#suvi & frank : can you feel my heart?
littledots · 1 year
suvi nygard's hit webcomic, 'dark there after' was picked up by netflix late last year, and fans of the webcomic have been quaking to see who the main cast would be! fancasts and petitions for many actors have been seen floating around the internet for the last year, but before the comic was even picked up too. finally, the day has come and we have the full roster of the main cast! allegedly filming has already begun, but a trailer is still in the distant future!
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up first! we have the most important casting in the whole show! paget nilsson, the accidental leader of the nighthawks will be played by gina stiebitz! next we have to do the romantic interest, juliet 'jules' pledge! who will be played by up and coming star, rhea harris! noah jacobs, the fan favorite of the nighthawks has been the hardest to cast, and the most argued about character on the show, and finally, it's revealed he will be played by sydney mae diaz! the nighthawks would be nothing without the cool and brilliant honoria kim, who is always getting the group out of trouble, and who will be played by terry hu! alexis bailey, the tech savvy nighthawk, with the coolest powers in the whole group, will be played by the wonderful and incredibly talented lovie simone! and finally, to finish off our super six, we have the acting debut of jung wooseok, also know just as wooseok, who has been cast as lee na!
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and we know everyone is champing at the bit to find out who will be playing the dramatic 'will they won't they' of the comic series, paget's mother, kassandra nilsson and her loverboy, officer garrett. well, look no further! kass will be played by the lovely bridget regan and officer big arms--- i mean officer garrett will be played by the favorite for most fancasts, manu bennett!
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littledots · 1 year
suvi & frank : eraser shavings ---
her legs started aching ages ago, but suvi couldn’t bear to shift a muscle. frank hard curled up with his head in her lap, an arm wrapped around her leg as she contorted her body to be able to look at him while she drew. she had been staying up just to get a few more panels of the next edition of ‘dark there after’ done, but once she had, frank had already fallen asleep, and she wasn’t done, the urge to keep creating crackling in her chest like a well loved hearth. she traced over his edges, fingers ghosting over his skin as she tried to get the lines right, get the shape of frank and all the love he gave her and splash it all onto the empty pages of her sketchbook. sometimes her love for him was irrational. so overwhelming, so intoxicating she worried she might drown in it. in his eyes, in his grasp, in his sweet honeyed words that stuck to her no matter what she did. sometimes she worried she had gone completely insane. was she completely mad? did it matter? somethings in life came with insanity, and would they have been better if not for that loss of reality? the pencil in her hand slowed and eventually it was abandoned as her fingers were drawn to run through his hair, to touch him, to remind herself that this was real. that she had finally told him that she loved him. she hadn’t just made it all up. he loved her, and she loved him. and she could die tomorrow and the enormity of his love was enough for her to be alright with such a disappointing death. frank stirred ever so slightly and even though it felt childish, she held her breath. he rolled over just enough to shift her own position, like he had determined they were going to sleep here tonight. she watched him breath, eyes closed and the smallest smile on his lips before she properly moved, putting her sketchbook on the ground as she settled in. “we are going to love you so much you aren’t going to know what to do with all that love, kid.” suvi said softly, glancing down at her stomach. these were the moments she wanted to savor more than anything, before their live wasn’t just the two of them anymore. (@whileurmine)
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littledots · 1 year
@whileurmine :  while standing across a crowded room from one another, sender catches the receiver’s eye and mouths “i love you” to them ft suvi & frank.
strange you never knew.
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suvi was on tonight, she had hardly had a chance to sit down, to breath, to do anything but shake hands and sign books and pose for pictures. sometimes she forgot that so many people read her comics, that so many people loved 'dark there after'. she was exhausted, especially when she was this pregnant, but this was the one big release party for her last issue of 'dark there after' until the netflix adaptation would be out, forever changing how these little parties ran. the line was almost empty, most of the fans had come through, and suvi had gotten to meet so many of them. it was amazing, to hear their stories, to see their fanart and share her own little anecdotes on the series however, she was still pregnant. her energy was different than if she had been doing this four or five months prior. suvi looked over though, catching frank's gaze, all full of adoration and pride, and she couldn't help but grin, feeling invigorated just in seeing him. he mouthed 'i love you' and she quickly mouthed it back before watching a collection of fans nervously approach him. he was officer garrett after all, and that wasn't a secret so easily kept anymore.
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