#suspending gravity tour
owlespresso · 10 months
deep sea dreaming. hythlodaeus. Tags: Ascian!Hythlodaeus, I posted the first half of this in October. Here it is, completed.
A gulp of wet, salty air fills your lungs. Above you, there is the crash of the howling tides, covering the realm in deep, dark bluish light. The sea itself is somehow suspended, as though a lone pocket of air has formed on the floor. In the distance, formations of stone and spider web coral entangle a rough landscape. The precipice you stand upon is made of dark, wet stone. Tendrils of coral branch from the walls and cover the ground. 
“Incredible view, is it not?” a voice chimes, suddenly at your side. You blink. The realization comes slow as the morning fog sets in.
“Yeah, it is,” you agree quietly, sneaking a furtive glance at the figure which now stands beside you. You hadn’t heard his approach, and that alone is enough to make you wary. Long, lavender hair is held up in a ponytail, braids interspersed through the long silken strands. One is tied around his ponytail’s base, and one frames the left side of his face. Handsome. Well-dressed in showy armor you know bards have a preference for, swishing fabric paired with gilded gold and black leather. Bangles and bracelets aplenty.
“And there is so much more still to see,” the man promises, “Would you like a tour? I know well all the worthwhile sights around here.” Before you even answer, he’s already taking a small step away. He flows like he’s floating, clothes billowing in a way gravity should not allow. This is a dream, you reason. 
Light catches off the gleaming gold of his bracelets as they roll over his arm, shifting with the movement of his arm as he offers a hand. Half-gloves, the kind archers of the Twin Adders adorn. 
You cast a weary glance upwards and find a sea instead of a sky, air damp and salted. It makes sense, to long for the comforting dimness of the wide seas when you’re currently mired in the arid deserts of Ala Mhigo. Why not indulge in this fleeting fantasy your exhausted mind has created?
He looks tender. His smile reaches his eyes.
“I would,” you take his offered hand. “Thank you.”
You wake up.
The deep ocean caverns are populated by all matter of fascinating flora and fauna. The coral becomes neon in certain places, rays and pugils which roam undisturbed sport noticeable differences from their Source counterparts. A series of spread out claw marks etched in stone indicate a marked path and more interesting intelligent life. A thin, uneven stone pathway winds up a cliff face, winding behind a thin waterfall.
For once, you have no destination, only the vaguest and most easily ignored notion that something is amiss. You climb up, sticking tight to the wall as the jagged stone leads you in a spiral motion to the very top. You emerge at the current’s side, overlooking the ledge. At the edge, you spot a familiar head of hair. He’s sitting with his calves dangling over the ledge, next to where the water rolls and crashes.
You don’t muffle your footsteps as you approach, let your steel toes scuff the wet stone underfoot.
“Back so soon?” he asks coyly, tilting his head to the side. He looks up at you slyly, from underneath thick, pale lashes. They flutter against his cheek whenever he blinks.
“I was promised a tour.” you respond in kind. He smiles wider and stands, stretching his arms over his head. His shirt rides up to reveal a slip of pale skin, right above his skinny hips.
“That you were.” he agrees, indulgent. “Though, I don’t recall the word ‘promise’ ever being said.”
“Should I go it alone, then? I would hate to bother you.” you say, and he looks down at you with wide eyes. for a moment taken aback, before his expression mellows back to that same, tranquil countenance, plump lips curved in that perfect smile.
“It was merely a jest. I would love nothing more than to serve as your guide,” he assures you warmly, beckoning with a shrug of his shoulder. “Come. There are sights most fantastical for us to see.”
And you do. 
He takes you to clusters of glowing crystal formations which span up the walls of the caverns. The light glistens across the dark waters of the undersea currents as they rush and churn. He brings you to an opening in the cave where swarms of ray-like creatures chase schools of red and silvery fish, gliding through the waters with flutter
The most unique sight is a structure so immaculate that it cannot be anything but manmade. Rectangular in shape, carved of pale stone, embossed with straight lines and complex geometric patterns. Steep panes of glass are mounted in extended half round windows towards the top. In its heyday, it must have been large enough to house at least five stories. A grand tower which would have easily challenged Ishgard’s steepest spires. That must be why it feels so familiar.
“Incredible,” you breathe, wet sand crunching beneath your boots. “To think that such an advanced civilization once called these depths home.”
“A touching notion. However, when these husks were still grand towers, the waters had yet to set in. They couldn’t even be seen over the horizon,” your guide informs you, brushing a gloved hand over the stonework, streaked now with seaweed and clumps of pale coral. 
“How do you know that?” you can’t help but prod, blinking.
“This is but a taste of what is to come,” he continues with a smile, blatantly ignoring your query. “Come, come now, before I lose you again.”
The twinge of irritation fades instantly. You deflate as he flounces on ahead, leaving you to stare at the opening in the back of his jacket, skin exposed by purposefully folded fabrics. 
Of course, he hadn’t been able to give you an answer. This is a dream, after all. Your mind simply hadn’t been able to bridge the plot holes in the story in time. Your adventure away from adventuring in the waking world—if that’s what libering two entire nations could be called.
A brief touch to the small of your back jolts you from your stupor. You’re left to look up into concerned, amethyst eyes. He’s returned to your side without you even noticing. Certainly a dream, you decide, admiring his long lashes and soft lips.
“Are you alright? Feeling faint? I suppose the air down here can be difficult to acclimate to…” he says, tutting fretfully.
“I’m fine,” you insist, hastily starting in the direction he initially rushed towards. “Just lost in thought, is all! Everything you've shown me has been so breathtaking. It’s truly so much to take in.”
“Never been to the bottom of the sea before?” he teased, catching up with long, quick strides.
“No. This is my first time,” you reply with a smile. Slope of craggy rock lay ahead, resembling the aftermath of a rockslide. “Be careful.” you chide as he immediately begins to scale down the stone. His long, gangly legs roam over the rounded rocks and small boulders, knees every now and then scraping over rough surfaces and skittering pebbles. You take a more measured approach, following his chosen path at a slower pace. He awaits you at the bottom, looking none worse for wear. His thigh high boots are a little scuffed at the knees—better the leather than his skin. 
He reaches out a hand, and you take it.
You wake up.
Your eyes snap open wide. A hulking monument of steel spires and star-strewn steeples looms in the distance. It is a gleaming metropolis underneath the rolling tides. The architecture is reminiscent of the crumpled tower you observed within the cave, but a newfound, brutal sense of familiarity which washes over you like a cold wave. 
You’ve been here before. You don’t know how or when, but your heart aches with it. The cavity of your chest feels the emptiest it ever has, a craving for something unnamable hollowing out the space between your ribs, your stomach.
“I thought you would enjoy this part the most,” a voice chimes from behind you. Your conjured guide comes to stand beside you, staring at the splendid vista. There is a tenderness to his expression, all the world’s love crammed into that fond gaze. 
“It’s incredible,” you breathe, eyes blown wide. “I can’t quite explain it, but I—”
“Feel like you’ve been here before?” he finishes for you. His grin is knowing. “Come. how about we take a closer look?”
“I would.” You reach for his outstretched hand, but you hesitate, palm hovering over his own. Will you wake up, should you decide to take it? You don’t want this to end just yet. You’re not ready to face the Ala Mhigan sun, hot enough to scorch the skin and bleach the bones. He raises his brows, expectant. You take his hand.
Your eyes snap open wide. You gasp for the salty air. The buildings now tower around you, the streets far wider than you anticipated. No city you have ever visited has been so monumental in scale. 
“Ah. It’s been quite some time since I’ve visited,” your guide sighs fondly, resting his hands on his hips. “In an age long past, I would have bemoaned the long trip from my humble abode to the Bureau. But now… I think I would be glad to have as much time here as possible, to savor sights I might have overlooked. It might be cliche, but you never truly know what you have until it’s gone.” 
You’re not sure how to take that, so you begin with the easiest question. “You worked here, then?” You know what  Bureau is, at the very least. You can’t envision him working in an office.
A pause, then, “Lived here. And loved here.” he murmurs, eyelids lowering as he regards you.
“Truly? The other folks look a little too large for you to fit in with,” you point out. You regret it a moment later. Why poke holes in the plot you’ve made to amuse yourself whilst asleep? Must you question every obscure corner? What purpose does your questioning even serve?
“The magicks our people possess enables us to occupy a wide variety of forms. We can even shape forms which we occupy to our very will, lest you doubt. I would have alarmed you had I shown up to you as a veritable giant, would I have not?”
“Well, yes. But these magicks you speak of, they sound remarkable,” you’ve only ever heard of glamorous, purely visual illusions. What a marvel it would be if such transformative techniques actively existed in the waking world. You wonder, briefly, what this means in regards to your inner psyche and self-image, but disregard the matter hastily. The kindly traveler smiles.
“Are they not? Come. I would show you more.”
And show you more, he does. He guides you down the long avenues, dutifully explaining each building’s function with striking depth and clarity. The giants who hover about this unearthly metropolis are peaceful, if not amicable. Most wave at and greet you, speaking in droning chimes which you somehow understand. They’re kind souls; you can feel it, but they are also remarkably troubled by something called The Final Days.
“Uhm,” you clear your throat. He’s guided you inside an academy of some sort. Live aquatic specimens swim in tanks from wall-to-wall, some more familiar to you than others. A large glass window provides a few into a much larger enclosure filled with water, only populated by a circular platform in the center. And some sort of shark, judging by the massive red fin which juts just about the surface.
“Yes? If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I know a great deal about most of the specimens here, having personally reviewed them myself.” he informs you, so earnestly you nearly oblige him. You’ll ask him questions until you turn blue in the face if he indulges you. Everything about this dreamscape is utterly fascinating. To think, your mind could conjure up such elaborate visions with such defined rules. You’ve never dreamt in such depth before. 
“When we were touring the streets earlier, I couldn’t help but overhear some of the citizens talking about some sort of… disaster? The Final Days, I believe they called it.” 
His expression doesn’t budge, while you struggle through your query. The gentle lines of his face are still fixed in a placid smile. Over the years you’ve learned how to read people beyond their base expressions. The lines of his face do not draw tight with displeasure or downcast with sorrow, but his aether does. Or at least, that’s what it feels like. You have no other explanation for the odd feeling which suddenly hangs in the air, a stillness like rancid pond water. 
“The Final Days? I can’t say I have ever heard of such a thing. Sounds dreadful, though,” your guide answers after a long, quiet moment. The dim, green light casts his skin with a sickly parlor, but his eyes gleam all the brighter as he smiles. “Are you perhaps pulling my leg?”
“No, certainly not,” you assure him, all too conscious of the sudden quiet. You become all too conscious of the quiet. The soft whirring of the equipment fastened to the tanks has died down. The churning water wheels have gone dead. And the tanks—were there truly this many before? They’ve doubled in number, you could swear it. The once gentle blue becomes an abrasive cyan, a practical assault on the eyes. They grow larger, loom closer, the space of the room distorting. The floor pulls out from underneath your feet, dragging you towards that blinding glow. 
You shout, casting a desperate look over your shoulder, but your guide is nowhere to be found. It’s only blue, so bright it burns at the corners of your eyes, sets your corneas alight, sears at your skin at the surface of your flesh, burning, burning—
You wake up.
The sheets are cool and buttery soft. You roll just to feel them glide against the bare skin of your legs. You toss and you turn, mind numb in the dark of the room, as relaxed as you have ever been in current memory. In the back of the mind, you are certain that this is not your makeshift camp in the Steppe, or any of the cots in Rhalgar’s Reach. This is a mattress, and a massive one at that. You would have already tumbled off the side if that were not the case.
Another dream, you assume, and leave it at that. Your limbs move sluggishly, thoughts lagged down an gooey. You release that thread of conscious, logical thought and slide deeper and deeper into the velvety dark, the blissful empty.
A muffled voice shouts in the distance, somewhere outside. Your eyes remain shut, but your ears are perked. A door slams.
“You have gone too far,” a man shouts, voice reedy with stress and exasperation. “I could turn a blind eye—” His rambling flickers in and out, some of his sentences too quiet to pick up on. You don’t really mind, you simply listen, catching what fragments you can. Which, you think, is an apt summary of all the dreams you’ve experienced thus far. Just trying to latch onto what little you can grasp.
“But bringing them here—”
“Calm down, Hades, please—” your mysterious guide responds, pacifying. How curious, that your addled subconscious would choose to conjure up another character linked specifically to your guide. How curious that it would deign to give him a name, when your guide has not yet been given the honor. Hades. It too instills you with a lingering, aching sense of… something missing. You would see this “Hades” you decide.
You shimmy to the edge of the massive mattress, fighting through an ocean of blankets and pillows. You fight to part the fabric around you, emerging into an unfamiliar room. A pair of tapestry curtains is closed ight over the chamber’s single window. A chill passes over you, You anticipate the floors to be startlingly cold under your bare feet. You swing a leg over the edge, touch the floor—
You wake up.
Zenos is a great oak of a man, draped in ivy which slithers down his trunk and spreads across the forest floor. Grasping and venomous. You don’t know whether it emerges from him, or what he enables, but you know that it doesn’t die with him. You’ll be chasing his ghosts, machines and legions onto and over the long horizon. Maybe until the day you die.
You refuse to chase him in your dreams. One thing he will not take between his teeth or trap between his thighs.
Dappled sunlight says “hello” though the swaying leaves—green maples in full bloom. The pollen tickles your nose, springtime’s warning kiss. Fingers caress your cheek and rub your upper back, rousing you awake.
At the edges of your vision, the immense structures you observed prior stretch hopeful to the heavens. Grand structures of gold and bronze and impossible lengths of cut stone. How many hands must it have taken to build this in-bloom utopia?
A slender finger taps your cheek.
“Have I begun to bore you now that you’ve so much to look at?” your guide teases fondly, smile in his voice. He is grinning, when you look at him a moment later. “There you are, my dear.”
“I could never be bored of you,” you scrunch up your nose, disgruntled at the very idea. It’s likely unwise to be so attached to a vision manufactured by your idle mind, but the logic seems so distant when he’s right here, when you are laying between his legs with your head on high thigh. The modesty you would normally cower beneath has no place here, in this garden of dreams.
“T’was a jest, but I wholeheartedly appreciate the sentiment. I’m so very fortunate to have a friend who cares so much,” he muses fondly, quieter this time. He takes one of your wrist in hand. You watch numbly as he bends forward to kiss the hollow of it. “Truly, there is no greater joy.”
“Now you’re just laying it on thick,” you grumble, tugging your arm back.
“No, surely not,” he replies smoothly over the fabric of your shirt. “It’s important to let others know how you truly feel about them. There’s no telling when those dearest to you may part ways for good, and there is no sorer sting than words left unsaid.” He’s still smiling, but his eyes have gone dull with recollection. He is far away from you, all of the sudden, sent somewhere far by memories of times long lost.
He speaks back to life, tapping your nose with his finger. 
“Now, I believe I promised you a proper tour of the gardens, and I am a man of my word.”
A tour of this veritable paradise sounds simply marvelous, but you can’t quite find the will to move. The very idea of budging when you are already so warm (so safe, something within you coos) almost hurts to think about. It’s a sudden feeling—a welling of panic unfamiliar, but unwarranted. The Warrior of Light, balking at the prospect of exploring new and exciting locales? Perish the thought?
Perhaps your weary mind has had enough exploring for quite some time. Perhaps you crave a respite from the chaos, from tending the meets of those across the seas. It’s only natural to crave rest, you reason, and even more natural for desires to manifest in a dream.
You’re jolted from your train of thought when your guide prods your cheek, concern nettling his fine features. You don’t like seeing him so fretful. A face like his is fit for bliss and contentedness and naught else, worn as gently as the pale lavender of his hair.
“What’s your name?” you ask. He smiles like you’ve just given him the world, eyes crinkling.
“You already know it,” he tells you, relentlessly fond. His hands return to their prior past on your upper back. You squint up at his face, try to place a name to that familiar visage. Are you supposed to name him? You can’t fathom your subconscious would turn the onus on you after holding the reins this entire time. It’s crafted an entire city without any conscious input from you.
“I…” you focus hard, shutting your eyes as the breeze kicks up. Warm spring air washes across your face, accompanied by the sweet scent of burgeoning blooms—the steam which rises from a piping hot cup of tea as he cuts through the rows of tables, carrying a saucer by its edge.
The library is closed, but you often remain after hours. He joins you in the otherwise empty space, with a smile and a cup of your favorite blend grown right outside in the gardens. You while the hours away late into the night, until Hades comes to get you. He huffs and he puffs at how easily you both lose track of time—but he always comes.
“Hades will wonder where we are,” he says, setting the cup down next to your mounting pile of tomes.
“He’ll find us eventually,” you reply. “Thank you, Hyth—”
“—lodaeus,” your eyes open as your lips form around the tail end of his name. It feels as though something’s been slotted back into place, a piece of the puzzle you didn’t even know was missing. 
Hythlodaeus tilts his head back completely, so you can’t see his face. A  long few moments are spent in that rare, hovering silence. Is your subconscious reevaluating? Have you finally hit a snag that will unravel this series of strange dreams?
When he looks back down at you, he’s smiling again. Or perhaps, he hasn’t stopped.
“That’s right,” he murmurs, bending over you. His breath brushes the crown of your head. The scent of him, rosehips and jasmine, washes over you. “I’ve waited so long to hear you say that name again. I could spend an eternity listening to you repeat it.”
You blink, feeling slow and hazy and stupid all of the sudden. “What?”
“Or, perhaps a mere century would suffice—if only to enjoy everything else you can do with that mouth of yours,” he says, nearly giddy. “Rest assured, we will have ample enough time. So come to my room, next time, alright? I’ll be waiting.” 
He kisses you on the forehead.
You fall asleep, plunged into inky dark waters.
“A man can only wait several hundred centuries before he assumes you’ve lost interest.”
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lamaisongaga · 43 minutes
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Lady Gaga has officially kicked off the press tour for her upcoming role in "Joker: Folie à Deux", and her first look is nothing short of theatrical elegance, combining her fearless artistry with a nod to her character, Harley Quinn. 
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Seen in a striking black jumpsuit by emerging designer brand Pisces Rising, Gaga seamlessly blends the world of fashion and cinema.
Deborah Won’s jumpsuit, a part of her Spring/Summer 2024 "Arise" collection, is a powerful homage to the Harlequin figure—perfectly fitting for Gaga’s portrayal of the twisted yet iconic Harley. The ruffled organza details along the collar and sleeves evoke the exaggerated embellishments typical of Harlequin costumes, but with an ultra-modern twist. The ruffles seem to float around Gaga, as if suspended in zero gravity, a direct reflection of Won’s inspiration from kites and space travel.
Won, a 2023 Fashion Design MFA graduate, showcased this collection at the FIT MFA Graduate Showcase during New York Fashion Week, impressing fashion insiders with her futuristic vision. Her collection speaks to a world where fashion meets space exploration, where garments enhance movement in zero gravity while maintaining an ethereal, feminine aesthetic. The blossoming organza details on Gaga’s jumpsuit hint at this space-age inspiration, adding layers of depth to the playful yet profound look.
Gaga’s ensemble, much like her character, walks the line between whimsy and danger, embodying a blend of fantasy and fierce determination. This look sets the tone for what promises to be an unforgettable press tour—and a powerful cinematic performance.
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Her favorite Pleaser Flamingo-1020 black vinyl platform lace-up ankle boots completed the look.
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travelbuddysindia · 9 months
Vagamon Tour Options
The submitted card is quite a traveler spot Vagamon is nestled at an altitude of over 1100 above sea stage is rising as an the world over acclaimed paragliding vacation spot in Kerala. The sizable tracts of grasslands, the unobtrusive rolling hills, and the windy climate situations make it a perfect spot to enjoy the journey activity of paragliding. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and scenic wonders of Best kerala tour packages from Chennai, conveniently departing from the lively city of Chennai.
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A fantastically new game in Kerala, this exciting carrying hobby enjoys an outstanding fan following of journey enthusiasts who love the thrills of a free flight like a chicken. If you are searching for the crushed journey pastime this vacation, then paragliding could be a great option. Paragliding lets you experience a chicken’s view of the panoramic views around you, defy gravity, and enjoy a hard trip in the air..
On the hills of Kolahalamedu, which is a part of south India‘s second maximum peak namely the Amruthamedu. The hills revel in a strong and consistent wind blowing inside the southwestern path all through the season.
Many paragliding colleges offer a nation of artwork equipment and contemporary paragliding techniques inclusive of ridge soaring, pass usa flying and pleasure rides amongst others.
Paragliding is an journey flying sport, which involves the flying of a paraglide, which is an unfastened-flying, foot-released plane. A paraglider has to go through rigorous education in numerous stages after being initiated as a pilot. The pilot sits in a harness suspended under a cloth wing, which is held by way of the stress of air getting into vents within the the front of the wing. Paragliding is fun because it helps you to experience a carefree flight thru skinny air like a fowl. The paraglider can maneuver the glider in any path that he needs.
Paragliding is a famous interest among adventure fans. The wing is spread in a secure open location on a mountain slope, the strains are checked for tangles and the canopy is attached to the harness. The pilot runs down the slope, leaving the cover open like an umbrella overhead and after a few extra strides, the pilot turns into airborne. The glider may be managed with the aid of pulling down the manipulate strains, one after the other to turn and making use of each brakes for landing.
Tandem paragliding
Well desirable for folks that are doing paragliding for the first time, tandem paragliding lets the paraglider to revel in the laugh of paragliding without genuinely steering the paraglider.
In a Tandem Paragliding lesson, the instructor flies a glider that has a seating capability for two and might cope with over a 500 lb payload. After a safety briefing, you are prepared to take off. While the trainer handles the safety aspects, you could enjoy the extraordinary attractions from mid-air and revel in the pleasure of paragliding at its finest. From the bustling streets of Chennai to the idyllic shores of Kerala, our packages guarantee an immersive experience in this land of palm-fringed beauty with Tour packages from Chennai to Kerala.
Best Season for Paragliding in Vagamon
The paragliding season is from September to January and March to May, at some point of which the high-quality flight conditions exist. Wagamon enjoys salubrious weather in the year. 
Getting there:
Vagamon is 25 km from Peermede.
The nearest railway station: is Kottayam, about 75 km from Peermede.
The nearest airport: is Cochin International Airport, approximately a hundred and fifty km from Peermede.
Also Read:
Top 10 Heritage Hotels In Kerala, India - Updated 2023
10 Best Luxury Resorts In Kerala, India - Updated 2023
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friendsaqua · 1 year
Top 5 Family-Friendly Beach Activities in Dubai
Dubai, known for its luxury, futuristic architecture, and bustling city life, is also home to some of the most stunning beaches in the world. Besides indulging in luxurious beach resorts and sunbathing, Dubai offers a wide array of thrilling water sports and activities for the entire family. This blog post will explore the top five family-friendly beach activities in Dubai, focusing on the exciting adventures Friends Aqua Water Sports offers. So, grab your sunscreen and dive into a world of aquatic fun!
1. Hydro Water Sports Dubai:
Dubai's warm climate and crystal-clear waters make it an ideal destination for hydro water sports. Friends Aqua Water Sports, a prominent provider of aquatic adventures, offers an exhilarating range of activities for the whole family. Their hydro water sports Dubai package includes activities like flyboarding, jetpacking, and hoverboarding, where you can defy gravity and experience the thrill of soaring above the water. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced adrenaline junkie, these water sports will surely provide an unforgettable experience for all ages.
2. Banana Boat Ride Dubai:
Hop aboard a banana boat ride dubai with Friends Aqua Water Sports for a fun family activity. Hold tight as you glide through the waves, experiencing the joy of speed and laughter with your loved ones. This exciting and bumpy ride is suitable for all ages, ensuring a memorable adventure that will leave you with plenty of smiles and laughter. The experienced staff at Friends Aqua Water Sports prioritize safety and provide life jackets, making it a worry-free experience for the entire family. Banana boats are popular for good reason - they're a blast! Hop on one for a wet and wild adventure.
-Hour Banana Boat Ride from Friends Aqua Water Sports
Head to the harbor and board a banana boat with Friends Aqua Water Sports for a thrilling 3-hour ride. Hold on tight as you speed through the waves, feeling the excitement of the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. This is a perfect activity for all ages, providing excitement and laughter for the whole family. The experienced staff at Friends Aqua Water Sports prioritize safety and provide life jackets, making it a worry-free experience. Hop on a banana boat for a wild, wet adventure you'll never forget.
3. Parasailing in Dubai:
Get ready to take to the skies and witness Dubai's breathtaking coastline from a unique perspective. Parasailing in Dubai with Friends Aqua Water Sports allows you to soar high above the Arabian Gulf, enjoying panoramic views of Dubai's iconic skyline and turquoise waters. This exhilarating activity offers an unmatched sense of freedom and tranquility as you float through the air, suspended by a colorful parachute.The parasailing experience begins with a safety briefing from your expert instructor. Once you're geared up and ready to go, you'll be towed out into the open water by a speedboat, before being released to fly high above the waves. Soar through the sky for unforgettable views of Dubai's world-famous landmarks, including the Palm Jumeirah, Burj Al Arab, and Downtown Dubai. Safe and secure, parasailing is a family-friendly activity that provides unforgettable memories for everyone involved.
Parasailing tour
What to Bring
Cash (for gratuities)
Photo ID
4. Jet Ski Rental Dubai:
If you're looking for an action-packed adventure on the water, jet skiing with Friends Aqua Water Sports is the way to go. Feel the wind in your hair as you zoom across the waves, exploring Dubai's stunning coastline and feeling the adrenaline rush. Whether you're a novice or an experienced rider, jet skiing caters to all skill levels. Friends Aqua Water Sports team provides guidance and safety instructions, ensuring a thrilling yet secure experience for the entire family.
5. Beach Games and Snorkeling:
In addition to high-speed water sports, Friends Aqua Water Sports also offers a variety of beach games and activities suitable for families. Engage in a friendly game of beach volleyball or build sandcastles with your little ones. Snorkeling is a fantastic option if you're interested in exploring the vibrant marine life. Dive beneath the surface and discover the stunning underwater world teeming with colorful fish and coral reefs. Snorkeling becomes an educational and awe-inspiring experience for the whole family with proper equipment and guidance.
If you're looking for a more tranquil experience, take a leisurely stroll down the beach or relax in a hammock while enjoying the sound of the waves. There's no shortage of activities to enjoy at Friends Aqua Water Sports, so come and explore everything we have to offer!
Dubai's beaches offer adventure and excitement for families seeking unforgettable adventure sports in Dubai experiences. Friends Aqua Water Sports is a reliable and professional provider of water sports activities in Dubai, offering an array of family-friendly adventures. From the thrill of hydro water sports and banana boat rides to the serenity of parasailing and the adrenaline rush of jet skiing, there's something for everyone to enjoy. So, pack your swimsuits, gather your loved ones, and head to Dubai's beautiful shores for a memorable family vacation filled with aquatic fun.
Looking for Dubai water sports activities? At Friends Aqua Water sports we provide:
Hydro water sports Dubai.
Banana boat ride Dubai.
Parasailing in Dubai.
Jet ski rental Dubai and a lot more activities.
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eternal-porcelain · 4 years
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Josh Ramsay of Marianas Trench at Casinorama
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Josh Ramsay of Marianas Trench. Suspending Gravity Tour. Sony Centre, Toronto. March 13, 2019.
Do not repost without permission and credit
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marianass-trenchh · 5 years
no place like home is one of marianas trench’s best and most under appreciated songs and I will forever stand by that statement
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tmnfndmsntnghlf · 4 years
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Hehe dance Ramsay! 🕺🏼😝
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satanatemydiaries · 4 years
To the person out there who introduced me to Marianas Trench: I fucking love you. Thank you so much!
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owlespresso · 1 year
seafoam I. hythlodaeus tags: AU but still pretty canon compliant, Ascian!Hythlodaeus
A gulp of wet, salty air fills your lungs. Above you, there is the crash of the howling tides, covering the realm in deep, dark bluish light. The sea itself is somehow suspended, as though a lone pocket of air has formed on the floor. In the distance, formations of stone and spider web coral entangle a rough landscape. The precipice you stand upon is made of dark, wet stone. Tendrils of coral branch from the walls and cover the ground. 
“Incredible view, is it not?” a voice chimes, suddenly at your side. You blink. The realization comes slow as the morning fog sets in.
“Yeah, it is,” you agree quietly, sneaking a furtive glance at the figure which now stands beside you. You hadn’t heard his approach, and that alone is enough to make you wary. Long, lavender hair is held up in a ponytail, braids interspersed through the long silken strands. One is tied around his ponytail’s base, and one frames the left side of his face. Handsome. Well-dressed in showy armor you know bards have a preference for, swishing fabric paired with gilded gold and black leather. Bangles and bracelets aplenty.
“And there is so much more still to see,” the man promises, “Would you like a tour? I know well all the worthwhile sights around here.” Before you even answer, he’s already taking a small step away. He flows like he’s floating, clothes billowing in a way gravity should not allow. This is a dream, you reason. 
Light catches off the gleaming gold of his bracelets as they roll over his arm, shifting with the movement of his arm as he offers a hand. Half-gloves, the kind archers of the Twin Adders adorn. 
You cast a weary glance upwards and find a sea instead of a sky, air damp and salted. It makes sense, to long for the comforting dim of the wide seas when you’re currently mired in the arid deserts of Ala Mhigo. Why not indulge in this fleeting fantasy your exhausted mind has created?
He looks tender. His smile reaches his eyes.
“I would,” you take his offered hand. “Thank you.”
You wake up.
The deep ocean caverns are populated by all matter of fascinating flora and fauna. The coral becomes neon in certain places, rays and pugils which roam undisturbed sport noticeable differences from their Source counterparts. A series of spread out claw marks etched in stone indicate a marked path and more interesting intelligent life. A thin, uneven stone pathway winds up a cliff face, winding behind a thin waterfall.
For once, you have no destination, only the vaguest and most easily ignored notion that something is amiss. You climb up, sticking tight to the wall as the jagged stone leads you in a spiral motion to the very top. You emerge at the current’s side, overlooking the ledge. At the edge, you spot a familiar head of hair. He’s sat with his calves dangling over the ledge, next to where the water rolls and crashes.
You don’t muffle your footsteps as you approach, let your steel toes scuff the wet stone underfoot.
“Back so soon?” he asks coyly, tilting his head to the side. He looks up at you slyly, from underneath thick, pale lashes. They flutter against his cheek whenever he blinks.
“I was promised a tour.” you respond in kind. He smiles wider and stands, stretching his arms over his head. His shirt rides up to reveal a slip of pale skin, right above his skinny hips.
“That you were.” he agrees, indulgent. “Though, I don’t recall the word ‘promise’ ever being said.”
“Should I go it alone, then? I would hate to bother you.” you say, and he looks down at you with wide eyes. for a moment taken aback, before his expression mellows back to that same, tranquil countenance, plump lips curved in that perfect smile.
“It was merely a jest. I would love nothing more than to serve as your guide,” he assures you warmly, beckoning with a shrug of his shoulder. “Come. There are sights most fantastical for us to see.”
And you do. 
He takes you to clusters of glowing crystal formations which span up the walls of the caverns. The light glistens across the dark waters of the undersea currents as they rush and churn. He brings you to an opening in the cave where swarms of ray-like creatures chase schools of red and silvery fish, gliding through the waters with flutter
The most unique sight is a structure so immaculate that it cannot be anything but manmade. Rectangular in shape, carved of pale stone, embossed with straight lines and complex geometric patterns. Steep panes of glass are mounted in extended half round windows towards the top. In its heyday, it must have been large enough to house at least five stories. A grand tower which would have easily challenged Ishgard’s steepest spires. That must be why it feels so familiar.
“Incredible,” you breathe, wet sand crunching beneath your boots. “To think that such an advanced civilization once called these depths home.”
“A touching notion. However, when these husks were still grand towers, the waters had yet to set in. They couldn’t even be seen over the horizon,” your guide informs you, brushing a gloved hand over the stonework, streaked now with seaweed and clumps of pale coral. 
“How do you know that?” you can’t help but prod, blinking.
“This is but a taste of what is to come,” he continues with a smile, blatantly ignoring your query. “Come, come now, before I lose you again.”
The twinge of irritation fades instantly. You deflate as he flounces on ahead, leaving you to stare at the opening in the back of his jacket, skin exposed by purposefully folded fabrics. 
Of course, he hadn’t been able to give you an answer. This is a dream, after all. Your mind simply hadn’t been able to bridge the plot holes in the story in time. Your adventure away from adventuring in the waking world—if that’s what libering two entire nations could be called.
A brief touch to the small of your back jolts you from your stupor. You’re left to look up into concerned, amethyst eyes. He’s returned to your side without you even noticing. Certainly a dream, you decide, admiring his long lashes and soft lips.
“Are you alright? Feeling faint? I suppose the air down here can be difficult to acclimate to…” he says, tutting fretfully.
“I’m fine,” you insist, hastily starting in the direction he initially rushed towards. “Just lost in thought, is all! Everything you've shown me has been so breathtaking. It’s truly so much to take in.”
“Never been to the bottom of the sea before?” he teased, catching up with long, quick strides.
“No. This is my first time,” you reply with a smile. Slope of craggy rock lay ahead, resembling the aftermath of a rockslide. “Be careful.” you chide as he immediately begins to scale down the stone. His long, gangly legs roam over the rounded rocks and small boulders, knees every now and then scraping over rough surfaces and skittering pebbles. You take a more measured approach, following his chosen path at a slower pace. He awaits you at the bottom, looking none worse for wear. His thigh high boots are a little scuffed at the knees—better the leather than his skin. 
He reaches out a hand, and you take it.
You wake up.
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gayhellsyeah · 5 years
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Well he’s in a kilt and playing in a church
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rainywainybear · 5 years
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I cant believe I finally met them
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lauralikesbaking · 5 years
The second part of the Eleonora story. I might have missed the first sentence.
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This girl!!!
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authenticsleeping · 5 years
Anyone who’s heard The Killing Kind live can agree that it’s basically a religious experience the entire time
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hippano · 6 years
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@mylemonacademia took me to see Marianas Trench perform in Toronto this wednesday!!! What a good time
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