#sure you can't compare them to tellius but damn
randomnameless · 6 months
Goddamn, the jump to a fully-3D game fucked over 3H hard when it came to it's boss variety; out of 27 paralogues across all the routes, 9 of them have unique bosses that aren't used elsewhere in the game, with the other 18 paralogues having Jeritza, Hubert or Catherine, generic fodder with slightly-amped stats pretending to be bosses, or no bosses at all.
Honestly, the Jeritza and Hubert inclusions may be my least favorite method of the three; it puts them in stories they have nothing to do with character-wise just for the sake of not making it too obvious that the side content is severely lacking in unique bosses, while also needlessly increasing Jeritza's already-comically-high amount of fights from 7 to 8 and Hubert's actually-reasonable amount of fights (post-route split at least, but i don't think it's too fair to count the prologue sparring matches as proper mini-boss encounters) from 3 to 5.
Bar the boss variety, what seriously pissed me is the lack if special battle convos with the bosses.
Flayn'n'Seteth have no lines against Maurice or worse, Nemesis himself!!!!
Heck, you could even make lines between Kostas and Leonie, Kostas going all uwu "you noble brats don't know what it is to be born a commoner !" and Leonie rekting him, because she wasn't born a noble, and yet, she's not killing children because someone paid her to do so (tfw jerry is a mercenary who kills people for money :()
Granted, I'll give credit where it's due, Tru Piss has the most battle convos, and reading them is a blast.
I'd have prefered for Flayn to have more convos against her classmates (maybe a special one with Linhardt who might have guessed who she is!), but it's Tru Piss for you.
But for the paralogue, ultimately, yes. Jeritza, or Hubert, or a random NPC. Man, imagine having to fight Leopold or Whodislava in a paralogue, like Grégoire was sent to "negotiate" with the Brigid people, or Leopold is the one rounding up the "imperial militia" in Hrym when Ferdie and Lysithea visit for their paralogue...
But no, we don't have any side or NPC character, and imo, it also participates in making Fodlan so bland - no NPCs, only the same two guys for some reason...
At least in the Yuri paralogue, we have Myson!
But he doesn't have a sprite :(
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