#survival kit submissions📨
2-dsimp ¡ 1 year
Uhm..is it too late to change Ayato to Kokomi for the survival kit I submitted? My reasoning being that Kokomi is basically an even influence sphere that Ayato could grant us, she has school power, and seems to be one of the more “stable” yandere’s that would play well with others (Childe, Lumine, Scaramouche). She would also provide a counter balance to Scaramouche and help keep anyone from being “too powerful” in the hierarchy for the 3rd life harem route (if we get there)
Also she’s very pretty and as much as I love Thoma, Gorou isn’t a bad person to be looking out after us on behalf of someone else.
It’s not too late at all! (>^ω^<)
Now that all the female admirers winners have been officially introduced the start of your second life is drawing near…
Any and everyone who’ve yet to submit their survival kit you have a week left to lock it in before all votes are counted for!
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2-dsimp ¡ 1 year
Survival Kit
1) The Martial Arts Club. Let's face it guys we're horny dumbasses and are definitely gonna get into more bad situations due to that horniness. We get a way to defend ourselves against our enemies. Also keep that horny in check when were around Childe because I don't what to be dragged into a random empty classroom by him when we got something else to do.
2) Seduction because like I said above we're horny bastards that are probably going to go into a Lewd mode once on each of the days. It would help to make things quicker.
Stealth because we probably are going to be sneaking around more in this life. Either to gain information or to avoid things like the bully.
3) Lumine. She's a girlboss and I rather have her on our good side. She's also prettier than her brother.
Chongyun. I think he's one the yandere that truly care about Senpai's happiness like Bennet. Also we can take advantage of that strange ability of his.
Kazuha. I would Heizou cuz of his power position, but apparently we dumped him. I think there's something going on with him. And he's the one of the admirers we know least about.
Xiao. Our favorite twink cuz we ditched Aether. That spiteful debuff is gonna be a pain in the ass. Best we deal with before day 3 because things are harder now and it's will effect all the admirers.
4) Hu Tao for the kiss and Ayato for the date.
Choosing Hu Tao for the kiss because screw males, let me kiss a girl for once. Also I want to see that funeral pachlor. Ayato because I feel bad for the last life, Lovesick mode, and we get a powerful person on our side.
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2-dsimp ¡ 1 year
✨anon Survival kit
Late to the party but making an entrance!
Club Leader/Club - I think that we should go with Childe / Karate Club Leader. Like xadiac said, we are going to need to be in a club that will not only benefit us later, but also one that will provide us with a useful skill. Having some martial arts skill will enable us to get away from bad situations AND we will have a strong simp who will look after us because we are a club member and we have someone with a moderate degree of influence over the school on our side
2. SKILLS! Okay! so! Hear me out. One skill we should have is seduction. If that last round was anything to go by, we are all horny on main (yes I'm guilty of this too).
If we have seduction as a skill when our collective horny gets us into a situation we can seduce our way out of it.
It will help us decrease the amount of time needed to unlock special horny zones on some characters (because that was a problem)
Look let's be honest. There is no way we're going to go through the next life without getting horny at least once - at least this way we will have a better chance at surviving it
Skill #2 we should have is stealth.
aside from being horny on main we are going to need to get out of the situations we keep finding ourselves in
it will help us collect the notes
we will be able to sneak out to see admirers, or meet with people easier
we really just need the ability to get around quietly because half of the time we got caught really quickly
3. Okay 4 admirers let's go!
Ayato ---> This man is obvious powerful and has some really good connections. He also seems like someone who while not as intense as Lumine, is going to be more of a shadow puppet master. Getting on his good side can only benefit us. Besides we need someone as powerful as Lumine as a backup in case one of the two goes sour. Protection is key!
Lumine --> she is dangerous, powerful, well connected, and we have a home field advantage. We are the childhood sweetheart so there is a soft spot there. While she is still dangerous having her as a powerful ally could save us or give us necessary information in the later run. We need what's essentially the mafia mastermind on our side. Plus a lot of you (me included) are a little too ready to see her and this way we can avoid later problems
Kazuha --> we don't know much about him at this point, but there is no harm in getting someone who is obviously a big player in with us. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he will have some student council influence, or at least information he can pass along to us. He would also just be a dangerous enemy and we can't afford to have one of those right now
Chongyun --> as young-adult-summer pointed out, this man has some serious firepower behind him. He can kill from a distance and he can be used as a balance gauge of how dangerous the situation is getting. He also seems like someone who could get rid of the Day 3 life debuffs we have coming at us. We need those GONE.
4. Okay so I'm going to day it. Scaramouche. He is a student council leader and he is going to be influential, powerful, and someone we will want on our side. Having him at a crazy high affection level instantly will mean that we will have a lot of protection at school and he seems like the type of person who will give us backing secretly and from the shadows. Hello instant protection AND least we forget, he is the reason we have the Day 3 debuffs. Getting him on our good side and happy will only benefit us.
We should give the first kiss to either Lumine, Scaramouche, or Childe. Each is ridiculously powerful in their own right, and all of them have a degree of influence that isn't outwardly obvious (some have more power than we know at this time). HOWEVER. Since we can only pick one I suggest we give it to Scaramouche if we go on a date with him, or Lumine because of the childhood sweetheart aspect and how much this could be to our advantage.
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2-dsimp ¡ 1 year
(This is my first time doing this type of message, plz tell me if I sent it through the wrong one)
Survival Kit
Martial Arts club, so as to increase strength, plus it increases favourability with Childe which could help.
Intelligence and stealth, good combination with strength for sticky situations. Good for escape and sneak/hide situations too.
Diluc, Thoma, Bennet and Zhongli, mostly cuz they strike me as the “softer” yanderes (when in they’re good graces) so a good way to ease into the next life, maybe?
The date has to be Ayato. Too risky to “neglect” him now, especially since the 2nd is going to be harder, so we’re going to keep the boba addict in a good mood for as long as we can. Plus, there’ll probably be advantages we can use if his affection level is high enough.
Thank you for submitting your first survival kit!o(^▽^)o
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2-dsimp ¡ 1 year
Survival Kit Choices -
1. Scaramouche - The reasoning being as a student councillor that gives you such power, leverage and benefits. For example, in past life we got caught with a scandalous picture, as student councillor you could confiscate the camera because it was used outside of club time and the club room. Boom! As student councillor you would be able to go to different classroom without rising suspicion or going exploring for clues. However, being student councillor also means keeping your grades up high, being available to help other students whether you like it or not, and constantly being centre of attention.
2. For the first skill I pick Seduction. It can really go a long way when you think about it, these are all horny motherfuckers, a lil’ flash here, a flirty whisper there, a sweet caress of the shoulders. It can really help out when you’re in a pickle, and even though you made so unbelievable promises that’s for future MC to worry about. Second skill would have to between, Strength/Intelligence. Strength cause personally I’m a fighter, I’ll kick and scream till the last breath, strength has never served me well in chose your own adventure games but I can never stop fighting no matter what. Also, everyone else seems to be very strong. Intelligence cause it’s seems like everyone else is too busy simping so at least MC has some brains. It’s quite concerning how many characters are in influential positions to ruin your life or force you to submit.
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Thanks for submitting <333
Info-kun does have some good perks if you’re on his good side nice thinking 👀
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2-dsimp ¡ 1 year
SURVIVAL KIT EVENT (heads up my explanation is a bit long) I sent this earlier but idk if you saw it. Lately Tumblr has been yetting my asks into the void for some reason.
1. Karate Club Leader - Childe.
We know he has the obsessive trait. He needs to see senpai regularly which isn’t going to be too hard since we are in a club with him. Basically he seems like he isn't going to cause much trouble for us as long as he gets some attention . Not to mention he is physically strong so he is a free bodyguard. Don’t think many yandere’s are going to act up when they counter Childe with Senpai otherwise they are probably going to get knocked out hard. “You shouldn’t have touched my Senpai, now look at you…Hanging on to your last breath haha! How pathetic” (quoted from his headcanons) Childe’s club I’m sure gives the skillset strength which will be useful when we have unexpected encounters where we can’t use stealth to get away.
2. Stealth and Strength
Getting out of situations before they can even begin, escaping them or grabbing important items makes stealth a flexible trait that can be used in many situations. For some reason I have the idea that strength can be OP at a high enough level because the yandere will struggle to physically do anything to you. Not to maintain some would be imitated and act more tamed not to offend senpai out of fear or respect which gives the players more control. Unless the yandere has more strength or is able to outwit the players to me it feels like a get out of jail card at higher degrees.
3. Ayato, Kazuha, Albedo and Lumine
Since this is the first day and things are going to get harder as days progress. I think it’s important to try to figure out the character traits we don’t currently know yet because it’s the best time to do so. Especially the ones that give off red flags because one way or another we are going to encounter them and I say best to do it now with no debuffs, assignments, debts etc. As for Lumine, well we still have her phone so I think she owes us a favor if we can give it to her.
4. Ayato (Yes I know I put him in q3)
Being on a date and having a character's affection at a high level doesn’t mean you know the character traits so thats why I put him in q3 3. As for my reasons to have him in question 4... “Secret admirers are difficult to find and are known to be the most dangerous wild cards! They may be your saving grace or potential ticket to death row, it all depends on how you impact them.” So far he is the only one that we have currently discovered that has that. The fact that the game is straight up warns us players about him being the death of us or being super helpful shows alot about Ayato’s potential so I want to be on his good side. Unlike some yanderes, most likely he isn’t going to be bragging about the kiss or date unless someone brings it up. Based on his personality in Genshin he isn’t the type to draw unwanted attention but rather dance in the shadows and be cunning like a puppeteer. He is a smooth talker due to being the Yashiro commissioners dealing with politics so he isn’t going to do anything reckless outwrite but instead plan carefully and manipulate situations to suit his interests. He has spies that relay information back to him so it makes me wonder if he has any dirt/ useful information on other characters. This would be helpful as it allows us to make better decisions and survive. Idk if the Shuumatsuban in this au are able to assassinate anyone Ayato chooses but that too could play to our own advantage if that is the case.
I haven’t had the chance to get to it yet but I’m so glad I did now! (>^ω^<)
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2-dsimp ¡ 1 year
1. Club - Martial Arts. Of course, given how we died and several other disasters in the last round, we’ve gotta be strong and fight back. Not to mention, Farty Tarty is nuttier than squirrel shit, so appealing to his good side by being in his club may extend our free life trial some.
2. Seduction and Intelligence - That being said, we’re the one whose milkshake brings all the boys (and girls) to the yard, so in instances where they get a wee bit too lustful, we need to beckon to them and stay alive in addition to our strength. Also, brains is always plentiful in survival genres; ‘nough said.
3. Diluc, Zhongli, Hu Tao, and Itto - Dil and Li are among the calmer of the menfolk, plus we rly didn’t get to see much of either (or at all with dragon boi) last round. Diluc doesn’t seem as likely to harm US as he is others, but I could be wrong on that. Either way, getting him in a good mood would be beneficial, I feel. Zhongli’s also part of the tutoring thing or w/e, so being on his good side may raise our smarts. Hu Tao’s profile states she’ll protect us from harm by mercilessly pranking those out to get us, so if we piss off any rivals (as in, those who like the admirers), she’ll be handy. Lastly, Mr. One And Oni Brain Cell has the Arataki Gang, so if the Hu Tao idea falls through, we’ll have several bodyguards on hand in addition to their himbo leader who’s already powerful/intimidating as is. People would leave us alone knowing we’re associated w/ them, even if it might bite us a bit. Itto’d be good for a last resort.
4. Date w/ Xiao, Kiss Diluc - As many have pointed out, Evil Conquering seems like he genuinely cares about us in his own, distorted way. I wanted so badly to help him after his fall last time, but nooooo... 😒😒😒 which is why, he at least deserves kinder treatment this time around, I feel. With Diluc, well... okay, I’m talking primarily out of my crush on him, but he’s also a gentleman willing to be our knight in shining armor and a beyond worthy first kiss (plus his lips probably taste like grapes, sooooo 😋🥰).
May the odds be ever in our favor, and may our hearts be our guiding keys.
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2-dsimp ¡ 1 year
I got an itty bitty thingy for survival kit
We gotta get to Kokomi's good side since at her description it said said she punishes the student depending on how they are and we might get punished if we keep making bad choices since 2-ds said she's "harmless" and we can't always trust the quotation marks plus we don't even know what's she's feeling in the inside.
There's many dangerous yanderes (scara, Lumine, ayato etc) so we might get de-buffs if we picked the the wrong choices so looking at their description once again might help us.
Now that's pretty muchly all I hoped I helped :)
Half of your survival kit has been submitted (>^ω^<) and your participation is much appreciated!
Only 4 days left until the second life begins!
(I’ll start dropping the recent updates for the game following up till the release of the 2nd life and if you dear players have any questions just hit me up!)
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2-dsimp ¡ 1 year
Ok i will elaborate my survival kit later cuz i need to think well, but i can say for sure that the skills we need are seduction and stealth since ya'll are too horny(me) and It Will help us sneak around and pass the horny events more easily
The club we should join is definetly the martial arts because we need to learn something that help us with situations like the Bully one in our 1st life
Half of your survival kit has been received (>^ω^<)
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2-dsimp ¡ 1 year
1) Marital Arts Club. This life is much more dangerous than before and we need a way to deal with threats.
2) Intelligence and Stealth. We can use Intelligence as a peacefully way to negotiate or handle matters with admirers, allies, rivals, etc. Strength can be used as the back up. I think Stealth is important in avoiding potentially dangerous people or situations. It's also essential in gaining intel ourselves.
3) Kokomi, Heizou, Ayato, and Xiao
The reason why I want to see Kokomi and Heizou is simple. I want to establish allies in the Student Council or Discipline Committee. Kokomi looks more approachable than Kuni. And the reason why I didn't say Thoma? Well to add girls into the mix. Add some spice to the bland. You know what I mean. Also we can use Heizou to get intel on other admirers. We need a powerful allly and that ally is either Lumine or Ayato right now. I think it's too dangerous if both powers were to meet, especially on day 1. So I'll pick Ayato since we can find his profile and find out who he truly is. We're bound to Xiao and Kuni until the debuffs are taken care of. It's will be more tedious working on Kuni, so we soon start working on that as soon as possible.
4) Ayato or Kuni
I'm not a simp a swear. I prefer Hu Tao or Heizou personally. We kinda own Ayato from our last life and it's helpful to appeal to him. I think he has that whole thing with loyalty like ingame, so we would show him we belong to him and him only. If we take Kuni out, it can count as one of the three gifts we own him
Thanks for submitting your survival kit!
Friendly reminder once the female admirers Hu Tao and kokomi are out the survival kit event will be officially closed!
Occult club member! Hu Tao will be coming very soon!
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2-dsimp ¡ 1 year
My vote for the Skillset one
So after multiple rethinking and knowledge gathering, for number 1.
I choose sports club. Ehm, I chose this to stay away from dangerous people and maintain a non yandereish character relation towards. cough cough bennett cough. Anyway, we could also get closer towards gorou right? I've heard through the club members gorou is apart of sangonomiya gang as well so that should make it useful. 2. I choose Intelligence and stealth. If we choose sports club, surely we can automatically have some strength boost a little? Also, for intelligence, it will be useful in a tight situation along with stealth as well. 3. This one is easy, its Lumine, Ayato, Heizou, Kazuha. Lumine-dangerous so we need her by our side Ayato-same as lumine Heizou-for student council relations etc we need protection from student council and understand some info while we're at it Kazuha-sus and either dangerous or a wolf in sheep's clothing.
4. ehm this one is hard...So we have to give our first kiss to someone...That means it must be given to someone powerful for us. So, we got ayato, lumine and other hidden/secret admirers.... Hmm, I'll give it to uh heizou or info kun. Idk the reasoning its pure random. So, for number 4, I'll leave it to the smart logical people.
Thanks for submitting your survival kit! (>^ω^<)
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