#survivor hakan
reading a review of my favorite book and the two things the review violently loathes abt it are the two things that made it my favorite book
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cfs-melkire · 7 months
He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe.
He managed to get one lungful of air, one deep draught of refreshing air, down before he choked on it, before his galloping heart pulsed against the tight knot in his chest and sent his brain a message etched across a hundred thousand nerves that he was not alright, that he wouldn't be alright, that he would never be alright again.
He was the sole survivor.
Hakan broke down sobbing.
It was all a blur. Most things had been a blur since the intimacy with the twins had been kindled by Iona and then set ablaze by Elias. The loft, that had been, and the Waterways hideout after he'd confessed. He couldn't bear to think of it now but it came unbidden to his mind, the shock of the other man's touch upon Hakan's bare chest as he'd been pushed down and the other man's breath against the base of one ear as he'd whispered, "My sister and I share everything."
He hadn't known that to be the truth at the time, and so the shame and guilt of the thing had fanned the thrill into passion.
The following moons had been a tangled mess all their own, worse than his braids on their worst suns. First, Iona had asserted her rights, and the twins had bickered until they'd reached an arrangement between themselves. They had included Hakan in the conversation as an afterthought, which would have unsettled him further had he not been so completely windswept and discombobulated – that had been a fun word to learn from Lidenbok Books – by everything that had happened. Second, no one had told Raif a damned thing. The twins had seemed content on keeping the whole affair a secret from their father – as was their right, he thought, they were grown adults by the measure of Humes and children no longer – and the Viera had not been able to bring himself to so much as broach the topic, not even at a tangent.
The blur encompassed everything: his training, his idle moments walking the aqueducts, their assignments, his forays into the southern quarter, their heated interludes. He'd been living in a fog which had clouded his every waking moment. He couldn't remember much in detail.
He could remember the blood.
They'd sat down to their usual evening meal, after closing up the restaurant, only to realize that Elias was missing. He'd gone out on assignment that sun, to the western quarter, and he hadn't come back. This was not highly unusual; sometimes assignments required discretion in returning home, and such discretion often made for delays. They'd eaten without him, saved him a few cold servings to be reheated later. 
He'd not been back the following sun, either. Nor the one after that. By the third sun, Raif was shooting down Iona's requests in favor of sending Hakan out.
The blur continued. He couldn't recall what the assignment had been, nor its significance, nor how he'd picked up the trail, from where, from whom. All that he could remember was walking into the room, seeing Elias chained and hanging from the ceiling, watching Miriam's eyes grow cold as she turned and – in spite of his desperate pleas – ran Elias through with her sword.
What followed was still a blur, but he knew that they'd crossed blades, that her footwork had been impeccable, that he'd not been afforded even an instant in which to contemplate forming a mudra, and that only by dint of his greater strength had he been able to fend off her greater skill. That, in the end, he had won out because of what he was, and what she was not.
He had listened to her breathing and to her heartbeat. He had heard her decide for the lunge before she could have registered that'd made the choice.  He had parried, stepped in, and stabbed her, cut her open from her navel to her chest.
There had been nothing he could have done for Elias, no opportunity to recover his body. In truth, Hakan had barely managed to escape the building himself. He had left him there, and that would haunt him.
The blur continued. The restaurant billowing flames. Iona, badly wounded on the rooftop across the street, clutching at him, begging him to do something. There was nothing to be done. Hakan watched, horrified, as – surrounded by an entire platoon of city guards – Captain Bafram first berated a bloody, beaten Raif for his impetuousness in taking in the Viera, the self-same Viera who had slaughtered Bafram's entire gang and sent him groveling to Miriam Janeth for support, Miriam Janeth who had deputized Bafram on the spot on suspicion that Doman spies had been responsible for making the Viera disappear.
And then Captain Bafram lopped off Raif's head.
The blur continued. He wasn't sure how he'd managed it, doubling back across the city in secrecy and with Iona in tow. He could remember slamming his fist against the door and hissing, "Let us in!"
"Hakan?" grumbled a deep voice. "That you?"
"Yes, Sala, it's me. I… we need help."
"...side door's open. Quickly."
So they'd shuffled inside, themselves in shambles, and they'd had to wait out an argument between the Seeq brothers thanks to Vazz. The sandwich maker had concerns over harboring fugitives, but Iona's wounds decided the matter: neither brother could stand idly by and allow a pretty little thing like her to bleed to death. One of them had seen them to the attic, and the other had gone for a doctor who could be trusted.
It hadn't mattered. In spite of bandages, in spite of her self-control, in spite of medicines… she bled out before the doctor arrived. The blur, by some cruel trick of mercy, ended just before she did.
"We were… you were… so lucky. We don't always get… to choose. Me… Elias… you and… Soraya. Lucky. See her–"
'Again' might have been her last word, but it hadn't been.
That was what broke him.
He was still sobbing, cradling Iona in his arms, when Sala brought the doctor up.
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ricard-blythe-ffxiv · 2 years
Part 1
Part 2
In the inky pitch of night, the wreck of the skyship they'd come for became visible courtesy of a dozen specks of light that littered its form. It was keeled over, pressed hard against a jutting crystal formation that lay to its starboard side that climbed high into the sky; another knife on the Khadga-- Or a tombstone as it were, the belly of the vessel partially exposed. Testament to its violent landing, deep gouges in the earth could just barely be made out, trailing from the stern, engine parts scattered amidst.
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What was more, the pall that was the storm had been steadily growing in strength, gales turning harsher by the second with strikes of lightning becoming more frequent. Time was of the essence; If they couldn't secure the ship and its hold in time, calling The Skydancer and transferring the cargo to it would be an impossibility. They would have to abandon the mission at best, and wait out the storm itself on top of that at worst.
Neither outcome was appealing to Hakan; he was not one to fail.
Whether the survivors of the wreck had heard the bark of the gunshot or not, he'd taken the liberty of snatching a rifle from one of the dead pirates he'd killed and tossed it to Ricard before they closed with the wreck. If they couldn't have information they'd at least have more firepower, and though it didn't match the quality of his own, Garlean designed firearms were nothing to scoff at – it was also better than having just a pistol. 
Ricard’s brow furrowed for a moment as he looked over the weapon for a moment, putting away his pistol in favor of the rifle for the time being. He scowled, his eyes narrowing at something imprinted on the weapon’s side for a moment before scanning the area, his jaw clenching as he focused on a group of nearby supplies for the briefest of moments before turning to look at Hakan, adjusting the weapon in his grip.
“Contact just called in, we’ve an hour at best before the weather overtakes us, and if not the weather then the Radiant Host. They’ve been doing their best to hold them off, but even the best distractions only last for so long. So, let’s see the inside of this ship, shall we?” 
With the clock already ticking, Ricard moved forward, still carefully and mindful of their surroundings, weapon at the ready towards the opening in the side of the ship. He knew their numbers were…slim, but he’d thought they’d have found more resistance than what they’d come across so far. Carefully he moved into the ship, the terrain shifting from rock to metal, and his footsteps slowed as he heard voices echoing from just up ahead.
“Captain is with it?”
“Aye, though it won’t matter whose with it if we all die up here will it?” 
“Actin’ like we’re never gettin’ off this rock.”
“Ever fought the Radiant Host?”
Ricard glanced back over his shoulder, waving Hakan forward as he continued to take quiet steps forward, carefully checking around each corner and moving swiftly down each hallway, moving further and further into the wreck, towards what he imagined would be the most defensible position. He slowed momentarily as they passed the supplies just outside, eyes narrowing at one of the crests on the boxes and making a mental note.
Behind the goggles, Hakan's eyes narrowed. He didn't say a word, simply covered the ground between them and the wreck. The supplies outside garnered fleeting attention and went mostly ignored; whatever treasures they bore, none of it was what they'd come for. What did nag at him as he was the complete absence of sentries. Gunshot heard or not, it was foolish to just let anyone walk right in without any resistance.
He followed a few steps behind Ricard, rifle sweeping left to right to check the angles as well while he began to heard the voices within. They were calm, the words spoken breezily in spite of the situation. A storm overhead, their position night untenable to all knowledge, the Radiant Host--
Like a switch flipped, realization dawned on Hakan. He practically leapt forward to grab Ricard by the back of his collar to rip him backwards and into cover before he'd finished moving. 
In that same moment a click was heard. 
A bright flash and blast tore outwards from the lower right of the hall to the left, shrapnel impacting with metal and ricocheting off to hit the opposite wall again. Smoke filled the corridor, the too casual conversation replaced with complete silence. 
Then a pair of boots was stomping down the hall, a body barreling through it with a gunblade raised and ready to chop down.
Ricard had barely turned at the hand on his collar before he was yanked back behind cover. Instinctively he curled back,somehow managing to avoid the shrapnel, his grip on the rifle tightening as he heard the boots stomping down the hall. 
It took him only a moment to shake his head and gather his thoughts, which was good - as a moment was all he had. He heard the sound of metal on metal, and peeked his head around the edge of the cover for a quick moment, catching a glimpse of their attacker for a brief moment. 
Highlander. Armed to the teeth. And clearly not intent on letting them move any further down this hall than they already had.
Ricard’s gaze cut briefly to Hakan for a moment as he adjusted his hold on his rifle. The whole wreck knew they were there now, no point in being quiet.
No sooner had Hakan ripped Ricard back did he release him. His ears rang at the detonation, brief sparks of light going off in the smoke cloud as the rattle echoed through the hall. He was used to such sights and sounds though, the only reason he wasn't disoriented. A good thing, too, as the blade wielding highlander didn't stop his advance after having missed cleaving  Ricard. 
That wasn’t the all of it however; There was the crack of gunfire and small swirls appeared in the smoke cloud to the right of the pirate as a hail of bullets punched through it. One clipped Hakan in the shoulder, another impacted his side. A harsh grunt escaped, teeth gritting beneath the mask. His armour held, the pain registered briefly and then nothing. Just another thing he was used to enduring.
Ricard had heard the grunt and glanced up, the action leaving him exposed to the hail of bullets. One clipped his ear, another his arm, and a third his side, and since he lacked the armor that Hakan was fortunate enough to have, it was only through adrenaline, and now pure spite, that he managed to turn and fire off a quick burst before ducking into the nearest available cover before the flashbang went off. 
Lifting his rifle with one hand, Hakan squeezed the trigger and fired off a quick burst into the visible foe in front of them, forcing the vanguard to erect a shield instead of charging them again. Only a single shot connected, staggering the man due to how little space there was between them. It was enough to buy time for him to slip a sphere no bigger than his palm from a pouch, compress a button with his thumb, and lob it down the hall to where the rest of the crew was.
"Flashbang," he called and warned.
He ducked around a corner and a few seconds after he’d spoken the grenade went off. A clap of thunder, a brilliant flash of light, followed by disoriented shouts.
The Ishgardian attempted to cover his ears while closing his eyes, and once the initial blast was done he quickly did was he could to wrap his arm before adjusting his hold on his weapon once more. After a quick glance at their surroundings he caught sight of two of the shipmates advancing on them through the smoke.
“Not today, fuckers.” Ricard ducked out from cover long enough to fire a couple of quick rounds at the pair, before ducking back into cover once again, cursing to himself for a moment as he looked around for anything in the immediate area that they could exploit. 
The flashbang had done its job, disorienting the group beyond the gunblader at the end of the hallway some, left the pair trying to join the vanguard vulnerable to the shots Ricard snapped off. One took two to the chest, was knocked back into the wall; they slumped over, their body becoming hidden in the smoke. The other stumbled and fell to a knee as a bullet ripped into their leg, an unintelligible curse escaping.
"Cover, co--" A harsh growl as their leg buckled when the attempted to immediately stand again, "Cover fire!"
Another series of cracks and a hail tore through the smoke following the order, forcing Hakan back into cover himself to avoid being riddled with holes. His equipment was good, but it wasn't that good. The hallway had turned into a damned killbox. A quick peek and he could already see the man Ricard had wounded picking themselves up, the vanguard beginning their advance again without dropping the barrier. The shipmate knew what they were doing. Veterans, then. 
Staying pinned behind cover until the enemy was upon them wasn't an option, nor was retreat. They'd just get run down, shot in the back. 
In Hakan's mind that left them with only one viable choice. He slid down the wall, gear scraping against the metal, and went into a crouch. Waited until the firing stopped. When it did he turned the corner and burst from cover to charge the Highlander as they got closer still. Something familiar about the man registered in the recesses of his mind, but it was quickly shunted away. 
A series of whip-snaps echoed in the corridor as Hakan unloaded into the magick barrier while he charged, shattering it just as he got in close to leave the highlander exposed for what came next. Moving inside his space, he grabbed at the wrist holding the sword to throw it aside with one hand while thrusting his arm up to catch the man beneath the chin with the palm of his magitek hand. There was a crack that didn’t come from another bullet being discharged– nor was he finished. Grabbing the man by the side of their head while they were disoriented, he smashed it into the wall before spinning the body around to soak up the rain of fire that started once again. 
Ricard used Hakan’s movements to his advantage, as he’d drawn the attention of not just the man he was locked in close combat with, but also those further down the hall who had been providing cover fire. Those, who he knew couldn’t be that many in number, including one who was injured. He carefully moved, listening and marking where the gunfire was coming from and when there was a break in the fire popped out to fire off several more rounds in his advance, aiming to take at least one of the remaining three men out as it seemed Hakan already had his hands full. 
All the while, that mindful count continued;  keeping track of just how much time they had left and just how quickly these assholes needed to die. 
The shipmate Ricard had managed to get in the leg earlier grunted in surprise as another of the Ishgardian's rounds found their mark; his head snapped backwards, the back of his skull exploding outwards in a mist of blood and greymatter the bullet tore through. The gun clattered to the ground and followed closely after by the body. 
A loud curse. "Julius' down!" Another barrage.
Hakan's meatshield did its job though, the former gunblader in his grip taking the onslaught for him. The pirates at the end of the corridor had either written their crewmate off as dead the moment he was disarmed, or simply didn't care. Hakan was willing to bet the former, though it wasn't as if the corpse in his hold could've screamed 'wait' with a broken jaw and a concussion while they were briefly alive. 
Through the storm of bullets, Hakan followed Ricard, albeit more slowly given the cover he was dragging with him weighed almost as much as he did. Knowing what kind of weapons they pirates had possession of, recalling how many shots had been fired already, he began to do the math...The barrage stopped and he made his gamble. 
Dropping the bloodied corpse, its purpose having been served, he drew a combat knife and barreled down the corridor past Ricard to close the distance between him and the remaining gunners at the end while they were reloading, boots clanging loudly upon the metal grates. 
"Fuck, he's--"
It was all one of the remaining pirates could shout in warning before the Dalmascan was suddenly on them and in their space. A kick to the midsection of one sent them flying back into a wall with a heavy thud, buying Hakan the time he needed to deal with the other. It only took a few movements, one to knock away the gun before it could fire into him, another to slice through tendons in the wrist that held it so the firearm was dropped, and one more to slit the pirates throat.
Fire blossomed in Hakan's back. His spine arched and he fell to a knee first, fell sideways after with his shoulder crashing against the wall before he collapsed into it. 
The Captain of the ship made his presence known, the barrels of both his pistols smoking. He continued past Hakan into the hallway, writing him off as taken care of. Ricard was next, the guns pointing toward him and spitting out death. 
“Shouldn’ta come tah my ship.”
Ricard dove to cover, a round clipping his calf - his informant hadn’t been lying, the man was quite accurate. “Perhaps you should’ve done a better job of steering your ship and none of us would be in this particular situation!”
The Ishgardian did the math in his head – the other crew members were dead, which meant it was just the captain that remained, but the he’d seen Hakan go down and rushing the captain head on wasn’t an option; not unless he could distract the man for more than a few moments. Ricard weighed the rifle in his hands for a moment before his jaw set as he found some steel resolve and despite everything he decided he wasn’t about to be outdone on a job by a pirate. 
"Poor insult makes fer poor last words," the Captain spat. A steady barrage was directed into the wall to keep Ricard down while he inched closer and closer, alternating shots between his two pistols. The man wasn't about to let himself run out of ammo at an inopportune time like the pair behind him had. 
Ricard dared to peek around the corner unloading what rounds remained in the rifle as he rushed forward and when none remained he launched the rifle forward with all the momentum he could manage towards the Captain’s hands, anything to try and knock his own weapon loose. He rushed forward, knowing what slowing down would mean, and shoulder tackled the captain, reaching for his knife as he worked to wrestle one of the pistols out of the man’s grasp. The Ishgardian was bold to make the move he did, perhaps the only move he could have given the situation. 
He swerved to the side and made himself as small a target as possible, the remaining rounds from Ricard's rifle whistling by, but it left him open to the gun itself being thrown. Unfortunately for the Ricard however, it was only half effective as only one arm was needed to knock it aside, which allowed for the other pistol to bark again and fire into the Ishgardian's leg before he was tackled. 
A growl tore from man, scarred face twisting into a grimace as a shoulder collided with his gut and he was pushed back a handful of steps. He didn't collapse though, not as Ricard tried to wrench away the pistol in his left hand, not as the knife that was brought to bear punched into his side. Perhaps up close the Ishgardian would come to realize the difference between them as they struggled, the Captain being in a greater weight class by an order of magnitude. If not, Ricard would realize when the butt of the pistol he still had free reign with came crashing down into Ricard's shoulder before the Captain attempted to hurl him bodily away.
Nearby, Hakan expelled labored breaths into his mask, his head tipped back and gaze fixed briefly on the deck above. He wasn't sure just how many rounds had pierced his body armor beneath the jacket he wore, but he knew the answer was 'enough.'
Across from him the body of the pirate he kicked moaned, began to slowly stir from where they were likewise crumpled into a heap against the wall. He couldn't have that. Lowering his gaze and unholstering his pistol, he brought the weapon and took aim; fired a shot first into the man's head to spatter the wall with blood, then fired twice more into the man's chest out of habit just to be sure.  
Only the Captain was left; with that almost-certainty in mind, Hakan started to, painfully, pick himself up, blood smearing up the wall as he used it to support himself. 
Ricard grunted as the butt of the Captain’s pistol made contact with his shoulder. He could hear the crack of bone and felt something slip out of place, but there wasn’t time to worry about it and he was nothing if not annoyingly persistent.  So, despite the pain radiating through his leg and his shoulder, and despite the waves of nausea he was somehow holding back, he managed to maintain his grip, twisting the knife in the man’s side for good measure. One leg, he realized very quickly, was not going to be able to hold weight but he just needed to knock the man the slightest bit off balance.
The captain choked back a scream at first as the knife was driven deep, loosed a guttral noise into the air accompanied by flecks of blood and spittle as the blade was turned. When Ricard continued to push however, he could contain his pain no longer and a howl tore through the corridor. The gun in his left hand fell so he could grab at the knife in his side, and again the butt of the pistol still in his right came down hard before the strength in him fled entirely.
Staggering back, the Captain created the opportunity that Ricard had been seeking to create. But as it happened, it gave the Captain an opportunity of his own. His pistol shakily rose, fixed to be pointed at the intruder-- "You little shite," he growled behind crimson stained teeth.
Ricard leaned into the the knife already embedded in the man’s side, thrusting it up as he braced on his good leg, trying to push the captain back by not fulms…but ilms, just enough to put the slightest bit of distance between the two of them and allow him to pull his pistol from his belt and fire off one shot. “I’ve been called…worse!”
Down the corridor and beyond the doorway, Hakan for his part struggled to accomplish his goal. He half fell to the ground a second time, an arm snapping out to slap against the wall in an effort to stop the descent. Far from becoming cold at the loss of blood, his body began to warm, heat building and rolling off in waves as something within beckoned for release. He'd not give it though, not in the belly of a ship filled with who knows what besides ceruleum. Instead he reached for a pouch at his thigh, hand fumbling before attaining access. Bloody, grasping fingers pulled free a syringe. The cap was torn free, the needle stabbed into his leg. One second. Two--
Behind opaque lenses, golden hues contracted, pupils becoming pinpricks, then blowing wide, dilating, until there was only a thin ring of molten gold around black before it settled. As if he hadn’t been injured at all he surged to his feet with a new strength and rounded the corner, the shot of adrenaline clattering to the floor. In its place, a pistol was lifted and pointed at the Captain's back.
He squeezed the trigger. 
The hammer of the Captain's pistol fell, the gun barked.
Ricard was given his shot.
And he took advantage of it. He managed to wrestle the pistol free as he landed with a grunt on his back, hearing two shots fire within the span of a single second. He saw the Captain jerk forward, the man’s shot missing him by ilms, if even that, and quickly lifted the pistol and fired off two shots in quick succession.
There was an eerie stillness within the wreck before the clatter of metal on metal echoed throughout as the Captain’s remaining pistol fell from his hand and his corpse toppled to the floor, complete with two new holes between his eyes.
Ricard rolled to his right side, his left was beat to hell, and tried to survey his surroundings. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off the pain was starting to set in and the job still wasn’t done. 
“Belgrave? Still alive out there?”
Utilizing a nearby railing Ricard managed to pull himself up onto his good leg and hobbled over to the corpse of the Captain, firing a couple more rounds into the man’s chest for good measure before quickly searching his person for any documents or papers of interest all the while listening out for Hakan’s response.
Expression hidden, Hakan stared at the crumpled body of the Captain, shoulders and chest heaving with each breath he took. He didn't stare long however, shifting his gaze to Ricard as he lay first upon the floor, then rose to begin patting the Captain down for anything of note. There was doubt that he'd find much, but that wasn't of main concern to him.
They were only half finished with the job.
With the pain dulled for the moment, Hakan strode down the corridor. The pistol in his hand was shoved back into its holster, a heavy bag pulled free of his jacket. Pausing by Ricard, he unzipped it and pulled free a vial that he proceeded to unstopper and drink. The bag itself was dropped next to the man, landing with a thud. 
"Medkit," was all Hakan said before continuing past, following the corridor until he was at the exit. 
Ricard paused in his actions as Hakan moved past, offering the man a nod as the medkit was dropped next to him before continuing his search. His eyes narrowed as he pulled an envelope from the Captain’s vest, labeled with the same crest as the rifle and the other supplies that he’d seen outside. 
Another issue for another day, Ricard tucked the envelope away before easing down onto the floor next to the medkit and methodically going about doing his best to wrap his leg and to create a makeshift sling, impressive feats with a barely working left arm. The other nicks and cuts he’d have tended to once they were back on The Skydancer. He searched through the kit, finding something to relieve the pain and downed it quickly. He waited for it to take effect before gritting his teeth and utilizing a nearby railing once again to pull himself to his feet once more, hoisting up the medkit with his good arm and slowly making his way towards the entrance.
Reaching up, Hakan undid a clasp and removed the lower portion of the mask that covered his face. He breathed in the stormy air. A few more steps took him fully outside the wreck, and then he was moving into flats around it. His hand went for a second gun, a large bore pistol. Aiming it up, he squeezed the trigger. A flare round burst into the night a few seconds after, illuminating the dark, signalling The Skydancer to begin their approach. Tossing the gun aside, he procured a few sticks, snapping and shaking them before tossing them here and there so a landing site could be made out in the vicinity.
Making his way back to the wreck, he turned and fell on his ass at the entrance. Tipped his head back. Waited. Now, Hakan was done. The rest could be handled by The Skydancer’s crew.
It took Ricard several minutes to find his way out, taking several stops along the way to lean heavily against the wall, and sinking to the ground as soon as he reached fresh air, which happened to coincide with the landing of The Skydancer. He swallowed roughly, heavy eyelids closing as his head rested back against the warped metal. All that was left to do was wait, let the crew do their job, and ride back to the estate…hopefully in a state of medicated unconsciousness.
He'd see about contacting the medical staff when they got closer.
Collab writing with: @belgravexiv
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korkutkalkan · 13 days
TV8 ekranlarının sevilen programı Survivor All Star, 13 Nisan Cumartesi akşamı 84. bölümyle ekranlara geldi. Hakan Hatipoğlu'nun vedası sonrası ilk dokunulmazlık oyununda tansiyon yine yükseldi.DOKUNULMAZLIK OYUNUNDA KAVGAYaman, oyunda çıkış hatası yapınca kırmızı takım itiraz etti. Ogeday, "Yunus Emre senlik bir şey yok" dedi. Bunun üzerine Yunus Emre de hakaret edince ortalık karıştı.OGEDAY VE YUNUS EMRE BİRBİRİNE GİRDİOgeday duyduklarından sonra sakin kalamayarak Yunus Emre'ye saldırdı. Yarışmacılar, ikiliyi ayıramayınca yapım ekibi de araya girdi.Oyunu 12-9 mavi takım kazanırken; Acun Ilıcalı ada konseyinde kavganın taraflarına söz verdi.ACUN ILICALI ÇİLEDEN ÇIKTI. "SEN OLAY ÇIKARMAYA GELMİŞSİN"Ilıcalı, Yunus Emre'ye "Senlik bir şey yok diyince sen hakaret ediyorsun. Çünkü zaten hakaret etmek istiyorsun. Bence sen kötü söz söylemeyi kendine alışkanlık edinmişsin. Sen olayın içindeki problemsin. Problemi çıkartan sensin. Normal medeni bir şekilde tartışamıyorsun. Bu kadar cezayı yiyip uslanmamak neden olur sence? Konseye gelip hala burada posta koyuyorsun. Burada herkes düzgün duruyor, sen duramıyorsun. Benim Survivor'daki konseylerimin yarısı senle konuşmakla geçti. Şu an da bile tavırlarına bak zaten durum onu gösteriyor. Sen olay çıkarmaya gelmişsin. Olayı çıkardın, tutmak isteyen adama bile sataşıyorsun. Olay çıkartmak için sebep arayan, en ufak tartışmada her türlü tepkiyi veren sensin. Zaten kendini haklı görüyorsun. Biz seni ikna etmek zorunda değiliz. Olabilir o da zaten kafa gittikten sonra insan kendini haklı görerek bu tip şeyleri yapmaya başlar" dedi.8 OYUNDAN VE ÖDÜLDEN MEN CEZASIArdından Yunus Emre'nin cezasını açıklayan Ilıcalı, yarışmacının 8 oyunda oynamayacağını, 8 tane de ödül cezası aldığını söyledi.
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booncukhollywood · 18 days
Survivor'dan elendikten sonra haber alınamayan Poyraz, günler sonra ortaya çıktı
Survivor’dan elendikten sonra haber alınamayan Poyraz, günler sonra ortaya çıktı TV8 ekranlarında yayınlanan Survivor All Star’ın 4 Nisan’da yayınlanan bölümünde Hakan, Sercan, Özgür ve Poyraz arasında yapılan düelloda kaybederek elenen isim Poyraz oldu. Final adaylarından gösterilen Poyraz’ın vedası herkesi derinden etkilerden … TV8 ekranlarında yayınlanan Survivor All Star’ın 4 Nisan’da…
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dakikamagazin · 18 days
Survivor'dan elendikten sonra haber alınamayan Poyraz, günler sonra ortaya çıktı
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hearthstonc · 4 months
who? @romeoverga where? hakan's party, on one of the castle balconies notes: some catch up between apocalypse survivors <3
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"Is it too loud for you too?" She asks as she keeps her gaze fixed on the darkness, trying to count the stars above in hopes of keeping the growing headache at bay. Civilization is still too much at long doses, after years of death and despair, and her senses are far too used to that silence and emptiness to manage through the sounds and the smell for to long without breaking a glass or seventeen. "Or is it the smell?" She wonders before sighing. "Or is that just me."
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jenforyeshua · 1 year
Turkey finds new survivor nearly 12 days after deadly earthquake
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
Earthquake in Turkey | Three new survivors emerged from the rubble in Antakya
Sorry, your browser does not support videos (Antakya) Four new survivors, including a 14-year-old boy, have been rescued from the rubble of Antakya, in southern Turkey, more than 260 hours after the earthquake that devastated the region, Turkish authorities reported on Friday and the press. Hakan Yasinoglu, 45 years old according to the private channel NTV, was found on the twelfth day of the…
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bunedycom · 1 year
Survivor 2023’e Çok Güzel Hareketler Bunlar’dan bomba transfer! BKM Mutfak'ta keşfedilmişti
Survivor 2023’e Çok Güzel Hareketler Bunlar’dan bomba transfer! BKM Mutfak’ta keşfedilmişti
Yapımcılığını Necati Akpınar’ın üstlendiği ve yönetmenlik koltuğunda Hakan Algül’ün oturduğu Çok Güzel Hareketler Bunlar isimli komedi programının oyuncusu Murat Eken’in yeni adresi belli oldu. Proje tasarımını ve görüntü yönetmenliğini Yılmaz Erdoğan’ın yaptığı skeç formatındaki Çok Güzel Hareketler sayesinde tanınırlık kazanan Murat Eken Survivor 2023 kadrosuna adını yazdırdı. Senaryosunu…
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cfs-melkire · 8 months
Three moons, they decided, ought to prove sufficient. Either he was safe to show himself now or he never would be, not within the city.
This seemed reasonable to everyone. After all, Hakan had done for each and every member of the crew which had set ought after him. If there was anyone left out there to hold a grudge, they were either a lone survivor by dint of having been elsewhere at the time or they were part of a much larger organization… in which case, the Viera was doomed no matter what he did. The risks, it was said, outweighed the benefits.
That didn't mean they weren't taking precautions. For one thing, Hakan would not be working at the restaurant. There were serious concerns that, if there were survivors after all, someone would trace Hakan back to Raif's family, would deduce that it had been the twins who'd taken him in. Such a scenario was untenable, and so Raif had called in a favor.
Old Eustine, she of the wooden tub, had a nephew who ran their own business on the west end of the city. This was some distance away, but that would only serve to shield Raif's family from suspicion. The nephew had apparently run into a spot of trouble with securing a line of credit when they'd first set up shop, and the twins' father had been the one – on Eustine's recommendation – to smooth things over by undersigning the younger man. The business had done well for itself ever since, and it was this business which would employ Hakan. It would provide good cover, to emerge into public life there rather than at the restaurant. Not everyone was convinced, however, that the arrangement would prove temporary.
"You might like it there," said Iona, a detached air about her as she washed that evening's dishes. "More to learn, more to do."
"Don't forget about us!" said Elias, as he dried off the plates and utensils as Iona passed them to him. "Y-you'd better visit on your days off!"
"Free time, too," said Hakan, dropping a hand on the boy's head and ruffling his hair.
Iona shot him a glare. "Not too often, or the whole thing's pointless!"
He resolved to respect that decision… insofar as he would gauge how long a trip it was on foot, to go back and forth. It would not do to walk most of an evening only to spend less than a bell with the twins before heading back. Good exercise, true, but too much even for him, and the girl was right: this ploy would not work if he was spotted coming and going.
This ploy might not work at all, he found himself thinking come the following morning, if I cannot even find the place.
Hakan stood at the top of the steps to a rather large building. He looked around again: there were other steps here and there leading up to different doors in the same building, on this same side, on this same street. Those doors were all of sturdier and more elegant construction, and they were all flanked by windows. These were decorated, or stained, and in one case an awning provided some much needed shade. This door, though, the door before which he stood, was not flanked by any windows. It was not elegant by any means; in fact, it looked quite shoddy. No decorations, no hanging planter out front… just the steps up to the door, and a sign pinned up alongside the door itself.
He knocked again. "Good morning?"
"Good morning, good morning!" he heard from within. "Terribly sorry, I was up all night cross-referencing Gotwald and Mujika, only just woke up half a bell ago, be right there, door's unlocked, come in!"
This was rather a lot, and he had no idea what "cross-referencing" meant, but he recognized names now when he heard them, and the invitation was impossible to mistake. Hakan grasped the handle and let himself inside.
He had to stop there, on the threshold, because he couldn't quite understand what he was seeing. Everywhere he looked, there were these shelves. One might expect shelves to hold all manner of things: tools, clothes, jars of food, or bottles of drink. These shelves held nothing of the sort. They were lined with blocks of leather, dyed all sorts of different colors, and there were an endless supply of them. It was more uncommon to see in this great room a shelf which was not fully packed and occupied than a shelf which featured not even an ilm to spare, much less any reasonable space. There were a few tables, too, and a counter, now that Hakan bothered to look, and even upon these were laid down a number of–
He squinted. Sandwiched between flaps of leather were sheafs of parchment.
A young man… much older than Elias and clearly into his full growth, but younger than Raif… set down three or four such volumes on the counter and then rushed over to greet his new guest. The fellow sported dirty blonde hair, worth a simple tunic and breeches, but his shoes were strange and so too the clasped cloak he wore. His eyes were a startling green, and upon his face sat spectacles akin to some which Hakan had glimpsed from time to time in Raif's restaurant.
The man reached out with a hand. Newly accustomed to this though he was, Hakan nevertheless took the proffered hand and shook it.
"You must be Hakan," said the excited fellow. "I'm Deiter, Deiter Lidenbok. Welcome to Lidenbok Books."
That was the right name, at least, but as for the rest? Hakan stared at him for a moment, and then looked around again.
"I don't understand," he said.
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habergecesi · 2 years
Survivor Şampiyonu Nisa Bölükbaşı Hakan Gence ile Sıkı Muhabbet’te
Survivor Şampiyonu Nisa Bölükbaşı Hakan Gence ile Sıkı Muhabbet’te
Nisa Bölükbaşı, ‘Survivor’ finalinin ardından ayağının tozuyla Hakan Gence ile buluştu. Şampiyon, kupasıyla objektife poz verdi, yarışmada yaşadıklarını tüm samimiyetiyle anlattı.     ‘Survivor’ şampiyonu Nisa Bölükbaşı, bu hafta Hakan Gence’nin konuğu oldu. “Hep ‘En iyi performans şampiyon oluyor’ diye alışılmış bir görüş vardı. Ama bu sefer farklı bir şampiyon çıkacağını hissediyordum” diyen…
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mevcutbilgi · 2 years
Survivor Şampiyonu Nisa Bölükbaşı Hakan Gence ile Sıkı Muhabbet’te
Survivor Şampiyonu Nisa Bölükbaşı Hakan Gence ile Sıkı Muhabbet’te
Nisa Bölükbaşı, ‘Survivor’ finalinin ardından ayağının tozuyla Hakan Gence ile buluştu. Şampiyon, kupasıyla objektife poz verdi, yarışmada yaşadıklarını tüm samimiyetiyle anlattı.     ‘Survivor’ şampiyonu Nisa Bölükbaşı, bu hafta Hakan Gence’nin konuğu oldu. “Hep ‘En iyi performans şampiyon oluyor’ diye alışılmış bir görüş vardı. Ama bu sefer farklı bir şampiyon çıkacağını hissediyordum” diyen…
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booncukhollywood · 22 days
Poyraz'ın Survivor All Star'dan elenmesine sevgilisi Yasmin Erbil'den yorum: Benim şampiyonum
Poyraz’ın Survivor All Star’dan elenmesine sevgilisi Yasmin Erbil’den yorum: Benim şampiyonum TV8 ekranlarında yayınlanan Survivor All Star’ın dün akşam yayınlanan bölümünde Poyraz, Hakan, Özgür ve Sercan arasında yapılan eleme düellosunda veda eden isim Poyraz oldu. Poyraz elenince gözyaşlarına boğulurken sevgilisi Yasmin Erbil’den de yorum … TV8 ekranlarında yayınlanan Survivor All Star’ın dün…
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dakikamagazin · 22 days
Poyraz'ın Survivor All Star'dan elenmesine sevgilisi Yasmin Erbil'den yorum: Benim şampiyonum
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saglikliorg · 2 years
Survivor Şampiyonu Nisa Bölükbaşı Hakan Gence ile Sıkı Muhabbet’te
Survivor Şampiyonu Nisa Bölükbaşı Hakan Gence ile Sıkı Muhabbet’te
Nisa Bölükbaşı, ‘Survivor’ finalinin ardından ayağının tozuyla Hakan Gence ile buluştu. Şampiyon, kupasıyla objektife poz verdi, yarışmada yaşadıklarını tüm samimiyetiyle anlattı.     ‘Survivor’ şampiyonu Nisa Bölükbaşı, bu hafta Hakan Gence’nin konuğu oldu. “Hep ‘En iyi performans şampiyon oluyor’ diye alışılmış bir görüş vardı. Ama bu sefer farklı bir şampiyon çıkacağını hissediyordum” diyen…
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