koval-nation · 10 months
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151) Tabyn, Табы́н - plemię Baszkirów w północno-wschodnich Baszkirach. Według niektórych badaczy etnonim tabyn wywodzi się od słowa „tabynu” – służyć, kłaniać się, według innych od mongolskiej „piątki” (tabun) w etnonimii turecko-mongolskiej często używane są cyfry. Wśród Kazachów znany jest etnonim Tabyn. Klan Baszkirów Karatauly-Ayle nazywany jest także inną nazwą - Tabynmazar. Z tureckiego tabynu.
"Plemię, którego nazwa wzięła się od ich zawodu – pasterzy. W okresie tureckiego kaganatu gromadzili stada koni na wymianę z Chinami. Podczas zbierania każdy klan odkładał własną tamgę. Koń z piętnem był już nazywany towarem. Handel Jedwabnym Szlakiem był przywilejem państwa. Yaglakarowie (od <yagla, yayla; hodowla bydła yayla>) przyjmowali konie od Tabynów, wypasali je w celu tuczu, a następnie transportowali do Chin w zamian za jedwab i inne towary".
Do stowarzyszenia plemiennego Tabyn w obrębie Baszkirów zaliczały się następujące plemiona: Badrak, Bishul, Kuvakan, Kumruk, Syrzy, Tabyn. Samo plemię Tabyn składa się z klanów:
BARYN (oddziały plemienne: Burus, Bereken, Butis, Derjimen, Davletbay, Kazach, Kalmak, Karaelke, Kara Ugez, Kuluy, Kuzyan, Kuy-Sary, Kustanai, Kyzylbash, Kirgiz, Karim, Kesek, Myshar, Mustafa, Uryuk, Sukur, Subey, Sutek, Syskan, Tabyn, Tuktagul, Tuluptar, Turkmen, Tungatar, Teke, Tupei, Un, Khaiskan, Sapash, Sart, Hupeis, Syzgy, Shuran, Ayle, Akunchuk, Alakai, Burangul, Ilek-Aimagy, Had, Isyangul, Kazach, Kalmak, Katai, Suvash, Taz, Tatar, Tauk, Turna, Ismail, Yulysh)
DUVAN (oddziały rodzajowe: Asan, Butnay, Kazan-Tatar, Kalmak, Kaskyn, Kutras, Kultai, Mukai, Murash, Usen, Chingis, Taz, Tyukun, Shelte)
KALSER (oddziały plemienne: Akkuz, Bire, Yunys, Kuskilde, Kyigas, Sukai, Turkmen, Tyrnak, Urankay, Yabalak, Kawardy)
KARA-TABYN (podziały plemienne: Abdrazak, Aisa, Baidan, Baynazar, Gabzalil, Duvan-Sakal, Isenbet, Yumran, Kalmak, Ilyas, Kalmatai, Kanly, Karyau, Katay, Kulman, Kurpes, Kypsak, Mazan, Min, Muslim, Mukshi, Mukshy-Kaskyn, Rayman, Ramazan, Salty, Suvash, Suvashay, Sade, Sait, Sankem, Tabyn, Tatar, Turkmen, Tuktar, Tenes, Sharep, Alip, Yuldash, Yuly, Yaik, Yakshimbet, Yakshigul, Yanaly, Bidergen, Berkut, Burangul, Butis, Bezhekey, Il-Aimagy, Ilek-Aimagy, Kalmak, Kara Tabyn, Malikay, Uzunlar, Subey, Sumet, Taz, Tastar, Tuguzak, Tuktubai, Sigizek, Ismail, Ayle, Absalam)
KESE (oddziały plemienne: Besei, Beshkek, Biktesh, Kazan-Tatar, Kalmak, Kansuyar, Kahas, Kurtlukay, Kyrgyz, Kyrkkuzyak, Mongol, Manky, Misher, Mulash, Memek, Sirmesh, Suvashberdey, Taz, Taigyn, Turkmen, Suyunduk, Shyltym, Sharep, Elteshl)
KUBALEK (podziały plemienne: Baim, Yuvashbai, Karagai, Musa, Subey, Suvash, Sandyr, Tukus, Utey, Sart)
SART (podziały klanów: Teken, Sart-Tabyn)
TELEU (podziały plemienne: Besei, Bure, Kazach, Kaip, Kyzylbash-Katai, Kypsak, Meskau, Tuk, Tubal, Sary, Khenek, Uf-Suraman)
JUMRAN (oddziały plemienne: Kyuntugan, Mashey, Tukum, Khaiskan, Yamgyrsy).
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bulbulsomraat · 3 years
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Happy Birthday to Raihan Sir
23 September 2021
A birthday celebration of our Accounting Teacher. He is not only a teacher but also a performer. A great Accountant and teacher. We celebrate him and ourselves on his birthday. A great Day we spend. 
Thank you all of mates and contributors. Giving us a moment to celebrate.
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lchapagain4 · 7 years
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Memories keeps you alive #goodmemories #suvash #suman #soon #chheparo chheparo.com
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bucketfulread-books · 3 years
Once Upon A Spy | Suvash Dev | Book Review
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And this very statement goes with you once you become a spy. The choices you want to employ and the decisions you have to make; mostly have a difference of day and night. You have no right to opt; the power to choose your fate is in the hands of those who know politics more than anything else. Those power holders decide when to evacuate you and when to disown you.
The book "Once Upon A Spy" by Suvash Dev, puts the spotlight on the system, which goes around the life of any agency's spy. It doesn't matter if you belong to RAW, ISI, or Mi6. Once you get into the political games of superiors, they will push you toward the verge of death without thinking twice or they will thrust you in a pit where death can be easier and life must be god awful for you.
A patriot agent never fears death, but dying as a traitor is a curse. Vishwamitra Saini an Indian Spy, has been caught by ISI agents when he was cracking some kind of deal that involves national confidential information of Indian projects. He has been manhandled and tortured horribly by the cruel bureaucrats of the Pakistan army.
He isn't able to breathe properly from his badly broken nose and neither is he able to reckon which part is aching as he is feeling like every part of his body has been broken. He yields at last.
He gets two choices; either he turns traitor to his own country or dies bit by bit in the lifeless bunker, where heartless soldiers serve cruelest tortures on his platter every day. What choice Vishwamitra will make? And what kinds of consequences and repercussions he and the whole nation will need to pay for it? Is Vishwamitra really a traitor?
Hit the link to read more
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ashrafrehana · 4 years
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🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 📚 Book Review Title : Once Upon a Spy Author : Suvash Dev Language : English Edition : Paperback Pages : 250 🎯 Spies are secret agents who work under cover for the government or an organization. They help to procure valuable information from a country or a competitor which might prove to be fatal and can cause danger. They are an advantage for the country as they give advance warning about the dangers which can harm us. 🎯 The story is about a spy named Vishwamitra Saini. Once he goes on a mission to Pakistan but then he surrendered himself to the cops and told them all the secrets about the Indian agents. The story gets more captivating as it proceeds further. 🎯 It is an interesting book packed with action. A must read for the adventure lovers. The storyline of the book is awesome and unique. The author has well defined the characters. Every page is full of suspense. The story thrills us and we start anticipating what is coming next. It is written in simple language which is easy to understand. It is fast paced too. Overall a nice book dedicated to all the adventure lovers. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 #bookreader #bookreviewerofindia #bookreadersofinstagram #booklovers #indianbooks #indianbookstagrammer #readit #reviews #readreviewrepeat #readmorebooks #2020 reads #2020goals #onceuponaspy #suvashdev https://www.instagram.com/p/CGlO39elwin/?igshid=1v9f7d0vx2dx1
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samiran691 · 5 years
Business opportunity with Mr Suvash Mittal. My 2nd E-Book release.
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dunia-it · 5 years
Win a Galaxy S10 powered by Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Mobile Platform (US only)
Win a Galaxy S10 powered by Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Mobile Platform (US only)
It’s time for the Sunday giveaway! Like every week, we’re giving away another a brand new Android phone to one lucky Android Authority reader.
A big congratulations to the winners of last week’s Oppo Reno giveaway, Suvash L. from the U.S. and Rachel Z. from France.
If you think the Samsung Galaxy S10 takes fantastic photos just because of its camera sensors, think again. What makes a…
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sagarparvizali · 5 years
To Be a Man: Suvash from Nepal
To Be a Man: Suvash from Nepal
It’s ok for me to feel like going against the grain. I feel that society establishes a lot of norms of what people should be, how they should look or how they should behave. “Going with the grain” would be what the normal man would do while shaving and looking clean etc for the workplace which sets this clean-cut image as “professional” or “presentable” overlooking what that individual is…
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koval-nation · 10 months
148) Baryn, Барын - klan Baszkirów z plemienia Tabyn. Oprócz Baszkirów w etnonimie Kirgizów zapisywany jest etnonim „baryn” (w formie „baaryn”): plemię Baaryn jest częścią grupy Bagysh. Tamga baarynów kirgiskich jest identyczna z tamgą baarynów baszkirskich. Baryny zachowały się także wśród Tatarów krymskich.
Podziały plemienne: Burus, Bereken, Butis, Derdzhimen, Davletbay, Kazach, Kalmak, Karaelke, Kara Ugez, Kuluy, Kuzyan, Kuy-Sary, Kustanai, Kyzylbash, Kirgistan, Karim, Kesek, Myshar, Mustafa, Uryuk, Sukur, Subey, Sutek, Syskan, Tabyn, Tuktagul, Tuluptar, Turkmen, Tungatar, Teke, Tupei, Un, Khaiskan, Sapash, Sart, Khupeis, Syzgy, Shuran, Aile, Akunchuk, Alakai, Burangul, Ilek-aimagy, miał, Isyangul, Kazachski, Kalmak, Katai , Suvash, Taz, Tatar, Tauk, Turna, Ismail, Yulysh.
Etnonim „baryn” jest kojarzony z nazwą mongolskiego plemienia Baarin. Baryn, baaryn (według G. E. Grumm-Grzhimailo - barin, bayrin) - rdzenni Mongołowie. Pod koniec XIII wieku mongolski klan Baarin przemierzał dorzecze Selengi. Rashid al-Din szczegółowo opisuje plemię Baarin, które jest „blisko plemienia Durban” i „rozgałęzia się od korzeni”. W walce Czyngis-chana z Dżamuchą, Baarinowie stanęli początkowo po stronie tego ostatniego, ale wkrótce, zdaniem Raszida ad-Dina, poszli „na służbę Czyngis-chanowi”. Następnie wielu emirów, „bliskich współpracowników Czyngis-chana”, pochodziło z „mongolskiego plemienia” Baarina. Mongolskie pochodzenie Baryn-Tabynów ilustruje także ich późniejsza genealogia, która zaczyna się od Baryna i Duli (Tuli) – jednego z energicznych Czyngisydów w panującej dynastii Ak-Orda w XIV wieku, ojca Tokhtamysza. Migracja ludu baryńskiego na zachód i włączenie go do grupy Tabyn najwyraźniej nastąpiła w XII-XIII wieku. Wiadomo, że w 1206 r. Czyngis-chan, podbijając Jenisej Kirgizów, oddał je baarinowi Khorchi. W okresie walk Czyngis-chana z Dżamuchą część Baarinów uciekła do Kara-Kitay; ścieżka ta była już wcześniej znana nomadom Baarin. W Semirechye, Baarinowie zostali etnicznie otoczeni przez Kara-Kitainów, Naimanów, a także Dulatów i Usunów, którzy nie stracili bliskich więzi z Tabynami, którzy udali się na zachodnie stepy. Część Baarinów dołączyła do zyskującego na sile stowarzyszenia Tabyn, część pozostała w Semirechye, a później dołączyła do Kirgizów Tien Shan. Baszkirscy panowie mieszkają głównie w górnym biegu rzeki Ural, w Trans-Uralu. Terytorium obwodu uchalińskiego w Baszkortostanie, częściowo wsie rejonów Argayashsky, Chebarkulsky, Sosnovsky, Uysky obwodu czelabińskiego, niektóre wsie obwodu Safakulevsky obwodu kurganskiego. Panowie krymscy należeli do jednej z czterech rodzin szlacheckich, które na chana krymskiego wybrały jednego z przedstawicieli rodu Giray (Gerai), koniecznie Czyngisyda, wychowując go na białym filcu.
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tatkhonik-blog · 7 years
Youth held with arms in Jessore
Youth held with arms in Jessore
Police in a drive arrested a young man along with a pistol, one bullet and two magazines from Chanchra in the district town on Saturday night.
Acting on a tip-off that arms trader Diponkor Roy alias Dipu, 32, son of Suvash Roy of Bagerhat district, was coming to Jessore with a consignment of arms and ammunitions riding a bus of ‘Liza Paribahan’, a police team…
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Bhojpuri All Album Suvash Raja Mp3 Sonng Download Site By Mp3bhojpurisongs.com
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nepal123 · 7 years
Mercury dips further with post-monsoon rain in Valley
Mercury dips further with post-monsoon rain in Valley
Kathmandu, October 30 With rainfall in the last two days, denizens in Kathmandu Valley have started feeling the cold weather bite in the morning, evening and night. According to Meteorological Forecasting Division, the sudden fall in temperature was the result of post-monsoon rain triggered by the north- westerly wind. Meteorologist at the Division Suvash Rimal said the westerly trough which was…
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ashrafrehana · 4 years
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🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 📚 Book Review Title : Once Upon a Spy Author : Suvash Dev Language : English Edition : Paperback Pages : 250 🎯 Spies are secret agents who work under cover for the government or an organization. They help to procure valuable information from a country or a competitor which might prove to be fatal and can cause danger. They are an advantage for the country as they give advance warning about the dangers which can harm us. 🎯 The story is about a spy named Vishwamitra Saini. Once he goes on a mission to Pakistan but then he surrendered himself to the cops and told them all the secrets about the Indian agents. The story gets more captivating as it proceeds further. 🎯 It is an interesting book packed with action. A must read for the adventure lovers. The storyline of the book is awesome and unique. The author has well defined the characters. Every page is full of suspense. The story thrills us and we start anticipating what is coming next. It is written in simple language which is easy to understand. It is fast paced too. Overall a nice book dedicated to all the adventure lovers. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 #bookreader #bookreviewerofindia #bookreadersofinstagram #booklovers #indianbooks #indianbookstagrammer #readit #reviews #readreviewrepeat #readmorebooks #2020 reads #2020goals #onceuponaspy #suvashdev https://www.instagram.com/p/CGlO39elwin/?igshid=1v9f7d0vx2dx1
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risingbdnewsonline · 7 years
ACC finally sues Faridpur SP, his wife
Staff Correspondent: The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) finally filed a case against Faridpur Superintendent of Police (SP) Suvash Chandra Saha and his wife Rina Chowdhury under Money Laundering Act. Bangla News
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nepal123 · 7 years
MFD rules out heavy rains for next few days
MFD rules out heavy rains for next few days
A view of clouds before it started raining with hailstoned, in Far-Western Nepal, on Friday, April 7, 2017.Photo: Tekendra Deuba Kathmandu, August 20 Meteorological Forecasting Division has ruled out the possibility of heavy rainfall for the next few days. It said there would be normal rainfall across the country with the monsoon trough currently located in India Meteorologist at the MFD Suvash…
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nepal123 · 7 years
Monsoon rain hits Kathmandu Valley
Monsoon rain hits Kathmandu Valley
Women cross a water-logged road during a brief shower at Kamal Pokhari, Kathmandu, on Tuesday, June 20, 2017. photo: THT Kathmandu, June 20 Kathmandu Valley today received the first monsoon rain of this year, eight days after its onset in Nepal on June 12.  Meteorological Forecasting Division said weak monsoon had become slightly active since Monday. Meteorologist at the division Suvash Rimal…
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