#suspending disbelief is a big thing in the rpc <3
surelevi · 2 years
who: @gumdrcp​ what: routine check-up ! where: vet clinic
bringing chlorine, his final patient of the day, into the waiting room, levi unhooked him so he could go hop on analyn’s lap. so strange, levi thought, that jules had disappeared into oblivion. it wasn’t his place to ask... but he definitely wanted to. “ chlorine’s as healthy as ever. perfect weight for his age and size, perfect blood work. the only thing i’d consider is a tooth-cleaning. ” deepening his voice, he added, “ gingivitis is just as much of a killer as cancer. ” it was a definite exaggeration... but, to be fair, levi was reading directly off a poster that analyn had had plenty of time to stare at in the exam room. ( it was posed for fear-mongering... but it was hard to not find a bit funny ! yes, keeping a pet’s teeth healthy was very important, but it just sounded so angry ! ) 
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