ask-edelmann · 12 years
Are you a zombie?
One: Uh...No....I don't think so, at least.
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winter-ler · 12 years
Thank's Winter.. *kisses winter's cheek, blushing*
o ^ o!!
It's no problem at all u v u~ 
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baalzethor · 12 years
indigo, orange, yellow, Violet
Indigo: Two weaknesses
uhm, my short temper and i get emotional rather easily
Orange: Six fears
oh gosh, i don't think i have that many.. lets see, i'm afraid of the dark, slight fear of being touched, needles, slight fear of heights and being alone for the rest of my life.
Yellow: five turn ons
pervert  neck touching ( i have a sensitive neck), coughshowermakeoutscough, whispers against my ear (my ears are rather sensitive too), back massage or back stroking, neck kisses
Violet: one thing you love
my girlfriend, Stacia
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theyouthfultycoon · 12 years
Cool hat~ Can I wear it?
...No!It's mine...
even if it's stupid.
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winter-ler · 12 years
I'm just protecting you... I don't want you to get hurt.. *pulls his chin up*
Get Hurt?? I'ts nice that you want to protect me but I think I can handle a few wired anons on my own ,heh. *Gives a reassuring smile*
Really, Pink, I'm okay, I won't get hurt okay? I promise. Just...Are you sure YOU'RE okay...?;;
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baalzethor · 12 years
I have a feeling I should Punish you!~
why? i didn't do anything wrong did i?
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baalzethor · 12 years
What If I touch you... In a different way..?
say what?
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