#interactions || analyn !
surelevi · 1 year
who: @gumdrcp​ what: routine check-up ! where: vet clinic
bringing chlorine, his final patient of the day, into the waiting room, levi unhooked him so he could go hop on analyn’s lap. so strange, levi thought, that jules had disappeared into oblivion. it wasn’t his place to ask... but he definitely wanted to. “ chlorine’s as healthy as ever. perfect weight for his age and size, perfect blood work. the only thing i’d consider is a tooth-cleaning. ” deepening his voice, he added, “ gingivitis is just as much of a killer as cancer. ” it was a definite exaggeration... but, to be fair, levi was reading directly off a poster that analyn had had plenty of time to stare at in the exam room. ( it was posed for fear-mongering... but it was hard to not find a bit funny ! yes, keeping a pet’s teeth healthy was very important, but it just sounded so angry ! ) 
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suremonty · 1 year
who: @gumdrcp​ what: ‘girls just wanna have fun’ plays on repeat in the background where: some parking lot!
monty wasn’t as familiar with analyn as he could’ve been -- as familiar as he would’ve liked to be in cases involving getting-in-each-other’s-personal-space. she was a fine gal with moxie to boot, but something about her unnerved him... not that that was hard to do. he’d been in the 21st century for two years now, going on three, and he had experienced no disasters... certainly there was something going on, and could anyone be trusted ? he was gonna revive the red scare all by himself ! everyone’s a spy ! nonetheless, he trusted he could take her if it came down to it. he was bigger, he was taller, and he was probably dumber -- but ! he still had a lot of experience to back him up. so he’d go with it, sure... yeah.  but his eyes certainly widened, his heart certainly skipped a beat, when he saw what else was in the parking lot. it wasn’t just a beetle. “ golly -- what’s this wagon ? ”
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sureford · 1 year
who: @gumdrcp​ what: when u have a girlie as the secondary face of ur exhibit... where: ford’s little gift shop
was ford a good boss ? debatable ! it had taken him over a year to pay his employees minimum wage, trying to get out of the red as quick as he could, but they were all on decent pay now ! and he figured he was pretty lax with them when he wasn’t paying minimum wage -- good side-job with a decent guy ? they were all either strapped for cash or needed somewhere to be ! he figured he was must’ve been good enough if they hadn’t quit ! but he had taken a particular shine to analyn. she was great with the customers and didn’t seem to have any qualms against the slight scam ( not that the others did, but they weren’t the secondary face of the shop ! ) -- and, hell, she was just a decent person all around ! but she was still an employee... which meant he both still had demands of her, and she was still subject to tourists. “ any weirdos come out today ? ” he asked as he flipped the sign to ‘closed.’ “ by which i mean weirder than usual. ”
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suremarkj · 2 years
who: @gumdrcp​ ( analyn ) what: mark learns modern slang ft. queefburglar69 where: some hub for the damned idk
“ the hell... ? ” mark muttered, eyebrows furrowing as he scrolled through the comments left behind on his most recent video ( ego inflation... always ego inflation... ). eyes still trained on the screen, absolutely puzzled, his peripheral vision managed to find analyn -- good, someone he could ask the eternal question to: “ fuck does queefburglar69 mean when they say i ‘understood the assignment’ ? ”
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okielyn · 1 year
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     was there any CAR RELATED reasoning for pulling up to the body shop ? not at all ! was it a crime to want merely visit one of the ONLY SANE PEOPLE, she’d managed to befriend ? not at all ! post her latest interactions within the confines of the damned ( code for what she’d been chewed out for that day ), analyn’s in desperate need of a pick up. & while she did wear her heart on her sleeve, she didn’t enjoy unloading all of her problems onto other’s. 
      royal’s no different. why should he have to bear ( pun totally not intended ) the brunt of her jumping the gun, trying to play avengers ? still, he’s a friendly face. one that ISN’T constantly tossing around acts of senseless violence as a means to keep himself entertained. 
       ‘    roy ! if i were to be selfish for just today & ask you to come drifting with me, would that be a possibility ?    ’    is the tentative greeting she offers from the rolled down window, unlocking the car as she does. what’re the actual odds of him agreeing & tagging along? she hasn’t got a clue .... BUT, is hoping for it !    ‘    i know i probably should have given a heads up & i’m so sorry ..... it’s just, i could use a buddy ?    ’
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hopperpolar · 2 years
Student solutions manual for modern physical organic chemistry
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If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Chemistry, Physical organic - Problems, exercises, etc.Įast Dane Designer Men’s Fashion. Then set up a personal list of libraries from your profile page by clicking on your user name at the top right of any screen.ĬomiXology Thousands of Digital Comics. Bergman at the University of California, Berkeley and then accepted a faculty position at Syracuse University inwhere he is now Associate Professor. When electron correlation is incorporated into the analysis, CBD is adn have a singlet ground state with a rectangular structure, instead of a perfect square, of alternate double and single bond. In the case of CBD, the two non-bonding orbitals are disjoint. Read reviews that mention organic chemistry physical organic physical org organic chem anslyn and dougherty modern physical graduate students molecular orbital problem sets well written graduate student grad school clearly written recommend this to anyone end of each chapter great job physical organic chemistry easy snslyn read book is a great advanced organic.Ĭomputational methods are introduced for how to doughery QM calculations, there is some photochemistry and electronic materials. Subjects Physical organic chemistry - Problems, exercises, etc. Both molecules would have a triplet ground state. Amazon Restaurants Food delivery from local restaurants. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Comes with a analyn appendix in the back with a great explanation of introductory quantum mechanics, with a focus on ab initio methods. In fact, the book is surprising non-mathematical for a physical chemistry book. The reactivity and mechanisms emphasize frontier orbital interactions, while the kinetics sections allow you to develop an intuitive understanding of potential landscapes under different scenarios. These items are shipped from and sold by different sellers. Two molecular orbitals are said to be disjoint when there are no atoms doughegty common in their LCAO’s. If you have taken sophomore organic chemistry you will be able to understand most of this, and with physical chemistry you should have no trouble understanding the material. The book covers a wide range of topics in physical organic chemistry. Lists What are lists? Fougherty at these bookshops Searching – please wait Separate different tags with a comma. We were unable to find this edition in any bookshop we are able to search. I have been a professional chemist for more than 30 years. The authors provide an extremely clear explanation for such an analysis.
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Student Solutions Manual To Accompany Modern Physi-cal Organic Chemistry University. Buy Anslyn & Dougherty’s Modern Physical Organic Chemistry Student Solutions Manual at Sponsler, Michael B. This Student Solutions Manual, which provides complete solutions to all of the nearly Like the accompanying text by Anslyn and Dougherty, this manual also.
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jxssevalxncia · 5 years
jesse had been seeing a lot of analyn lately, not that he minded her company. he knew she was going through a lot now that she was down a friend, so it only made him want to be a better one. movies and snacks were the one thing he’d always be able to offer her, it was their thing. tonight he thought he’d add to their already huge snack supply with her favorite ice cream, something he knew would instantly bring a smile to her face. he walked over to her door and knocked on it a few times, pulling his phone from his pocket to scroll aimlessly as he waited.
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aeipathcy · 4 years
OTOME AU (collab with @shadyinfo)
In this au, things work as though all interactions are taking place inside an otome game. Each scenario will prompt a selection of choices your character can make and the scene will move forward while taking those choices into consideration! If you pick correctly, you may even increase the affection score of your route’s romance target! Make sure you score high enough, otherwise you’re heading straight to a bad end!
Every character route has different requirements and parameters. Their stories are tailored towards them and the events are sure to pull at heartstrings! You can even get certain characters to pair with each other outside the main pairing of your selected route! Depending on which title you select, you’ll have a different cast to interact with!
Your narrator and kind guide is Seren, a young ghost girl, who may or may not have a secret route of her own.
** DISCLAIMER: any events that take place within this AU are not canon and will not be referenced outside of the AU either.
“Devoted Retainer Otome spin off” featuring: Keith Jardine (devoted retainer AU), Randel Fletcher, Mikel Faust, and Genevieve Erhart (regent verse)
** A dark and tragic story based on events taking place within devoted retainer AU setting and Mikel’s regicide verse. 
“Modern Verse Otome spin off” featuring: Reanne Atkinson, Alex Taylor, Keith Jardine (modern verse), and Ophelia Langley
** a light, heartwarming, modern setting story containing tales of personal growth and finding a path to the future.
“Supernatural Muses Otome spin off” featuring: Niko Mendel, Analyn Suan, Eirwen Regius, and Korbinian Haumann
** a collection of emotional stories to pull at your heartstrings, featuring the pains and complications of romancing someone who isn’t human.
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antique-symbolism · 5 years
hey! I wanted to know if you could share some facts with me about Jacket! anything you wanna talk about!
oh I’m always down to share facts about Jacket! I love Jacket!! For those who don’t know, Jacket is a character in my WIP, Cat and Cleo’s Guide to Cross-Country Liminality!
* Jacket Asanbosam was adopted and raised by a magician mother (Analyn Aswang) and a vampire father (Kofi Asanbosam). Jacket chose to have Kofi turn them into a vampire at age 22 to survive a terminal illness. They are 27 now.
* Obvi Jacket is not their birth name. I have an ongoing Pinterest board for Jacket and it includes many patches and pins that would adorn the jacket they named themself for!
* Their role in the internship is cultural expert and linguist (for when the group has to interact with other magical species) and self-appointed road trip DJ. They also have the most experience with magic in general and know a lot of useful spells and facts about the magical world.
* Vampires don't need blood to survive, but they DO need it to fuel their natural magic. It's extremely rare not to drink it in some capacity (even Kofi does) since completely abstaining results not only in inability to do natural magic, but also fatigue, craving, and other side effects. Jacket totally abstains from blood, but not for the reasons you might think.
* Jacket loves music; it's probably their favourite thing in the world! I made an entire playlist with over 70 songs (and counting) that they would listen to, and I frequently mention their favourite bands in narrative (with all names changed to protect those that rock). Some of their favs are: Streetlight Manifesto; The Limousines; Cage the Elephant; SWMRS; and any of the 10,000 different bands Jack White has been involved in
* I really need more female-led bands Jacket would like, so I am SO open for recommendations. Anything that fulfills some of the following criteria would fit their tastes perfectly: punk rock, upbeat, loud, hipster, objectively annoying
* Jacket and Holly both had an Evanescence phase in middle school (who didn't?). Holly will admit it. Jacket will not.
* Jacket loves fashion and would self-describe their clothing style as "polished femme punk with pastel goth influence"
* Jacket had a rough time growing up, dealing with a lot of emotional problems and what most teachers would probably describe as "behavioural issues." Having a truly loving and supportive family made worlds of difference. Things started getting better in their late teens, especially after Jacket felt like they could start accepting themself as genderqueer.
* Jacket told Holly about magic when they were both 11 years old despite Analyn and Kofi repeatedly telling them and their sister not to talk about it with people who didn't already know.
* Come on. You can't keep that secret from your best friend. Holly thought Jacket was fucking with her until Jacket stole an elemental vault from their parents to prove it and damaged the living room couch with a fireball.
* After that, Kofi and Analyn figured the secret was out and sat down with Holly to have The Magic Talk. The first thing Holly said after seeing Kofi's fangs, totally sincerely, was, "Um, I really don't want to be rude, but have you seen a dentist about that?"
* The Dentist Quote is a frequent inside joke in Jacket's family. 
* Jacket's family includes Holly, by the way. Just because she's not legally related doesn't mean she didn't grow up spending more of her childhood at their family's apartment than her own!
Thanks for asking! I always love talking about all my OCs, especially Jacket!
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historicli · 2 years
Discussing characters, I really like how Analyn, Daiyu and Furaha go together.
Daiyu: Somewhat steen but more willing to loosen up
Furaha: completely serious without a doubt, wants to know everyone in only formal terms
Analyn: Likes to have fun and wants to get to know everyone. Kind of the opposite of the other two.
These three are introduced in the part which is yet to come out on Wattpad. I honestly can’t wait to write out more of them, and I really desperately want more interactions between them.
I think it’ll be interesting.
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