#svetlana zinchenko
elenatria · 2 years
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The scene we'll never see: Dr. Svetlana Zinchenko, her bandaged hand, her red blistered hand. Radiation is already taking its toll on her. Dr. Zinchenko is dying because she was doing her job.  
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ignalina-c0re · 4 years
Dude Spotting Guide for Chernobyl HBO
A guide to spotting all the dudes and like three dudettes, cause there’s only so many white guys in white overalls that you can remember at any given time lol 
It has too many details. Yell if you spotted a dude you want on here and i’ll add them or something @sunset-and-periwinkle​ @owlboxes​ @borislegasov​ @natasharedfox​ @litttlesilkworm​ @shark-from-the-park​ @stellan-pip-69​ @seaweednpeanuts​ @kylos-scarf​ idk who else requested it, tag everyone, we need electricians we need mechanics we need bodies
Akimov, Aleksandr Fyodorovich, shift foreman of the fifth shift in Unit 4 (32):
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Brazhnik, Vyacheslav Stepanovich, senior turbine machinist operator (28):
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(he’s such a background character it’s hard to get pics of him lol) Bryukhanov, Viktor Petrovich, plant director (51):
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Degtyarenko, Viktor Mikhailovich, reactor operator (31): 
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Dyatlov, Anatoly Stepanovich, deputy chief engineer of phase two (55): 
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Gorbachenko, Nikolai Fedorovich, dosimetrist on duty (?):
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Fomin, Nikolai M., chief engineer (50) (jesus fuck i know i read his patronymic somewhere but i can’t find it now and it’s bugging the hell out of me help):
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(it’s Nikolai Mweaselyfucker Fomin, and i don’t know when he was born but i’m 98% sure he’s a pisces, this is the kind of shit one of us would pull)
Khodemchuk, Valery Ilyich, senior main circulating pump operator (35):
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Kirschenbaum, Igor, senior turbine control engineer (27): 
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Kudryavstev, Aleksandr Gennadiyevich, trainee senior reactor control engineer (28):
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Perevozchenko, Valery Ivanovich, reactor section foreman (38):
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Proskuryakov, Viktor Vasilyevich, trainee senior reactor control engineer (31):
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Sitnikov, Anatoly Andreyevich, deputy chief operational engineer (46):
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Stolyarchuk, Boris Vasiliyevich, senior unit control engineer (late 20s):
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Toptunov, Leonid Feydorovich, senior reactor control engineer (26):
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Yuvchenko, Aleksandr, senior mechanical engineer (24):
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Ignatenko, Lyudmilla, loving wife (23):
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Ignatenko, Vasily Ivanovich, firefighter (25):
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Pravik, Volodomyr Pavlovich, firefighter (liutenant) (23):
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Misha, Meesha, firefighter (23) (no he isn’t): 
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Oksana, exposition device (30):
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Mikhail, cleans floors at a train station (prolly also 30):
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Baby, tragedy (baby):
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Zinchenko, Svetlana, doctor (25):
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Zharkov, personification of The Bad System (old enough to shut the fuck up): 
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Petrov, voice of sanity (30):
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Kirill Yuvchenko, future doctor, current toothless kid (2):
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Legasov, Valery Alekseyevich, deputy director of the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy (50):
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Scherbina, Boris Yevdokimovich, vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers, (67):
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Khomyuk, Ulana Yuriyvna, chief physicist of the Byelarusian Institute for Nuclear Energy (40s):
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Pikalov, Vladimir Karpovich, general, commander of the Chemical Troops of the USSR (62):
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Tarakanov, Nikolai Dmitrievich, general, Soviet military leader, motivational speaker and sex symbol (script says 45, but actually he was 52):
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Ananenko, Oleksii, mechanical engineer (27):
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Bezpalov, Valery, senior engineer (script says 40? i think? truth to be told we don’t even seem to know how his name is spelled. is it a Bezpalov or Bespalov? who are you dude?):
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(actually i think it should be Bespalov, jsyk)
Baranov, Boris, shift supervisor (46):
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Glukhov, Andrei, mining crew chief (40):
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Jughashvili, robot operator (probably too young):
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Gremov/Yefremov , Pavel Ivanovich/Miklailovich , conscript, animal control (23): 
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(i grabbed his full name off of fcken tvtropes lol) (other name version as heard by @litttlesilkworm​
Bacho, Afghanistan veteran, animal control (vodka dad) (36):
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Garo, Afghanistan veteran, animal control (30):
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Janek, not Latvian, Estonian (25):
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Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (55)
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Charkov, Aleksandr, KGB first deputy chairman, (63):
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Shadov, Mikhail, Minister of Coal Industries (40s)
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Garanin, worked in a shoe factory, now in charge (57, overfed):
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Chulkov, poet, timewaster (50s): 
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Stepashin, Andrei, state prosecutor (50):
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Kadnikov, Milan, judge (55) (no he isn’t):
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Dmitri, physicist of the Byelarusian Institute for Nuclear Energy (30):
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Marina Gruzinskaya, scientist, a smart lady (40s):
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Major Burov, he allows it (45):
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joysthokkins · 8 years
Zolla Spring 2016 (Short recut) from Ilia Petrov on Vimeo.
Portrait video for screens / nomusic /
Photographer: Erik Panov Video: Ilia Petrov @joysthokkins Style: Svetlana Tanakina MUA / hair: Kate Mur Ph assist: TBC St assist: Olga Kovaleva Set-design: Andrey Toporkov Models: Zhanna Danilova, Sasha Zinchenko @ Modus Vivendis, agent Anna Kamishnikova Producer: Anastasia Milovanova Prod assist: Ekaterina Borovik
Location: Loft 19.0.5, White Loft
Director of Marketing and Advertising Department: Svetlana Bassauer
Head of design: Tatiana Mitroshina
Head of digital-direction: Olga Solodilova
Advertising Manager: Natalia Shokina
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elenatria · 4 years
Thank you for sharing the scene with the nurse. Honestly i think they could have showed what happened to ber, just a few seconds to show the sacrifices of the health Workers too. In the second episode we just see her being forced by a soldier to get into the ambulance while she tells him that she must go back inside: people might think that she is "fine" but touching the firefighters and people on the bridge means be dead like them. This story will always be a punch in the stomach.
Oh yes, that was @litttlesilkworm ‘s find and reblog, an unexpected addition to my list of deleted scenes. 
Interesting thing is that she’s not even a nurse, she’s a doctor as it is mentioned here, a fact that I was told by another fan. 
Talking of health workers, and thinking how horribly relevant that scene is today.. yeah, they could have shown us Svetlana’s fate. She deserved as much and it would add more to the tragedy, the mere spectrum of it, as we see it happening right now. She really was a brilliant, likable character and it took her only a couple of scenes to make us feel for her. 
The words that come to mind are “cherubic” and “renaissance”. 
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During the Q&A Mazin said he was “accused” of not giving the liquidators enough credit, not making them the heroes. He said he did. The problem is that, after watching the first episode, I thought the series was going to be about the disaster as a whole, without focusing on 2-3 characters and their arc. Surely we saw many side stories, the firefighters through Lyudmila’s eyes, the liquidators through Pavel’s eyes, the plant workers through Akimov and Toptunov’s eyes, and yes, Svetlana was supposed to be our “eyes” into the health care workers’ world. But there was not enough time to lay out all those stories for us in as much detail as they deserved.
From what Mazin has been saying, the subject matter was difficult to begin with, and HBO probably didn’t want to invest that much money on an obscure little mini series whose leading actor wasn’t that well known after all (early articles reporting the beginning of the filming were billing Stellan first, Jared was just a mention among the rest of the cast). 
Mazin said he would have done so much more with the money “Chernobyl” would have been given now, after its success.  So yes, we would have seen at least one more episode (as Mazin said) had HBO trusted him and Johan. We would have seen the May day parade, Svetlana’s arc, Pavel coming full circle, Garanin changing his mind and no longer being a dick, Dyatlov mourning his son (now how devastating would that be?), Valery meeting Boris and his grandson -  contemplating his own imminent suicide as he learns the news of Fomin’s attempt, guilt-ridden Ulana feeling helpless as she goes through the names of victims and realizes she cannot do what must be done, but has to have Valery do it instead.  Those characters would have had so much more depth. But no. HBO decided we would only witness Valery’s gut-wrenching arc in its entirety. 
See what the problem with mini series is? They’re considered to be huge risks and are not given enough seasons to let them flourish, to see where popularity (and money) can take them.
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