varjopeura · 1 year
👻 for Tomu - for that natural 1 on the disguise :3
👻 OC in a really bad disguise
Nothing beats the classic combo of glasses and a fake moustache! This person, whoever they are, certainly has not seen the golden-skinned tiefling lady you're looking for. Better luck next time!
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varjopeura · 1 year
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I have strangled countless butterflies yet the flutters in my stomach remain
A personal piece from a few years back. Found this while going through my old art and decided to clean it up and post it, since I do quite like it.
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varjopeura · 1 year
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a tomtom
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varjopeura · 5 years
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so michael is... very good
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varjopeura · 4 years
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Monstertober days 17-19:
17. Angel + amputated
18. Dragon + blind
19. Familiar + sword
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varjopeura · 4 years
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Still trying to catch up with Monstertober!
13. Insect + broken
14. Hydra + cursed
15. Dryad + cold
16. Ghost + shiny
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varjopeura · 4 years
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Monstertober days 7 and 8:
Plantfolk + infested
Werewolf + tattooed
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varjopeura · 4 years
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A commission of a pair of majestic handicorns arm wrestling! I still can’t believe that a real human person paid me actual money to make this happen, but i very much love them for it.
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varjopeura · 4 years
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My first three monstertober entries! All done with my non-dominan hand - let’s see if the lines get less shaky as the month progresses.
1. harpy + blind
2. slime + flirty
3. demon + ethereal
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varjopeura · 4 years
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Hi it’s new icon time!
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varjopeura · 5 years
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So, I’m moving! And because it takes a bit of extra funds to do so, I’m opening my commissions with cheaper prices for a while.
I’ll gladly draw fanart, OCs, animals, furries, nudity... Just message me if you have any questions! For drawings containing multiple characters, just add 50% of the base price for each extra character.
Please send me an ask or PM me for any additional info!
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varjopeura · 4 years
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More monstertober drawings! This time we have:
Day 4: Satyr + protective
Day 5: Naga + limbs
Day 6: Dullahan + bloody
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varjopeura · 4 years
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And now I’ve finally drawn every character in our dnd party at least once! This is Nuna, our dwarven ranger, whom I love with all my heart.
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varjopeura · 5 years
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Today it’s been exactly one year since our DnD group started playing together! What started as a mini-campaign of maaaybe four sessions, has turned into something truly massive and beautiful. I wanted to celebrate our first anniversary by (finally) drawing a portrait of our entire party just chilling together.
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varjopeura · 5 years
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“maybe you should only draw hands from now on”
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varjopeura · 4 years
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My first attempt ever at oil painting! I followed a bob ross tutorial with this, had absolutely no idea what i was doing most of the time, but at least i got some happy little trees into my world.
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