#sweet hollyhock of hanalei
littlefireant · 6 months
unsolicited song rec tiem XD
I have been listening to this on repeat all month, probably because we’re watching One Piece and I say Galley-La with the same cadence. It might be good mood music for Heliumädchen’s climax - or would Atta’s theme be more appropriate? 👇
Probably gonna go with this one. Will still draw something inspired by “Burning Love” when the time comes, though.
[sillypoo simping intensifies]
I find myself humming the chorus throughout the day. There’s something fun about the 2000s Dance Song Sleazy Manvoice.
It’s my theme song!! Everything you do at your sad wagie job becomes more purposeful with this young edgelord’s anthem blasting your ears.
I think I recommended The Gereg in an earlier post. It’s almost too close to call, but this one is my favorite track. Is there a name for a weeaboo, but for Mongols? Because that’s the feeling that The Hu inspires.
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