#swamp medsnip
mickmundy · 1 year
bro BRO- ur swamp monster medsnip sounds so cray cray and cool id really like to hear more about it sometime ! :D
OMFG REALLY ;_; GWAHH OKAY *puts on my mining helmet* let me see if i can't find some quick pastes from my gf and i's server SKDFKDF!! sorry for the formatting/spelling/grammar on these... when i fire off ideas its just a massive train of thought/run on sentence!! also i'm just going to say that sniper has a "mid-shift" form between Full Croc and Full Human that i also need to design but we'll just say during mid-shift he looks "mostly human" with croc features like the eyes, scales, tail and claws... (like his cosmetics)
medic travels around in search of these like super potent/poisonous herbs that he thinks can help with information extraction, poisoning, whatever. so he's in the like. tropical humid wetlands looking for these plants and there's no signs of people for like. miles and miles and miles like he is Out There.
so sniper is literally never around people (there's a bounty on sniper's head bc he's a Huge Fucking Croc so of course hunters are constantly trying to get him but nobody knows what he Really is) and it's just easier for him to stay transformed all the way croc. So he takes notice of a Disturbance and finds medic and is like ? and begins tracking him with the intention to kill and eat him. but the more sniper Stalks his prey he realizes medic isn't a poacher and that he's actually just super into plants.. which sniper is too.,,
and as fate would have it medic winds up finding sniper's cave and is like "hoo! what a quaint place to camp! ^v^" and sniper's like >:/ but doesn't do anything about it because Obviously he can't just spring up from the water and be like GET OUT!! so he bides his time and watches medic set up his stupid little camp and fix his stupid little dinner and while medic's leaning into/over the water studying plants while his food cooks sniper's like >:P Devouring Time! and Leaps at him and medic's like HOOH! and falls backwards and crawls back onto the bank and sniper's snarling again and stalking towards him and medic's like "WAIT!! i have- i have food!" and pats around behind him and tosses sniper some jerky or some such Treat and sniper catches it in his jaws and is like owo! and narrows his eyes and slithers back into the water and medic's like "holy shittencrappen that was CLOSE" and he calls out like "aheh, thank you for not eating me!" and sniper's like =_=
buuuuuut so the next morning medic leaves and sniper's like >:/ pfft, good riddance. but then.., medic comes back.., with more meat.,! and tosses it into the water again and sniper Devours It and medic's like hoo hoo! ^v^ thank you again for sparing me! i won't be long in your domain i assure you, once i find (some plant whatever)!" and sniper knows where those plants grow but he's like >_> and leaves medic alone. but then medic keeps talking to him and babbling about his plants and sniper's like.,, well.,., he doesn't like humans all that much but it's nice to hear a comforting voice now and then.,,. and medic is so cute.,
he keeps stewing at the bottom of his body of water like this -> >:///| and medic gets quiet for a while and sniper assumes he left again so he crawls up onto the bank by his cave and medic's like "oh, hallo! ^v^ smelled dinner, did you? hee!" and sniper's like oAo! and flicks his tail and snorts and medic tosses him some more jerky and sniper looooves it.,. and medic giggles and finally Sees all of (croc) sniper and is like "mein gott, you sure are a handsome krokodil!" and sniper's like O//M//O and flicks his tail and huffs (>:////|) and medic's like ^v^ hehe!
and so eventually medic names the plant(s) that he's looking for and sniper's like huh... i know where those are... and gathers them and lays them on the bank where medic always comes to see him and when medic finds them he's like "OHHH MY GOTT!! MY PLANTS!! was this your doing, you handsome devil? ^v^" and sniper's like Hmph.. blows bubbles in the water shyly... and he's so devastated because he'd love to bask in medic's joy with him and show him all of the cool plants and stuff around here but medic would Surely Hate Him if he saw what he was (LOL).. but he supposes its enough to just watch medic giggle and hop around and squeal... sighs lovingly...
so time passes and medic's out here for like. two months and he always goes to visit sniper. sniper has a full blown crush on him at this point and medic just thinks this is a super cool crocodile and has absolutely ZERO idea what sniper is. so eventually medic has to leave to return home and is like "well my friend, i suppose i should be taking off. thank you for your hospitality!" and leaves and sniper sighs becuase like.. oh well... goodbye.....
but he comes back!!!! becuase he just had to see that crocodile one more time.. ;_;
and sniper wasn't expecting him so he's basking totally naked on his favorite rock in his mid-shift form itching his tummy tanning chewing on a fish he just caught and medic goes to come back and sees.... sniper..,,// sunbathing completely naked... and he's like :///O and ends up kicking a rock quietly and sniper's head shoots up and he slides back into the water and medic's like "WAIT!! WAIT--"
sniper's totally in panic mode and is just sitting at the bottom of the water like bugger bugger bugger bugger and medic's like "what-- was that you?! i know what i just saw, it looked nearly human! what- mein krokodil! are you there?!" and sniper looks at him from under the water and is like sighs. better get this overwith. and re-emerges as his mid shift form and medic like. drops what he was carrying and is like Ohhh my god and sniper lets out a chuff and a purr sound that medic would recognize and medic like. inches closer and sniper tilts his head to the side and medic extends his hand out (and usually in his croc form sniper would rest his lil chin in it) and so he does this time too and medic's like OH MY GOD THIS IS BETTER THAN PLANTS!!!! >:///D and sniper's like >///M//<
AAAAAND i gotta save something for the oneshot i really should write!! EHEHH... >:///) so i hope this scratched your itch!! but there's definitely more to this EHEHE...!!! UWAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING ABOUT MY BUSHMEDS ;__; i actually really adore this one personally so this was really exciting to have an excuse to share it!! ;u; <33
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mickmundy · 11 months
Alrighty, so I was looking at your mermaid bushmed stuff, and it's all super fun. But I noticed there's a lot of focus on mer medic and human sniper, I think I saw only one post mentioning the reverse? I was wondering if you had any ideas for mer snipes and human medic? It mentioned mer sniper being caught and given to medic for research, and i think that's got some interesting possibilities. Especially if medic ever decided to free sniper, which could probably get him fired/in huge trouble/maybe in danger(?) if he was caught doing it? (I also like the idea of kinda feral shark mer sniper, and the probably extra sharp teeth he would have, ngl.) Idk, I just have mermaid bushmed brainrot and enjoy seeing aus getting flipped.
HIII MY FRIEND OMG OKAY IM SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS I WANTED TO THINK ABOUT IT EHEE BUT yes i do actually! i talked about it briefly on this post here (as in like.. 2 sentences KSDFKS)! so i'll elaborate on it a bit more! ^v^
i think it would be fun for sniper to have gotten caught by mann co somehow and given to medic to do Whatever with (with medic being his "Canonical" organ-harvesting, animal-loving self!) and gazing upon sniper and Of Course being EXTREMELY ELATED that hoo! a merperson!! i personally think sniper's fish-half would be a spotted wobbegong as i said in that post too!! ^u^
tbh the Main reason i didn't go with a mersniper in this one is because i actually have a "were-crocodile" sniper/human researcher medic au that i ALSO want to write a little something for, and i try to keep it balanced as far as who gets the "Beastie Treatment" so that both of them have some time in each role! ^v^ i think medic and sniper are both characters who would Love being supernatural/mythical creatures so it offers a lot of fun dynamics!
either way, i think a researcher medic/Creature Sniper is VERY fun... i love that idea a LOT!! ^v^ you actually make me want to elaborate more on my werecroc au..! heuhueue!! i think researcher medic is definitely compelling and the dynamic of master/experiment Definitely suits bushmed since it reminds me so much of their "canonical" dynamic!!! HEHEE!!
for my mer au though, sniper WILL be able to Become a merperson himself with the help of Convenient Mermagic! hoo! and yes.. he would Absolutely have sharp teeth.,. huhuh.,. >u< i think medic does too! sharp teeth and claws, with patches of their "fish patterns" on their human skin up their body, too! they'd of course keep their human body hair and fat on their human halves as well ^v^!!
AND YESSSS I HAVE THE BRAINROT TOO I FEAR.,., i've been working on fleshing out the story and i'm planning on writing it either alongside or after i write my vampire au!! ^v^ EHEHHE!!! i'm always happy to have asks about them though because it's fun for me to flesh them out this way, so thank you SO much for messaging me my friend!! i hope you have an amazing weekend!! <3333
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mickmundy · 1 year
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road trip photo ☀️ that sniper keeps in his wallet... his two beloved beauties! 🕊️🚛
imo sniper would literally have a picture like this of medic in his wallet... also lots of saucy nudes that medic sneaks into it that then fall out when sniper's trying to pay for food and gas at the gas station... LOL. sniper turns beet red and can't look the cashier in the eye EVER again but ough. he loves medic so much. RED devil indeed!! >:)c
(medic sits so prettily in this amazing new workshop taunt so everyone go vote it in!!)
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mickmundy · 1 year
saw this on ur Twitter but PLEASE talk about all your various bushmedicines. For me but also only if you want to of course
SKDFKSDKF OMFG my many many many bushmeds... yeas.. most of these are Mega works in progress but i think it's good to jot them down here so that i can revisit them when i work out character designs/ref sheets and whatnot! and these are just the ones off of the top of my head! @_@ i surely have more buried in my gf and i's server LOL. sooooo let's break it down really quick! HEHE:
My "Canon" medsnip: the medic and sniper in Thou Giveth Fever is just the Main/Default/Canon/Whatever medic and sniper. takes place in same universe right after the comics!
My gf and i's medsnip: arlowe and wren! a lot of their story takes place pre-teufort but they eventually become RED's medic and sniper! ^v^ "canon" red medic and sniper don't exist in this universe. they're already dating by the time they wind up at teufort together! we're still working on a lot of their backstories but i'll eventually talk more about them/write a fic for them too! ^u^
My vampire medsnip: tumblr Adores them.., yes.,., my vampire medic and hunter sniper! sniper's a vampire hunter who is hired by vampire medic to do some dirty work for him. they end up falling for each other... but not before spilling a lot of blood together!
have another version of them drafted where sniper's a herbalist and falls in love with a Big Mean Vampire who once used to love healing humans more than he loves harming them.. :'( they fall in love.,., show each other tenderness... HEHEHE..
My cult god medsnip: medic is a shapeshifting god/demon/spirit/whatever that thrives and grows in power from the cult that is convinced he exists and worships him. likes toying with them and giving them "signs" he exists and whatnot and loves the praise because, well, who wouldn't! :-) hoo! buuuut a Certain Denier has caught his eye...! sniper thinks that cult nonsense is a load of crap and doesn't fall for it. Naturally this makes medic Carnally Desire him and his attention... HEHE... >:)
My swamp monster medsnip: sniper is a werecroc that lives out in the comfy cozy australian bush/marshland (haven't decided yet). rough it as a human and also as a crocodile and loves being alone. until one day a very curious "Doctor" starts stomping around his secluded slice of heaven in search of/researching the plants and animals of the area (to harvest for his zany experiments of course!)... sniper hates people but this one just seems kind of... Charming... hmm.... !
My eldritch medsnip: MEGA work in progress. need to think about this more actually.,., Medic Is Not What He Says He Is and sniper has a hunch... ;-) medic has a "breath of life" ability which is ironic because the hurting is more rewarding than the healing! :'( HEHE. also have a cool idea for an eldritch sniper but idk if i'd want to fit them in Together or have separate aus!
My old retired domestic medsnip: would follow my "canon" medsnip. years and years later, some vague skip of time. the sorrow..,., the sweetness.,., in the Unlikely Event they retire... how might that go.. :) sniper's fine with aging but medic is NOT. everything can be defied! age! death! isn't that what you want sniper!! but maybe sniper wants to retire to some small house on the german coast with medic.,., medic can extend his life infinitely with his "devil deal" but what about his sniper.,., who has already died once... but could either of them Really ever retire...? HEHEH.., i've actually written a lot of this and i should probably publish it in a standalone fic. very emotional very angsty!!
My pony medsnip: EHE this is an extremely self indulgent one but i love it all the same! does what it says on the tin... what if they were ponies!! i've talked about it here and posted sniper's design here! i need to work on medic's just for the sake of having my own ref sheet to match sniper's but i talk about him in the twt thread i linked! ^u^ <3 i just love gushing about them because i love ponies!!
My demon medsnip: have a couple different versions of this General Concept buut the one i'll mention is a conspiracy theorist/total shut-in/sex-starved/supernatural sighter sniper summoning a demon medic... but instead of it being the kind of demon sniper was after (for whatever reason. havent figured it out yet), it turns out medic's a lust demon... Smirks
My merfolk medsnip: ONE I REALLY LOVE I JUST HAVENT GOTTEN AROUND TO FLESHING OUT YET GRAAHH... i love the idea of one being human and one being a merperson but i also love the idea of them both being merfolk... BUUUUUUT the idea of fisherman sniper living on the australian coast all alone his whole life and mermedic watching him From Afar and sighing lovingly... ;__; GOUGWOAUAAAA ;;; i have Some Picks for what their Fishy Parts would be too but i still need to narrow them down. BWAH!!
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mickmundy · 1 year
okay so i know i kinda answered this in an ask BUT i really have been meaning to go through my gf and i's chats and find even more of our bushmeds so! ah! let's just think of this post as the dutchiebee medsnip masterpost where i will update with links to tags for each of these the more i ramble!! heh!! the catch-all tag for my personal bushmed rambles is still #medsnip of course, but some of these have specific tags as well! aaand as usual you can feel free to send asks or talk to me about any of these, i'm always glad to babble about them!! hehe!!
“Canon” MedSnip: the medic and sniper in Thou Giveth Fever is just the Main/Default/Canon/Whatever medic and sniper. takes place in same universe right after the comics! i default to talking about them the most!
Dutchiebee OC MedSnip: arlowe and wren! a lot of their story takes place pre-teufort but they eventually become RED’s medic and sniper! ^v^ “canon” red medic and sniper don’t exist in this universe. they’re already dating by the time they wind up at teufort together! we’re still working on a lot of their backstories but i’ll eventually talk more about them/write a fic for them too! ^u^
Vampire Medic/Hunter Sniper: sniper’s a vampire hunter who is hired by old, powerful and big vampire medic to do some dirty work for him. they end up falling for each other… but not before spilling a lot of blood together!
Merperson Medic/Human-Merperson Sniper: lots and lots of versions of this live in my mind but i think the one i'll elaborate on most is mermedic and lonely human fisherman sniper... for their fish parts, medic is a blanket octopus and sniper is a spotted wobbegong!! hehe... i also love the idea of mersnip and human medic, who harvests/researches exotic animal parts and is given sniper as a gift (mann co caught him? who knows) and thinks that sniper is simply too fascinating (handsome) to kill! hoo!
"Priest"-Demon Medic/Priest Sniper: medic was a human that was killed by the church and comes back as a demon set out to destroy it. takes interest in the church that sniper has been a part of for his whole life and begins causing chaos (falling wooden beams, gossip, making people question their faith etc. whatever medic thinks is fun at the moment)... but sniper catches his eye.... they develop feelings for each other..... but sniper doesn't know what medic Really Is.... gasps.... hehe
Researcher Medic/Swamp Monster Sniper: sniper is a werecroc that lives out in the comfy cozy australian bush/marshland (haven’t decided yet). roughs it as a human and also as a crocodile and loves being alone. until one day a very curious “doctor” starts stomping around his secluded slice of heaven in search of/researching the plants and animals of the area (to harvest for his zany experiments of course!)… sniper hates people but this one just seems kind of… Charming… hmm…. !
Cult God Medic/Nonbeliever Sniper: medic is a shapeshifting god/demon/spirit/whatever that thrives and grows in power from the cult that is convinced he exists and worships him. likes toying with them and giving them “signs” he exists and whatnot and loves the praise because, well, who wouldn’t! :-) hoo! buuuut a Certain Denier has caught his eye…! sniper thinks that cult nonsense is a load of crap and doesn’t fall for it. Naturally this makes medic Carnally Desire him and his attention… HEHE… >:)
Old/Retired/Domestic MedSnip: would follow my “canon” versions of them. years and years later, some vague skip of time. the sorrow..,., the sweetness.,., in the Unlikely Event they retire… how might that go.. :) sniper’s fine with aging but medic is NOT. everything can be defied! age! death! isn’t that what you want sniper!! but maybe sniper wants to retire to some small house on the german coast with medic.,., medic can extend his life infinitely with his “devil deal” but what about his sniper.,., who has already died once… but could either of them Really ever retire…? HEHEH.., i’ve actually written a lot of this and i should probably publish it in a standalone fic. very emotional very angsty!!
Unicorn Medic/Pegasus Sniper: EHE this is an extremely self indulgent one but i love it all the same! does what it says on the tin… what if they were ponies!! i’ve talked about it here and posted sniper’s design here! i need to work on medic’s just for the sake of having my own ref sheet to match sniper’s but i talk about him in the twt thread i linked! ^u^ <3 i just love gushing about them because i love ponies!!
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