#sweet pea x calloway camden
riverdalepoet · 5 years
I’ve Got You  part 3
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Word Count: 3222
Warnings: language, depictions of violence, abuse, and injuries
Tag List: @romanticgumchewer  @serpentlullaby  @chipster-21  @lilhemmo @reblogserpent  
A/N: Shout out to @cactiem for beta-ing this chapter and always boosting my confidence in the creative decisions I make. I also want to mention that this week was a tough one. I wanted to quit this story. I wanted to quit writing all together, but @ella-full-of-secrets told me in so many words “no ma’am, pam”.  I’m grateful for Ella’s support, and this update would not be possible without it!
This chapter features a special guest and some pretty key plot points to the story.  Message me to be added to the taglist and reblog, pleeeeaassseeeee!!!
Chapter 1           Chapter 2
               The closer they drew to Whyte Wyrm, the more nervous Callie became.  It was nearly ten, and the Serpents that were sleeping soundly when she left would no doubt be awake by the time they returned.  Her worrying was halted when Sweet Pea hit a pothole jolting the pain in her ribs.  She cried out clutching her abdomen, nearly causing Sweets to drive off the road in panic.  “Shit, Cal, I’m sorry.  Why don’t you take some of that medicine Ellis gave you?”
               “I can’t, I haven’t eaten anything.”
               Sweet Pea squeezed her hand before tapping the back of it.  “Well then let’s go to Pops.  I’m starving.”
               Callie shrugged her shoulders pulling her hand away slowly.  “Sure, but I don’t think I’m hungry.”
               Sweet Pea looked at her with blatant concern etched in his features but nodded nonetheless pulling into Pop’s parking lot.  “Please let me get you a banana milkshake or something,” he pleaded with her.
               She shook her head and pull her jacket tighter across her body.  “No, Pea, I don’t really feel like it.  I just want to go back to sleep.”
               He begrudgingly agreed but made a mental note to make sure she ate something before the day was through.  He locked the truck and ran to the counter.  In about five minutes he had his bag of food and was back on the road to the Wyrm.  When they saw the vacant lot, Callie visibly relaxed.  “They’re rounding up traitors and looting the trailer park.  Toni’s trying to get as much as she can out of your trailer for you. They shouldn’t be back until later,” Sweet Pea answered her silent question as he helped her out of the cab of the truck.
               “Is that safe? What if the Ghoulies show up?”
               “They’ve got weapons and none of them are alone.  They can take ‘em.”  Sweet Pea flinched as soon as he realized what that sounded like and saw the look on Callie’s face.  “Wait… I didn’t-”
               “I know.  It’s fine.”  Her forehead creased and he reached out to stop her from turning away.
               She tried to wiggle from the hold he had on her, but it was no use.  “No, it’s not.  What happened to you didn’t happen because you couldn’t hold your own.  They attacked you, Callie, that’s not your fault.”  He tried to hold her gaze, but she averted her eyes, shrinking under his intensity.
               “I know…” she mumbled hoping to placate him and escape to the upstairs room.  He didn’t believe her one bit but saw the way she swayed on her feet.  Maybe she wasn’t lying about wanting to sleep.  He carried her up the steps to lay her on the bed.  Immediately, she kicked off her shoe and slid happily under the covers.  He chuckled at the smile that tugged on her lips when he reached for the remote and turned the fan on high.  “You’re staying again, right?”
               “You still want me to?”
               “I do,” she answered snuggling into her pillow.
               “Then I’ll be right here.”  He kicked his own boots off and plopped down beside her.  “Only I do have one condition…”
               One of her eyebrows quirked up in surprise and she waited for him to elaborate on his terms.  “You’re gonna have to eat at least twice a day so you can take your medicine.  I know what you’re doing Callie, but you’re not your mother.  You need those pills so your body can heal. That doesn’t make you a junkie.”
               She deliberated for a moment before slowly nodding in agreement to his compromise.  “Good, then I’m all yours, Camden.  You still like the Golden Girls don’t you?”
               For the next half hour, they giggled together at her favorite show and split Pea’s French fries before the medicine numbed her pain allowing her to drift back into the comfort of sleep.  After making sure she was out cold, Sweet Pea joined her, not realizing how tired he still was.  However, a piercing scream yanked him from his sleep.  “NO,” Callie screamed out.
               Instantly Pea shook her awake.  She sat up too quickly, frantic from the memories that harassed her dreams and yelped in pain.  The nightmares, the burning in her chest, the fear that lingered was too much for her.  She clutched a pillow to her and melted into it, sobbing.  Sweet Pea’s gentle hands pried the pillow from her grasp to pull him to her.  She flinched at his touch, and he had to remind himself of the patience Dr. Ellis told him to exercise.
               Carefully, he reached out his hand to stroke her hair and she finally relaxed under his hand.  “Talk to me,” he begged her.  “I can’t fix it if I don’t know what happened.”
               “That’s just it, Pea, you can’t fix it.  No one can fix it.  They took everything.  They just took it,” she cried miserably.  More than anything he wished he could make this easier for her.
                   Just when her breathing began to slow, the door burst open and Fangs came strolling in.  With the lights off, all Callie could see was a shadow and she screamed instantly.  Fangs jumped in surprise while Pea calmed her hysterics. “No, no! I know, but it wasn’t them.  It’s just Fangs.  Remember how he brought here?  It’s okay, baby, come here!”
                  Fangs was frozen in the doorframe.  He flicked on the light and Callie squeaked when she realized he wasn’t a threat. She shook still, taking steadying breaths and feeling embarrassed for her outburst.  “Fangs, I’m sorry.”
                 He shook his head and waved his hand before grabbing the chair by the bed and propping his feet up.  Callie still clung to Pea who was still whispering comforting words in her ear.  “No worries, Calloway. I’m just glad to see you conscious.”
              She smiled in response.  Relieved that Callie had calmed down and noticing a pattern of her being easily frightened, Sweet Pea turned towards Fangs swinging his legs off the edge of the bed.  “Have you heard anything about how it’s going or how Jug’s doing?”
            “They were able to get a good deal out with no complications.  Jughead woke up this morning and should get sprung sometime today, but that’s not why I’m here,” Fangs leaned forward piquing Pea’s interest.  “Did you hear about Cooper?”
            “Betty?” he questioned.  That’s just what they needed- another damn injured Serpent- adjacent or not.
           “No, Hal Cooper, Betty’s dad.  He’s the freaking Black Hood,” he whispered trying not to disturb Callie who had gone back to sleep.  Sweet Pea jumped up from the bed motioning towards the door.
           Once they were down the hall a good ways, he replied, “What the hell? Riverdale Register’s Hal Cooper? Mr. Northside himself? There’s no way.”
          Fangs was just as surprised by the news as he was and shook his head in disbelief.  “I know, man. But it’s true.  He’s sitting his creepy murdering ass in jail as we speak.”
         It was hard-fought, but Sweet Pea finally tolerated Betty after a lifetime of despising her and her family, or rather what he thought they had that he didn’t.  His mother abandoned him and his father was a sack of alcoholic shit, but having a serial killer as a father took the cake.  Despite himself, he actually felt bad for the girl with the ponytail.  “Poor Betty…”
          Toni walked up with a few bags over her shoulder and slung them on the ground at his feet.  “Yeah, I know.  That sucks about her dad.”  Sweet Pea reached for the guitar case she was just about to throw down carelessly.
        “Easy there, Topaz,” he warned. “Damn, you got a lot of her stuff.”
         She looked offended by the surprise in his tone.  “Duh! This was a one and done.  No way we’ll be able to get in again.”
       “Well, it means a lot to me.  I really appreciate you doing that for her.  I would’ve gone myself, but-,” he started only to be interrupted by her rolling her eyes with an amused expression on her face.
       “I knew we wouldn’t be able to pry you away if we tried. Seriously, don’t sweat it.  How’s she doing?”  Sweet Pea rubbed the back of his neck.
       “I don’t know.  I mean, Ellis says she’ll be okay, but as far as what’s going on in her head…I really can’t say.  I’m hoping this will help.”  He tapped the top of the guitar case for emphasis.
               Fangs and Toni shared a knowing look before Fangs spoke up.  “Yeah, every time I drove by her trailer she was sitting on the porch with that guitar on her hands.”
               Toni agreed remembering the first time she caught Pea staring at Calloway from across the lot.  “It’s just gonna take time, Pea.  Just listen. Keep doing what you’re doing.”
Suddenly, the door swung open and Cheryl Blossom came blazing in.  “Where’s TT?” She bounded up the stairs breathless and reaching for her girlfriend.  “They’re coming!  Hiram, Minetta, the whole Godfather-esque clan.  They’re raiding the Wyrm.  We need to get you- all of you- out of here now!”
Sweet Pea and Fangs wasted no time shouting orders at the Serpents below.  “Grab what you can! No bikes, we can’t be heard or seen!”
“SHIT!” Sweet Pea’s mind went to the girl sleeping down the hall.  “How are we supposed to move Callie?  Her crutches are as loud as hell.”
“I can help with that,” a voice called from the door.  Fred Andrews with his keys in hand was standing behind Archie and Jughead looking vastly out of place. The crowd went silent. “I can take her in my truck along with some of the heavier stuff you might want to bring.  You are all welcome at my home, but we have to move now.”
Sweet Pea contemplated for a split second before nodding curtly and rushing to grab Callie.  With his approval, the Serpents went back to gathering the few belongings they had left.  Fangs helped Pea load the truck, hiding the loot by securing a tarp around the bed.  With a kiss to Callie’s forehead, Sweet Pea closed the door jarring her awake.  Her eyes widened at the sight of Fred beside her, but Sweet Pea was quick to react.  “Look at me! It’s not safe here anymore. Mr. Andrews is going to drive you to his house, and we’ll all meet you there a little while later.”
“No, Pea, don’t.  I want to-,” she argued reaching for the handle, determined to stick to his side.
He stroked her hair through the window leaning into the frame of the truck to block the door from opening. “You still trust me?” Hesitantly, she nodded.  “I promise I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He turned his stare to the man in the driver’s seat. “Mr. Andrews?” He didn’t know much of anything about Archie’s dad, but he trusted Jughead and didn’t see any other option.
“I’ll take care of her, son, don’t worry.  You be safe yourself.  Stay out of sight,” Fred answered acknowledging the obvious worry that was clear as day on Sweet Pea’s face.
“Thank you, sir.” With one last look at Callie, he retreated into the bar to get the Serpents ready for escape.
Callie eyed Fred suspiciously and saw the questions that he was biting back.  After pulling onto the highway steering towards the Northside of town, he finally asked. “Who did that to you?”
“Ghoulies,” she mumbled, clutching her bag tightly.  He merely hummed in response.  Fred Andrews was not blind to the troubles of the Southside.  He knew what they were up against, but he never thought it would leave someone in the shape this girl was in.
They rode in silence until the flashing of red and blue lights rushed past them bound for the very place they just left.  Panic ripped through Callie as she whipped around to watch each car speed towards the Southside and towards Sweet Pea.
“Hey now, they’ll be okay,” Fred murmured reaching to pat her shoulder.  She jumped at the contact and he quickly retracted his hand.  “My boy and Jughead will make sure they know where to go.”
“Archie?” she croaked out, surprised at the strain in her voice.
“Yeah,” he answered.  “You’re Cliff Camden’s kid, aren’t you?”
Calloway flinched at the association and Fred shot her a sympathetic smile.  “I’m sorry, kid.  I sure hate what he did to you and your mom.  I really hate that Leah did the same thing to you- leaving a fifteen- year old like that.  I can’t imagine what you’ve been through.”
“You knew my mom?” Callie questioned, shocked.  The last time she heard anyone say her mother’s name, it was when FP came looking for his favorite drinking buddy after he hadn’t seen her in a month nearly two years ago.  It stung just the same way it did back then.
“Psh, knew her? I was a groomsman in the Camden’s wedding,” he chuckled.  Callie blinked a few times putting a few pieces together from stories her mom told her.
“You were in a band with my father, weren’t you?” she gasped realizing why he looked so familiar in the first place.
“Oh no, she told you about The Fred Heads?” he laughed, turning onto Elm Street.
“Only when I started playing his guitar.”
“So you play, huh?” Callie avoided his eyes, staring instead at a small crack in the windshield.
“I used to.”  By the tremor in Callie’s voice, Fred knew to let it go.  Soon enough they were pulling into his driveway.  He made his way around the truck to help Callie into the house.  Once they crossed the threshold, he started fussing around the house arranging pallets and blowing up air mattresses.  “I’m thinking you and Fangs are the only ones seriously injured-aside from Jughead, but he’ll be staying with Betty- so I’m gonna have the two of you in the downstairs room. It’s got two beds.  You’re gonna want Sweet Pea with you, right?”  She nodded.  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.  Archie can bunk with me to leave his room open, there are a few couches in the music room out back, and the rest can fill up the couches and air mattresses in here.  I just wish I could do more…”
“Mr. Andrews,” Callie started, moving to sit at the barstool to relieve the pressure in her leg.  “This is more than anyone else would do.  Thank you.”
He smiled at her but insisted on calling in pizzas for when the rest arrived.  Once he hung up the phone, he collapsed against the counter.  They sat comfortably for a few moments worrying about the people forced to race towards the Northside like refugees in their own town.  “Callie, I’m sorry this happened to you.  Riverdale never should’ve let the Ghoulies gain so much control over our town.  You didn’t deserve this. I just wish I could do something about it.”
Callie fidgeted with a loose thread in the upholstery before replying, “Thank you, Mr. Andrews. If you ever run for mayor, you’ve got my vote.”  Fred chuckled in reply.
“Callie?” Sweet Pea’s voice called from the front door, her eyes snapped up and met Fred’s and they both smiled in relief.  Fred helped Callie to her feet as Sweet Pea walked in the kitchen, sweaty and still revved up from the adrenaline of fleeing the Southside. Pea wrapped her up in his arms, dropping his duffle at his feet.
Fred cleared his throat, gruffly and went to tend to the others that were piling in.  “I’ll be in there if y’all need anything.  Hey, Jughead, do not grab an entire box of pizza for yourself!”
“Are you okay?” Callie asked looking him over for any sign of trouble.  Sweet Pea grabbed her hands successfully stopping her and laughed lightly.
“What are you worried about? Of course I’m okay.” He rolled his eyes slightly, making Callie scoff. He pulled her towards the living room.
“Mr. Andrews has me, you, and Fangs in the downstairs guest room.  I think I’m gonna go to sleep. He made me take more medicine and it’s kicking in. I’m glad you’re safe.” He nodded as she went to bed and made sure to shake Fred’s hand before turning in himself.
The next morning, Callie woke up to Fangs and Sweet Pea chattering excitedly over stacks of pancakes.  “Can you believe they got Cheryl’s jacket ready that fast?”
“Dude, I’m not surprised.  Rusty’s excited to have another redhead in the Serpents. Cheryl’s her new favorite.  Hell, Cheryl’s my new favorite after last night.  She really saved our asses.” They carried on like that for a while before Callie realized that sleeping in would not be an option.
She rolled to her side, clutching the comforter and letting her eyes adjust to the sunlight.  “Good morning,” Fangs sang animatedly making her giggle despite her hatred for anything before noon.  “Want some breakfast?”
He ran off to grab her a plate, giving Sweet Pea the opportunity to show her what Toni was able to salvage for her from her trailer.  She gasped at the sight of her favorite clothes, some pictures, and her mother’s necklace, but she was not prepared for Sweet Pea to bring out her guitar with a wide smile plastered on his face.  “She got Cliff’s guitar?” Her breath caught in her throat and she bit her lip to maintain her composure.
His smile faltered slightly.  “No, she got YOUR guitar.”
“Tell her thank you, but I don’t play anymore.  Just- just give it away.”  She reached for her bag and tried to make her way to the bathroom, but he stopped her. What Callie couldn’t tell him was that looking at that guitar made her mind race back to being attacked in her own home.  Just the sight of the battered instrument that once gave her a voice only made her sick, and she couldn’t bear to touch it.
“What? I’m not going to give it away.  This guitar means so much to you. I know that if you played it, you would feel better. Callie, just try it,” he pleaded shoving the guitar towards her.
“Why does it matter? Why can’t you just leave it alone? I don’t want that thing anywhere near me, Pea, please,” she sputtered out backing away from him.
His shoulders visibly stiffened as he matched her steps.  “Why does it matter?! Callie, I just want you to get back to yourself again.
“You have no idea who I am anymore, Sweet Pea.”
“Are you kidding? I know exactly who you are Calloway- better than anyone.”  He was struggling to keep his voice level with each passing minute.
Callie stood her ground letting the pain of the last two years finally show.  “Really? Were you there when I started working two jobs because mom left and I was alone? What about when I got mugged walking home from a nightshift at Pops? They got five hundred dollars off me that night. Where were you? Oh, I’m failing at Riverdale.  I can’t catch up to their standards and keep the lights on. Did you know that? You were out making a name for yourself around here, and good for you. But don’t you dare pretend that nothing has changed since you left me on my porch.  You don’t have a clue who I’ve had to become since that night, Pea, there’s no way you can.  You. weren’t. fucking. there!”
With fire in his eyes and his jaw clenched tightly, he reached for the doorknob to yank it open.  “You know what? I’m gonna go do something I do know about.”  He slammed the door catching Fred’s attention as he left with a very confused Fangs in tow to grab drinks before Cheryl’s jacket ceremony.
When Fred pushed the door to the guest room open to check on the girl Pea walked out on, Callie was on the floor in tears.  Two watery blue eyes looked up at him completely hopeless. “I messed up, Mr. Andrews.”
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riverdalepoet · 5 years
I’ve Got You
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Word Count: 1980
Warnings: mention of abuse- containing descriptions that could be triggering, mention of violence
Summary:  Calloway Camden spent her whole life three trailers down from Pea.  He was the only person that could get her to talk to him, but once he joined the Serpents they grew apart.  Anemone, her favorite flower, is the flower for loneliness- certainly fitting the isolated lifestyle she made for herself.  That is until the Battle of Sunnyside leaves her broken, bringing Sweet Pea into her life once again.
Taglist: @romanticgumchewer (I did ask this author’s permission to name this fic because the title is so similar to their amazing multi fic, We’ve Got Each Other.  I highly recommend reading that story.  I can’t say enough good things about it.
A/N: A few days ago, I introduced Calloway as my newest OC.  Her story found me, and I’m glad that it did.  I would like to thank @ella-full-of-secrets and @hugharekillianmelou for ALWAYS being supportive and great resources in forming my characters and story.  @cactiem was kind enough to beta for me so I definitely appreciate that, and @theharvestgirloffire ‘s excitement from the introduction of Callie meant the world to me. I also really just want to thank every single person on Southside Archive Discord.  Every person I’ve come across is kind and inspires me every single day to be better and dig deeper.  I would not write were it not for the encouragement I always find there. And that was too long, so here we go... (comment and reblog)
           Each step she took numbly away from her childhood home made her ache.  She lost her sense of direction a few miles back, now only carrying on to keep herself from falling apart.  Her ribs throbbed, her cuts stung, and she was mildly suspicious of the amount of blood she was losing, but she couldn’t stop. Sunnyside had fallen, and the Ghoulies came quickly to stake their claim over the properties and the inhabitants that were unaware of the battle raging right under their noses.  They showed no mercy.
                 Headlights flashed quickly behind her, and suddenly the vehicle was rolling to a stop.  Too afraid to look over her shoulder, she clutched her ribs tightly and limped as quickly as she could.  “Calloway?” a familiar voice called out. She didn’t trust the lies her weak body might’ve been telling her and kept running.
                 “NO,” she bit out.  “You have done enough to me tonight, please.”
                 The voice came closer as she felt herself fading. “Get away from me,” she mumbled, although she recognized the face that was staring at her, worried.  She tried to fight him off but eventually passed out in her classmate- Fangs Fogarty’s arms.
                 Fangs had been released from the hospital earlier that evening.  After recovering from the initial shock of discovering that the young Serpent had not died from the gunshot, FP ordered him to rest.  When Fangs insisted that he had to do something, he was tasked with rounding up any Southsiders that might’ve gotten tangled up in the crossfire. He knew deep down what he might find, but the sight of what they did to this girl made him sick.  He laid her across the backseat so he could get to the Wyrm where the other Serpents and, most importantly, Dr. Ellis were camped out.
                 Sweet Pea was defeated.  In one fell swoop, the Ghoulies nearly took out his leader, stole his home, and ruined the only family he ever knew.  No matter how hard they fought, their numbers were just too much to overcome.  Dr. Ellis fussed over him as soon as he walked in, begging Pea to let him examine the wound on his head and the knuckles of his fists, but he refused.  Instead, he sunk into a barstool on the far side of the Wyrm, letting the pain, that he felt he deserved, drown in as much whiskey as Hog Eye could pour.
                 He was a few glasses in when a shock of blonde hair caught his attention, pulling him instantly from his seat.  Seeing her barely conscious, hanging limply in Fang’s arms had his stomach in knots and he couldn’t quite figure out why.  Fangs laid her carefully on the pool table that Ellis was using as his station.  Sweet Pea gravitated to her and crouched down close to her pale face.  One eye was swollen pitifully shut, but the other one fluttered open.  A piercing blue eye confirmed what he knew deep down from the moment she was brought in. “Oh God, Callie,” he groaned, reaching for her hand and dropping his head onto the table beside her.
                 Toni’s head snapped to his face at his mention of her name, and she made her way through the small crowd that gathered. The doctor wasted no time calling out orders for supplies to be gathered.  “What happened, Fangs?” he asked.
                 “I don’t know.  I found her like this on Highway 12.  She thought I was one of them…told me to just let her go.  She was so scared she wouldn’t even stop to look.” He dragged his sleeve across his face quickly before continuing.  “Whatever they did…. It wasn’t good.”
                 “Yeah, they did a number on her.  Her lip is split, there are contusions everywhere… I’m most concerned about the ones on her neck and her ribs- my guess is that there are a few that are cracked.  Oh and the concussion she likely sustained.  Hell, they even swiped her a few times with their blade.  I need to get this one stitched on her leg before she bleeds out. It’s too close to a major artery for my comfort.”
                Ignoring the sting of his own injuries, Sweet Pea refused to leave her side.  Around the pull of the second stitch, tears began to well up in the corner of her eye as she let out strangled moans.  Pea rubbed the back of her hand tenderly with the pad of his thumb and stroked the hair away from his sweaty brow.  “I’m sorry, Callie.  God, I’m sorry.”
                 Toni dropped a hand to his shoulder and he smiled slightly at her.  “You’re safe now.  We’ve got you, girl.” She spoke to Callie before turning her attention back to Pea. “Can we talk?”
                 “If you can say what you gotta say right here. I’m not leaving her again.”
                 Toni nodded, expecting as much from him.  She understood what Calloway meant to Sweet Pea. The two might’ve grown apart over the years, but Toni knew he kept a watchful eye on the girl in trailer 2b that only talked through her guitar.  “I thought someone was assigned to evacuate the remaining Sunnysiders.  What happened to that?
                 Sweet Pea’s jaw clenched as the wheels in his head started turning.  “I sent Lonnie and Madden myself hours before the fight even broke out.  Have you seen them?”
                 “Come to think of it I haven’t…” she trailed off.
                 “Get the recruits to find them.  I want them both here in front of me before the night is over.”  Toni hugged his shoulders, sympathetically.
                 “I’ll take care of it, Pea, I promise.”
                 He grabbed her hand and squeezed it.  “Thank you, Toni.”
                 She playfully fake punched the corner of his jaw and winked before calling for her girlfriend.  “Babe, we’ve got a few more skulls to crack.”
                 Sweet Pea turned around to Callie again to see Dr. Ellis finishing up.  “Sweet Pea, are you going to stay with her?”
                 “Yeah, doc, I am,” he answered quickly wiping away the sheen of sweat on her face.
                 The doctor sighed and nodded swiveling in his chair to face Sweet Pea completely.  “Okay then here’s what you need to know.  From my assessment, your friend was beaten and choked.  Two of her ribs are definitely cracked and they’ll need to be wrapped.  Her ankle is broken and I have reset that.  I don’t think surgery will be necessary, but you need to have her in my office for an x-ray first thing tomorrow. Come in through the back.  We can keep an eye on her stitches.  They can probably come out in a few days. Tonight, you need to be mindful of her concussion.  She’ll need to rest, but make her answer a few questions every now and then.”
                 “You got it, doc.” Sweet Pea nodded, looking over at Callie briefly.
                “Another thing…” Dr. Ellis trailed off. “Sweet Pea, I think that one of the Ghoulies might’ve tried to…take advantage of her.  I don’t think they were successful, but just remember to be very patient with her okay?”  Sweet Pea gulped, feeling sick and fighting mad.  “Call me if you need me, yeah?”
                 Sweet Pea thanked him and reached for the drink Hog Eye set on the bar for him after hearing the exchange.  Callie was sleeping soundly, thanks to the medicine Dr. Ellis provided.  Hog Eye shuffled around the bar to stand beside Pea, tipping back a glass of his own. “Listen, kid, there’s a room upstairs to the far left.  It’s got a nice bed, a few chairs, a bathroom, and a t.v.  FP used to crash there back in the day, but since he’s been sober, it’s been kept clean.  Why don’t you take her on up there? We’ve gotta pack everyone in here anyways, and she’s in the worst shape. Wouldn’t feel right giving it to anyone else.”
                  The tired Serpent was relieved, hoisting Callie up gingerly cradling her head safely in the crook of his neck.  Toni spotted Pea and Callie and followed the pair up the stairs, opening doors and turning on the lights in the makeshift apartment.  “Fangs gave me her bag. It’s got some clothes in it.  She might be more comfortable if she was out of those sticky things. Want me to help get her changed?”
                 Pea sat her carefully on the bed and reached for his own bag.  “Yeah, thanks, Toni.  I’m gonna hit the back showers anyway.  I won’t be long.”
                 “No worries, man.”  He shut the door carefully behind him.  The heat of the water pounding down on him was exactly what he needed.  He let the blood and the muck from this horrible day wash down the drain.  His head, however, was still heavy with guilt. If he had just gone to Sunnyside himself, this never would’ve happened.  If he had never lost touch with Callie in the first place, he would’ve found a way to keep her safe…he felt that he should’ve found a way regardless.
                 Thankfully, he managed to bring his sweats and he pulled them gratefully from the bag along with his toothbrush.  Feeling a thousand pounds lighter, he padded back across the hall. Toni had Callie bundled up in clean clothes and managed to get her long curls tamed into a bun.  Despite the visible injuries that worried both the Serpents in the room she looked more comfortable.
                Slowly, he sat on the bed next to her as Toni gathered her bloody clothes to throw in Hog Eye’s washing machine. As he was lifting his hand to cradle her own, she stirred.  Her stare focused on him, and she let out a weak, “Hey, stranger.”
                 He chuckled softly at her.  “Hey, you. How are you feeling?”  She moved to sit up too quickly, hissing as her ribs protested. His hands went to her shoulders immediately, guiding her back into the pillow.
                 “I’ve been better.  Where are we?”
                “Upstairs at the Wyrm.  Hog Eye offered it to you for as long as you need it.” She nodded and smiled slightly, crinkling the glue the doctor used to secure her lip.  Sweet Pea moved to the spot next to her, leaning into the pillows himself and turning on the television, remembering how comforted she was by the background noise.
                 “Sweet Pea…”
                 His eyes snapped up, hearing his name fall from her mouth for the first time in years.  “Yeah?”
                “You’re going to stay here with me, right?” she asked, shaking slightly. He reached his hand out to cup her cheek. He remembered how it felt to be trapped in her gaze. Clearly, time hadn't weakened the spell it put him under. Sweet Pea learned very early on that nothing could grip him quite like the ever-present desperation in her thousand-yard stare.
                 “As long as you want me.”  She accepted his answer and drifted back to sleep.  A few episodes of Cheers later, Toni slipped back into the room.  He moved to meet her by the door, avoiding waking Callie up.
                 “What’s up, Topaz?” he whispered.                
                 “We’ve got them downstairs- Lonnie and Madden. They betrayed us and jumped ship. You want me to sit with her while you handle them?  FP said you have complete authority over their punishment.”  Sweet Pea grinned.  Finally, an opportunity to do what he does best and let off some steam. He looked back at Callie and reached for the doorknob.
                 “Yes, if you don’t mind.  I’m going to enjoy this.” He was halfway out the door when he hesitated and added, “If she wakes up, come get me.  I don’t care what I’m in the middle of, okay?”
                 Toni agreed and he bounded down the steps eagerly. The entire bar was waiting in anticipation around the two Serpent Traitors tied to chairs.
 .            “Hello, assholes,” he boomed, reveling in their discomfort as they flinched.  “Ready to have some fun?”
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