

[82] cried when someone died: no

[83] fallen for a friend: hm i dont think so. unless u count dirk but i had a crush on him like immediately

[84] yourself: every other wednesday

[85] miracles: eh
[86] love at first sight: no but i think u can kinda have a connection at first sight. like a “i know im going to love you” at first sight.
[87] santa claus: yeah ofc

[88] kiss on the first date: hh it depends idk

[89] angels: i am an angel so like

[90] current best friend’s name: i never have like actual best friends bc nobody likes me but idk ill go out on a limb and say martin

[91] eye colour: blue

[92] favourite movie: the labyrinth or heathers or little shop of horrors. or book of mormon if we pretend thats a movie
im too lazy to tag people i am SORRY if u wanna do this then say i tagged u tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
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paradox-oflife · 4 years
massive q and a post part 5 ignore this pls
(unless ur interested) 
1. Do you have a favourite mug? Not really. I had one that was literally so cute it was like a neko atsume art style and it was a cat going uwu
2. Do you know any self defense or martial arts? Yes, actually. My mom was pretty supportive for it because the women’s side on our family is all under 5′2″. I did Aikido and Muay Thai throughout from the beginning of high school to the end. I don’t have as much time in college anymore though, but I’m looking forwards to starting it again. I’ve had to use it one time in my life. Hey Angelica, if you’re reading this you should ask me about it. That’s a story for later though.
3. Who's your favourite movie action hero? uuuuuh Thor? idk
4. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? Haha in Taiwan that’s the main form of transportation. It’s an electric scooter.
5. Do you collect anything? I wear retainers when I sleep so I have an ongoing collection of retainer cases. 
6. Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion? i was never really one for fashion haha
7. Do you stick to conventional fashions or like to try and be original? bro i literally wear like a sweater, tshirt, and black jeans.
8. Have you ever given someone a handmade present?  I did a woodburning painting of kermit the frog for my friend’s bday
9. Are you introvert or extrovert? I used to be an extrovert, then I turned into an ambivert. High school made me more introverted. So on the spectrum, I’m in the middle but more towards introvert now.
10. If you could have any feature from an animal what would you want? Hmmm. I’m not sure actually. Wings? But that’s kind of inconvenient when I want to sleep.
11. Whats your prefered swimming stroke? Freestyle all the way
12. Have you ever been scuba diving? No
13. Have you ever had a disasterous interview? So far, no, but an interviewer once said I seemed very nervous lol.
14. What makes you nervous? A lot of things really. Too many.
15. Which of the 5 senses would you say is your strongest? Not eyesight because I’m slightly colorblind. Not hearing because I was born with tinnitus. Maybe smell? Or touch? But how do you compare that to taste? Idk
16. What colour are your eyes? Your average asian dark brown
17. Have you ever been to an Art gallery? Yeah. It’s pretty nice, but it’s hard to enjoy it when your impatient brother thinks it’s boring and wants to move on 
18. Do you shout out the answers at the TV whilst watching quiz shows? All the time man. Granted that I actually know what the answer is
19. Are you a valuable asset on a Pub Quiz team? (equivalent to trivia quizzes) To a certain extent I suppose
20. Have you ever won any kind of quiz yourself? Yeah, name the countries. My geography isn’t too bad
21. Do you get over-involved with TV or movie plots at times? Um yes haha
22. Do you own any inflatable furniture? No, but I’d totally get one if it looked sick
23. Whats the highest hill or mountain you've ever climbed? Yosemite’s “Oh my Gosh Point”. The hike up there is so freaking hard because it’s like a 2 hour uphill climb. But the view is so worth it. It literally took my breath away.
24. Do you have a piggy bank? Nope
25. Whats the fastest you've ever travelled in a car? Not that fast. Like idk, maybe in an empty highway. 
26. Could you ever hand milk a cow? I mean... if I had to
27. Do you have popcorn with a movie? Yeah, if I’m hungry. But otherwise I stay off movie snacks because it’s hella expensive.
28. Whats the futhest you've ever got a paper airplane to fly? 20 feet.
29. Have you ever built an igloo? Nope
30. Can you play the harmonica? It doesn’t sound good but yeah
31. Have you ever made a ball of twine or rubberbands? One time, it took forever to make though. My brother and I were being a bit too careless and it somehow exploded.
32. If given the option of having sprinkles in your ice cream do you always take it? Nah. Some ice cream is so good without any added sugar.
33. Could you ever be a living organ donor? Uuuuh, maybe. God my answer sounds so pretentious but if I was a dead body, yeah, sure go for it! Do whatever.
34. Which was your favourite science? Biology, Physics or Chemistry? Bio and Chem were hard but I’m taking it rn so it’s fine. Physics was lowkey boring but it was easy due to being math based.
35. Would you ever go out with someone just cause they're rich? Nope.
36. Have you ever contemplated sueing someone? haha no 
37. Are you pretty devious? Only when it comes to fun games. If it’s a legitimate match in Martial Arts, or some type of thing like that I don’t cheat.
38. Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an actual surprise) No, the parties I ever go to are just small get togethers.
39. Are you any good at giving massages? No, I kinda feel awkward when I do it.
40. Whats been your worst date ever? Haha imagine having a relationship ;w;
41. Have you ever slapped someone in public? My brother, but it was in a playful manner
42. Have you ever drawn on a sleeping or inebriated person? Yes. Good thing they’re pretty chill. Me and my friend were wheezing.
43. Have you ever warn clothing with the labels/tags still attached? Yeah, and I didn’t even notice until my friend pointed it out.
44. Have you ever slipped on a banana skin? No, but I have seen someone do it before.
45. Are you scared of the dark? Nah.
46. Do you have a lawyer? Nope
47. Have you ever been wolf whistled in public? Uuuh my friend did it out loud in public to me before and I punched her so hard.
48. Whats the worst pickup line you've heard? Something to do with chickens and impeccable?? Can’t remember exactly what it was but I remember cringing.
49. Have you ever been water skiing? Nope
50. Have you ever hopelessly failed a test? Omg yeah in Alg 2/Trig I bombed the HELL out of my first trig test.
51. If you had a year off, what would you want to do? Um, I guess there’s not much I can do because I’m not that rich.
52. How many sms/txt messages do you recieve on average a day? From my discord group chat, a lot. But actual direct text, maybe like 3.
53. How long did you last phone call last? 5 minutes.
54. Do you go to flea markets? Sometimes, if I have time.
55. If you saw someone drop a $10 note, would you claim it for your own or try to return it to them? Return it to them.
56. Have you ever helped someone across the road? No, haven’t stumbled upon that situation yet.
57. Have you ever been horseriding? Nope
58. Have you ever walked a tightrope? Nope x100
59. Have you ever demolished a wall or building? Yeah, it was a thin wall and I used a hammer.
60. If you and a friend both wanted the same thing would you let the friend get it first? Of course, they’re my friend and they deserve the world :)
61. Have you ever argued over who should pay for something? um YES have you ever been to an Asian dinner with other asian families??? The fight to pay the bill for your mates is a war.
62. Do you have any family heirlooms? Nah
63. Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous? No, but it’d be kind of cool.
64. Whats your favourite ocean? The pacific I guess? Idk there’s only seven to choose from
65. Do you correct peoples mistakes? Nah, unless it’s a super important one.
66. Have you ever helped out an injured animal? Yes it was a hummingbird that crashed into my window
67. Do you throw bread for the ducks? I did in New Zealand, but I found out that it was bad so...
68. Do you think babies are little bundles of joy or smelly noisey things? Both
69. Do you give money to street performers? Nah
70. Have you ever tossed your own pancake? Yup
71. Are you any good at egg and spoon races? Bruh i’ve never actually done it before but I’d probably be bad lol
72. Are you allergic to anything? High dosage of cortisone cream
73. Are you ticklish? If you taser me and squeeze my thighs
74. Do you prefer tea,coffee or cocoa? Tea all the way baby
75. Do you like Turkish Delight? If I’m thinking of the right thing, I think they’re alright
76. Do you buy people presents to bring back when you go on holiday? Only for those that ask me
77. Are you tired of answering questions yet? Not yet Angelica!! Keep ‘em coming
78. Have you ever been wheelbarrow racing? No
79. Do you ever forward or reply to chain mails? Never
80. Do you often have a tune in your head you can't name? YEAH it’s classical music so i can’t search up lyrics
81. Has anyone ever approached you thinking you were someone else? Yes. Their excuse was all asians look the same (?!)
82. Have you ever been approached by someone who knew you but you couldn't remember them for the life of you? Yes it was so awkward I kept calling them “dude” until they went away
83. What do you do to keep fit? All I really do is jumprope, some pushups, planks, that sort of thing
84. Are you the sort to step in and try to break up a fight? Depends on who’s in the fight. Sometimes if you try to get involved, they’ll start attacking you
85. Have you ever been in a fight? Yes, ask me about it
86. Have you ever started a rumour? Nah, ya girl aint like that
87. Have you ever heard any outstanding rumours about yourself? YES. Some boy said I got into a car crash. Then one day after school some of my acquaintances asked me if I was okay and I was like ???? what?? Weirdest rumor ever
88. Have you ever been in or had a food fight? Nope
89. When its your birthday do you always wear an age badge? I think this is another UK thing because i’ve literally never heard of anyone doing this before
90. Have you ever starred in an amateur or professional video? Nope. I mean, depends what you mean by amateur. I’ve been in a couple of school projects.
91. If you were comfortably rich would you work hard for more or rest on your laurels? Work, but in a laidback job. Like a flowershop keeper or something.
92. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Yeah, one time in elementary school when the teacher left for the bathroom, she put me in charge B)
93. Have you ever been caught in a compromising position? even despite a valid explanation? uuuh no
94. Have you ever tried to make your own alcohol? Nah because I’m underage
95. If you were ruler of your own country what would you call it? No idea
96. And what title would you give yourself? I’d be the founder, but leave the government stuff to other people. Like I’d be in textbooks, people will be like “Oh yeah, that’s esther she’s pretty cool, she founded this country.” But I wouldn’t do anything.
97. Have you ever had a dream you chased only to be let down when you achived it? Mm it’s comparable to buying an outfit and thinking it’d look nice on you but when you put it on you look bad.
98. Is there anything about the opposite sex you just don't understand or comprehend? How oblivious they can be sometimes. like learn to read between the lines man..
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gebranntgebrannt · 6 years
92 Question Tag Game
I was tagged by @buster-puppy and I am so sorry that I took a long ass time to complete it.
Drink –– Coffee
Phone Call –– Call? What call?
Text Message –– Confirming a lunch-hangout spot with a couple of college mates.
Song You Listened To –– The Dø: Despair, Hangover & Ecstasy              
Dated Someone Twice –– Nope
Cheated On Someone –– Hells nope
Been Cheated On –– Nope
Kissed Someone & Regretted It –– Yeah.
Lost Someone Special –– Not really.
Been Depressed –– Yes. *shrugs*
Been Drunk & Thrown Up: Once. Alcohol poisoning wasn’t fun.
Made a New Friend –– Yes. :)
Fallen out of love –– I’ve gotten a tad bit more cynical generally. Does that count?
Laughed Until You Cried –– Close but no.
Met Someone Who Changed You –– No.
Found Out Who Your True Friends Are –– I have very few close friends to begin with.
Found Out Someone Was Talking About You –– Yeah, but it wasn’t bad gossip.
Kissed Any of My Followers –– Not IRL. *Holds a “Free hugs & kisses” sign*
How Many of Your Followers Do You Know irl –– A couple, if video chats count.
Do You Wanna Change Your Name –– Technically, yes. I have three first names due to some quirks, and I want to shave some of them off and drop them into the “Middle name” bin. Makes filling in forms MUCH easier.
What Time Did You Wake Up Today ––  7:30 am, coz I have no classes.
What Were You Doing at 12 Last Night –– Binging on Yuru Camp. I literally felt my shoulders get lighter with each episode.
Something You Can’t Wait For –– Postgrad and professional life.
Last Time You Saw Your Mom –– A few weeks ago.
Something You Wish You Could Change About Your Life –– I wish I could [REDACTED].
What Are You Listening to rn –– .The “Kevin and Ursula Eat Cheap” podcast.
Whats Getting on Your Nerves rn –– It rains really heavily in the afternoon recently, and I can’t dry my bloody clothes. And no, dryers are not a thing where I live.
Nicknames –– Don’t really have one.
In A Relationship –– Nope.
Zodiac Sign –– Sesame bagels. They should have a constellation for sesame bagels.
Pronouns –– He/him/his
Favorite TV Shows –– I’ve not watched TV in ages. Elementary? Stranger Things? 
School: Can be lovely at times, despite the stress.
Hair color –– Dark, with strands of grey lately.  
Short hair or Long –– Short.
Height –– can be measured with a meter rule?
Do You Have A Crush on Someone –– IRL no. My tumblr followers are different story tho, but they’re probably not single. XD
What Do You Like About Yourself –– I’m an engine driven by spite and ambition.
Tattoos –– None. I’m too indecisive about tattoo patterns.
Surgery –– None that I could remember.
Piercings –– Not yet. Should I get one?
Best Friend –– Probably imaginary.
Vacation –– Does my grandparents’ house count? My family doesn’t really do annual “tourism”.
Pair of Sneakers –– Can’t recall. I used to have light-up sneakers as a kid. I loved it to death.
Eating –– Cream crackers.
Drinking –– The aforementioned coffee?
Listening To –– Answered previously.
Wanting Kids –– NOT NOW. Later yes. I want to adopt.
Get Married –– No. I’m not in the right state of mind for marriage.
Career –– Nonexistent but full of potential.
Lips or Eyes –– Eyes
Romantic or Spontaneous –– Either would work as long as it’s sincere. I might laugh out loud if it’s too cheesy though.
Nose, Stomach, or Nice Arms –– *shrugs* Fuck if I know.
Sensitive or Loud –– Sensitive. I don’t think I could live with hyper-extroverts 24/7.
Relationship or Hookup –– Relationship.
Troublemaker or Hesitant –– Hesitant. I could not afford (mentally) to clean up after other people right now.
Kissed a Stranger –– Nope
Drank Hard Liquor –– Yes.
Lost Glasses or Contacts –– I’ve dropped a pair of glasses in the drain before.
Broken Someones Heart –– I hope not. I apologise if I did.
Been Arrested –– No.
Turned Someone Down –– I guess?
Cried When Someone Died –– No. I just go numb instead. The catharsis would come much much later.
Fallen For a Friend –– Yeah, but the friendship didn’t last.
Yourself –– I believe in my spite and stubbornness to get shit done. I guess that counts?
Miracles –– I have to believe in it; I would despair otherwise.
Love at first sight –– No.
Santa –– I was taught to believe in the communion of saints when I was a kid. Yes on a childhood technicality?
Kiss on the First Date –– Only with mutual explicit consent and if the mood is right.
Well that was more depressing that I expected. I won’t tag anyone in particular, but feel free to tag yourselves and answer these questions if you want to. :)
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