#surprise bonus Christmas pic! I didn't think I'd get this one done in time but huzzah I managed it!
kwillow Β· 2 years
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Woeful envy is a normal thing for a good Christian boy to feel when listening to songs about the son of God, right?
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punkscowardschampions Β· 5 years
Buster & Rio
Buster: Can't get over how you spoilt me Buster: Gutted it's only one a year like Rio: I did alright then? Good, you deserve as much Rio: You're not that posh, only the Queen gets two, like Buster: Gotta step up my game if you reckon that Buster: Poshest normally, ain't it? Loving and hating it from me Rio: I would've got you more but as per you're awkward πŸ˜‰ Rio: At least your birthday isn't December so you still get a Christmas, people take the piss, it is NOT near enough that one gift covers it πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚ Buster: No arguments that you love that Buster: I promise I won't do you that way, babe Buster: So what are we doing to keep the party vibes going? Rio: 😘 Good to know you plan on sticking around that long Rio: Purely for the gift, of course Rio: I was thinking we could go to Amuse on Dawson Street Rio: You'll like it Rio: Grace wants to babysit but Jay could go to my fams so there's more people than just her to keep an eye Rio: if you're up for it? Buster: 'Course. Gotta top your Gucci and it's not like your birthday's that late into December, not as if you're tying me down until summer Buster: Yeah? Buster: Sounds as though it's a decent plan to me Rio: You so don't, the Gucci covers about 10 years of presents probably, I'm set 😍 Rio: Good, 'cos I've got reservations already so I was hoping you'd say that Rio: Not really Indie's speed or part of my plan to be the sad single diner Buster: Yeah I do, I was going subtle there, that's the opposite to how birthday's should be Buster: How long have I got to make myself look irresistible? Rio: Don't worry, you've got plenty more to come yet Rio: about an hour, time to get Jay snoozing too, so you won't miss any time with her Rio: all part of my master plan Buster: You've proper thought of everything Rio: Did you doubt me? Buster: Not for a second Buster: But bonus points for not getting distracted about how grateful I'm gonna be Rio: Its definitely a nice bonus Rio: but today and tonight is all about you Buster: Fuck Buster: As much as I wanna be all smooth about how nothing pleases me more than pleasing you, how can I refuse like Buster: Still gotta, 'cause where's the fun in giving in, yeah? Rio: I don't mind the challenge, nah Rio: I'll be easy enough for the two of us Buster: Don't get a day off when it's a chore Buster: not* Rio: Ugh, stop being so perfect Buster: Can't Buster: No sorry though Rio: Me either Rio: Can't lie Buster: Are you gonna surprise me with what you're wearing or do I get a sneak peak now? Rio: Definitely a surprise Rio: What birthdays are all about Buster: Fair, like also unfair but Rio: What you gonna do? Still gotta be a good boy and have your mains before your dessert, even on your Birthday Buster: I'm never that good, birthday or not Rio: True πŸ˜‚ Rio: Who am I kidding? Rio: Good's no fun unless I'm being good for you Buster: 😈 Rio: Wish it could stay like this always Rio: just us and her Buster: Me too Buster: Don't think she'd be mad about it either Rio: Shame kidnapping is so frowned upon Buster: So are we though Buster: Maybe we should just say fuck it Rio: Oh, I forgot to mentioned illegal Rio: That too Buster: I'll run rings around the law with my knowledge, no worries Rio: Fair Rio: I believe it Buster: It's why I love you Buster: All the faith in me Rio: Oh Rio: No fair, you surprised me with that one Rio: Say it again though Buster: I love you Rio: How much Buster: So fucking much Buster: I'll show you Rio: Patience Rio: I'm trying to be nice and respectable Rio: Buy you dinner first Buster: Patience is for people that are waiting for something better Buster: I've got the best here Buster: Buy me dinner in the middle Rio: Get on your knees and start praying we have an unobservant driver, baby Buster: I'll get on my knees for you but there's no need to waste time praying unless you wanna treat me like a god, babe Buster: Throw enough money about and you can have all the privacy you want Rio: You know I will Rio: Having you throwing out all the blessing and curses, trust Buster: Yeah? Buster: We'll see Rio: You will Rio: I already know all the things I'm gonna do for you Buster: That a surprise too? Rio: Depends how well you know me Rio: and I know you, and what you want Rio: doesn't it Buster: Fucking hell, just 'cause I'm another year older doesn't mean you can kill me Rio: I'm just being nice daddy πŸ˜‡ Buster: Says you Rio: So mean! 😾 What can I do to make you happy? Buster: Thought you didn't have to try, babe Rio: I don't have to Rio: I want to Buster: Fuck Buster: Well how can I say no to that Rio: Please don't Rio: I want you so bad Buster: How bad Rio: This much Rio: [Sends nude] Rio: Doesn't count as a spoiler because I'm not dressed yet Buster: I don't hate spoilers you know that Buster: I want you to want me more than ever Buster: And 'cause it's my birthday you have to grant my wish Rio: You typically get three Rio: but you know you can have it all when it comes to me Rio: Just let me know Buster: Good. I want everything Rio: You already got it daddy Buster: [Sends a pic that also isn't spoilers] Buster: So do you Rio: I can't Rio: how do you get me even hotter when I was already about to explode Buster: Must be how well I know you Buster: So that answers that Rio: Wanna come in here and get to know me better? Rio: Ugh, I'm dead Buster: 'Course Buster: But I'd hate to ruin the surprise of how good you're looking Rio: No you wouldn't Rio: but you love teasing me, that's for sure Buster: Maybe Rio: See? Can't help yourself Buster: Do you really want me to? Rio: Hmm Rio: Not yet Rio: You'll know when I'm ready for the real thing Buster: Good Rio: Speaking of, how you getting on? Buster: Jay's good to go and I'm working on it Rio: Awwh Rio: She's so adorable Buster: [Sends a selfie of him and Jay] Buster: Not a spoiler 'cause she's pulling focus off my look Rio: 😍 Rio: Such a heartbreaker Rio: You're so lucky Buster: I know Buster: I'm gonna take her over to Grace and co now, they've said it's alright Rio: Good stuff Rio: Want me to meet you there Rio: I won't come in, obviously Buster: I was gonna say Buster: Don't get spotted like Buster: Jay'll fall asleep in the car as standard so hopefully I won't be long dropping her off Rio: Been doing this long enough Rio: I think I know what I'm doing, boy Rio: Come here if you like then Buster: I trust you Buster: Come to me Rio: Yes sir Buster: I can't wait to see you Rio: Me either Rio: Even though it hasn't been that long since I was there Rio: I still missed you Buster: Yeah. It feels long to me Buster: Shame I can't just move you in Rio: Parents might have something to say about that when they show up Buster: Indie too, but for different reasons Rio: Room for a little one? Rio: Can basically hear her already Buster: Same Buster: She's worse at shutting up than even you are Rio: I'll tell her that Buster: Please do Buster: Her heart eyes kill me for a different reason that yours, trust me Rio: Look how well being a dick worked on me tho 😜 Buster: And Chlo Buster: Maybe not then Rio: Mhmm Rio: Oh the dangers of being too damn irresistible Rio: No one warned you, did they? πŸ˜‚ Buster: You could've, but nah Rio: Selfish? Me? Buster: Never. You're such a giver Buster: And about to prove it like Rio: You know it Buster: I love it Rio: So, far as Birthdays go Rio: Not bad? Buster: I've had worse Rio: I'll take it Buster: Don't worry, I've still got more to give you Rio: I love you Buster: I love you too Rio: Oh, forgot to say Rio: We're on double celebrations tonight Buster: Yeah? Rio: I got a new job! Rio: Better one Buster: I didn't doubt it would be Buster: Well done, babe Rio: Yeah, club promotion stuff, basically Rio: It'll be more fun at any rate Buster: You won't be begging me to distract you on the night's when the pub is dead Rio: Gutted? Buster: It'll save your ego at least Rio: I ain't never too proud to beg babe Buster: Well I'm proud of you babe Buster: This job is gonna be good for you I reckon Rio: I know it ain't a career like but Rio: every little helps when you ain't a brainbox Buster: Shut up Buster: You're well smart Rio: Not like you lot, you and Nance and Junie Buster: You are Buster: Full package and don't forget it Rio: It's cool, I work what I got Rio: but you're cute Buster: You have brains too Buster: Being academic and smart ain't the same thing Buster: You wouldn't call Indie thick, would you? Rio: Of course not Buster: Well then Buster: I'm not hearing it about you Rio: πŸ™Š Rio: Not another word Buster: Good Buster: You keep up with me, that should tell you everything you need to know about how smart you are Buster: Not to mention everything you saw through about me Rio: That's just people Rio: and I've met all sorts Buster: What happened to not another word? Rio: I can't let you just say all this stuff and say nothing Rio: You could say anything next 😜 Buster: So what? Buster: You're not scared are you? Rio: Never Buster: You already know I love you what could be scarier than that like Rio: Going back to the bullshit Rio: Or you stopping Buster: Not gonna happen Buster: Don't worry Rio: Then I ain't Buster: Me either Rio: Ready Buster: I'll come and grab you Rio: Yeah, yeah Rio: Wish you would Buster: Don't waste the wish Buster: Already guaranteed Buster: Could literally carry you away before any of your fam sees you. You're so small Rio: I am not Rio: You're just big Buster: Yeah I am but you're also small Rio: 😑 Ain't you heard what they say about short girls? Rio: I'll fuck you up Buster: Yeah? Is that promise or a threat? Rio: A bonafide guarantee if you carry on Buster: Then you know I have to Buster: You're so fucking hot Rio: Take my rage seriously! 😏 Buster: Believe me I am Buster: It's just seriously sexy Rio: Perv Buster: I can be Buster: If that's how you want it Rio: Better be Rio: Keep up with me, boy Buster: Not about to stop now like Buster: Got a rep here Rio: and I weren't promised no gentleman Buster: Just as well 'cause I've arrived in his place
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