#surf camp Manhattan beach
ameagrice · 2 years
chapter seventeen | the red thread of fate
percy jackson x fem reader
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The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.
In the height of summer, you found yourself in Australia. Sydney was a pretty place, and your dad’s new holiday home settled overlooking the beach was your paradise. Surfing became the new daily sport. Evenings consisted of calling your friends and completing online courses your dad signed you up for, since you’d missed way too much schooling.
Your appearance home had been jarring. Not only had you been labelled as missing to the police, but your dad revealed he knew, above all else, what you really were, and who you really were. He’d known since the day you were born, settled on his doorstep in a cream-color blanket.
After all, how could you have literally popped in to existence, appearing with no trace of somebody leaving you?
He promised you could be wherever was safest for you to be. When September started, you’d go back to camp. For the summer, though—
“Dude, you should see my skin,” you lifted your arm and inspected it, holding the phone to your ear with the other hand. You nodded slowly. “I’m glowing.”
“Just don’t get sick if you’re out all the time,” Percy’s voice came through the other side of the phone, all the way in Manhattan. Apparently it was storming there. “I don’t want to visit you in the hospital.”
You scoffed. “Why not? It would be the only time I’d be quiet.”
“Which is why I’d be traumatised.”
“You’re weird.”
“Says you.”
“Whatever,” you leaned down on the window ledge, resting your chin on your hand. The crystal-clear waters glimmered with every crash of the waves. “This is pure heaven. You should come down for the summer next year.”
“That’d be good. Maybe we could bring Annabeth, too.”
Annabeth. Your sister. Your man-stealing, attention-taking sister.
“Yeah!” You faked a happy tone, as if you thought his suggestion was a good idea. “That would be fun.” Fun to shove her in the sea.
“Have you made your mind up about September yet?”
You noticed, though you hadn’t seen him for three months, that his voice had deepened. You only imagined how much he’d changed in person.
“Yeah, yeah I have. I’m going back to camp. Dad said as long as he sends me school work from Cranwatts, it’ll be fine. It’s funny how things work when your parents know certain people.”
“Can you do that for me? My mom’s sending me to another school.”
You laughed and he sighed. “Good luck with that.”
By seven o’clock, you would usually be finished on the phone to Percy. By eight, your phone would ring again.
You’d pick up the receiver with a coy smile, and hold the phone to your ear with a careful, “Hey.”
“Good morning, lady,” Travis’s voice would float through the phone in a terrible Australian accent.
“If this is the guy from the surf shop, you can get lost,” you replied, twirling the phone cable.
You could practically see his face drop. “Surf guy?! Hey, tell me about this surf guy!”
“Sorry, since you’re not him it’s pretty confidential stuff. Try again in a few years.”
“Uh—no! This is important shit! You gotta tell me about this kind of stuff.”
You giggled. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you’re secretly a girl, Travis.”
“We can talk girl stuff!” His voice was high.
You nodded, rolling your eyes. “Yeah, sure. Wanna talk about the size of—?”
He retched and you burst out laughing. “I’m Travis again.”
You faked a sigh. “Oh, thank god.”
“Which one.”
“My mother?” You shrugged.
“Reasonable. So, you coming back to camp this year?”
September came around quicker than you could have imagined. On August 31st, you took a plane back to the States, and then a full night on a train to get back to camp. A taxi to Halfblood Hill was paid for and organised before you arrived, and you ignored the weird look the cabbie sent your way as you climbed out in the middle of nowhere, a white duffel bag on your shoulder and two cases in each hand at your side.
“Thanks!” You waved, shutting the door. He took off quicker than you’d ever seen anyone drive. Maybe he thought you were some kind of junkie.
The woods were all dried up, the mud under your sneakers dried and cracked. Sunlight streaked gently through the trees and blinded you with every movement until you passed over the threshold to camp. A certain tree looked a little droopy, the one right by the border. Probably the summer heat.
It came to life all of a sudden.
The grass under your feet was a familiar and blinding green, healthy and soft. The smell of strawberries filled your nose, and the sound of kids yelling or laughing further away could be heard clear as anything.
A couple of campers waved or called out to you as you walked to your cabin. Once inside, you found the usual scene of tidiness and people either writing or reading or talking. Your bed was unmade, left exactly as you’d left it, and you dumped your bags in the middle of the room to get on your knees and begin pulling out your pillows and covers from the cupboard at the end.
So far, only yourself and two others you’d never so much as talked to before inhabited the cabin. It gave you enough time before others arrived to get your bed sorted and your bags unpacked.
Before Travis came knocking, that is.
“Ladies,” he drawled in a joking manner.
“Get out, Travis. I’m not interested,” one of the girls sitting against the back wall sighed.
“Don’t worry, Mavis. I’m not here for you.”
Oooh, you thought. That was embarrassing.
“Hey, Scout.”
Percy had Bambi. Travis called you Scout. And both were just as endearing to you.
You turned where you knelt, a coy smirk coming to your face. Travis walked slowly across the cabin, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans. His hair had grown out, hanging curly over his forehead and short on the sides, blended.
“Like the haircut,” you teased, standing to do a handshake with him. Travis’s hand was warm and bigger than yours, boyishly thin while yours was softer-looking.
“Glad you’ve grown yours out.” He nodded.
Your perm. It was still curly, but it had dropped a considerable amount now, and grown out to a little past your shoulders.
You nodded. “Why thank you. When’s dinner?”
That summer was a strange one. At the announcement of another quest—one you were, once more, not mentioned in—it was time for Percy to take off once more to fix things. Thalia’s tree that guarded the border to camp, was dying. Annabeth was constantly upset, kicking things around the cabin or sitting quietly and thinking to herself. Percy looked stressed. Luke had been weird.
The camp’s defence was down. And after Percy and the others left camp with a promise to try to get in contact with you as often as possible, everyone was on a rota for defending camp. Mondays was Athena and Apollo. Tuesdays was Ares and Hermes. Wednesdays was Demeter and Aphrodite. And then it repeated from the start for the remaining days.
It began to grow harder to sleep. Everyone had to be in their cabins by dark, messing up the schedules. Doors were firmly locked to keep monsters out—though you wondered why they couldn’t just smash a window.
Sometimes, creatures could be heard around or in camp, howling, whistling, or crawling. You’d throw the covers over your head and curl and just I think the fuck not.
You’d wake sweaty, still tired from a restless sleep, and hungry.
Percy returned. Percy was poisoned. Like disappeared. And Thalia was alive.
The girl looked incredibly out of place. She was mean, straightforward, and besties with Annabeth. Thalia had a lot to get used to, looking like a child still. She’d missed out on years upon years of life, almost seven.
Even Chiron looked moved every time he saw her.
Percy complained.
Annabeth was never in her cabin.
Travis thought he broke his elbow.
Travis did, indeed, break his elbow.
And the world carried on.
Camp was protected by the Golden Fleece, glowing 24/7, keeping the borders up.
You’d thought your adventures were over for now. You could focus on school work and fighting techniques.
Horribly wrong.
The car jostled with the fierce wind throwing it. You held on to the handle on the ceiling like your life depended on it, sitting on Annabeth’s knees.
“Why are you so bony?!” She ground out.
“Ew!” You’d call, yelling every time the car swerved in the snow storm.
“Shut up!” She’d call.
Your sister and yourself had a strained relationship.
Thalia was in the front seat. Percy on the right. Sally Jackson’s car only had four seats. Finally, you all opted for being completely squished over Annabeth apparently being in ‘pain’. You’d air-quoted the word as you mumbled. She hit you with her hat.
“Percy was such a cute baby,” Sally Jackson fawned at the wheel. Thalia grinned wickedly, turning to give Percy a look. He pulled a face and looked back out the window. You laughed mockingly and he told you to shut up. “Seriously! And such a foodie, too, I mean seriously he never stopped.”
“Were you a chunky baby, Percy Jackson?” You teased. “Little chunks?” Even Annabeth laughed along now.
“Mom would you shut up!”
Westover Hall came to into sight after an eight hour drive. You’d gone to Percy’s from camp for winter break, and decided to come along on this one. After all, there were three of you now. Chiron couldn’t tell you off for this. And besides, you’d turned fourteen over the summer. You were more mature now.
“Oh, yeah,” Thalia said, wiping the window with her sleeve. “This’ll be fun.”
Thalia took some getting used to. In many ways, you shared the same sarcastic, brutal personality. In other ways, she completely obliterated you with harsh words. She didn’t like you. Thalia was a rocker, all black and metal and goth. You were beaches and sunshine, sarcastic with flawless lipgloss. She called you a Barbie doll the first time you met her. So you called a dead b—
“Are you sure you don’t want me to wait?” Percy’s mom asked.
“No, thanks, mom. I don’t know how long it’ll take,” Percy declined.
“But how will you get back? I’m worried, Percy. I always worry about you.”
“It’s okay, Mrs Jackson,” Annabeth bumped in. You rolled your eyes; suck up. “We’ll keep him out of trouble.”
Thank god you’d dressed for the occasion. You’d managed to wrangle your curly hair into a bun at your neck, and shoved a multicoloured bobble hat on top, covering your eyebrows. With a pair of leggings, high Converse, a tee, sweater and a walking coat you were sure to be warm enough.
You discovered on the walk up to the school that Thalia did not like to take about her family.
In your inside pocket was a dagger. You’d sheathed it, but there always was a worry that you’d somehow get stabbed. You’d picked it out over the summer. A sword was too much of a risk to take with you somewhere casually. But a dagger you could carry around, prepared for anything a monster threw at you.
You’d thought it was just the three of you.
Then you heard a bleet.
It was like deja vu.
Inside, you closed your eyes, sighing. “Guys! Hey, you’re here!”
You plastered a smile to your face. “We made it!”
Grover had grown a little taller and had sprouted a few more whiskers, but otherwise he looked like he always did when he passed for human—a red cap on his curly brown hair to hide his goat horns, baggy jeans and sneakers with fake feet to hide his furry legs and hooves. He was wearing a black T-shirt that took me a few seconds to read. It said WESTOVER HALL: GRUNT. You pulled a face when you saw it.
Nonetheless, Grover was nice to you. “How was your birthday?” He’d asked.
“Not bad!” You nodded along. Not bad at all. It was spent surfing, sunbathing, and being surprise visited by your family.
“So, what’s the emergency?”
Grover took a deep breath, his vibe changing. You picked up on the drop quickly. “I found two.”
“Two half-bloods?” Thalia asked, amazed. “Here?”
Grover nodded.
Travis had told you about Grover’s job. He would search for demigods all over the states, going out of the country if need be. Finding them these days was the hard part, however—they were just getting harder and harder to spot. Whether it be be because they lived in remote areas, or such big areas that scents mixed together and made them hard to discern.
“A brother and a sister,” he said. “They're ten and twelve. I don't know their parentage, but they're strong. We're running out of time, though. I need help.”
“One.” Grover looked nervous. “He suspects. I don't think he's positive yet, but this is the last day of term. I'm sure he won't let them leave campus without finding out. It may be our last chance! Every time I try to get close to them, he's always there, blocking me. I don't know what to do!”
“Right. These half-bloods are at the dance?” Thalia confirmed. Grover double confirmed so.
“Then let’s dance,” she suggested. You grinned. Perfect chance to wind up Percy. “Who’s the monster?”
“The vice principal—Dr. Thorn.”
There were black and red balloons all over the gym floor, and guys were kicking them in each others faces, or trying to strangle each other with the crepe-paper streamers taped to the walls. Girls moved around in huddles, the way they always do, a way you were familiar with, wearing lots of makeup and spaghetti-strap tops and brightly colored pants and shoes. One girl wore a pair of heels easily over six-inches, you applauded her. The typical scene of teens arguing with teens, kids high on sugar, and girls bitching filled the scene.
A scene you were very much comfortable in.
Percy, on the other hand?
“Oh, cheer up, Perky,” you cooed, pinching his cheek. He jerked away and playfully smacked your hand. “What’s so bad about this?”
Music boomed and the multi-color lights streamed around the room from fixtures on the ceiling. This was your scene. You’d nabbed a plate of sugar straws in neon coloured plastic casing, and a clear plastic cup of cola. Percy’s hands were in his pants pockets as he looked around awkwardly, as if he wished to be anywhere else at all.
“There they are.”Grover nodded toward a couple of younger kids arguing in the bleachers. “Bianca and Nico di Angelo.”
Bianca, the girl you guessed was twelve, wore a floppy green hat low, like she was trying to hide. In a skirt and jacket, she stood out among the other kids. Her brother, the shorter, younger-looking boy at her side, wore pants and a sweater. He talked animatedly, waving his hands about, and shuffled cards between his fingers. Bianca looked to be reprimanding him.
Annabeth said, “Have you told them?”
Grover shook his head. “You know how it is. That could put them in more danger. Once they realise who they are, their sent becomes stronger.”
He and Percy shared a look.
“So let’s grab them and get them out of here,” Percy said. He started forward, but you firmly put your hand on his shoulder to stop him. Over by the door, the vice principle had slipped in. Dr. Thorn headed over to the Di Angelo’s. One of his eyes seemed to glow.
You’d met him when you entered the school. A tall, thin man with a terrifying vibe. A wrong vibe. And he watched you five carefully. You figured coming along this time may have potentially ruined things. Your presence, the additional two of you to a three-man job, was throwing things off.
“Don’t look at the kids,” Thalia ordered. “We have to wait for a chance to get them. We need to pretend we’re not interested in them. Throw him off.”
“And for some reason I don’t think that’s gonna work…” you mumbled, eyeing the kids.
Thalia’s attention twisted on you. She practically glowered. You weren’t her favorite person in the world by any chance. “And why’s that?”
You leaned on your hip casually, folding your arms. You waved a hand as you spoke. “Because he already knows we’re here. He knows what we’re trying to do. Best chance we have at getting them would be to—”
“Look, I know what I’m doing. We’ve got a good chance of things going our way first time round if we just stick to the plan.”
Maybe. Maybe not. You couldn’t help the resentment that crawled up your spine. Why wouldn’t she just listen to you? You didn’t like her either, but for the sake of the kids, you were willing to work together. It seemed she wasn’t.
Thalia looked away. Annabeth shifted on her feet. Percy sighed at your side.
“We can’t keep standing around like this,” Annabeth voiced. “We’ve gotta do something. Go talk to people, act casual,” she waved a hand in your direction. You sipped your cola.
“Come on, Perky,” you put down your plate. “Let’s get you a drink.”
Grover, Thalia and Annabeth went straight into the crowd while yourself and Percy skirted around it. The cafeteria doors at the back showed tables of food and drinks, where a few students talked and helped themselves. Percy settled for a cup of lemonade. Back out in the main room, you tried not to slosh your drink everywhere as you pulled Percy to the middle of the crowd.
Now he was wildly, visibly uncomfortable.
When a certain song began to play, your eyes widened.
Percy looked like he wanted to die.
“You’re not missing this one!” You called, pulling him out to the edge again to dump your drinks. I’m gonna live out my highschool dream!
Percy groaned. “Look, I’m not a dancer. I’ve never done it—”
“It’ll be cool! I’ll lead!”
“But that’ll make me look—”
Your heart pounded, but he didn’t need to know that. And your stomach filled with butterflies battling, but he didn’t need to know that, either.
Your mind went into overload as he clutched your hand in one and placed his hand very lightly on your hip. You’d have been jealous if he’d solely been watching Annabeth over to the side, but he frowned, and moved his hand a little. He was trying to do it right.
Your cheeks burned badly. Thank god it was dark.
It was like something out of a movie, or a lovey-dovey book. Dancing with your crush at a school dance. Percy stepped on your foot twice or thrice, but you managed to laugh it off. If not for the sake of making it easier for you, but to save him the embarrassment too.
“How was Australia?” He asked, looking at you directly.
He’d grown a considerable amount over the summer, but then, so had you. You wanted to whack him for making it at least an inch taller.
“Good,” you nodded. “I really think you’d like it there.”
“Are you gonna stay there, like, permanently?”
“Probably. It’s pretty. And hot. Both of them together is…yeah.”
Though you smiled, Percy looked like he was struggling to hold his up. It faltered a little.
His eyes shifted. His expression dropped.
“They’re gone.” He hissed. “The kids. They’re gone.”
“Maybe they’ve gone to the restroom,” you muttered absently. He wore his camp necklace outside of camp.
“No,” he dropped his hands. You sighed through your nose. “Thorn’s gone, too. Look, stay here; I’ll get Annabeth and Thalia.”
Annabeth and Thalia. You smiled tightly, nodding. Percy ran in to the crowd.
Leaving you on your own.
Who needed Annabeth and Thalia when you were here? You could’ve worked together, but…
Nah. You were just as capable of them. If Percy couldn’t see that, you’d prove it to him.
Pushing through other students, you made your way to the sideline, in line with the double doors. One swung gently, the way it would when someone pushed through it.
They’d gone that way.
Waiting for Percy would mean waiting for a plan to be put in place. The kids could be in danger and long gone by then.
And since you were just standing…
You took off after them.
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First chapter of part two! Nothing terribly exciting. That stuff comes next. Fun fact: Cranwatts is an actual school heheh.
Any predictions?
@bl6o6dy @embersparklz @lilyevanswhore @rottenstyx @hawkeye12 @rory-cakes @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @marshmallow12435 @luckydragontriumph @lantsovheiress @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @bugsys-bubble @twsssmlmaa @gayandfairycore
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5 Day Southern California Trip 2017
LA to San Diego Road Trip
Feb 19-23 Los Angeles to San Diego Road Trip
Since I had a toddler at the time we opted for airport parking at JFK. When we arrived we parked and took a shuttle to the airport.
Day 1 Los Angeles Feb 19, 2017
We Rented Compact 4 Door Car. We took a Shuttle to counter and waited for them to bring us our car. Mileage was Unlimited. On our way to the hotel we stopped at: (3 hours of drive time)
Venice Beach: Known for its bohemian spirit, Venice is a buzzing beach town with upscale commercial and residential pockets. Free-spirited Venice Boardwalk is the site of funky shops, street performers and colorful murals. There’s also a skate park and Muscle Beach outdoor gym.
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Santa Monica is a coastal city west of downtown Los Angeles. Santa Monica Beach is fringed by Palisades Park, with views over the Pacific Ocean. Santa Monica Pier is home to the Pacific Park amusement park, historic Looff Hippodrome Carousel and Santa Monica Pier Aquarium. Next to the pier is Muscle Beach, an outdoor gym established in the 1930s. In the city center, Bergamot Station houses several art galleries.
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Malibu is a beach city in the Santa Monica Mountains region of Los Angeles County, California, situated about 30 miles (48 km) west of Downtown Los Angeles. Malibu pier Iconic circa-1905 pier next to the beach, with shops, restaurants, fishing & people-watching. Top sites: El Matador State Beach A collection of 3 small cliff-foot beaches with blufftop parking popular in the summertime. Point Dume: Tranquil coastal area featuring trails & rocky coves, plus blufftop views of Santa Catalina Island. Leo Carrillo State Par Beach with coastal caves & reefs, plus swimming, surfing, camping, hiking & surf fishing.
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Sunset Boulevard is a boulevard in the central and western part of Los Angeles, California, United States, that stretches from the Pacific Coast Highway in Pacific Palisades east to Figueroa Street in Downtown Los Angeles. The Boulevard is famed as being representative of the classic Hollywood lifestyle and has even been the subject of famous films, not the least of which is its namesake film.
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LA Hollywood walk of fame The Walk of Fame is free to visit, and runs fifteen blocks along Hollywood Boulevard (between N La Brea Avenue and N Gower Street). This bustling street is also home to restaurants and shops, vintage movie palaces, fun museums, and celebrity impersonators with uncanny resemblances.
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Manhattan Beach is a laid-back South Bay community popular with families and outdoor enthusiasts. The Strand bike path winds along the oceanfront between modern mansions and wide stretches of sand lined with volleyball courts. Low-key Manhattan Beach Pier features a quaint aquarium and views of surfers. There are several parks, and a small downtown area with boutiques, brunch cafes, pubs & creative, upscale eateries.
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Hermosa: The city's beach is popular for sunbathing, beach volleyball, surfing, paddleboarding, bars, cycling and running. The city itself extends only about 15 blocks from east to west and 40 blocks from north to south, with Pacific Coast Highway running down the middle.
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The Queen Mary Tours & Exhibits anehime Long Beach The 1,000+ foot ship set sail for her maiden voyage in 1936, at one point transporting soldiers during World War II before retiring from service in 1967, when it was permanently moored at the port in Long Beach. Since then, it has become a museum, restaurant space and hotel. Explore the Paranormal Hot Spots of the Queen Mary. The tour takes approximately 2 hours to explore various rooms or compartments seldom seen by the general public while famous stories and legends are shared about some of the past passengers aboard the legendary ocean liner.
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When drove to our first hotel Wyndham Garden Hotel in Anaheim and checked in, our stay was booked for 2 nights, Feb 19-21.
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The hotels is located 12 minutes from Disneyland Park, California Adventure, Downtown Disney, and the Anaheim Convention Center.
Day 2 Feb 20 Disneyland & Huntington Beach
The hotel provided a shuttle to Disney Land. We spent the day there and took a shuttle back to grab our car. Dinner at Huntington Beach, 32 min drive.
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Huntington Beach Huntington Beach is a California city southeast of Los Angeles. It's known for surf beaches, such as Huntington City Beach, with its long Huntington Beach Pier.
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Day 3 Feb 21 Orange County & legoland
On our way to Legoland we took Pacific coast highway stopping at 2 beaches in Orange County. 32 mins from Anaheim to laguna beach. Laguna to Newport 21 mins.
Laguna beach Laguna Beach is famous for its beautiful BEACHES, beautiful people, and bohemian chic, but in addition to an array of water sports, it has also built a reputation for having an excellent network of TRAILS that afford numerous hiking, biking, and running options in 20,000+ acres of protected land. No visit to Laguna Beach is complete without exploring its extensive network of sea caves, sea arches, and TIDE POOLS, many of which are only accessible at low tide. Download the official VISIT LAGUNA BEACH APP, which has tide tables and information specific to each beach and cave. We didn’t have an opportunity to do this but when we come back we will!
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Newport Beach, a coastal city in southern California, is known for its large, boat-filled harbor. Balboa Peninsula has 2 piers, Newport Beach Pier and Balboa Pier, plus the Balboa Fun Zone, an old-school amusement park with a Ferris wheel and ocean views. Local beaches include the Wedge, known for its big waves, and Corona del Mar State Beach. The Orange County Museum of Art exhibits modern and contemporary works.
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55 min drive from Disneyland to Legoland, carlsbud
Legoland: Conquer dragons, battle pirates and discover ancient treasures at the Resort, also home to LEGOLAND Water Park, SEA LIFE® Aquarium; enjoy Surfers’ Cove – a water park expansion featuring racer-water slides.
Park top: If you go at 9am before the park opens at 10am you can head to the hotel to play in the main lobby. You can even stop by at the hotel and grab lunch during the day or after your have ended your day at the park.
At 9:45am head to the entrance, they put on a show and allows you to enter earlier. When you are in the park be sure to counter clock wise so you can get a head start on all the fun lines to avoid lines and hit the mini lego city on your way out.
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35 min drive from Legoland to Ramada Hotel. The hotel located just a mile away from Sea World. Old Town San Diego 2 miles and numerous beaches within a mile. It is a great place to explore Southern California's most exciting playgrounds!
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Day 4 San Diego & San Diego Zoo Feb 22
13 min drive to the San Diego Zoo: pioneered cageless exhibits and offers travelers a fun and informative experience. Featuring over 4000 animals, the park gives you a peek into the wildlife of several ecosystems, from deserts to rainforests. Ride the tour bus, which crosses three quarters of the zoo’s area, and learn more about the animals from the guide as you view them in their natural habitats. You can also hop on the Skyfari gondola lift to see the entire park from above.
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16 min drive San Diego Zoo to Pacific beach.
Take in the mesmerizing coastal views as you stroll down Crystal Pier. Watch the surfers in action, you might be able to spot frolicking dolphins and whales during the migration season. Pacific Beach is renowned as San Diego’s party capital, and the boardwalk is lined with bars, cafes, and restaurants.
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Day 5 San Diego to LA Feb 23
We checked out of our San Diego Hotel, stopped at 2 spots and headed back to LA to Drop-off our rent a car. We then took our flight back home.
Sunset Cliffs Natural Park – Point Loma Dedicated in 1983, Sunset Cliffs Natural Park is a 68-acre City of San Diego regional park which extends 1½ miles along the Point Loma peninsula's western shoreline. This unique coastal environment features expansive ocean views, dramatic cliff formations and caves, a fascinating intertidal area, and native coastal sage scrub habitat, which provides connectivity to the adjacent Point Loma Ecological Reserve.
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Little Italy At 48-square blocks, San Diego's Little Italy is the largest in the U.S. Little Italy is a neighborhood in Downtown San Diego, California, that was originally a predominantly Italian and Portuguese fishing neighborhood.
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2 -1/2 hour drive to LAX airport.
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k12academics · 1 year
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Perfect Day Surf Camp (PDSC) offers surf camps, junior guard prep camps, surf mom classes, surf club and surfing lessons in Santa Monica, Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach and Torrance "powered by a mom" since 2000.
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All instructors are CPR, First Aid and Lifeguard certified. PDSC also supports non-profit organizations donating services to individuals with disabilities, battered women and children, recovering addicts and inner city kids teaching surfing, healing and empowerment.
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PDSC offers spring camps, summer camps and year round surfing lessons.
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Our easy online registration at offers scheduling by the day or by the week to accommodate every parents busy schedule.
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Times are 9-12, 12-3, 9-3, 10-2pm and early drop off options for working parents.
0 notes
aquasurfca-blog · 5 years
Rules of Surfing To Keep Yourself And Others Safe
Surfing is now more popular than ever. But, there are some basic rules to surfing you must be aware of since the activity can leave you at the receiving end of unlimited possibilities of disaster.
The golden rule of surfing safely being one should never go surfing in water that one is unsure of. The ocean and waves can be quite unpredictable. It’s better that you sign up for Huntington Beach surf lessons to gain knowledge about the different types of waves and how waves break will help you assess what waves to catch and which ones to stay away from.
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Here are some basic rules to surf safe and have more fun:
Sleep Well- Get a good night’s sleep before the surfing day since going surfing exhausted means you won’t be as alert and ‘on form’ as you are expected to.
Alcohol- It isn’t a good idea to surf under the influence of alcohol.
Stretch or Warm Up- To help prepare your muscles for the intense activity that you are about to get into, a quick stretch in the form of some downward dog yoga stretches and squats can be useful.
Learn The Surf Lingo- Besides common surfing terms that experienced surfers use, they also use shouts and signals when out in the water. Master the surf lingo. Some common terms include Hang Ten, Tube Riding, Snap, Floater, Pump, Cutback, Regular, Goofy, etc.
Understand Surfing Rules- Like every other sport, surfing has rules to ensure the activity is safe. Understanding the rules is of utmost importance. Having surfing awareness is as essential as it’s easy to get absorbed in the surfing experience and become oblivious of all that is going on. Besides taking note of the conditions, wildlife and to see if any other surfers require assistance, you should constantly be aware of all that is happening around you when out in the water to ensure you are not an impediment (hazard or danger) to other surfers and swimmers.
Check Your Gear- It’s a good idea to check your gear at regular intervals, which can quite literally save your life. Make sure it’s all in good condition. Check if your legrope is properly attached, check your fins regularly, and so forth.
Know Yourself and About The Sport- Knowing more about the sport will ensure you surf safely, singing up for surf lessons can ensure that. Your development as a surfer depends on your ability to take risks, perseverance, being tough in the face of failure and always ready to face new challenges when they come, not to mention the fact that surfing requires a high level of physical fitness and the ability to keep calm if you find yourself in areas where experienced surfers are heading straight towards you. No need for you to panic as experienced surfers will adjust their line of surfing to go around you.  
Contact Us:
Aqua Surf School
2801 Ocean Park Blvd, #335
Santa Monica, California, 90405
Phone number:
(310) 902-7737
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Things To Keep In Mind Before Going Surfing
There are certain things every potential surfer should be aware of and every beginner must know before going surfing for the first time. Even people who’ve taken surfing lessons over the years never really knows what’s in store for them, which means the idea of just hopping on a board can be a bit intimidating if you're a first-timer. This is where surf camps can play a big role.
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El Porto Beach Surf Camps provides safe, fun and educational camps and programs for kids and teens. Instructors personalize based on the needs of individual students and help returning students advance and master new skills. The main goal of surf camps is to teach surf safely and correctly under expert supervision.
Here’s a list of things to do before you start surfing:
Type of Wetsuit- Many surf schools will provide a wetsuit if necessary. But when it comes to you picking one, check the prevalent weather conditions and your comfort level. It should make you feel at ease and fit you well. If the water is warm, wearing a rash guard or T-shirt will do, which will protect your skin from rubbing against the board.
Protective Gear- Depending on where you surf, a helmet might be necessary. Others include the leash, wax and wetsuit, not to forget using sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage.
Board for Beginners- For first-timers, the easiest board to learn on is an eight foot long, soft-top board. However, the right board depends on an individual’s weight and height so your instructor might put you on a variety of boards before figuring out the most appropriate board for you.
Waxing a board is essential to make balancing the board on easier. However, a foam board is suitable for beginners where you’ll not need to worry about the process (rubbing a bar of wax on almost the entire board).
Swimming- Since surfers need to be comfortable in the water, beginners need to know how to swim. It’s just basic swimming skills, you don’t need to be a pro. Even the surf school you sign up for will require a certain level of swimming ability.
Your First Try In Water- You must be a bundle of nerves, but don’t let the first try scare you. It is very important to not get discouraged. Although surfing isn’t easy as no wave is ever the same and the ocean and weather are constantly changing, but your instructor will always be there with you guiding you throughout.
Remember, there’s no other sport, leisure activity or hobby that will capture your heart in the way surfing does. So give it a shot and enjoy the activity while it lasts.
Mission of El Porto Beach Surf Camp
Surfing can be one of the most complete and natural experiences ever known. Fun is guaranteed!
El Porto Beach surf camp https://redondobeachsurfcamps.com/ aims to provide a service of quality, good relationships, good times and help our students develop an interest in the practice of sports in a natural environment.
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josertobar · 5 years
A professor’s role in the movement that made surfing California’s official sport – El Camino College The Union
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Photo by Jose Tobar
A professor’s role in the movement that made surfing California’s official sport – El Camino College The Union
By Jose Tobar
The half-mile stretch of beach bordered by the El Segundo Chevron oil refinery looms against the northern sky, extending out to the southern pier. Silhouetted figures of surfers scattered outside the beach break can be observed sitting atop their surfboards since the crack of dawn, idling over the swells of El Porto where the Manhattan… — Read on eccunion.com/features/2019/11/13/a-p…
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jancmalandra · 4 years
Moominpapa Steps Up
On not taking yourself so seriously
Bright and early Sunday morning, Moominpapa, Moomintroll, Snufkin, Tayberry, and Moomin all packed their backpacks with their towels, bedrolls, blankets and pillows. They each brought their fishing poles. They divided the cooking equipment and their favorite picnic food between them. The group set off for the cave on the beach marching merrily to the tune Snufkin played on his harmonica. They reached the cave and set up their bedding and then chose a nice nearby spot on the beach to set up a fire pit.
Moomin had discovered an old fashioned black bathing dress and swimming cap in the third floor costume wardrobe two years ago and fell in love with it and now they always wore it when they went to the beach. Moomin, Tayberry, and their father and grandfather immediately wanted to get in a little swimming before breakfast to refresh themselves and work up an appetite.
As they swam, Snufkin cast his line into the surf and watched them all with a big smile on his face. After twenty minutes Moominpapa, Moomintroll and the children rejoined him on the beach. He had caught one fish for each of them. As they waited for their fishes to roast and ate them on the spits, Moominpapa began his story.
"From what I've told you of how my life began and my adventures with the crew of The Oshun Oxtra, especially of how I came to found a colony in the Autarch's palatial estate, you might have come to some incorrect conclusions. Specifically, you might have thought that Mama and I married when we were too young for it. Between the time when The Muddler married his Fuzzy bride, The Joxter left with The Mymble, and Hodgkins became The Autarch's Court Inventor and the time I met Mama, there was a span of six years that I spent living an even more lawless and wild life than The Joxter! I've been avoiding telling these stories out of fear of looking silly, but I've finally realized that that is inevitable for anyone trying to live an adventurous life. Once Mama returns I'll publish them once and for all! They're much too good to be left untold!"
"The colony I had started grew in numbers all on its own as various odd vagabonds came our way one way or the other. We only met together for picnics and parties. With Hodgkins living out his dreams in the Autarch's Garden Of Surprises, I could think of no way of continuing to fulfill my own dreams of having adventurous voyages. I found myself unable to hibernate the Winter after the three of us in the crew of the Oshun Oxtra went our separate ways and decided to relieve my frustration by making constant improvements on the first house that I had built on my own. By the time Spring came around it had become the Moominhouse that you all know today."
"I spent early Spring that year surf fishing every morning and looking out at the ocean forlornly. As much as I loved the home I had built, it was already beginning to feel like a prison. Then, one morning I saw the most extraordinary sight out on the ocean; Hattifatteners, tens of thousands of them, in their tiny boats rowing past my beach. I was instantly inspired to follow them no matter the cost. I thought that if they could set out on the open sea in tiny canoes, an enterprising young Moomin such as myself should be able to do much better!"
"It took me a week of determined effort to build a sailboat about the size of The Adventure. Come to think of it, I never did think of a name for my vessel or bothered giving it a proper launching. I was far too eager to get started. It's a wonder that things turned out as well as they did!! I packed up all the camping equipment, food and other supplies that I could lay my paws on in my boat and headed out to sea in pursuit of the Hattifatteners!"
"I immediately experienced the dangers of sailing on the open ocean when my boat got caught up in a powerful current. It dragged my boat along through both storms and windless days at an amazing pace! I caught up to the Hattifatteners in less than a month. I saw all of their boats beached on a very large island and made land myself and followed them inland."
"The island's owner was the most remarkable Moomin, apart from myself, that I've ever met. In the middle of the jungle that covered most of the island he had built a rambling Moominhouse out of parts of sunken ships he had discovered on the reef that surrounded the island. He called himself Colonel Higgins, although I was always sure that wasn't actually his name. He dressed in British Army fatigues and a pith helmet and wore a monocle and had a very impressive mustache which he would constantly groom with a small comb. He cut quite an impressive figure, especially to a young, impressionable Moomin such as I was at the time! He told me all about the Hattifatteners and their life of constant wandering as he showed me around his island. He had turned his island into a personal wildlife preserve for his own hunting pleasure. It was he who gave me my blunderbuss and taught me how to live in the wilderness, hunt, and shoot over the next two weeks."
"Now, before anyone gets too worried, I should be clear that neither one of us could shoot for anything. We would always scare our prey and every other living thing on the island away with our first shot. We always wound up fishing for our dinners, and the island provided plenty of fresh fruit on top of that."
"Colonel Higgins explained to me that Hattifatteners always waited on islands for a really spectacular thunderstorm to recharge themselves for the next part of their voyage and to leave their seeds behind. He and I watched them set up their lightening rod and gather around it as a very large storm approached. You never forget the first time that you see Hattifatteners being struck by lightning, as you all well know."
Moominpapa and his family moved from one beach activity to the next all day. Every time that they came to a resting point, Moominpapa would continue his story. Finally, they were all gathered in the cave under their covers for the night and Moominpapa finished his story for the day by the light of an oil lantern.
"The following morning, the weather cleared and the Hattifatteners began piling into their tiny boats and leaving the island. I explained to Colonel Higgins that I felt compelled to follow them. He understood completely, being an adventurer himself, and bid me a very fond farewell. He resupplied me with fresh fruit and dedication to a life of adventure."
"For two years I followed the Hattifatteners from island to island and lived a completely untamed existence. I learned all that there is to know about sailing and surviving at sea by trial and error, and I wouldn't have it any other way now that I think about it."
"At the end of September of my second year at sea, I and the Hattifatteners washed up on an entirely different island altogether, and I began a very different chapter of my life. The island I had found was Manhattan."
At this everyone else in the cave gasped in surprise and pressed Moominpapa to continue his story.
"I'll tell you what.", said Moominpapa, who was really enjoying himself, "We'll go back to Moominhouse in the morning. Every night before we go to bed, I'll tell the next part of the story, IF you all have done your part in taking care of Moominhouse. I'll be finished by Friday, when we'll spend the morning preparing a proper welcome home celebration for Mama, Snork Maiden, and Little My."
Everyone else agreed somewhat reluctantly to Moominpapa's conditions, and then he blew out the lantern and they all did their best to fall asleep despite their eager anticipation for the rest of the story.
To Be Continued
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thefreedomriders · 7 years
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When people ask us why Freedom Surf Camps are different ? we usually say that Freedom is not just a surf camp or surf classes on the beach … we are a year around experience at any level to any kid who would like to explore his/her surfing journey. Lars loved surf camp and decided that he wants to learn more and get better at surfing. Commitment to train after school & on the weekends by himself & his parents brought us yesterday to this moment – participating at a friendly local surf contest at Manhattan Beach which earned him 6th place after advancing to the final.
It was a great day of learning and recapping all what we learned together this winter. Stoked for you Lars and can not wait to push you into your next level.
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lindyhunt · 6 years
The 12 Travel Destinations That Will Take Over Your Instagram Feeds in 2019
In our Winter issue, FASHION editors rounded up the 100 people, products and experiences we think will blow up in 2019. It’s our inaugural Hot 100 Fuse List. From the workouts you’ll be doing, to the new designers and artists you’ll see on your feed, this is your guide to being in the know this year. It’s time to go big, not home. Here are our top 12 on-the-cusp-of-greatness destinations that will be taking over your Discover feed.
Photography courtesy of tourism santa fe
52: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Visit in: Summer
Eat: For a cozy and casual vibe, check out the “good energy” and comfort food at Teahouse, tucked away from the Plaza, on Canyon Road’s gallery row. Sitting on its patio will make you feel like you’re in a tree house under the stars.
Judging from the gift shops in Albuquerque, N.M., you’d think Breaking Bad was the biggest thing to happen here—ever. But head 90 minutes northeast to Santa Fe and you’ll find wide open spaces, Georgia O’Keeffe-famous skies and deep Indigenous traditions. The town appears like a mirage in the desert, with its low-rise terracotta-coloured buildings made of adobe bricks. Coach’s Stuart Vevers referenced Santa Fe in his Spring 2019 collection. Tom Ford keeps a ranch (nearly one-and-a-half times the size of Manhattan) nearby.
Visit in August, when the city of 80,000 pulls out all the stops for the Santa Fe Indian Market, where more than 1,200 Indigenous artisans from across North America set up shop in the city’s historic Plaza. Play “spot the local,” searching for collectors clad in elaborate turquoise necklaces and rings in the Native American style. Fashion design is a growing draw at the market, with tickets to the fashion show consistently selling out. But our favourite event was the Native American Clothing Contest, which showcases bygone traditional dress from various Indigenous communities. It’s a fascinating visual reminder of the multitude of tribes that today’s Indigenous people descend from. –Jacquelyn Francis
Photography courtesy of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort
53: Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Visit in: Winter
Drink: Since 1937, The Million Dollar Cowboy Bar has been propping up the town square with its Vegas-style neon, local craft beer and big steaks.
Wyoming is fast becoming the new Colorado, as Jackson Hole Mountain Resort lures visitors with its 1,010 hectares of skiing and record-breaking powder. (Last year’s snowfall exceeded 1,270 centimetres.) Aerial tram Big Red has become an icon, able to hoist 100 people to the top of Rendezvous Mountain in just 12 minutes. –Doug Wallace
Photography via iStock
54: Munich, Germany
Visit in: Winter
Drink: Head to the legendary beer gardens at the Chinesischer Turm Restaurant & Biergarten, a must-visit spot in the massive Englischer Garten Park.
Berlin may steal the show as Europe’s edgiest city, but Munich has its own charm. There’s the famously raucous Oktoberfest, a massive annual party where revellers guzzle about 6.9 million litres of beer. Things are a little more refined in late November, when it transforms into a winter wonderland for its Christmas market (Weihnachtsmärkten). –Caitlin Agnew
Photography via iStock
55: Nagano, Japan
Visit in: Winter
Eat: When you’re done shredding the slopes, warm up with a cup of heated sake and a hearty bowl of hotpot at Sumo Nabe.
In the winter, if you take a nap on the 80-minute train ride from Tokyo to Nagano, you’ll wake up, look out the window and think you’ve travelled into a snow globe. But don’t stop here. Grab a ride 50 kilometres north to Nozawa Onsen, a sleepy Japanese ski village famous for its hot springs and premium powder. –Meghan McKenna
Photography courtesy of Silversands Grenada
56: Grenada, West Indies
Visit in: Winter
Stay: Silversands Grenada on Grand Anse beach offers unhurried luxury, lots of blond wood and, at 100 metres, the longest swimming pool in the Caribbean.
The southern Caribbean tri-island destination of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique is trending for its off-the-radar peace and quiet. Known as the “Spice Island”—nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and turmeric can be found here—Grenada has 49 white-sand beaches and more than 30 scuba diving sites (including an underwater sculpture park) plus the best organic tree-to-bar chocolate. –Doug Wallace
Photography courtesy Kochi Biennale Foundation
57: Kochi, India
Visit in: Winter
Eat: Try the Taj Malabar Resort & Spa’s Rice Boat restaurant for your choice of Karimeen fish, crab, squid or langouste—all grilled to order.
The Kochi-Muziris Biennale, an international contemporary art exhibition held every two years in the southwestern Indian city of Kochi, attracts, on average, over 600,000 people for installations and performances by more than 80 national and international artists. Follow its map on foot or by auto rickshaw to explore this former Portuguese trading outpost. –Shalini Roy
Photography via Istock
58: Wales, United Kingdom
Visit in: Spring
Stay: The Harbourmaster Hotel in the sleepy coastal town of Aberaeron oozes comfort from every corner of its 13 seaside-chic rooms.
If a U.K. road-trip piques your interest, consider visiting Wales, where the highways are less crowded (good if you’re new to driving on the “wrong” side of the road). The window for sighting bottlenose dolphins, harbour porpoises and Atlantic grey seals in Cardigan Bay is at its best between June and October. There are also about 600 castles. –Doug Wallace
Photography courtesy of visitnorway.com
59: Tromsø, Norway
Visit in: Spring
Try: If you’re craving darkness, catch historical or contemporary flicks at Verdensteatret Cinematek, Norway’s oldest municipal cinema, while fuelling up on coffee and modern art at its funky in-house café bar.
Thanks to its location (roughly 400 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle and a short two-hour flight from Oslo) and the midnight sun, midsummer is when this cool island city shines. Twenty-four hours of sunlight means late nights don’t seem that late, which works out perfectly if you’re at Bukta, a three-day (and all-night) rock-music festival. Bang out to the best bands from Norway while sipping craft beer from Mack Microbrewery. –Emma Yardley
Photography via Instagram/@SweetandTastyTV
60: Boryeong, South Korea
Visit in: Summer
Stay: Enter recovery and rest mode at the aptly named Hotel Mudrin, where spacious rooms offer sprawling views of Daecheon Beach and respite from its muddy action.
More than 50 shades of grey are flung around at the Boryeong Mud Festival every July on Daecheon Beach in Boryeong. When it launched in 1998, it was to celebrate the health benefits of its mud, but it has transformed into one of the most outrageous bucket-list festivals in the world. Participants slide, wrestle and swim in mud while others party at performances by K-pop acts. –Tiffany Leigh
Photography courtesy of singapore tourism board
61: Singapore
Visit in: Fall
Drink: At Tippling Club, each item on the drink menu includes a picture of the gummy bear that inspired it; before ordering, you can taste-test actual gummy bears to help you make your decision.
On your way to Hong Kong, Tokyo or Sydney? Consider adding Singapore to your itinerary—even if it’s just for the cinema-tourism factor, trending thanks to Crazy Rich Asians. This island-city-state is unique for its melting-pot culture and Modern Singaporean cuisine. Bonus: Six bars made the 2017 World’s 50 Best Bars list. –Doug Wallace
Photography via Istock
62: Ucluelet, B.C.
Visit in: Fall
Stay: Wya Point Resort is a Ucluelet First Nation-owned property that offers camping, yurts or luxury lodges across 240 hectares of private beaches and old-growth rainforest.
If B.C. towns planted along the Pacific Ocean were characters from The Brady Bunch, Ucluelet might be Jan. She’s long been overlooked for sister city Tofino 35 minutes down the road, but that could be changing. Less busy but blessed with similar good looks, Ucluelet has her own surf spots nearby (Florencia Bay, Wickaninnish Beach) and picture-postcard trails. –Joy Pecknold
Photography via Istock
63: Sighișoara, Romania
Visit in: Fall
Stay: Hotel Sighișoara, which housed nobility for centuries, is now a comfortable inn where no two rooms are the same.
You’d think that the birthplace of Count Dracula (or at least Vlad the Impaler, the man he’s thought to be based on) would be full of creepy alleyways and dark corners. Instead, Sighișoara is colourful and utterly charming. Not much has changed since the 1100s, when the Saxons built Sighișoara Citadel. –Emma Yardley
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jessicakehoe · 6 years
The 12 Travel Destinations That Will Take Over Your Instagram Feeds in 2019
In our Winter issue, FASHION editors rounded up the 100 people, products and experiences we think will blow up in 2019. It’s our inaugural Hot 100 Fuse List. From the workouts you’ll be doing, to the new designers and artists you’ll see on your feed, this is your guide to being in the know this year. It’s time to go big, not home. Here are our top 12 on-the-cusp-of-greatness destinations that will be taking over your Discover feed.
Photography courtesy of tourism santa fe
52: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Visit in: Summer
Eat: For a cozy and casual vibe, check out the “good energy” and comfort food at Teahouse, tucked away from the Plaza, on Canyon Road’s gallery row. Sitting on its patio will make you feel like you’re in a tree house under the stars.
Judging from the gift shops in Albuquerque, N.M., you’d think Breaking Bad was the biggest thing to happen here—ever. But head 90 minutes northeast to Santa Fe and you’ll find wide open spaces, Georgia O’Keeffe-famous skies and deep Indigenous traditions. The town appears like a mirage in the desert, with its low-rise terracotta-coloured buildings made of adobe bricks. Coach’s Stuart Vevers referenced Santa Fe in his Spring 2019 collection. Tom Ford keeps a ranch (nearly one-and-a-half times the size of Manhattan) nearby.
Visit in August, when the city of 80,000 pulls out all the stops for the Santa Fe Indian Market, where more than 1,200 Indigenous artisans from across North America set up shop in the city’s historic Plaza. Play “spot the local,” searching for collectors clad in elaborate turquoise necklaces and rings in the Native American style. Fashion design is a growing draw at the market, with tickets to the fashion show consistently selling out. But our favourite event was the Native American Clothing Contest, which showcases bygone traditional dress from various Indigenous communities. It’s a fascinating visual reminder of the multitude of tribes that today’s Indigenous people descend from. –Jacquelyn Francis
Photography courtesy of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort
53: Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Visit in: Winter
Drink: Since 1937, The Million Dollar Cowboy Bar has been propping up the town square with its Vegas-style neon, local craft beer and big steaks.
Wyoming is fast becoming the new Colorado, as Jackson Hole Mountain Resort lures visitors with its 1,010 hectares of skiing and record-breaking powder. (Last year’s snowfall exceeded 1,270 centimetres.) Aerial tram Big Red has become an icon, able to hoist 100 people to the top of Rendezvous Mountain in just 12 minutes. –Doug Wallace
Photography via iStock
54: Munich, Germany
Visit in: Winter
Drink: Head to the legendary beer gardens at the Chinesischer Turm Restaurant & Biergarten, a must-visit spot in the massive Englischer Garten Park.
Berlin may steal the show as Europe’s edgiest city, but Munich has its own charm. There’s the famously raucous Oktoberfest, a massive annual party where revellers guzzle about 6.9 million litres of beer. Things are a little more refined in late November, when it transforms into a winter wonderland for its Christmas market (Weihnachtsmärkten). –Caitlin Agnew
Photography via iStock
55: Nagano, Japan
Visit in: Winter
Eat: When you’re done shredding the slopes, warm up with a cup of heated sake and a hearty bowl of hotpot at Sumo Nabe.
In the winter, if you take a nap on the 80-minute train ride from Tokyo to Nagano, you’ll wake up, look out the window and think you’ve travelled into a snow globe. But don’t stop here. Grab a ride 50 kilometres north to Nozawa Onsen, a sleepy Japanese ski village famous for its hot springs and premium powder. –Meghan McKenna
Photography courtesy of Silversands Grenada
56: Grenada, West Indies
Visit in: Winter
Stay: Silversands Grenada on Grand Anse beach offers unhurried luxury, lots of blond wood and, at 100 metres, the longest swimming pool in the Caribbean.
The southern Caribbean tri-island destination of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique is trending for its off-the-radar peace and quiet. Known as the “Spice Island”—nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and turmeric can be found here—Grenada has 49 white-sand beaches and more than 30 scuba diving sites (including an underwater sculpture park) plus the best organic tree-to-bar chocolate. –Doug Wallace
Photography courtesy Kochi Biennale Foundation
57: Kochi, India
Visit in: Winter
Eat: Try the Taj Malabar Resort & Spa’s Rice Boat restaurant for your choice of Karimeen fish, crab, squid or langouste—all grilled to order.
The Kochi-Muziris Biennale, an international contemporary art exhibition held every two years in the southwestern Indian city of Kochi, attracts, on average, over 600,000 people for installations and performances by more than 80 national and international artists. Follow its map on foot or by auto rickshaw to explore this former Portuguese trading outpost. –Shalini Roy
Photography via Istock
58: Wales, United Kingdom
Visit in: Spring
Stay: The Harbourmaster Hotel in the sleepy coastal town of Aberaeron oozes comfort from every corner of its 13 seaside-chic rooms.
If a U.K. road-trip piques your interest, consider visiting Wales, where the highways are less crowded (good if you’re new to driving on the “wrong” side of the road). The window for sighting bottlenose dolphins, harbour porpoises and Atlantic grey seals in Cardigan Bay is at its best between June and October. There are also about 600 castles. –Doug Wallace
Photography courtesy of visitnorway.com
59: Tromsø, Norway
Visit in: Spring
Try: If you’re craving darkness, catch historical or contemporary flicks at Verdensteatret Cinematek, Norway’s oldest municipal cinema, while fuelling up on coffee and modern art at its funky in-house café bar.
Thanks to its location (roughly 400 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle and a short two-hour flight from Oslo) and the midnight sun, midsummer is when this cool island city shines. Twenty-four hours of sunlight means late nights don’t seem that late, which works out perfectly if you’re at Bukta, a three-day (and all-night) rock-music festival. Bang out to the best bands from Norway while sipping craft beer from Mack Microbrewery. –Emma Yardley
Photography via Instagram/@SweetandTastyTV
60: Boryeong, South Korea
Visit in: Summer
Stay: Enter recovery and rest mode at the aptly named Hotel Mudrin, where spacious rooms offer sprawling views of Daecheon Beach and respite from its muddy action.
More than 50 shades of grey are flung around at the Boryeong Mud Festival every July on Daecheon Beach in Boryeong. When it launched in 1998, it was to celebrate the health benefits of its mud, but it has transformed into one of the most outrageous bucket-list festivals in the world. Participants slide, wrestle and swim in mud while others party at performances by K-pop acts. –Tiffany Leigh
Photography courtesy of singapore tourism board
61: Singapore
Visit in: Fall
Drink: At Tippling Club, each item on the drink menu includes a picture of the gummy bear that inspired it; before ordering, you can taste-test actual gummy bears to help you make your decision.
On your way to Hong Kong, Tokyo or Sydney? Consider adding Singapore to your itinerary—even if it’s just for the cinema-tourism factor, trending thanks to Crazy Rich Asians. This island-city-state is unique for its melting-pot culture and Modern Singaporean cuisine. Bonus: Six bars made the 2017 World’s 50 Best Bars list. –Doug Wallace
Photography via Istock
62: Ucluelet, B.C.
Visit in: Fall
Stay: Wya Point Resort is a Ucluelet First Nation-owned property that offers camping, yurts or luxury lodges across 240 hectares of private beaches and old-growth rainforest.
If B.C. towns planted along the Pacific Ocean were characters from The Brady Bunch, Ucluelet might be Jan. She’s long been overlooked for sister city Tofino 35 minutes down the road, but that could be changing. Less busy but blessed with similar good looks, Ucluelet has her own surf spots nearby (Florencia Bay, Wickaninnish Beach) and picture-postcard trails. –Joy Pecknold
Photography via Istock
63: Sighișoara, Romania
Visit in: Fall
Stay: Hotel Sighișoara, which housed nobility for centuries, is now a comfortable inn where no two rooms are the same.
You’d think that the birthplace of Count Dracula (or at least Vlad the Impaler, the man he’s thought to be based on) would be full of creepy alleyways and dark corners. Instead, Sighișoara is colourful and utterly charming. Not much has changed since the 1100s, when the Saxons built Sighișoara Citadel. –Emma Yardley
The post The 12 Travel Destinations That Will Take Over Your Instagram Feeds in 2019 appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
The 12 Travel Destinations That Will Take Over Your Instagram Feeds in 2019 published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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easytravelpw-blog · 6 years
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Full text write on https://easy-travel.pw/the-best-family-beach-vacations-in-california/magazine/
The Best Family Beach Vacations in California
01 of 11
Point Reyes National Seashore
Gunter Marx/Getty Images
For the nature-loving family, a California beach vacation doesn’t get any better. At Point Reyes, you can explore miles of seashore, see a waterfall that runs right into the ocean, explore the effects of an earthquake on nature, and watch Roosevelt Elk grazing at sunset. And the scenic lighthouse has enough steps for even the most active kids to use up their excess energy.
You can visit Point Reyes any time of year, but it may be too cold and windy to spend much time on the beach there in the winter.
The only lodging inside the National Seashore is a hostel, but you can use a guide to find out where else you can stay nearby—and what else there is to do in the area.
02 of 11
Half Moon Bay
Danita Delimont/Getty Images
At Half Moon Bay, you won’t run out of beaches to explore on your vacation. In fact, three of them are part of the Half Moon Bay Beach State Park—Frances, Venice, and Dunes. You can also check out the tidepools at the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve or watch elephant seals at Ano Nuevo. Both of these are also along the San Mateo coast.
The town of Half Moon Bay offers lots of places to stay and eat, and there’s a golf course with an ocean view so beautiful that you might get distracted and lose track of your ball.
03 of 11
Santa Cruz
 miroslav_1/Getty Images
Santa Cruz has lots of beaches to play on and oceanside campgrounds that are perfect for bonfires and s’mores. This area has beaches for almost any activity you would want to take part in.
In downtown at the classic Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, adventurous kids will like the Giant Dipper, a wooden roller coaster built in 1924,  while little ones might prefer sticking to the classic carousel with its hand-carved horses.
Older kids might also enjoy renting equipment for surfing, boogie boarding, or skimboarding in one of the two places in California that claim to be the original Surf City.
If you get bored with sun and sand, you can find more things to do with the family in Santa Cruz, including the utterly touristy but fun Mystery Spot.
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Monterey, Carmel, and Pacific Grove
Jim Sugar/Getty Images
The Monterey Peninsula has enough variety to satisfy even the pickiest members of your family. Here’s a Monterey and Carmel beach guide to find the one that’s just right for you.
Monterey also offers are plenty of opportunities to view and learn about wildlife. You can take a break from the beach to visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and divers can also rent gear and explore the undersea world for themselves. Or stay on top of the waves in a kayak. Monterey Bay is also one of the best places in California to go whale-watching.
For youngsters who enjoy shopping, Carmel is the perfect place to go—and the town is also famous for being dog-friendly in case you brought the family pet along. Plus, the town offers plenty of other things for the whole family to participate in.
Tiny Pacific Grove sits between Monterey and Carmel and is often overlooked by visitors, but it has some gorgeous beaches and a cute little downtown area to explore.
Continue to 5 of 11 below.
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Pismo Beach
ElOjoTorpe/Getty Images
Pismo Beach is among California residents’ favorite places to go for a family getaway. Located on a dramatic stretch of coastline with sand dunes and cliffs backing up sandy beaches, it’s the perfect spot to experience the classic California beach lifestyle.
In town, you can walk out onto the pier to watch the ocean and get a bowl of award-winning clam chowder.
Oceano Dunes near Pismo Beach is also the only place in the state where you can camp right on the beach and zip around the nearby dunes in an ATV. There’s also a scenic lighthouse nearby if you want to check that out.
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Santa Barbara
Jeff Turner/CC BY 2.0/Flickr
The words upscale and gorgeous are often used to describe Santa Barbara, but don’t let that fool you into thinking the place is too pretentious for families to enjoy.
Santa Barbara is a walkable town with easy to access beaches and a paved oceanfront walk that’s always buzzing with people enjoying a pedal-powered surrey ride. You can also get out of town to explore some of the area’s other fun beach locales.
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Los Angeles South Bay
Matthew Micah Wright/Getty Images
For an urban California beach experience, head for Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, and Redondo Beach in the area Angelenos call the South Bay. You’ll find miles of oceanfront paths to walk, bike, or skate on and lots of sandy beaches to enjoy.
The Redondo Pier has a small aquarium with free admission, and you’ll find lots of places to eat and shop on the horseshoe-shaped Redondo Pier. Your family fishermen could go on a fishing trip, or even the bravest member of your group could enjoy a jet boat ride.
No matter where you are in the South Bay if you get tired—or hungry—or feel a sudden urge to go shopping — you’re never more than a few steps away from all of that.
These towns have distinct personalities that you can get into if you check the ​South Bay beach town guide.​
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Balboa Island, Newport Beach
Richard Cummins/Getty Images
In Orange County, Newport Beach is well known for high-end shopping centers, but for families, the best part of Newport Beach is at the seashore.
Start your day on tiny Balboa Island or the Balboa Peninsula, then travel between them on the smallest ferry boat you may ever see. Some parents say that the ferry ride alone can keep the kids occupied for hours, just going back and forth. On the peninsula, you can also stop to enjoy the amusements at the Balboa Fun Zone.
On the island, get a hand-dipped Balboa Bar or a chocolate-coated frozen banana from one of the two sidewalk stands that both claim to be the “original.”
There’s also plenty to do in the town of Newport to get away from the beach for a bit.
Continue to 9 of 11 below.
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Laguna Beach
Barry Winiker/Getty Images
Laguna Beach is known for its art galleries and fine dining, but close to downtown, you’ll also find a fun place to play in the sand and tidepools to explore. In town, the kids will also enjoy stopping to watch the Laguna Beach Greeter dancing and waving to passing visitors.
When you’re done with the beach, you can explore the town and surrounding area.
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La Jolla
  Jo Ann Snover/Getty Images
Beautiful La Jolla north of San Diego is a magnet for beach lovers, boasting some of the best sand in the state. Families will love to watch the sea lions and check the surf La Jolla Cove. And the broad, sloping beach at La Jolla Shores is perfect for wading. Those beaches are detailed in the guide to San Diego’s best beaches, so you can find the right one for your family.
Also in La Jolla, you can visit the Birch Aquarium to see some sea dragons or take a stroll along the cliffs above the La Jolla waterfront.
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San Diego
Elerium/Getty Images
San Diego’s 70 miles of coastline and year-round mild temperatures make it an ideal beach getaway town. While it boasts many great beach options for families.
When you’ve had enough of surf and sand, head inland to explore some of the top things to do in San Diego with kids.
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Check These Guidelines Out To Start Surfing The Right Way
Surfing can appear to be an intimidating and complex sport, but unlike many other water sports, the truth is that surfing only requires a surfboard and someone passionate and determined to have some fun in the ocean. The more you progress, the more fun you will have surfing. Here are some (safety) guidelines we think beginner/intermediate surfers should know to start surfing safe and fun. Following these guidelines will help accelerate your learning on your surfing journey:
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Get Weather Information- It’s a no-brainer, weather is an essential part of a surfer’s life. Beginners will most likely start in small conditions with waves less than 1 meter. Observe tide schedules, surf and weather forecasts as each break is different and good in different conditions.
Don’t Surf Alone- It is true that surfing is an individual sport, but it’s recommended that you surf with a buddy or in small groups so that you can keep an eye on each other. Moreover, you’ll progress faster by observing and asking other surfers for advice. Never forget that ignorance at sea can be dangerous and surfing with company to cheer for each other can elevate the surf session.
Protect Yourself- The risks of sunburn is high when surfing so it is always important that surfers protect themselves from the sun. Using surf-specific sunscreen that will not get washed away by waves along with wetsuits, hats and rash guards is the best strategy to avoid a burn. Wearing a thicker and longer wetsuit to protect yourself from the cold is recommended during winter. In some spots you might have to purchase different wetsuits depending on the time of the year - to protect you from the sun, or the cold.
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Learn Surfing Rules- Like any other sport, surfing has its rules to avoid accidents between surfers. For example, the surfer who catches the wave closest to “the curl” has priority. Make sure you learn the rules of priority before joining your local break.
Attend Surf Camps- A few hours of lessons with a surf instructor at El Porto Beach surf camp can take you a long way towards developing your surfing fundamentals and avoiding mistakes so you surfing sessions are fun and safe.
Enjoy surfing at the classic El Porto, famous for being a great beginner to intermediate surf spot. The fast and powerful break with sandy bottom makes it a fun and safe place to surf.
Learn how to surf in 4 steps:
First and foremost, obtain familiarity with water and waves if you have never set foot on a surfboard or had the opportunity to jump in the waves.
Learn about your front foot- goofy/regular- before getting into the water as surfing is practiced sideways with one foot in front of the other.
Learn to paddle effectively. Swim regularly in the pool to enhance your physical abilities and paddling technique.
The ultimate and the most difficult step is the take-off, this allows surfers to stand up and start surfing. Once you learn the “pop-up” you can practice at home so your ready when the perfect wave comes your way.
 Contact US
Redondo Beach Surf Camps  
1201 N Catalina Ave  
Redondo Beach, CA 90277  
(310) 902-7737  
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twohundredthirtysix · 7 years
100 Questions
1. What’s your favorite way to pass time at home?
Watching movies/tv series, playing the ukulele, sometimes I try to play the keyboard. Surfing the internet.
2. How do you usually spend a lazy evening?
Same as number 1. lol
3. What do you usually have for breakfast? 
If I actually wake up early enough for breakfast....eggs, rice, toast, bacon.
4. What was your first kiss like? 
This is so sad but we were playing a drinking game (truth or dare) and I was dared to make out with one of the guys. lol
5. Have you ever travelled alone?
Yes! Been travelling alone since summer. Went to the US to work at a summer camp for the entire summer and now I’m in Norway to visit my best friend! :)
6. Coffee or tea?
Neither. I have caffeine sensitivity. But if I were to choose one, it’d be coffee. 
7. Is your room rather messy or organized? Messy!
8. How much time do you usually spend on a computer/phone?
I’d say more on a phone. I always have my phone with me. 
9. Say one thing you like and dislike about school
I don’t like the amount of stress that it brings but I do like that it keeps me busy and that I get to see my friends everyday.
10. How many languages can you speak?
I speak two languages fluently-- English and Filipino (national language in the Philippines).
11. What’s one language you would like to learn?
French! It’s so sexy!
12. Do think good grammar/spelling is important?
It doesn’t really matter in casual conversations but I think if it’s in a professional setting or like when you’re writing a business letter or something similar, it would matter.
13. What’s your favorite music genre?
Pop, Country, Indie
14. What’s your favorite meal of the day? 
I don’t really care. I care more about the food. Haha! :P
15. When + which band was your first concert?
February 19, 2011, Taylor Swift’s Speak Now Tour in Manila, Philippines
16. Do you like having flowers in your house/garden? 
Yes. Plants give us oxygen :)
17. Do you prefer texting or phone calls?
Depends on the person. I usually don’t like phone calls and  would rather text but if it’s my best friend, then I prefer phone calls. :)
18. Are you allergic to anything?
I have allergic rhinitis.
19. Describe one nice memory with your best friend
There’s a lot but I think the one that I will never forget was when she surprised me last year. She lives in Norway and she didn’t tell me that she coming to the Philippines. She was in cahoots with my mum and they kept it a secret for a month! I was so shocked and surprised and I just couldn’t believe it!
20. Have you ever been to Paris?
Sadly, not yet. :(
21. Have you ever been to Amsterdam?
Not yet either. 
22. Have you ever been to NYC?
OH YES!! I was there last month and oh my gosh, I’m so in love with Manhattan!!!!
23. Are you a gamer?
24. What are you wearing today?
Black shorts, knee high socks, black tank top and a sweater
25. Do you prefer jeans, jeggings or leggings?
26. Do you spend a lot of time studying?
Haha. No.
27. Are you punctual?
On rare occasions, yes. haha
28. What’s your favorite color?
Pastel colours, usually.
29. What’s your favorite type of youtube videos to watch?
Covers, tutorials, buzzfeed unsolved
30. Do you prefer dark, milk or white chocolate?
Dark chocolate
31. Do you prefer shopping for clothes online or in stores?
In stores. 
32. When was the last time you kissed someone?
Like, make out with someone? around 4 weeks ago.
33. What do you think when you look in the mirror?
Usually, I hate mirrors.
34. Do you enjoy singing? What kind of songs?
Yes, country songs.
35. Do you drink enough water? 
I don’t think so. but I know I should. Haha. 
36. What is your favorite type of shoes to wear? 
37. Do you have/want any tattoos or piercings?
I would want piercings on my belly button, and I want tattoos on my wrists, behind my ear, on my rib cage, on my collar bone.
38. How do you feel about pastel colors?
I like them.
39. What is the last book you read?
I haven’t read a book in a long time :P but I think it was I Was Here by Gayle Forman.
40. Say the first quote that comes to your head
When the world overcomes the love of power and understands the power of love, the world will know peace.
41. Are currently texting someone?
42. Do you have any posters in your room?
I used to. Not anymore.
43. How did you discover your current favorite band?
I don’t really have a favourite band per se. More like singers. 
44. Do you enjoy romantic movies?
I guess so.
45. Would you rather watch the sunrise or go for a beach walk?
How about watch the sunrise as I walk on the beach??
46. What’s your favorite Christmas movie?
Home Alone movies.
47. Are you religious?
48. What’s the last theme park you’ve been to?
Enchanted Kingdom in the Philippines.
49. Do you care about fashion/being fashionable?
Not so much. But I do care about looking good.
50. Do you like scented candles?
I guess so.
51. Would you rather visit Iceland or Greece? 
52. Is there a fireplace in your house?
No. I live in the Philippines. We don’t need a fireplace.
53. Do you spend more time in your living room or bedroom?
54. At what time do you usually have lunch?
Usually 1 or 2 pm.
55. Do you know anyone’s phone number by heart?
My phone number. haha :P
56. Do you have a favorite mug?
57. How did you meet your best friend? 
We were classmates in this acting school where we went. We were also roommates. <3 I miss those days.
58. Do you sing/dance in the shower?
Yes. Who doesn’t?
59. Have you ever considered yourself ‘emo’, ‘scene’, ‘hipster’ etc.?
60. When was your first kiss?
3 years ago.
61. What do you look forward to this month?
Nothing, really. I’m leaving Norway in 5 days to go back home and every time I think about it, it just freaks me the fuck out. I start to panic.
62. Do you remember your first day of school?
Not really.
63. Do you think feminism is important?
64. Say three things that make you happy
Best friend, sushi, travelling
65. What are you listening to right now?
Nothing. Best friend is watching something on Netflix.
66. Do you like to go Christmas shopping?
67. Have you ever been camping?
Yep! :D
68. If your birthday could be any day, would you change it?
Birthday on Christmas sounds fun!
69. What do you think is the right age to be in a first relationship?
I think 16. 
70. What do you think is the right age to have sex?
Not really “right” age but like an “okay” age. 15, 16 maybe? I think that’s like a reasonable age, like the age that’s considered, not too young, or at least in my perspective. Just as long as you’re smart about it and you’re safe. Sex is nobody else’s business but yours.
71. How is your relationship with your siblings?
Meh, we’re okay.
72. Do you have any pets?
A doggo :D
73. Are you in love? (if yes, describe the person)
74. Do you listen to music a lot?
75. What do you think about before you fall asleep?
A lot of things, really!
76. Do you think makeup makes people prettier?
People are already beautiful, make up just brings out everyone’s beauty even more.
77. When was the last time you were in a church? 
A long time ago! lol!
78. Do you think it’s more comfortable to wear your hair up or down?
For me, up.
79. Do you pick shampoos based on their scent?
80. Say one thing you like about winter
I’ve never experienced winter, but I’m guessing I’m gonna love the snow and the cuddle weather. lol
81. Say one thing you like about fall
Having my first ever fall here in Norway. Loving the colours!
82. Say one thing you like about summer
Summer camp! and that’s everyone’s like on a holiday!
83. Say one thing your like about spring
Never had spring, but I would like to spend one in Japan and see the cherry blossoms. 
84. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
Every place that I’ve been to is beautiful in their own ways but the one that I loved  the most, so far, is NYC! <3
85. Are you planning to travel a lot when you’re older?
Yes, yes, yes!
86. What seems like the most fun age to you?
like 30s or 40s.
87. Do you prefer the sun or the moon?
Moon. and the stars.
88. How do you celebrate Easter (if you do)?
I don’t.
89. Do you know anyone who doesn’t like chocolate?
No, not really. Who doesn’t like chocolate?! haha
90.Can you relate to most songs you listen to?
Some of them, yes.
91. Say one fun thing you did this week
I don’t know. Haven’t really done anything fun this week but um, I guess, staying up late with my best friend last Monday and like, having some late night snacks, just the two of us. Felt like the old days. 
92. Where do you see yourself in five years?
I don’t really know. Everything about my future is just, honestly, so bleak for me. But um, hopefully, I’m somewhere happy.
93. Would you change your name if you could?
94. Who’s your favourite Disney princess?
95. Do you have a clean desk?
No. I’m a messy person. haha.
96. Do you like babysitting? 
Yes, I guess. I like kids.
97. Do you often offer your friends food/a drink?
Yes, it’s the polite thing to do.
98. What is a right age to drink alcohol for the first time?
99. What do you like about your favorite band/artist
I love that they’re passionate about their work.
100. Tell me one random fact that comes to your head.
I’m fucked up.
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thefreedomriders · 6 years
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Some girls already started their summer shredding. Freedom surf camp registration is ON. We are all about girls who would love to checkout surfing /boogie / ocean safety. Bring a friend and join the summer at Venice/santa monica & the amazing Manhattan Beach. • #stokedandgrateful #socal #itshappening #surfla #surfsantamonica #surfvenice #surfvenicebeach #surfmanhattanbeach #kidsurf #kidsurfing #surfclass #manhattanbeach #alohavibes #venicebeach #santamonica #losangeles #houseofshred #losangelessummercamp #generationshrederetion #Itsbettertobewet #itswhatido #leartosurf #learn2surf (at Freedom Surf & Snow)
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becausetvraisedus · 8 years
Girls: The Last Season: E1: All I Wanted
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It’s back. For the last season and its cru de gras. So why not pull out all the stops. Push the gas on all the storylines and ride this wave as far as it will take us.
All the Girls (and the boys) and Lena Dunham are going to do just that. 
As Season 5 ended on the high of Hannah’s Story Slam success, Season 6 starts just the same as that slam get’s transcripted successfully into the NY Times’ Modern Love column. We see the faces of the whole cast smile (or as in Adam’s case, awkwardly stare) as they read through their friend’s first major print success. And with that intro, we’re lead to believe that we’ll be lead right back into all the overly dramatic Brooklyn girl yarns that Greenpoint has to weave. 
Instead, the premiere is an almost Hannah standalone. Minus a few check ins to expositorally catch the story up on the rest of the cast, Hannah is our heroine. The success of the Modern Love column gets her a magazine job where she heads to Montauk to write about a surf camp for Manhattan yoga moms. But instead of grumpily not surfing and just criticizing everything and everyone that comes in her Horvath way, Hannah gets blindsided by the simpleton surf instructor, Paul-Louis (shoutout to the mans Riz Ahmed). Paul-Louis’ simpleton charm is the positive ‘loving’ antithesis to Hannah’s standard grumpiness. And maybe the right antithesis to help Hannah grow out of her awful 20s. 
It’s a 42 minute standalone episode that isn’t a Quixotic Dunham mini movie, but rather it’s an almost romcom full of a lot of laughs, long walks on long island beaches, the full Montauk brewing company catalog and a lot of the Girls just being themselves. Which is a nice reminder of why we’ve come to love them. It can’t hold up for the entirety of the season. It’s guaranteed that at times, friendships, love and life will get messy. But amidst that mess, this episode has a light optimistic airiness that reminds us who these characters are and why we always hope for their success.
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What to Do at Surfing Camps In El Porto?
Surf camps are paradise for young kids who are water sports lovers. They get a chance to surf, eat and surf at the beach to have the ultimate summer. Surfing Camps In El Porto offers this play-surf-eat-repeat routine. In addition, campers get to experience yoga classes, body surfing, marine biology lessons, and sand castle contests. The surfing camps accommodate everything including meals, surfing equipment, amazing coaches and beach games. They even have trainers available for all skill levels from beginners who are new to surfing all the way to advanced surfers learning how to “get tubed.”
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For kids and young adults who want to begin surfing, surf camps are the best option. This is an ideal place to start building a solid foundation with regular surfing instruction and a supportive community. At the same time, advanced surfers are able to surf with trainers who have expert knowledge of local waves and how to ride them. Whatever level the surfer may be, Manhattan Beach surf camps offer the best opportunity to learn with the best waves. These camps allure surfers with the large number of coaches and the wide variety of activities. The surfing camps are geared towards living a healthy lifestyle through surfing as well as yoga classes and healthy foods.
In addition, surfing camps in Redondo Beach offer beginner-friendly waves. These camps are designed for beginners to start and intermediate surfers to take it to the next level. Make your child’s camp experience memorable and exciting by signing them up for our surf camps!
 Contact US
Redondo Beach Surf Camps  
1201 N Catalina Ave  
Redondo Beach, CA 90277  
(310) 902-7737  
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