sabrina-valerie · 2 years
[L-Side] Together Under the Autumn Leaves
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Luigi (Lou) | Established Relationship | WC: 527
For @lovekraft's October Selfship Collab
Side by side, Lou and Sabrina wandered the grounds of her sister’s home. While the many trees on the property had been a sight to behold in their changing colors, they had inevitably coated the entire yard in reds and oranges and yellow-greens. The mess had been swept into large piles, into which her other sister was busy throwing her niece and nephew. Their laughter echoed through the air, serving as a backdrop to Lou talking animatedly to her about the differences between some pasta recipes he’d found on a forum yesterday.
In the middle of a particularly exuberant sentence about sea salt, though, Lou’s foot caught on a tree root and he tripped, faceplanting into a bed of leaves. If he had actually gotten hurt Sabrina would have been more concerned, but the way he propped himself up and spit leaves out of his mouth showed her he was fine so she couldn't help but laugh at him.
Lou pouted at her, but he couldn't hold the expression for long and it wobbled into a sheepish grin. He flopped over, rolling onto his back and closing his eyes. 
Sabrina took a seat next to him, scooping up stray leaves and letting them fall onto his prone form. Lou’s lips curled into a smirk, and he grabbed a handful of leaves of his own and threw them in her general direction, opening his eyes to watch her laugh.
Since it didn't seem they were going anywhere anytime soon, Sabrina reached into her pocket and pulled out a bag of apple slices to snack on. She fed one to Lou, who made a face at the tartness of it. Sabrina made a face right back. Lou chuckled.
When the empty bag was stuffed back into her coat Sabrina knew they should be getting back to the house, before the kids overran their babysitters. She bent over to drop a kiss onto her husband’s face before standing, Lou sitting up as well. But when she offered a hand to help him stand, he took it and instead pulled her back down into the leaf pile with a mischievous grin. Sabrina frowned at him. Lou melted it with a kiss. She found she couldn't be too cross at him for this ridiculousness, now that she was laying in his embrace. She closed her eyes and sighed. Lou ran his fingers through her dark hair. 
The voices that had been floating across the yard started to fade as the others presumably went inside. One of her sisters yelled out a question towards them. The rumblings of Lou’s answering laugh shook her from the light doze she was falling into. Which was just as well, as Sabrina then sat up, turned away, and sneezed into her elbow.
Lou immediately tugged his scarf off to gently wrap it around her neck. Sabrina smiled gratefully at him as they stood. Grabbing his hand, she tucked into his side, resting a cheek on his shoulder. He was talking about making her hot chocolate, now, and she listened to the cheerful yet soothing tones of his voice as they made their way back towards the house.
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sabrina-valerie · 1 year
Almost Kiss and Post-Kiss Catatonia for Kamek! :D
Thanks for the ask! And that's cool of you to pick ones with synergy! I got carried away and wrote the whooole scene, lmao (^_^;)7
[Ask Game link]
Almost Kiss: What was your first kiss with your F/O like? Post-Kiss Catatonia: How did you and your F/O react to your first kiss together? (+ a little bit of Aborted Declaration of Love as a bonus)
Since Sabrina was going to move into the castle more permanently, she’d had to travel back home for a while to gather her things, split duties with her sisters, and otherwise tie up loose ends. One of those loose ends was metaphorically burning a hole in her pocket at the moment, actually, meant to be tied up tonight. 
For now, though, her friends had sent her back with gifts for Kamek, as, despite how he felt about it, they had grown fond enough of him to call him a friend. She had them spread out, sitting on the floor of his quarters, and he sat behind her on the bed, peering over her shoulder.
But Kamek was hardly paying attention to the trinkets and gifts she was showing him, too busy staring at Sabrina’s face. It might have been from him not seeing her in person for weeks, or maybe from how everyone else in the castle had been bullying him about doing something about these feelings of his during that time, or maybe it was just the way her smile looked in the candlelight at that exact moment, but the next time Sabrina turned to say something to him, Kamek interrupted her to ask if he could kiss her.
Sabrina blinked, face slack with surprise. Watching her process what he’d said, Kamek suddenly regretted opening his mouth at all, already anticipating her face screwing up in displeasure (or disgust, even). Except before he could start backpedaling, her face bloomed pink. Kamek marveled at it. He’d never seen her blush like that before…
Sabrina glanced up at him through her lashes. I mean…you can if…if you want, I guess, she mumbled, looking more nervous than he’d ever seen her.
Kamek blushed in turn; if he was being honest, he didn't think he’d get this far. But now was his chance, and, heart pounding, he bent forward haltingly to kiss her. It was an awkward, hesitant thing, lasting both mere seconds and a lifetime, sending their nerves alight with all it felt like a dream.
Sabrina was the first to regain her voice, a shy smile overtaking her face. You can…do that again if you want, she squeaked.
Can I? Kamek responded, the barest hints of a mischievous look cutting through the dazed look in his eye.
Sabrina huffed a laugh and put a hand on his cheek to draw his face closer.
They pulled away next to the tune of light laughter, from Sabrina, and embarrassed chuckles, from Kamek.
So…Sabrina ventured, hand shifting from his cheek to his shoulder to resting atop his own. To be honest, the first thought that crossed her mind now that they were staring at each other was that oh, you know friends kiss sometimes so…this cant mean what I want it to mean, right?  The next scene her mind conjured up was the memory of her friends laughing at her and citing every clue her oblivious self missed when it came to Kamek and his feelings about her. The third thought was that Kamek's hand was warm, and the way he was hesitantly curling his fingers around hers was oh so endearing. In the end, Sabrina politely asked her thoughts to shut up for a minute or two, because Kamek was about to say something.
I, Kamek started, and then stopped. Sabrina squeezed his hand. I might…have feelings for you, he says, sounding like he was dragging the confession kicking and screaming from his the depths of his heart out into the space between them.
Might? Sabrina’s lips quirked, soft and small and fond.
Kamek sighed. Do. I do. He wasn't looking at her, instead staring at their joined hands like he couldn’t believe they were real (despite this being far from the first time they'd held hands).
Okay. Sabrina breathed in, then out. It was one thing for everyone to swear up and down that Kamek had a crush on her, but it was another to hear it from the source (even if said source had literally just kissed her). That's good.
That’s good?
‘Cause I have feelings for you too! Sabrina tap-tap-tapped her feet on the stone floor, excitement rising in her chest.
Kamek's face was bright red. …What kind of feelings?
Sabrina laughed, reaching into her pocket to pull out a thin box, whose contents she’d been busy working on for her entire trip away. She handed it to Kamek, bidding him to open it.
Kamek did so curiously, revealing an oversized bracer, gleaming silver and with a half-a-dozen colorful gemstones inlaid into the metal. Kamek traced the inscribed runes with a claw, momentarily distracted with trying to read them. Did you make this? he asked, and Sabrina nodded rapidly, watching him tilt the box around to catch the light on the trim. It’s a bit early for my birthday, isn't it? Kamek mused.
Oh, I guess it could be an early birthday present. She didn't even think of that. It's supposed to be a courting gift, though.
Sabrina took a deep breath, sitting up straight and stiff. Please do me the honor of letting me court you, she said all in one breath, willing her voice not to shake.
Kamek gaped at her, and for a moment Sabrina thought he’d refuse. He looked down at the bracer. He looked back up at her. His face scrunched up, and as the beginnings of tears gathered in his eyes Sabrina was now definitely sure he’d refuse.
She sat up onto the bed, and her hands fluttered around him, unsure if he wanted her to touch him or not but still wanting to give comfort. Um, she stuttered, trying not to cry herself, if you don't want to that's fine I - 
Her hands drifted too close to the box, and Kamek drew it to his chest, cradling it protectively with a scowl. He even scooted away from her a bit, as silly as the effort was, and even though she had no intention of taking her gift back the message was crystal clear and she wanted to cry for a different reason, now. 
Kamek hastily wiped his eyes; Sabrina waved off his apologies for the show of emotion before they even begin. It’s just, Kamek said, I’ve never…been courted before. Or even asked to — his voice faltered, wondering and shy as it was, and Sabrina couldn't help reaching over to wipe the last of the tear tracks from his face. He looked down at their hands, still joined together, and smiled up at her, small and tremulous. I suppose…I wouldn't mind it.
Sabrina beamed, a rush of giddy energy speeding through her head to toe. Her arms inched to wave around and move, and she balled one fist into her lap, the other still holding Kamek's. Ah, she needed to do something else with her hands before she ruined the mood…! Do you wanna wear it? Sabrina asked, and Kamek handed her the box. She took it and Kamek's left arm, wrapping the bracer around it and clicking it shut. It’s dwarfed his thin arm, and Kamek said as much. But when Sabrina took her hand away, the bracer glowed; Kamek shuddered as his magic acclimated to it, and it shrunk to fit perfectly to his wrist. Sabrina’s eyes sparkled. Seeing Kamek wearing something she made for him…! The idea had her floating a little higher, and she pressed the sole of her foot into the floor, tapping her fingers against her other leg, trying to contain the airy, bubbling joy she felt suffused with. 
As if a spell was broken, Kamek looked up from blushing at the bracer, to her face, to her hands, brow furrowed in bemusement. Why aren't you…?
Sabrina tilted her head, waiting for him to elaborate. Kamek picked up their joined hands and waves them around haphazardly and — oh.
Sabrina wasn't sure what embarrassed noise she made, but without thinking she took over the rhythm of their hands swinging back and forth. Kamek looked some flavor of satisfied. Sabrina would have covered her face in embarrassment, but one hand was still in Kamek’s and the other hand was busy creating a small breeze, so she was out of luck, on that front.
Though while she was busy stimming, she could tell Kamek about how she made the bracer, and how hard it was to get the metal, and how long it took to shape, and where she got the gemstones, and how she attuned them to Kamek’s magic without him, and spells she preloaded them with, and the little instruction manual she drew, and — 
This is a lot of effort just for me...
You deserve it though, Sabrina replied, and Kamek ducked his head. 
Of course I do, he mumbled to save face, and Sabrina gave him a peck on the cheek for the attempt. He rubbed the spot bashfully.
They talked about the bracer for a while, Kamek quite interested in the miniature magical marvel. Their conversation then ended up drifting back to their feelings for each other, sharing silly moments that really should have clued them in that they'd been pining over each other for far too long. Before they knew it, it had gotten late. Sabrina needed to go to bed.
At the door, though, they stared at each other, hands still intertwined, reluctant to part.
See you tomorrow? Sabrina asked, squeezing his hand.
Of course, Kamek answered, squeezing back. Neither of them let go, half-content to stare at into each other's eyes and dither until the sun rose again.
Finally, Sabrina broke the spell with a huff, bending at the waist and bringing Kamek’s hand up to press it against her lips for a long moment. She glanced up at him as she straightened, a smirk slipping onto her face at his dazed expression. With a cheeky wave, she backed out the door and closed it behind her before he could even begin to recover.
She made it a few steps from the door before her walk turned into a little dance of joy. Skipping around the corner, she ran into a group of guards that had definitely seen her come out of Kamek’s rooms. They cheered quietly at Sabrina’s double thumbs up, one of them even clapping her on the back. Sabrina exchanged high-fives with them before scurrying away, wanting the privacy of her room to lose her mind about this latest development.
(Meanwhile, Kamek was still in his entryway, kneeling on the floor with his hands over his flaming red face with an equally silly grin. It was minutes before his blush faded enough to get up to press his face into a pillow, instead.)
(Both of their minds were spinning too much to get any proper sleep tonight.)
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sabrina-valerie · 2 years
[K-Side] Together Under the Autumn Leaves
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Kamek | Established Relationship | WC: 790
For @lovekraft's October Selfship Collab
It was a crisp fall day on a family vacation, and Sabrina was spending her time watching the kaleidoscope of colorful leaves sway in the wind. While she was grateful to be invited (and considered part of the family in the first place), she needed a break from the more…boisterous personalities of the bunch. Kamek had followed her onto the forest path, which she didn't mind; his company was always welcome. He was sitting next to her now, nursing a drink she didn't remember seeing him buy. He had forgone his usual blue-hued uniform for an earth-toned skirt and cardigan combo she truthfully could not stop staring at; it was obvious Kamek had picked up on it, too, with how he periodically glanced at her sidelong with a smug smirk and a pleased blush. He’d learned to do this on purpose, and she was too enamored to be cross with him about it.
Sabrina’s eyes drifted back to Kamek’s drink. “What’s this?” she asked, reaching out and tapping the styrofoam.
“...A latte.”
“What kind?”
“…” Kamek hunched guardedly over it.
Pouting at the non-answer, Sabrina leaned sideways so most of her weight was on him. He, of course, refused to acknowledge her continued needling, sipping his drink with a stoicness only betrayed by an amused crinkle to the corners of his eyes. Sabrina sighed in mock-defeat, pressing her face to the side of his neck; to that, Kamek stiffened with a choked gasp.
“That’s cold…!” He complained, pushing her away. 
Laughing, Sabrina took the presented opportunity to dart in for a kiss. As she pulled away, she licked her lips in thought. “...Pumpkin spice?” she ventured; the way Kamek sputtered told her the guess was spot on.
Kamek scowled, turning away to hide the dusting of red resting high on his cheeks. “I-if you can have your donuts then I can have this so…! I’d better not hear anything from you!”
“I wasn't gonna say anything!” Sabrina protested, wide-eyed but grinning. “You’re making me wish I'd brought some of those donuts out here to munch on, though.”
“There’s still plenty left you can eat when we get back.” The defensiveness bled from his shoulders as he settled back down. “Which reminds me, we need to shake down the bakers for the recipe before we go home.”
“…or we could ask nicely?”
“You already tried that, dear, and it didn't work.”
“I don’t think your way will work either…”
Kamek shrugged. “If it doesn't — though I'm sure it will — then I’m sure Lord Bowser would jump at the opportunity to threaten someone.”
…Well, as long as she wasn't caught in the crossfire…
Sabrina sat upright on the bench, and Kamek in turn nestled into her side. She dropped a kiss onto the small spot on his forehead that wasn't covered by his hat and went back to watching the warm-colored leaves twirl about. She idly considered how nice of a drawing this scene would make as Kamek finished his drink, vanishing the cup with a splash of magic. He was drawing his sweater tighter around himself, Sabrina noticed, and she pulled him closer. Despite the warmth of his drink, he was probably still cold; chillier temperatures have never done him any favors, she knew, since he was used to warmer climates.
It was a simple decision to unwrap her scarf and wrap it loosely around his neck. She put her hands on his when he tried to take it off. “No, keep it,” she insisted. “It's fine; I’ve been overheating a bit, anyway.”
That something he could believe — one of the few things that rivaled how warm she ran was her warmer disposition. But behind that warmth sat a firmness that told him trying to convince her to take the scarf back would be a waste of breath. So he didn't, and instead drew it up over his face. “...Thanks.”
The urge to kiss Kamek rose up once again, but if Sabrina followed through with that impulse then he’d have to come out from under her scarf, and they couldn't have that. She settled for nuzzling him instead. He chuckled softly, and her heart swelled. 
In the ensuing quiet, Sabrina watched darkening clouds chase their lighter siblings across the sky. “Do you think it’ll storm soon?” she asked, a touch hopeful. 
“Perhaps. I’d rather not be out here to find out, though.” Kamek hopped off the bench.
Sabrina rose as well, taking his hand and pressing it to her lips for a moment. “We should start heading back, then,” she agreed with a wink, and Kamek’s face went ablaze.
“You’re ridiculous,” he sighed fondly, taking her offered arm. 
With a grin, she pulled him closer.
They got moving down the path eventually.
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sabrina-valerie · 2 years
"Okay, love you, bye!"
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Kamek | (Early) Established Relationship | WC: 236
Sabrina turned back to her desk, rifling through her paperwork. Where did she put that form...? She looked up. Kamek was still standing in the doorway, hand frozen on the doorknob, staring at her with wide eyes. Why was he...? She ran their conversation back in her head. Oh. 
"Oops," she said. "I...didn't mean to say that out loud..." 
"Out loud?!" Kamek looked like he was about to bolt. Or explode. Or both. 
Sabrina swung around her desk to approach him. "Yeah? I've...loved you for a while now." A while was a bit of an understatement. 
Sabrina stopped short. "Um. Do you want the list? I have a list somewhere." 
Kamek groaned. Or was that a scream? Uh-oh. Now she'd gone and done it. 
She closed the distance between them and cautiously wrapped him in her arms. He let her do so, leaning against her while he tried to collect himself. 
"Come on now," she murmured, "I didn't make you this" - she tapped his bracer, a courtship gift from her - "on a whim." 
Kamek stayed quiet, still tense. 
"You don't have to say it back," Sabrina added. "I know how you are with these things." 
Kamek finally relaxed. "But I will," he promised, determinedly looking at her. 
"You will," she agreed. "But it's okay if you don't." 
"Is it?" 
"Of course!" She kissed him on the cheek. She already knew he loved her, anyways.
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sabrina-valerie · 2 years
26. Tickle in the Throat
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Kamek | Pre-Relationship | WC: 262
Kamek looked up at yet another attempt by Sabrina to clear her throat. He watched her rub at it, her brow furrowed in a way that made him want to smooth it out with his fingers.
She tried to take another sip of her water, but nothing came out when she tipped it. The bottle was empty. She stared at it in disappointment.
Kamek pressed the clipboard he was holding into her hands. “I’ll be right back.” 
Sabrina watched him leave the room, a puzzled look on her face. Before she could ask where he was going, the tickle in her throat returned, causing her to cough. She tried to drink more water and remembered halfway through the motion that the bottle was empty.
Kamek returned before long with a full bottle of water and a thermos. “Here.” He held the thermos out. “I made some tea.” 
“Kam, you’re an angel!” She beamed at him, flustering him into almost dropping the thermos. She took a sip from it, humming a pleased tone. “You put honey in it!”
“Of course I did.”
She took another sip, still smiling at him. “Well, thanks! This is really good~!”
Kamek nodded at her, with the distinct feeling that he was floating. Sabrina noticed his dazed gaze and tilted her head. “Are you okay?” she asked.
“I’m fine,” he blurted.
Sabrina frowned. “You sure?”
“Yes,” Kamek said, more normal this time. He took the clipboard back from her. “Enjoy your tea,” he mumbled, looking away with a blush.
Sabrina smiled softly in the reflection of her drink.
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sabrina-valerie · 1 year
Valentine's Day Fic
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Kamek | Established Relationship | WC: 624
When Kamek said he had a surprise for her on Valentine's Day, Sabrina had been wary. She never really liked Valentine's Day, both because it all seemed very pointless and stupid and because Lou had been so stressed about making their first Valentine's Day together perfect back when they were dating that she had decided that any holiday that caused that much grief for one of her loved ones quite frankly didn't deserve to exist.
But now, after a nice picnic, they were picking their way through some bushes and trees.
"Any reason we couldn't take the path, Kam?" Sabrina asked, picking leaves out of her long, dark hair.
"Shhh, we're almost there!" Kamek was almost vibrating in excitement. He'd brought a tote bag, which he'd brought the food for the picnic in, but it still swung heavily by his side, as if there was something else in there.
They crept through the greenery, the echoes of laughter and chatter growing louder and louder until — oh, this was — 
"The Lovers Festival?" Sabrina's heart sank. Did Kamek want to attend after all? She'd endure it for his sake, but..."Did you change your mind about going?"
"Of course not." Kamek dug around in his bag, peering beyond the tree that hid them from view. Dozens of couples danced in the main square to a cheery-sounding pop song with lovey-dovey-sounding lyrics. Sabrina made a face. Eugh. Whatever happened to songs about friendship?
Kamek made a noise of triumph, pulling out what looked like an oversized glow stick covered in runes. Something rattled inside.
Kamek handed it to her. "Break this and throw it out past the trees."
"Sure." Snapping it was easy enough, and the object inside was a pretty little crystal sphere that immediately started smoking in her hands. Sabrina flung it away toward the festival.
The smoke cloud grew and grew, twirling and rising into the air and turning the picturesque sunny afternoon into a cloudy, dreary mess. Further out, the dancing couples had slowed to a stop, wondering at the abrupt change in weather.
"Wha —?"
"Wait for it..." Kamek stared out at the cloud intently. 
Suddenly, with an almighty BOOM, the skies opened up, dumping heavy rain on everyone in the area, to screams of surprise. Kamek and Sabrina weren't spared either, quickly becoming soaked as well.
"What?" Sabrina asked, a grin blooming on her face.
"Wait for it~," Kamek sang, squinting out into the gloom.
One of the men had taken to yelling at the clouds, as if that would save his beloved girlfriend's hair and makeup. The clouds rumbled ominously in response, and spat out a lightning bolt right at his feet. His scream could have shattered windows. 
As more rain and lighting were dropped recklessly from the sky, Sabrina lost the fight against her own mirth and burst out cackling. She collapsed onto the dirt-turned-mud, laughing herself to tears. "What?!"
Wind howled, knocking down the flimsy festival booths and throwing their contents into the air. The festival-goers were tripping and sliding around in the mud. The previously saccharine fun was completely replaced by crying and wailing and screaming.
"Happy Valentine's Day, dear," Kamek said, smiling down at her.
Sabrina, rain-soaked and beaming, pulled him into a deep kiss. This was probably the best Valentine's Day she'd ever had.
(Later, after coming up for air for the 5th time or so — "Kam, we should go before they find us here."
"Do we have to?"
Sabrina peeked out beyond the tree they were hiding behind. A few brave souls had spotted the capsule she threw and were skidding ungracefully towards it.
"Yeah." She got up, lifting Kamek in her arms. She picked her way back through the brush. "There's always next year, though. Maybe we can do something even bigger then!")
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sabrina-valerie · 2 years
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Kamek | Pre-Relationship | WC: 1,431
Sabrina stared morosely at the missive she received in her mailbox. Flu season was coming up soon, and everyone in the castle was mandated to get a flu shot. She knew that something like this was coming - it made sense with so many people with less-than-stellar hygiene packed into one castle, but... 
She was distracted by Kamek approaching her. "Hey, Kam," she said, trying to smile. 
"Why the long face?" Kamek asked. "It doesn't suit you." 
"It's nothing," Sabrina said. She made to put the missive away. 
Kamek snatched it from her hand and read it. "Oh, the flu shots. I suppose I'll get mine today. When are you going?" 
"...Friday..." It was Wednesday now. Two days to psyche herself up, and then the weekend to decompress. Seemed reasonable. 
Kamek frowned at her. "Are you sure you're alright? You haven't already come down with something, have you?" 
"No." Sabrina smiled at his concern. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." 
"You can't tell me what to do," Kamek muttered and then looked surprised at himself. "Um." 
Sabrina giggled, squashing her errant feelings down. Yeah, she'd be fine. 
She wasn't fine. 
It was Friday afternoon, and she paced in the corridor leading to the flu vaccine center. Everything was fine, actually. She would just go in, sit down and get a shot. It'll be fine! The needle won't be in her for even a second. She can just walk in, get it over with, it'll be just a tiny pinch - she's done it before! And she survived every time! So it'll be fine! She was a grown woman who could 300% get a flu shot without being scared and crying like a baby so why can't she just walk through that door and do it what is wrong with her -  
She froze in the middle of the hall, tears in the corner of her eyes. "Kam?" 
"What's wrong?" Kamek asked, rushing toward her. He outstretched a hand almost as if to wipe the tears from her eyes, and then thought better of it, leaving it hovering awkwardly between them. 
"I - its nothing." Sabrina wiped her eyes, but to her horror the tears just kept coming. 
"That doesn't look like nothing," Kamek said, brow furrowed in worry. He stepped closer. 
"I - I just -" Sabrina swallowed thickly. "Gimme a minute." She lowered herself to the floor, head buried in her knees, shaking. 
Kamek knelt next to her and cautiously put an hand on her back, running his hand up and down in comfort. It was nice, Sabrina thought absently, and helped her attempts to regain control over her own breathing. 
Finally, she raised her head, face a mess of tears. "Sorry," she whispered, looking at the floor. 
"Why do you always apologize for trivial things like this?" Kamek waved a handkerchief in front of her. "Stop doing that." 
Sabrina giggled, wiping her face. What do you do with a used handkerchief anyway? Would it be creepy to keep it forever? 
"Sabrina..." Kamek said, drawing her attention. "Do you...want to talk about it?" 
Bless him, putting all that effort to be comforting even though he looks like he'd rather have his teeth pulled. But the reason for her outburst still sat in her throat like lead, and the after effects of it were robbing her of her words. "...The shot," she finally muttered, ears burning. 
"The flu shot? Have you gotten it yet? You're not having side effects are you?" 
Sabrina shook her head. 
"Er. Is that a no to getting the shot or a no to the side effects." 
She shook her head again. No to both. 
"You said you'd get it today, right? They're about to stop giving them out for the day." 
Sabrina paused. She could push it off until Monday...but then that's just extending the amount of stress she'd be under. She took a deep breath. "It's the needle," she admitted. "I'm not..." 
Kamek digested this. "You're afraid of needles? That's...you don't need to be, its just a little - " 
"I know," Sabrina interrupted, voice echoing down the hallway. "I know," she whispered, looking like she was going to cry again. Kamek panicked internally. Now he'd done it. His hands hovered uncertainly around her. 
"Um...excuse me?" 
They both looked up. One of the volunteers stood in the doorway, staring at them in confusion. "Are you here for a flu shot? Were just about to close..." 
Sabrina steeled herself. "I need one," she declared, standing up abruptly. 
"Perfect!" The volunteer held the door open. "Right this way!" 
It was times like these that Kamek really admired his friend (he still couldn't believe they were friends). Even with all the crying she had been doing earlier, she was still determined to push through her fears and get that shot, never mind that she looked like she was marching off to face a firing squad. Kamek trailed behind her. 
The room was largely empty, on account of it being the end of the day on a Friday. All but one of the vaccine stations was packed up for the weekend, and Sabrina sat stiffly on the chair beside it. 
"So how has your day been," the volunteer asked, prepping their workstation. 
"...Fine." She wore a smile like a mask, keeping her eyes on the volunteer's hands. 
The volunteer looked up again. "Right or left arm?" They asked. 
The volunteer paused. "Scared, huh?" 
"A little." Sabrina laughed nervously. "I know it's stupid..." 
"Not at all!" The volunteer smiled. "You're not the only one we've given a shot today who's afraid of getting one." 
"...right." Sabrina looked miserable. Kamek wanted to wipe that look off her face somehow. 
"Well at least you're here! We've had to chase some folks down for their shots, can you believe it? You're doing great!" 
Sabrina stayed quiet, taking slow, measured breaths. The volunteer glanced meaningfully between Kamek, who was hovering arms length away from Sabrina, and Sabrina herself. As if he was supposed to do something. Unfortunately, he had absolutely no idea what he was supposed to be doing. 
Kamek stepped up to Sabrina's right, taking her hand in his. She squeezed it, a little too tightly. 
"Okay, you ready?" The volunteer asked. 
Ready as she could hope to be, under these circumstances. Sabrina rolled up her sleeve. Of course, when the volunteer touched the disinfecting pad to her arm, she almost jumped out of her seat. 
Sabrina sighed, settling back down. "Sorry." 
"I told you to stop apologizing," Kamek said, squeezing her hand again. Sabrina leaned against him, away from the syringe, burying her face in his chest. By some instinct, Kamek shielded her face with his arm. The volunteer looked like they had a front row seat to the latest gossip. They probably did, Kamek thought sourly, glaring back at them. They put their hands up in surrender, reaching back over to disinfect the injection site. 
They positioned the syringe. "Just a little pinch," they warned. Sabrina held her breath, and it was done. The realization came delayed, but when it did, Sabrina exhaled, slumping into Kamek momentarily. She sat up, rubbing her face with her hands. 
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Kamek jostled her. Sabrina laughed, wiping at her face, jostling him back. 
The volunteer put a bandaid on her arm. "You're free to go," they said, packing up their equipment. 
Sabrina wasted no time in getting up and out of there. She hadn't let go of Kamek's hand, though, and he had no intention of mentioning it to her. She was walking a bit fast, though...Kamek gave her arm a tug. She stopped short, looking at him. 
"Why don't we...why don't we go down to the mess hall for dinner? Together I mean," he added, uselessly. "I bet we can convince the cooks to make your favorite." 
Sabrina mulled over the suggestion. "That sounds fun, but...I'm not sure I have the spoons to be in public, right now." 
Spoons...? Oh, right. "That's not a problem." Kamek waved a hand in dismissal. "I can walk you to your quarters, and then I can convince them and bring the food back for you." 
"Okay," Sabrina smiled shyly, swinging their hands. Oh yeah, they were still holding hands. Kamek stood, stupefied. 
"Are we gonna...?" 
"Oh! Right. Yes." Kamek started down the hall, Sabrina falling into step beside him. 
"Thank you for earlier," Sabrina said. She was really lucky to know him. 
"Of course," Kamek replied. "What are friends for?" 
"Friends~" Sabrina hummed, still holding Kamek’s hand. Something twisted in Kamek's chest. Friends.
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sabrina-valerie · 2 years
23. Tepid Bath + Alt. 1. Soft Pajamas + Alt. 2. Vapor Rub + Alt. 3. Cuddling on the Couch
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Kamek | Established Relationship | WC: 400
After Sabrina and Kamek ate lunch (some pumpkin soup; a recipe from a friend), Sabrina decided that a bath would do her sick partner some good. As she started filling the tub, Kamek stood in the doorway of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe and a nervous expression.
“I’ve already seen you clothes-less,” Sabrina remarked as he approached her.
“Yes, but…” Kamek shuffled in place.
“This is different?” The bathroom lights were much brighter, after all. Kamek nodded, face red. Sabrina resisted the urge to coo at him.
Kamek approached the bath she’d run and dipped a finger in. “That's…”
“It's tepid!” she chirped. “It’ll help you cool down!”
“If you say so.”
She looked away so he could get in the bath. He shivered as he sank beneath the water's surface. As he closed his eyes and relaxed Sabrina stroked his hair and talked about everything and nothing, her voice soothing him further. That flush on his cheeks stayed though, which almost tricked Sabrina into thinking the bath wasn't doing its job.
When the bath was finished, she dressed him in some silk pajamas that she'd bought while she was away.
“These were supposed to be a surprise gift,” she explained as he tugged at the light-blue sleeves, “but you can have them now!”
“These are lovely,” Kamek replied. Sabrina beamed.
She could already hear his congestion coming back though, so she ushered him to sit on the couch. She had the last of her vaporub to use, and she was determined to use it. Cloaked in a blanket, Kamek sat perfectly still as she spread it over skin that was already starting to get too warm again. Her fingers were very soft. By the time she was finished, Kamek was trembling. He swallowed thickly, looking away.
“Kam?” She paused in rebuttoning his shirt, sensing his change in mood. “Is something wrong?”
“No, I…” He forces his voice to stay steady. “I’m just…really lucky to have you, that's all.”
Sabrina blushed. “I’m lucky to have you, too,” she whispered, cupping his face in one hand. Kamek grinned dazedly back at her.
Sabrina leaned back, twisting Kamek so that he was laying on top of her, back to chest. She hummed, kissing the top of his head. Kamek sighed, sinking into her embrace. Yes, he thought, looking up at her smiling face. He really was the luckiest person in the world.
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sabrina-valerie · 2 years
27. Sleepless Night
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Kamek | Pre-Relationship | WC: 204
Half-asleep, Kamek rose from the couch, stumbling to the recliner to soothe Sabrina’s coughing fit. He glanced at the time. Oh, he'd managed to doze for a little bit there!
Sabrina looked miserable, and he’d bet that the tears in her eyes probably weren't just from the full body coughing fits that stood in the way of her getting a proper rest.
Kamek passed her some tea. She drank it, settling back down. She looked like she wanted to apologize. She'd better not. There was nothing to apologize for, anyway.
He stayed by her side until she fell back asleep. But it was fitful, and she tossed and turned, face twisted in discomfort. On an impulse, Kamek started singing to her. An old lullaby he remembered from the orphanage; he didn't think his voice was really that good (especially compared to hers) but nonetheless she settled into a deeper sleep. 
Looking at her face, he beat back the sudden urge to kiss her forehead. Even if she was asleep enough to be none the wiser...he caught himself leaning forward. He straightened, embarrassed. He left her side and returned to the couch before he gave into the temptation to make that sort of mistake.
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sabrina-valerie · 2 years
Alt. 4. Taking a Sick Day
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Kamek | Pre-Relationship | WC: 483
Kamek burst into Sabrina’s quarters, a worried frown marring his face. When she didn’t appear in the mess hall to have breakfast with him like they usually did, he had gotten concerned, going as far as to wonder if she simply decided to not spend time with him anymore. When one of the other minions mentioned that she had fallen sick, he had been horrified, and rushed over as fast as he could. 
He found her sleeping in her recliner, blankets astrew. Her face was flushed, and he could tell without touching that her fever was through the roof. Next to her was a spare rolling tray table with ice packs and a thermometer and some towels and a water basin. There was also a pitcher of tea and some ice packs and some books and her phone. It was like she was prepared to sit in that chair for a long while, enduring her illness all by herself. The thought tugged at Kamek’s heartstrings, and his frown deepened.
Looking over her things, Kamek saw that the water in the basin had heated to room temperature. She’d want it chilled. As he was refilling it in the kitchen, Sabrina woke up from her nap and tried to stand. 
“What are you doing?” Kamek scolded.
Sabrina’s eyes, glassy with fever, widened in surprise. “Kam? What are you doing here?” Her voice sounded terrible.
“I was told that you’d fallen ill.”
“Yeah.” Her shoulders slumped. “I’ll be fine in a few days, though, don't worry.”
“How can I not worry?” Kamek grumbled, turning back to the sink. Behind him, Sabrina blushed. She tried to stand again. “Stop that,” Kamek said, not turning around.
“But I only had a banana this morning,” Sabrina whined. “I’m hungry…”
“Wait, then.” Kamek rooted around her fridge for some yogurt, and picked up a spoon from her cupboards. He brings them to her, opening the container as he went.
He held a spoonful out to her. Sabrina grabbed for the spoon, and he moved it away from her grasp. When she opened her mouth to ask why he wouldn't let her have the spoon, he fed her the spoonful himself. They finished off the container in silence, Sabrina’s face growing redder with every spoonful. 
After Kamek had fed her a second container (and he was assured that no, her fever didn't just go up, she was fine, she promised) he plucked one of Sabrina’s books from the table and settled himself on the couch. 
“What’re you doing?”
Kamek gave her a look. “I’m not going to just leave you like this; someone has to take care of you.”
“But I don't want to be any trouble...you probably have more important things to do than take care of me.”
“I really don’t.” (There’s hardly anything more important than you,)
“Oh,” Sabrina buried back under her blankets, grateful and happy. “Okay.”
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sabrina-valerie · 2 years
4. Hangover
S/I: Sabrina | OC: Oliver | WC: 160
Oliver wakes up on the couch. His head is killing him, his mouth is dry. The blinds are closed, which is interesting because neither he nor his roommate Sabrina ever remember to close the blinds. The wall clock says that it's close to 9am.
There’s a clattering from the kitchen. It's muted, as if someone had tried to cushion a falling object with their hands,  but it still twinges at his pounding  headache. He groans.
Sabrina bustles over, waving hello. She’s dressed in her choir dress, a formless black thing that swept the floor and that no one in her choir but her liked to wear. She places a glass of water on the table, with the container of painkillers and some Poptarts. She gives him a thumbs up, pats his head twice, and then leaves for rehearsal, closing the door gently behind her.
Oliver sits up, picking up a Poptart and biting into it. Straight from the freezer. Nice. 
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sabrina-valerie · 2 years
2. Homesick
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Kamek | Pre-Relationship | WC: 482
Sabrina had been standing at that window for an hour now. Kamek knew this, because he’d been around the corner watching her. Was that creepy? Probably. But she looked so sad, which made him sad, and he was working up the courage to do something he knew would cheer her up.
She noticed his approach through the reflection of the window. “Hey, Kam,” she greeted him, mustering up a smile. It fell flat. She gazed curiously at the mugs he was holding in his hands; one was overflowing with whipped cream and the other was topped with a tower of marshmallows. 
Kamek held the marshmallow-topped mug out to her. “I made some hot chocolate,” he said, trying to sound casual. “I figured you would like some.”
“I would!” Her smile inched a bit closer to being genuine. “Thank you.”
She turned back to gaze out the window, taking an absent sip of hot chocolate. She froze, eyes widening. She looked between him and her mug, confused; Kamek sipped from his own, brow raised, waiting for her to put her thoughts in order. “This isn't your recipe!” she exclaimed.
“No, it's not,” Kamek affirmed. 
Sabrina took another sip, ruminating over the flavor. “Is yours the same?”
“Mine is proper hot chocolate. Yours is that powder-based monstrosity.”
“I thought you hated the powdered stuff, though?” He’d made such a show of refusing to even look at it back at her house.
“Well…” He fixed his gaze on his mug. “I’d thought I’d make you something that reminded you of home.”
“I..thanks,” she said, voice so quiet it was as if she was just mouthing the words. She gazed back out at the glow of the lava pools with wistful eyes, but a soft smile still remained on her face.
“What have you been thinking about, anyway?” Kamek dared to ask.
“Home, mostly.” Sabrina sighed. “I miss…running around town doing errands of all things. It’s silly, I know.”
“It’s not silly,” Kamek immediately replied. At her bemused glance, his mind blanked on what he was going to say next. “...Tell me about them,” he finally stammered. “The errands I mean.”
“You know what they are; you've gone on them with me!”
Kamek blushed. “Tell me anyway.”
She started to talk, enthusiasm and affection bleeding into her voice with every word. She wasn't wrong when she had pointed out that he had accompanied her to go to the store for groceries, for instance, but hearing her talk excitedly about anything was enough to fill Kamek with a warmth he’d hardly ever felt before. Even moreso when her recollections started to include him, with that same amount of fondness. A quiet blush sitting on his cheeks, Kamek selfishly wondered how he could get her to talk about him like that in the present, without the nostalgic veneer of her hometown to soften her impression of him.
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sabrina-valerie · 2 years
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Kamek | Established Relationship | WC: 395
Sabrina tutted as she squinted at the thermometer. Heavens, she thought, staring at her partner reproachfully. Of all the sights to come home from a business trip to...
Said sight was pouting back at her, face flushed, still sour about being wrestled into bed. "I said I was fine, dear," Kamek said, and then sneezed.
Sabrina waved away a thought about how cute his sneezes were with the thermometer. "No you're not," she said, "and this proves it! How long were you feeling like this," she continued, steamrolling over his additional protests. "What if the rest of the castle catches what you got? We don't need a repeat of last year's flu season!"
He shrank, pulling the quilt tighter around his shoulders. "I was just doing research," he mumbled.
Sabrina sighed. "And what sort of project were you working on, that made you neglect yourself like this?"
"...A secret project."
Sabrina stared at him.
Kamek caved. "Ugh! Remember when you were complaining the other week about how none of your moisturizers have been helping against how dry it's been, lately?"
Sabrina sighed again, grinning this time. Of course he would run himself ragged trying to invent a potion for her. She leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Spirits, he was warm. And her flustering him like this probably didn't help, the thought belatedly, pulling back and watching his face get even redder than it already was from the fever. Oh well. She ran a hand through his sweat-soaked hair.
"Stop that," Kamek whined, batting at her arm.
"No~," she sang back, giving him another peck on the cheek. She stood up. "I'm going to make some soup, alright?" And change out of her suit, while she was at it.
Kamek nodded, frowning. She made to leave. "Wait," Kamek burst out as she was just about out of the room. Sabrina stopped to look at him, curious, and her gaze stopped him short of what he was about to say. She could see his internal struggle to find a replacement written in the way his jaw worked.
"You look nice," he finally said, wincing.
Sorry for the trouble, Sabrina heard, and her face softened. "Thanks, love," she said. "Hang in there, yeah? I'll have you better in no time." She grinned at him.
"I - yeah," Kamek said, smiling softly back at her.
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sabrina-valerie · 2 years
Gloomy Day In
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Kamek | Established Relationship | WC: 141
"Gorgeous weather outside," Sabrina remarked, looking out the window at gray cloudy skies and low hanging morning fog. 
Kamek looked at her, bewildered. "Gorgeous? It's going to rain later." 
"Ooh, that'll be fun!" She bounced in place excitedly. "Maybe a thunderstorm'll pass by, too!" 
Kamek shook his head, nestling into the crook of her shoulder. "I don't understand you sometimes." 
She dropped a kiss onto his forehead. "Did you have any plans today?" 
"Not in this weather," he grumbled. What about you? 
"Hmm...there are some games I need to finish," she mused.  "Do ya wanna help me with the more puzzle-y ones?" She looked at him hopefully. 
"You don't need my help. You just want someone to cuddle with." 
"Can't I have both?" 
"I suppose so," he smirked. "On a cold day like this, I could use some warming up, anyway."
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sabrina-valerie · 2 years
[K-side] Dance
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Kamek | Established Relationship | WC: 484
Sabrina crossed the threshold from the ballroom to the garden, fiddling with the cufflinks of her suit. It didn't take her long to spot her boyfriend, in a mild monstrosity of a light blue dress, sitting on a bench under the branches of a large tree.
"Hey, sunshine," she said, approaching him.
"Hello," he said back, seemingly surprised to see her.
"How are you holding up, darling?" She asked, grabbing his hand and putting it to her lips.
He blushed, losing his words for a moment. "...Well enough," he finally said. "But please tell me that we can leave soon; if I have to listen to another vapid excuse for a conversation..."
Sabrina laughed. "That bad, huh?" She sat down next to him, still holding his hand. "Can you endure another hour or so, babe? I still need to talk with one or two more people...sorry about all this."
Kamek waved a hand. "I'll live, dear. But if you need to socialize, then what are you doing out here?"
Sabrina pouted. "Do I need an excuse to hang out with my boyfriend?"
"I - I guess not," he said, smiling despite himself. She couldn't help but kiss him on the cheek.
The two of them sat for a while, enjoying each other's company. Sabrina watched the branches sway in the wind above them. Kamek watched Sabrina sway to the music they could hear from inside.
"Do you want to dance?" Kamek asked the night air.
"Do you?"
Kamek paused. "...Not really."
"Then what are you asking for?"
"I don't know, I figured I might as well! I just wanted to make sure you could actually have fun, tonight."
"I am having fun though," Sabrina turned to smile at him. "I'm hanging out with you!"
Kamek groaned, burying his reddening face in his hands. "You're ridiculous," he muttered.
"But you love me!"
 "...I do..."
While Kamek recovered from having Emotions, Sabrina turned her attention to the plate of food in Kamek's lap. She picked up one of the appetizers, twirling it in her fingers. It looked like some sort of tiny meat skewer. "Are these any good?" She asked.
"Huh?" Kamek looked up. "Oh, not really."
"Not really?" She echoed. She popped it into her mouth. Her face scrunched up as she chewed. Oh. Not really.
Kamek chuckled. "I said they weren't good. What did you expect?"
"I don't know!" She replied cheerfully, leaning up against him. He shoved her back, still laughing. Her face heated. Music to her ears, his laugh was.
"Hey if you don't wanna dance," Sabrina said, "then how do you feel about going for a stroll?"
"A stroll? Where?"
She tilted her head toward the start of a garden path that twisted through a flower bed and out of sight. She stood, extending her arm. "Walk with me, darling?"
"...Why not." Kamek stood, resting his hand on the crook of her elbow. "Lead the way, dear."
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sabrina-valerie · 2 years
[L-Side] Dance
S/I: Sabrina | F/O: Luigi (Lou) | Established Relationship | WC: 313
Sabrina sat in a chair at the edge of the ballroom, trying not to look bored. She fidgeted with her gown, a dark blue and poofy mild monstrosity that her sisters convinced her to wear. Her blue eyes skated around the ballroom, watching everyone mingle. She took a sip from her champagne flute. Well at least she could count this evening as a success.
She spotted Lou, in his favorite suit, disengaging from a conversation across the room. They lock eyes. He brightened, and wove his way through the crowd towards her. They embraced. "Hey, cara mia," he said into her neck, "you hanging in there?"
She hummed. As well as she could, considering. They held each other for a moment.
"Your sis said that we were good to leave soon, if you wanna," he said.
"That's good," Sabrina sighed. She was admittedly teetering in the cusp of starting to get a bit overwhelmed. Lou squeezed her hand, taking a seat next to her.
He spied the drink in her hand. "What're you drinking?" He asked, pulling it from her grip. She let him with an amused smile, watching as he sipped it.
"Hey, is this apple juice?" He laughed, handing it back.
"Of course it is," she rolled her eyes playfully. "What did you expect?"
"I don't know!" he said cheerfully, leaning against her. They rested like that for a while, ignoring the flashing cameras.
"Hey before we go," Lou stood up, hand outstretched. "Would you like to dance with me?" He asked with a flourish and a handsome grin.
Sabrina giggled. "We already danced tonight," she said, taking his hand. "Like, three times, I think."
"Don't tell me that you're gonna deny me the chance to dance with the love of my life, my beloved angel, my gorgeous sweetheart, my - "
"You're ridiculous." She shoved him, blushing. "Well, then, lead the way, "'love of my life'."
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