#susx doc
charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
H&M Documentary Review: Episode 1
(my commentary in italics)
- all interviews were finished by August 2022. Members of the Royal Family declined to comment (no shit)
- starting off strong with phone footage at the “Windsor Suite” at Heathrow, seemed to be taken when they are about to leave for Canada after their farewell tour. They show what I believe is another photo taken at the private quarters at BP (also this proves they want to do this all along). 
- very raw and totally genuine footage (not) of Meghan in Vancouver taken at the Russian oligarch’s house 
- 2 minutes in and I wish I could speed this up. Bored already.
- Harry: “this is about duty and service and I feel as though being part of this family it is my duty to uncover this exploitation and bribery that happens within our media”. 
- “This isn’t just about our story, this is bigger than us” oh what would us mere mortals do without having big H here to protect us from the big bad media thank u king
- Netflix exposing Meghan by showing an interview where they ask her Prince William or Prince Harry in October 2015.....back when girly claimed she did not know who Harry was. Spoke too soon lmfao Harry goes “goes to show how little you knew” (because she couldn’t give a straight answer and the interviewer answered Harry for her)
- private footage of Archie and Lili
- ALSO private photos of the wedding showing George and Charlotte and all the other children who were in the ceremony (wonder if they got approval from ALL the parents before showing their faces like that)
- Harry talking about them sacrificing everything like they were going off to war or something
- ‘why are you making this documentary” short answer: money
- They are talking about consent when it comes to showing their kids...again did William and Catherine consent to have their kids’ faces on your doc?
- not the pics of Jessica Mulroney in a doc TALKING ABOUT RACISM
- they met over Instagram bc a friend in common shared a video of Meghan doing the puppy dog filter on snapchat. You cannot make this shit up. 
- Meghan said she didn’t google him because she looked him up on Instagram as she didn’t want to see what other people were saying about him but rather what he chose to put out....babes social media is fake did no one tell you that? googling people is how you find out they are on the record for sex offenders or idk have pictures of them in a n*zi costume
- Meghan texting her friends and being like “you are not going to believe this” before saying she was going on a date with H (literally everyone in this doc calls him H idk why but it drives me insane)
- REALLY bored now
- not them showing text messages between the two gosh
- they are cracking jokes but I’m not laughing
- Meghan saying Harry thought she was straight forward and American for inviting him to dinner herself? Hey girly come join us in the 21st century where women can actually ask men out????like????
- Meghan saying she doesn’t like to be all dolled up and prefers looking like herself while having a 100 coats of mascara on
- okay had to turn up the speed a bit I’m so bored
- Harry: ‘I think for so many people in the family, especially obviously the men, there can be a temptation or an urge to marry someone who would fit in the mold as opposed to someone perhaps you are destined to be with” probably the worst quote in this doc so far for me, but I’d love for you to elaborate on that H and tell me which men you were talking about
- talking about Diana making all of her decisions with her heart and I have a LOT of opinions on that but I will not be sharing xxxxx
- LOTS of footage of Diana being chased by the press
- bringing people to question the need for a royal family....quick someone tell Harry without the monarchy he wouldn’t have a thing
- they are using footage from a holiday photo call of William, Harry, Eugenie and Bea to talk about the media being invasive but like.....photo calls are arranged by the family??
- they are talking about the press like they are today what they were like back when H was young and I don’t think that’s fair. Yes, they still suck but there’s more protection especially for the children and they obviously refuse to admit that. 
- not him bringing up the Panorama interview...Harry I’m begging you to develop some common sense. 
- H: “I think we all know now she was deceived into giving that interview, but at the same time she spoke the truth of her experience” NO SHE DIDNT!!! THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT!!! That’s why the BBC got in trouble, she was manipulated so NO it wasn’t the truth babes
- interesting....Harry talked about the pain of the women who marry into the institution and it cuts from a picture of Diana and Fergie to Camila, Kate and Sophie
- very interesting that Harry acknowledges how hard it is for women who marry in and the amount of baggage he brings and yet he clearly did not prep Meghan for the role in anyway. 
- not the footage of Cressida and Chelsy....again did they consent to this?
- VERY awkward picture of Meghan posing while receiving a facetime call from “HAZ”
- Harry comparing Meghan to Diana; the mommy issues jumped out
- interesting that they used a lot of footage of Archie but only one of Lili so far
- Harry saying he had to put on the “royal hat” when Diana died and go out there and shake hands when Queen Elizabeth II did not want that and wanted to protect him and William as much as possible but the public wasn’t having it....
- Harry admits a lot of the stories about him back when he was in Eton are true but also exaggerated.....interesting because they were talking about him doing hard drugs here. 
- lots of footage of Harry in Lesotho and people gushing about how awesome he is. Don’t care. 
- “Harry is a warrior in spirit and he is a warrior in character” sure jane
- Also for all this talk about him and Lesotho I feel like he hasn’t been back in years?? or at least not publicly. They brought a friend from Eton and the Prince of Lesotho who again Harry probably hasn’t seen in ages. Maybe because any recent friends Harry had are gone. 
- Harry said the woman he met twice is coming to Botswana to sleep in a tent* luxury camp site
- the name dropping of restaurants gosh we get it, you go to nice places MOVE ON
- they are now talking about all the issues that come with being a member of the Royal Family like needing the monarch’s permission to marry, not getting to pick your own religion, living in a gilded cage; babes let’s talk about all the privileges
- pictures of Eugenie, Jack, Harry and Meghan at a Halloween party.....oh Eugenie..... 
That’s it for episode 1 guys! This post is longer than I expected and probably very messy (sorry) but overall....not impressed. Very boring doc, not a lot of new information and the only interesting thing so far have been the private photos.
I was hoping to make this post going through the events of the doc chronologically but I feel like nothing really happened and it was all over the place? Main things they talked about tho were the beggining of their relationship and a little introduction to the RF’S relationship with the media.
Kinda don’t want to sit through two more hours of this but onto episode 2!
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
H&M Documentary Review: Episode 5
(my commentary in italics)
- Meghan says she felt alone a lot during her childhood and always wanted a big family so when she was pregnant with Archie she was excited that she could give him that (through the Royal Family I mean). Claims she did everything she could to make the family like her and be proud of her.
- Videos of Sandringham 2018 and scarfgate lol
- Harry claims the palace wasn’t willing to protect Meghan and the media noticed that *insert all the times the palace defended her against negative stories and all the time royal reporters claim the palace asked them not to run certain stories*
- Meghan “I wasn’t just being thrown to the wolves, I was being fed to the wolves”. Does she not realize those dramatic and clearly rehearsed lines come across as anything but genuine?
- Meghan talks about Thomas Markle again. Says his interviews talking about the family after the wedding were embarassing to the family and that she reached out to “Her Majesty” asking for advice on what to do and eventually Elizabeth and Charles suggested that she write him a letter (has this been confirmed before, that it was their idea? I find it hard to grasp why they’d suggest something that could so easily be shared with the media like a letter but I digress)
- Meghan also implies the letter would be stolen if she sent it directly to her father so she sent it to her business manager in LA first. Claims the signature from whoever received the letter did not match her dad’s handwriting. 
- Harry and Meghan say they wanted to take legal action against the Mail for leaking the palace since the start but the Palace wouldn’t let them hence them searching for private lawyers
- Their lawyer claims she has seen evidence that the Palace briefed against Harry and Meghan to the media to suit other people’s agenda.......I’d love to see that evidence girl for a LAWYER to be making these claims without proof is rather crazy
- They are now saying Meghan was used as a scapegoat by the Palace to make negative stories about the other royals go away
- Videos of them (including lots of Archie) in Vancouver in the Russian oligarch’s mansion
- while in Canada, Harry claims he called Charles and suggested they move to Canada full time in order to still support the Commonwealth and the Queen.....but I thought the Commonwealth was the Empire 2.0?
- Meghan says the royal rota is based in London so they wouldn’t care about what they were doing.......ingenuity (not to use a worse word) at its finest
- She then says “you guys can be in the front pages of all the papers, you can have it exactly the way you want it. and we can just go about doing the work in the name of the Queen” by you guys I guess she mean the royals and we, her and H. This is lowkey shady but also royals need the papers to talk about them doing the work in the name of the Queen to get attention for their charities, which means the Sussexes would still need to have some sort of relationship with the media. Going around Vancouver visiting charities and being shush about defeats the whole purpose. 
- Harry: “if you want us to go and do things on behalf on the Queen. we’ll go and do it. And we’ll pay for it ourselves. We don’t want to be dependant on any taxpayer funding. You get us, and you’ll get us for free?” WITH WHAT MONEY ARE YOU PAYING FOR IT YOURSELVES??? Yall stayed at some random shady dude’s house in Vancoucer and used public security provided by Canada AKA TAXPAYER FUNDED. That would never work, unless they were doing something similiar to what they are doing now. Which is precisely why I’m assuming Queen Elizabeth II and Charles were not having this plan. 
- gosh the lack of braincells is crazy.....Harry now says they wanted to remove the public funding because it would take the media’s claim to printing stories on them go away. Not how it works love.
- Harry says the palace signed off on him and Meghan moving to South Africa but The Times leaked the news, so the plan was scrapped because it became public debate. (it would become public debate anyway when they announced it + it makes sense to release pieces of information like this to see what the public is thinking so the leak could have been a good thing but oh well)
- Interesting. Harry says that if their move to Canada didn’t work they were willing to let go of their Sussex titles.....why are you still using them then??
- Harry says the Queen wanted to see him and Meghan when they came back from Canada and told them she wasn’t busy. Right before they got to the airport, Harry was told he couldn’t see her because she was busy. He called her and she said she was told she’d be busy all week. The implication here obviously being that they tried to keep her away from him and, once again, he sounds quite angry when he says it. They keep trying to sell this narrative that Elizabeth was this naive innocent thing being used as a puppet by Charles and William and it’s sad. Plus.......Harry, buddy, she is literally THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND. She could very well be unexpectedly be busy. 
- Meghan: “his dad say put it (their plan to move to Canada) in writing. And he did, and just five days later it was on the front page of a newspaper. “ Harry openly said the palace leaked the news.
- Meghan *once again* talking about their wishes to keep supporting the Commonwealth and for the first time they talk about their role as President and VP of the Commonwealth’s Trust........when they were shitting on the existence of the Commonwealth two episodes ago. Got it. 
- Harry said that with their instagram statement announcing they were stepping down, he didn’t blindside the Queen and he would never do that because he has so much respect for her. Says these discussions went on for months and months. *sure did but were the Queen, Charles and William aware of your statement? Did they agree to the terms y’all decided? No, huh?
- Harry and Meghan were angry she wasn’t invited to the Sandringham Summit because she is “the mother, the wife and the target”. 
- Harry: “I went in with the same proposal that we already made publicly”. HOW DO YOU NOT SEE WHATS WRONG WITH THAT STATEMENT???? HOW IS THIS NOT BLINDSIDING THE ROYALS????
- Harry complains about not being allowed to do the half in/half out thing. In his own words, to be able to have their own jobs while also working to support the Queen. 
- whoop there it is, the bit about William. King behavior (wish someone recorded the yelling bits, for science)
- gosh I’m bored how am I only half way through
- interestingly enough....Harry defends the Queen by saying her main goal was to protect the institution and that’s what she was taught. Says she will follow whatever advice she’s giving regarding the Sussexes as if this woman doesn’t have a working brain of her own and hasn’t been doing this job for decades. 
- the bs Harry is saying about the family is so much worse than I thought god
- “I think, from their perspective, they had to believe that it was more about us, and maybe the issues that we had, as opposed to THEIR PARTNER, the media, and themselves, and that relationship that was causing so much pain to us” calling the media the royal family’s partner is WILD
- Harry says one of the saddest parts in all of this is the break of his bond with William and William has chosen the institution’s side. 
- THE HYPOCRISY OF THIS MAN, complaining about William putting out a joint statement with Harry’s name saying that William did not bully him out of the family because he never agreed on it WHEN HE RELEASED A STATEMENT ON INSTAGRAM ANNOUNCING HE WAS STEEPING DOWN FROM THE FAMILY THAT THEY NEVER AGREED ON 
- “in four hours they were happy to lie to protect my brother and yet, for three years, they were never willing to tell the truth to protect us” my brother in Christ YES THEY DID MANY TIMES (also William is literally the heir????)
- the way they edited this doc made this whole thing seem so petty because it’s almost like Harry saw the palace protecting his brother and said “yeah?” and left in retaliation like a child
- oh my god, the white man got tired of lecturing us on racist and started us on misogyny. Go on, king, keep telling us about things you have 0 knowledge on x
- gosh all these two do is sit around in other people’s homes
- talking about bots and online hate
- this one woman saying that by targetting “symbols of social justice” it tells other people to stand down???? girl
- footage of them meditating and crying over this audio of someone telling them they are not who the media says they are I’m uncomfy
- lots and lots and lots of pictures of them at Frogmore Cottage during their farewell tour and why even bring a professional photographer along??? so odd?
- Meghan “until that last week in the UK I rarely wore color  why are we still talking about this yes you did
- they say they would come home after engagements in the farewell tour and think they could do this forever. They both say they miss the British public but not the press.
- Meghan says on the plane back from the farewell tour, a crew member kneeled next to her seat and said “I appreciate everything you did for our country”. She says it was the first time someone noticed the sacrifice she made. Meghan says she tried so hard but it still wasn’t good enough and she still didn’t fit in.
- oh yikes pictures of the Waleses’ Carribean tour, including the fence pictures
- Harry: “anyone inside that system, whether it’s my family, whether it’s staff, whether it’s PR, whoever it is, have already miss an enormous oppurtunity with my wife and how far that would go globally” I see Harry missed the lesson on tokenism when he was taking his ‘white savior and racism 101′ crash course. That’s what you’re describing here, buddy, to use a woman of color to prove a point. 
- by the way, they’re talking again about the disconnect between most people in the Commonwealth (mainly black and brown people) and the Royal Family. They talked about Barbados and how many countries should follow etc. (again I can’t miss the irony in H&M getting these clearly anti-monarchist to talk in their docs because the only reason they even got a doc or a platform in the first place was because of the family)
- “their departure felt like the death of a dream” the dramatics goshhhh
- Harry complaining about the palace removing their security but.....I thought you didn’t want to live on taxpayer funding? I thought you could pay for everything yourself? What’s the issue bud?
- episode ends with them talking about covid, and fears of the border being closed which led them to LA.
They somehow manage to make this more boring and yet more frustrating with each episode? Anyway can’t wait to get this over with lol
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
okay overall thoughts (sorry if you’re tired of hearing about this): there was NOTHING new in that documentary. I do wonder what Harry is going to write in The Spare because clearly all big relevations were made in the Oprah interview. The only new things were their personal pictures and videos of Archie. Their interviews come off as very scripted and not genuine at times. 
As for the editing and directing, it’s all over the place. Very repetitive, especially when it comes to the harrassment of the media; they even reuse footage of Diana. Also, a lot of the treatment they showed H&M getting from the press was identical to what other royal couples received which went against their argument that their situation was different. Also, they kept including clips from contemporary Britain (like about Brexit and anti-immigration protests) which felt very out of place and an attempt to make this feel less like a reality show (they failed).
The random history lessons on the British Empire were also random and scattered around which was odd. It was also odd that they never got Harry and Meghan themselves to address colonialism and the Commonwealth if those are such relevant topics. 
Lots of Diana comparisons, lots of ass kissing and yet a whole lot of nothing when it came to content. 
Overall, this was boring and repetitive and did not put them in a good light. No wonder they kept their distance from it but the fact that Netflix paid them millions for it is wild. 
edit: if you were worried about this doc hurting the family, don’t be. There’s nothing damaging there.
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
H&M Documentary Review: Episode 3
(my commentary is in italics)
- starting off with the engagement interview. Meghan calls it an orchastrated reality show. Oh, the irony
- They say the interview was scripted and they were told ahead of time which questions were going to be asked. 
- She said they (assuming it’s the palace) didn’t want them sharing their real story during the interview? I mean, was she looking for an Oprah style interview orrr
- little History lesson now. Long talk about slavery in the British empire than cuts to a child singing God save the King.
- James Holt (Executive Director of Archewell) telling the world he doesn’t know how google works and never bothered doing further research on things he never learned at school. Such scholar!
- David Olusoga, made a point about how with time London started to look like the capital of an Empire composed of non-white people with more and more black and brown people moving there; how there was an attempt to redefine British institutions and stuff. He says the moment he realized things were changing was when the engagement was announced (which is funny to me because that would make sense if Meghan was from the Commonwealth....she isn’t).
- ms. I’ve always been known for my brains didn’t know what a walkabout was
- Harry said he tried to help Meghan as much as he could but there wasn’t much he could do in terms of fashion (it was funny because Meghan was talking about these earrings she bought online, she still had the tags on some of her clothes, her zipper broke, she wanted to wear British designers and how quickly did that relatability change when she had access to that Duchy of Cornwall money)(ALSO this plays into the “she never got help narrative” but didn’t she have one of Queen Elizabeth II’s former aides helping her?)
- they showed a picture of her trying on an outfit which I think it was for the engagement photo call and thank god she changed bc that was not cute
- “someone can just call themselves a royal expert” idk babes ask scoobie
- Harry says a royal expert is the same as a royal correspondent.....no
- Harry goes on a rant about the invisible contract between the Royals and the press and is just not true. So far this has been the episode with the most lies yet. A couple quotes:
- “Anyone can be a royal expert. The whole of it is to try and lend legitimacy to media articles, and they get paid for it. That press pack of royal correspondents is essentially just an extended PR arm of the Royal Family”. 
- “There’s been an agreement that’s been there for over 30 years”
- UGH. First time watching I actually got mad. This idea that the Royals somehow control the media is bs and Harry’s insistance on it will only encourage sugars to run with their narrative that negative stories about the Royals (mainly William) are burried and bad stories about Sussexes were planted by the palace. Doesn’t work that way, buddy. Royals and the media (especially royal reporters who have been on the job for decades) do have a closer relationship but to say they’re an extended PR arm of the family is insane. They’re still journalists. 
- More explanation of the Royal Rota and this one didn’t come from Harry so it was actually accurate. Cut back to Harry saying BS again tho. 
- Harry: “it all comes out to control us. Like, this family is ours to exploit. That trauma is our story and our narrative to control” BABES THAT WHAT YOU’RE DOING AS WELL!!!! you’re exploiting your family and their traumas and YOU ARE controlling the narrative because your family can’t say anything and YOU KNOW THATTTTT
- gosh this is so repetitive. They are even reusing footage of Diana being chased. WE GET IT. Move on. 
- random but they’re showing footage of old Charles and his eyes are deep blue. Never noticed that. Thought William’s eyes were all Diana, guess not. Moving on. 
- James Holt saying the whole family had an obligation to perform and if they don’t, they fall out of favor with the papers. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN JAMES? You mean to do their jobs and shake hands? Get their picture taken? Share pictures of their kids a couple times a year? Gosh, making it sound like they’re circus monkeys. This man is annoying. 
- I can’t help but roll my eyes. These are two of the most privileged people in the world and I’m sure it sucked to be chased by the paps but some people struggle with putting food on the table like???? have some common sense. 
- Meghan’s friends saying there were paps staying outside their houses (MOST of which were in the US btw, keep that in mind)....I mean, sure Jane. I did not know the names of any of you before this but whatever floats your boat.
- damn Meghan’s friend throwing her mom under the bus to defend her wow these people have the best family dynamics ever
- Doria talking about being chased by the paps....in LA. Not the British media then. 
- Meghan talks about Samantha Markle. Says the media wanted Doria’s side of the family to be the messy one but Doria was too classy and it was the Markles creating issues. Said her and Samantha barely had a relationship.
- Oh wow, they brought Samantha’s daughter Ashley to talk. Meghan said “Ash” was dragged into the drama by the media but this is the first I’m hearing about this niece?
- Anyway, Ashley was not raised by Samantha but they reconnected and eventually feel out again over Samantha’s opinion on Meghan. Meghan and Ashley are quite close. 
- interestengly enough, although Meghan found Windsor to be medieval and the Royal Family too formal she loved Christmas at Sandrigham? Even if it’s known to be very formal
- She says it was amazing and it was like this big family she always wanted and it’s fun....so I guess they did welcome her after all?
- They talk about Princess Michael of Kent and the brooch
- the white dude who thought it was okay to wear a n*zi costume and use racial slurs lecturing me on unconscious bias. 
- oh so they are addressing the n*zi thing. Alright.
- Harry claims it was one of the biggest mistakes of his life and he just wanted to make things right. He met with a Rabbi and a Holocast survivor. (imo you shouldn’t have to do any of these to know you’re not supposed to wear a n*zi costume but  ya know, H is clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed). 
- Interestingly enough.....it was one of Harry’s biggest regrets in life and yet I’ve never seen a proper apology from him? And he didn’t talk about his use of racial slurs in the army?
- “I could’ve ignored it but I learned from that’. congrats you want a cookie for doing the bare minimum, sir?
- mr. and mrs. equality being introduced by their titles in a country where titles do not exist. lovely. (ps they walk into a room full of military people and the way none of them give a single fuck lmfao)
- this man talking about his experiences in the army RIGHT after talking about the n*zi controversy and DOES NOT address his use of racial slurs. He doesn’t care. If he did, he would have apologized. 
- “Jeez, I went to war twice” LOTS of opinions surrounding this statement, but I;d rather not share them. Just *eye roll*
- they made a POINT to show Meghan talking about Me Too and female empowerment and a reporter saying Kate didn’t wear black to the BAFTAs and Camila never talked about Me Too. Because nothing screams women supporting women like bringing down women in the family to make yourself look superior. 
- Tim Burt - strategic advisor to Archewell - saying the causes the Royal Family champions are strictly non-controversial. Not true. 
- Meghan saying there’s no class on how to act like a princess. Girl......
- Harry saying the press invents a lot of protocols which might be the only true statement he has given in this whole doc!
- they really are showing her getting fittings for the Carolina Herrera dress only for it to fit her the way it did. I can’t even. (I’m pretty sure the guy is the creative director for Carolina Herrera, he was there and that was the best they could do> Gosh)
- Meghan saying she could never wear the same color as the Queen but also not the same color as the other senior members of the family. BS. The family usually color coordinates. 
- She says ^ that is why she usually never wore color in family events and stuck to camel and white which is funny since Camila and Catherine wear white quite often. Plus, she did not choose a neutral color for Louis’ christening, did she? When everyone else in the family was in neutral colors. 
- Again, she said the neutral tones was so she could blend in. She certainly was not blending in at Louis’ christening. 
- Ashley (Meghan’s niece) implies her relationships were being managed (aka controlled) by the Palace. Sure, Jane version 294958583849.
- They immediately start talking about their comms team making it seem like every phone call they make has to go through someone else. BS. Ashley babes, Meghan had her own phone. If she didn’t text you, she didn’t want to. 
- They keep using Jason’s pictures. I would sue.
- Meghan saying she had compassion for their comms team (aka Jason) for dealing with the shitshow that was the PR before the wedding. Interesting version of compassion you have since they are all accusing you of bullying. 
- Meghan says the guidance at the time was not to have Ashley come to the wedding. That makes zero sense; it would be better press to have more of her family members there. Maybe her invite was sent to one of the celebrities Meghan never talked to before but who, for some reason, were at Windsor.
- now onto the Commonwealth talk.........
- listen, saying wealth was extracted from the colonies and flow into the British Empire is true. Saying the British elites benefited from it is true. I just it VERY interesting that neither Harry nor Meghan seemed to have an issue with that previously. In fact, they don’t talk about it themselves, they let other people do it. Both of them benefited from that wealth inequality through their associations with their royal family. 
- to say things are the same in the Commonwealth countries today as they were 100 years ago may be true, but these countries have their own governments who played a role in that. 
- girly is now praising Harry for educating himself into becoming “anti-racist” if you refuse to apologize for your mistakes then you aren’t anti-racist. Harry hasn’t. All he does is lecture people on things he actually does not understand. 
- I’m sorry James Holt sounds incredibly naive and good riddance that he is no longer working with the Palace. This man genuinely couldn’t tell those pictures of Thomas were staged at first??? Be for real
- Also, I truly did not know Thomas was supposed to fly to the UK and walk Meghan down the aisle until like 10 days before the wedding. 
- more about Thomas. I do wish they went a little deeper on their relationship because Meghan used to be a daddy’s girl and they were close and yet Thomas never got to meet Harry and next thing you know he’s doing pap walks?
- doc ends right before the wedding.
Oof. The other two were boring but this one made me mad lol. This doc is all over the place and I’m interested to see what the general public will think of it.  
Next 3 episodes coming out in a week.....
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
  H&M Documentary Review: Episode 6
I watched this while angry that Argentina won the World Cup so I’m already in a bad mood lol sorry if the bitchness was running wild
(my commentary in italics)
- Harry: “we are on the freedom light” shut up
- “It felt like they were running” shut up 
- talking about Tyler Perry now
- he sent Meghan a letter before the wedding, they never talked and then she called him crying in Canada??? 
- Tyler saying Diana was thrown to the wolves after the divorce 
- Now he says what the institution did to H&M is the same ‘abuse’ as what his mother faced in a physically abusive relationship because they took away their money and security to force them to come back.....no they did that because they were no longer working royals NEXT
- like this man literally admits to not knowing anything about the royals and now he is talking like is the expert be for real
- “They just wanted to be free and be happy” they’re not prisoners of war gosh the lack of awareness is wild
- “No one knew you were there” yes they did for someone so obsessed with the media did you miss the daily mail articles about y’all moving to LA
- wow paparazzi can take pictures of you from hundreds of feet away? If only there was a property where that was not allowed and somewhere your children go run free without being photographed......somewhere like Windsor maybe?
- they’re going hard on the Mail.....seems a bit silly to piss off one of Britain’s largest tabloids like this but oh well
- talking about her miscarriage 
- Harry blaming the miscarriage on the Mail.......this man is something else
- btw the story her friend told on the miscarriage is different than what Meghan wrote about it.
- the editing in this doc is weird as hell, it goes from them talking about their causes, to Meghan’s reaction to the BLM movement in the news to this random montage of home videos of them?
- Meghan saying Harry’s so fun after he makes the most unfunny joke I ever heard. No one laughed.
- James Holt either shut up or use the braincells God gave you challenge
- saying the journalist who releaved the bullying allegations ‘admitted’ to doing it right before the Oprah interview is another half-truth in this doc. He did it because the victims wanted their story out there before H&M could probably twist the whole thing and play the victim. 
- institutional gaslighting????? harry shush and stop bringing up the diana comparisons ever two seconds I am tired
- they recorded themselves reacting to the Oprah interview
- Meghan saying she thought most people would focus on what she said about dealing with depression and mental health issues.....girly there’s no way that’s true be serious
- ‘Beyonce just texted’ and Meghan justs reads the text out loud lmfao
- Meghan reacting to the BP statement after the Oprah interview and Harry shows Meghan a text from William on his phone to which she says ‘wow’
- Meghan looking at travel arrangements for Harry to go back to the UK after Prince Philip died because that man is incompetent 
- something about Harry being ok being filmed non-stop after his grandfather died is weird to me but whatever
- Harry reading the statement he wrote in Philip’s honor is so tacky to me bitch have some respect
- ‘He went quietly. He went peacefully’ aham
- Harry says William and Charles were focused on the same misinterpretation of the situation
- “I’ve had to make peace with the fact that we’re probably never going to get genuine accountability or a genuine apology “ BITCH BE FOR REALLLLL
- “My wife and I we’re moving on” YOU CALL MOVING ON???? TALKING ABOUT IT NON STOP?????
- Harry says he sees a lot of Meghan in Archie and a lot of Diana in Lili. Nothing from the Windsors then huh
- TYLER PERRY is Lili’s godfather???? is this common knowledge or what I swear I did not know about this
- also pretty sure the public still doesn’t know who Archie’s godparents are?? But the celeb gets announced like this, got it (also does this mean she was baptized outside of the Church of England?)
- btw they are showing quite a lot of footage of Lili now, before it was all Archie
- NOT EUGENIE GIRLLLLLL (I hope William yelled at her about this too) 
- Meghan’s lawyer talks a LOT of crap for someone who is a lawyer and knows she can’t just say shit without proof. Implying that William told Jason to send in a statement to harm Meghan’s case against the Mail without any evidence is shady girl 
- Meghan “it’s your brother, I’m not going to say anything about your brother but it’s so obvious” again girly show me the obvious evidence then
- Meghan says her niece Ashley is back into her life but like why did she even leave her life again???? Its the big bag palace to blame once more?
- By the way, it’s interesting that they try not to show Lili’s face but Archie’s is no problem. 
- Meghan saying their kids now get to have moments out in the world and travel and sorry to break it to you luv so do the Waleses
- Harry saying LA is one of the places Diana would have lived eventually???? bro
- Nacho saying Harry always wanted a more normal, simple life why didn’t he leave the family to join the army then when he had the change? Also, what’s simple about a $15 million dollar mansion in Montecito?
- there’s so many footage and pictures of Harry and Meghan out and I genuinely wonder who took those like do they get the children to do it?? a professional photographer??
- Meghan read the speech she read at the wedding and it was written in that fancy caligraph of hers and the whole thing was so cringey
- (do you think they did it for the first time in that tent in botswana) 
- the constant montages of the home videos with some crappy song in the background makes me want to scream
- “in response to allegations that Mr. Knauf submitted a voluntary witness statement in connection with the Daily Mail litigation with the consent of Prince William’s office, a representative for Mr. Knauf sent the following statement: ‘these claims are entirely false. Mr. Knauf was asked to provide evidence by both The Duchess of Sussex and Associate Newspapers” LMFAO TELL THEM JASON (Meghan’s attorneys then clap back that they didn’t ask for a statement and he did not remain neutral in the process because he was working for the Cambs this is so dumb and so easy to proof like why are them doing all of this)
I’M FREE!!!! WORST EXPERIENCE OF MY FUCKING LIFE!!!! (this is about the doc and the world cup by the way I’m glad both are done)
Anyway, this doc is boring and full of inconsintencies and this could cause no harm to the family whatsover although it will be HILARIOUS if they get invited to the coronation and actually show up. 0/10 do not reccomend. 
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
H&M Documentary Review: Episode 2
(my commentary in italics)
- starting with them in New York talking about being chased by the paparazzi. Are they going to blame that on the British media too?
- Interviewing Doria now. Meghan told her she was dating Prince Harry on the phone. Again, seems like Meghan tells everyone she is dating *the* Prince as opposed to “just Harry”.
- VERY interesting that they showed news articles about the matching bracelet that they used to wear because in episode 1, Meghan clearly states they met in July 2016 and she had been single for a couple months. There are pictures of her from before July (and allegedly when she was not single) wearing the bracelet). 
- Meghan sharing stories about being chased by the paps in Toronto. Don’t be shy babes tell us about the times you called the paps on yourself x
- random picture of Harry on the phone at KP? This is the third picture of them at KP I believe so if you’d like any never seen before pictures of the palace, look no further
- Meghan’s backstory. Very boring. Lots of ass kissing. (they added a weird filter over a picture of Meghan and Tom and they both look distorted. very weird) (dishsoap story..ofc)
- praising Tom?? I’m shocked. Maybe praising is a strong word, Meghan’s friend just said he was involved in a lot of their school plays bc he did lighting. 
- Meghan: “I’d say now people are very aware of my race because they made such an issue when I went to the UK. But before that, most people didn’t treat me like a “black woman”. 
- Harry said most of the men in the family saw what Meghan was going through as a rite of passage for the women who marry in. But the difference here was the race factor. 
- Putting a LOT of emphasis on the power of the tabloids. I’m not British but saying the freaking Daily Mail can sway governments? Bit much, no?
- again, LOTS of Archie. No Lili. At this point I’ve seen Archie talk more than George. Guess which one is the one trapped in the problematic institution that hands off their kids in a silver platter.
- Meghan reciting this whole ass poem she wrote in the 8th grade?? girl
- this is like the Meghan show now. Significantly less interesting than episode 1. 
- Meghan had security hired by NBC (which involved a special driver especialized in evasive driving) to protect her from the paps. That’s more than Kate ever got and she had to navigate all that by herself (she was a lot younger too). 
- ugh they keep talking about stuff EVERY royal couple dealt with. You were chased by the paps. They harassed you. We know.
- Meghan was in ripped jeans and barefoot when she met William and “Kate” for the first time (I thought everyone in the fam called her Catherine?)
- “The formality on the outside carried in on the inside”. idk babes maybe they were formal around you because they are the future monarchs and they don’t know you?? they don’t know what you will share with the media?? and clearly they were right??
- The Queen was the first senior member of the family Meghan met. (Harry you buffoon)
- interesting. Harry and Meghan were on their way to lunch at the Royal Lodge and the Queen just happened to be there. (Don’t be shy Harry....tell us who lives at the Royal Lodge).
- “We were in the car, driving and he’s like ‘you know how to curtsy, right?’” HARRY DIDN’T BOTHER CHECKING THAT BEFORE HE SENT HER TO MEET THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND????? HARRY YOU’RE WORSE THAN I THOUGHT
- Meghan thought the curtsying/bowing was a joke but I feel like it’s common knowledge that you do that to a monarch? especially since she lived in Canada I feel like she should know?
- Harry’s face when Meghan was mocking the way she curtsied to the Queen. He knows. 
- very interesting that they brought a large number of Meghan’s friends but only two of Harry’s. Says a lot. 
- Meghan talks about her passion for volunteering. She had to opportunity to be in the family with the largest voice in the world and blew it, very ironic. 
- Now Harry says he knew she was perfect for the role the more he got to know her. But I thought marrying women who fit the mould was you leading with your head, not your heart? I thought your heart didn’t care about that? Why did it matter if she was perfect for the role if she was perfect for you?
- LOTS of shots of KP. Some of them from the outside of the gate but it looks like some are from the inside?? Very confused.
- they included a picture from the engagement with Harry down on one knee. You cannot make this up. 
- they keep showing only one dog, is the second one the one she left behind?
- “We had a little engagement party and everyone was dressed in animal onesies. And Meghan and Harry were in matching penguin onesies because penguins mate for life”. Someone hand me something I can tear my ears off with. 
- Meghan says she believed what she was told that it was just the beggining and people would get used to her when she got married so the chaos would die down. Granted, it did happen to the other royal women......
- M: “truth be told, no matter how hard I tried, no matter how good I was, no matter what I did, they were still going to find a way to destroy me”. 
On that note, there goes episode 2! Worst episode so far and a whole lot of nothing! Very boring but one more hour to go. (pray for me)
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
H&M Documentary Review: Episode 4
(my commentary in italics)
- Starting off with them talking about the wedding
- Meghan says it was her suggestion to have Charles walk her down the aisle and Charles agreed. Says she lost a father in all this.
- The designer for her wedding dress says everything had to be perfect because the world was watching....ironic considering the dress didn’t even fit properly
- Harry says there’s an expectation on him having a public wedding because “he is Diana’s boy” hmmmm no babes it’s because you’re Charles’ boy, in direct line to the throne and living on public dime. He sounds quite angry when he says it too. 
- They talk about how monumental it was to have a gospel choir at the wedding, with Serena Williams saying how incredible it was to have Meghan’s culture represented like that. Harry quickly mentions that they had Charles’ help with that when it was *literally* his idea. 
- Shot of William looking very happy at the wedding. Shouldn’t have included that one babes doesn’t fit your narrative.
- LOTS of pics of the wedding, including one of Catherine.
- videos of them in their “cottage” in Kensington Palace. They tried to make it relatable in a way because they were living on a cottage but like....that’s still on palace grounds what’s your point
- very awkward video of Meghan dancing at said cottage and now I wish I was blind
- praise after praise after praise for Queen Elizabeth II. Meghan says she saw her as Harry’s grandmother, not the Queen of England, and she loved having a grandmother figure in her life. Says she has a lot of respect for the Queen. This is so wild to me because do they not see the irony in saying this when she was the head of the institution they so clearly hate. The narrative that William and Charles were the villains and making the decisions in her place is wild and it’s wild that people don’t see the irony and hypocrisy.
- bits about Grenfell Fire
- “Harry and Meghan are the superstars of the British Royal Family” *eyeroll*
- They had to announce the pregnancy because Meghan started to show. That’s what loose dresses and patterns are for but I digress.
- they got these random friends of Meghan talking about the inner workings of the family and it bothers me so much
- ohhh there we go, the Palace was threatened because they were so popular. “Bigger than William and Kate” oh please
- They show a headline saying that polls show Harry is now more popular than the Queen and I’m pretty sure that never happened lmfao The Queen was always the more popular royal followed by W&C then H&M
- Also Harry says it becomes a problem when the married-in royal becomes more popular than the royal by blood.......but like your brother is doing just fine with his wife who is more popular than him. It’s obvious they’re going for the Diana narrative but it’s bs. 
- they bring up this Telegraph headline where after Remembrance - an event where all senior members of the family were at - Meghan was front and center on the front page. Again, Catherine is usually front and center in the media even when other royals are in attendance......very silly point to make. 
- there we go, Diana comparisons. AND the BBC interview. 
- Tabloids critizing Meghan for every little thing yeah they do that buddy they’ve been doing it for decades get with the program
- “is avocado a fruit?” gosh negative braincells in this man’s head I fear
- comparing headlights that Meghan and Catherine got. 
- Harry: “if you don’t see the difference and understand why it’s being reported that way then I can’t help you” *they both laugh* babes if you needed to talk a Holocaust survivor to realize dressing up as a n*zi was bad then I can’t help you either
- talking about Meghan’s suicidal tendencies
- GOD this man can’t take responsibility for a single thing. Yeah, he wasn’t able to give his wife the support she needed but but but he was trained to put the monarchy first, just admit you’re a shitty husband and go
- Meghan says she wanted to go somewhere to get help but she wasn’t allowed to because they were concerned about how that would look for the institution. The same institution whose members have openly discussed getting professional help for their mental health. Next. 
- Harry: “if you strip all that away and say the treatment of Meghan in the press was the same as the other female members of the family; so do we still believe she should have just sucked it up like other members of the family” Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying
- “No one would have private conversations with the editors saying: enough” YEAH BECAUSE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS EXISTS GENIUS
- He is talking about the palace playing a dirty game with the media, not as dirty as you selling your family and private pictures of your children to whoever is willing to give you more money bestie
- “So if the comms team want to be able to remove a negative story about their principle, they will trade and give you something about someone else’s principle” 
- this man is bitter and angry and he needs some serious help
- Harry claims him and William saw what was going on with his dad’s comms office and made an agreement it would never happen to their office. Accuses William’s office of breaking that agreement. 
- sorry but Harry the moral superiority card is so dumb to me. Even if William’s team planted stories against Harry and Meghan in the media 1. Sussex’s camp did the same to the Waleses 2. How is this doc, the Oprah interview, the book any better? You hate the media so much and yet you’re feeding into it. Be for real.
- Meghan says everything was controlled and she couldn’t even text her friend a photo and ughhh it’s a known fact the royals have access to their own phones and whats app groupchats maybe you have shitty friends who can’t be trusted Meg
- Meghan’s friends get on my nerves lmfao the dramaaa god 
- “one of my closest friends who happened to be the editor of People’s magazine” girl shush
- Talking about the NYC baby shower now
- not Jessica lmfaoo I can’t
- complaining about the attention of the baby shower as if there wasn’t a thousand ways to avoid it
- Meghan talks about women like it’s straight out of a girl boss 2013 pinterest feminism quote. 
- Meghan says the party was thrown with her friends’ own money (not tax payer money) even though most of the items were gifted to them. Alright. Twist your truth bestie. 
- talking about Archie being a “black prince” yeaaaaaaah
- they brought Archie’s former nanny???? again I know more about this boy than George
- talking about the South African documentary
- Meghan was aware of a pro Meghan hashtag on twitter but noooo they don’t check social media 
- Harry says no one in the family had openly talked about struggling apart from one person (his mother) my brother in Christ YES THEY HAVE
- Harry implies they didn’t get support from the family in the fallout from the South African doc and that made them consider their options (aka leaving the family)
This one was boring, full of lies and weird narratives. Not looking forward to the rest but either way gotta go back to packing! See y’all soon. 
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
Meghan says she believed what she was told that it was just the beggining and people would get used to her when she got married so the chaos would die down. Granted, it did happen to the other royal women......// girl!! I was screaming at my tv “they meant after years of work, not 1 year of a few engagements!!!”
exactly!! It took years for the public and media to warm up to Catherine and don’t even get me started on Camila…..it takes time.
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
“VERY awkward picture of Meghan posing while receiving a facetime call from “HAZ””// yo, why is one of them screen shotting in the middle face time calls? Like what were they planning on doing with that screen shot? Why did they keep it for 5 years?
to be fair I know a lot of couples who do long distance and they always screenshot/screen record their calls (we are in college not our late 30s tho lmao), what I found odd was the one picture of M receiving a call from H and posing for the screenshot lol
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
my posts on the susx documentary will be tagged ‘susx doc’ so block that if you don’t want to see it. will be posting one masterpost for each episode and just telling you now, the posts are all over the place!
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
The thing is, is that after harry and Meghan left the royal family, they could’ve seriously secluded themselves from the world. If harry were truly afraid of history repeating itself to his wife, then he could’ve taken his family away but instead he moved his family to California into a ridiculous mega mansion in a uber wealthy gated community. I know they claim that they tried other places and that paparazzi kept finding them but dude, they would have moved on and left you alone. Instead they choose to continue bashing the royals and continued seeking publicity when they know their favorable numbers are low. They could’ve come out winning if they lay low and ten years or whatever they could’ve come back swinging. Basically what I’m trying to say is, that if they had been smart and played their cards correctly, they could’ve won.
yep they could have moved to a Commonwealth country and laid low but it was never about privacy for them, it was always about payback and $$$
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
decided to watch episode 6 of the susx doc after watching the one team I despise win the world cup........
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
flying home tomorrow and still haven’t started packing.....probably won’t be able to update on the christmas service or the susx doc but we’ll see x
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