leanstooneside · 1 year
◊ compulsive form of quiza
◊ briefness of human
◊ mark of antiquity
◊ fall of Jericho
◊ Cronica Mexicana of Tezozomoc
◊ sweet voices of melodious birds
◊ King of Mexico
◊ rainbow; lit. mist of water
◊ name of Quetzalcoatl
◊ ohuicaloyan place of difficulty
◊ ancient cyclus of Quetzalcoatl
◊ place of shards
◊ lord of Tizatlan
◊ power of music
◊ term of contempt
◊ Rev. of cui
◊ display of prowess
◊ Governor of Azcapotzalco
◊ parts of ancient Mexico
◊ Mother of our
◊ Master of Life
◊ figure of speech
◊ reduplication of teuctli
◊ temple of his
◊ grandeur of Montezuma
◊ expression of admiration
◊ arrival of Cortes
◊ intrinsic evidence of antiquity
◊ other condition of existence
◊ causative form of itta
◊ place of counting
◊ place of wolves
◊ shores of New
◊ word of difficult analysis
◊ reality of earthly pains
◊ sense of location
◊ combination of yolnonotza
◊ bird of brilliant plumage
◊ idea of unity
◊ pride of their
◊ state of Puebla
◊ compound of otli
◊ destruction of Tollan
◊ occasion of his
◊ small bodies of troops
◊ The departure of Quetzalcoatl
◊ warriors of Montezuma
◊ isthmus of Tehuantepec
◊ uncertainty of life
◊ divine spirit of song
◊ exhaustion of his
◊ vanity of fame
◊ attack of Nezahualpilli
◊ popularity of their
◊ absence of interjections
◊ form of ihuintia
◊ part of ancient Huexotzinco
◊ incense of sweet copal
◊ compositions of Tetlapan
◊ natives of Huexotzinco
◊ odor of decaying
◊ place of sweetsinging
◊ line of syllables
◊ loss of Tulan
◊ lost songs of Nezahualcoyotl
◊ tincture of European
◊ place of departed
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mrjinx87 · 7 years
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A very special thanks to @jamieakuma of Kasai Photography and muzic.net.nz for sending me this poster of @skye.sweetnam from the New Zealand @devilskinnz tour! The time from payment to delivery was honestly super quick, I just waited a couple of days to post this. Lol. Now to send it to Sever to get her to sign it! #skyesweetnam #sumocyco #sweetposter #sweetsinger
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kingarise · 5 years
The Princess in the Tower
Written for @kan0e101 with her character, Snowwhite
                                          The Princess in the Tower
“Why would the new clockwork be out here? An entire tiny island just for a single tower and a single clockwork?” Lucette asked as her ship drew steadily closer to the small islet before her. Her uncle, Kane, sent her here as a mission or so he said.
“I need you to go check on a special clockwork in a tower not far from here. She is very much favored by Queen and is very dear to her. I want you to make certain that she is in pristine condition and that her audio channels work perfectly.” Kane commanded, looking at Lucette from behind his large desk. Lucette raises a confused eyebrow at her uncle’s odd command and quickly swallows the macaron before speaking.
“But why? Why not send Deacon or Rooke to check? Or Ulysses?” She asked, picking up another macaron and dropping it in her mouth. 
Kane let out a slightly annoyed sigh before answering. “Because Deacon is dealing with trading matters in Polaris, Rooke is settling a rebellion in Mooshu, and Commodore Septimus is in Marleybone. And do not bother asking about Queen or even worse, Phule. Queen is with Dowager Queen Margherita at the Trianon Palace, and Phule better be busy with other things. So that only leaves you who is not doing anything. I already cleared out your schedule so that you would have no more lessons for the rest of the day just so you can complete this short and easy task for me. If you do, it would only be for an hour at most and you would have the rest of the entire day to yourself to do as you please. Besides, I believe you will like this particular clockwork.”
Lucette lets out an irritated exhale through her nose at her Uncle’s words and glares at him until she finally gave up the pointless fight.
“Fine, Uncle. As you command, oh great and noble and wise Supreme Commander. I will give orders for my crew to prepare to set sail.”
“No need. I already did that before I brought you here. And I already sent them the coordinates.” Kane cut in, stopping the princess in her tracks. Lucette slowly pivoted around to glare harshly at her uncle.
“Let me guess, you had this all planned from the start. I thought you said you wanted a niece and uncle talk.” She said ruefully, a part of her hurt at the reveal. She should have expected that, her uncle never stops plotting whether it is needed or not. Her uncle seemed to sense the hurt in his niece and gently comforted her. In his own way.
“No, I just know my stubborn, bull-headed niece well enough to plan around her. I was confident that she will think logically and rationally, the way I taught her to think, and do as I ordered. And I did not lie. You are my niece, I am your uncle, and we are talking. See?” Her uncle said, his attention now more on the work in his hand than the woman standing by the door. 
‘And people wonder where I got my sarcasm from.’ Lucette thought, rolling her eyes. “Sure, Uncle. Whatever you say. Am I dismissed?”
“Yes, you are. Have a good day, Lux Mea.”
“You as well, darling Uncle.”
“Your Highness, we are about to dock.” Angelus Avis’s voice cut through Lucette’s wander down memory lane, bringing her focus back onto the mission. Once the ship was finally docked, Lucette glided down to meet with the captain musketeer, nodding her acknowledgement of his salute.
“Your Highness.”
“Captain, I wish to meet with the clockwork that is kept here. I was sent by Supreme Commander Kane.” She announced, looking around disapprovingly at the severe lack of soldiers. There were only three, two musketeers and a marine, guarding the island and the tower a couple miles away from the palace and Cadiz. If something were to ever happen, it would take minutes too long to reach here. This clockwork had better be a fighter.
“As you command, Your Highness. Please follow me.” The captain pivoted around and walked towards the tower, Lucette following behind while Avis followed from the rear.  Lifting the hem of her dress to walk up the stairs, Lucette marched behind the captain up the needlessly long stairway, all the way to the top. At the top, the captain stopped at a single wooden door with a golden keyhole and door knob, knocking on the door three times in the traditional mechanical way of clockworks.
“Snowwhite, Her Highness is here to speak with you.” The captain announced, stepping back when the muffled sound of a crash came through the door, the sound of light feet running around.
“Coming!” A muffled female voice rang out, coming closer to the door with hurried footsteps. When the door opened, Lucette could only stare at the sight before her in confusion. In front of her stood a petite woman with pale white skin and pitch black voids for eyes  customary of clockworks, however everything else about her was...odd. She had a brass carving of a peacock embedded into her right cheek, instead of a golden corona around her eyes, she had black dots similar to beauty spots right under her eyes. On the top part of her eyeholes were golden designs that looked similar to wings, matching the golden peacock figurine that rested in the clockworks pitch black locks. That was another odd thing about the clockwork, her hair wasn’t white like other clockworks. 
‘Strange, why would she have black hair? It makes her stick out like a sore thumb.’
Her clothing was even odder, she wasn’t a dress nor truly a suit. It was some strange combination of leggings and a dress, the lower area being black while the dress parts were white and yellow. Her sleeves were militaristic but had ruffled edges, adding to Lucette’s theory of this particular clockwork not being a fighter.
“Oh! Hello, um, Your Majesty.” The clockwork greeted nervously. Lucette’s mouth twisted into a frown at the mistitle.
“It is Your Highness. Your Majesty is for Kings, Queens, Emperors, and Empresses. I am a Princess.” Lucette corrected sternly, staring down at the now flustered clockwork.
“Oh! I-I am so sorry, Your Highness.” The clockwork quickly apologized with another curtesy. Lucette only sighed and waved it away.
“No matter. May I come in?”
“Oh, of course. Come in.” The clockwork ushered the princess in, staring at Avis in wonder in her gaze. Lucette’s cold gaze swept over the room, making certain to notice everything obviously out of place. There were some cogwheels on the ground near a basket full of them, a spool of thread tangled together on a desk, a large messy array of tools she has seen in her Uncle’s workshop many times, and some copper wires. Very reminiscent of her grandfather’s workshop. Pushing away the sad memories, she sharpened her gaze and turned to the clockwork who was now scurrying about the place. The delicate woman placed a cushioned chair in front of her, placing another chair in front before nervously sitting down. Lucette stared the clockwork down, letting her fidget in silence for a few minutes, before finally speaking.
“Your designation.”
“My desig-Oh! You mean my name! My name is Snowwhite. I am a songbot created by Queen.” She answered cheerfully, the answer causing Lucette to frown. 
‘A songbot? Really, Queen? Of all the things you could’ve created her to be, you made her be able to sing.’ She growled mentally, glaring up at the ceiling before directing her attention back to the clockwork.
“Do you have any fighting abilities whatsoever?”
“Uh, well, I’m really good with pistols and rifles. But I have never used them on an actual person.” She replied nervously, her fingers toying with her black curls.
“Very well then. Let’s check your voice box. Sing for me.” She ordered, crossing her arms and sitting back in her seat. The bot hurriedly readied herself, dusting off her dress and clearing her throat, for what, Lucette did not know.
“What would you like me to sing, Your Highness?”
“Greensleeves.” She tossed out flippantly, not really caring about what she wanted to sing. She just wanted to make sure that the bot was in pristine condition and go home.
“Alas my love, you do me wrong
To cast me off so discourteously.
And I have loved you oh so long
Delighting in your company.”
She would be lying if she said that she wasn’t shocked into silence when the clockwork began to sing, a powerful melodic voice coming from the unmoving lips of her mask. Queen designed her well. Lucette sat silently as Snowwhite finished her song,silently wondering what exactly was Snowwhite’s purpose was. If she was a song bot then where does she sing and to whom?
“A marvelous performance, Snowwhite. I will admit that I had low expectations but you have exceeded them all. Kane will pleased with the report.” She complimented, giving a short applause, before rising from her seat. “That is all for now, good day, Snowwhite.”
Lucette stopped in her tracks, looking back at Snowwhite with a raised brow.
“I...You are close to Kane, right?” She hesitantly questioned.
“I would like to think so. Why?”
“What is he like?” She asked quietly, fingers toying with her sleeves. Lucette paused for a minute, thinking up an answer before answering.
“He has a commanding aura, one that he wields expertly. He is stern, sometimes cold, always has a plan and likes things going according to those plans. Anyone stepping out of line too much is dealt with.” She explained, crossing her arms over her chest as she answered. Snowwhite’s form wilted, like a flower without the sunlight it desperately needed. 
“Oh, I-I see.”
“However, he also has his soft spots. He likes it when I bring him marigolds from my gardens. He compliments sparingly so that when he does give one, you will know that he meant it. He likes to dance, whenever he has no duties to deal with. He dances with such deliberateness, such skill and grace that one would think he was floating on air.” She added softly, her mind drifting back into pleasant memories. Some from recent years, others from the far past.
Her words were like rain on a dying flower, Snowwhite’s body language perking up at what Lucette said. It was interesting watching this particular clockwork’s body language. Most of the others either don’t have the emotional capacity or are really good at hiding it.
“I...I see. One more question.” “Hm?”
“Will you attend my performance at the Opera? I mean, you don’t have to but…” Snowwhite trailed off, her pale white fingers fiddling with the ruffles on her sleeves. “I think you would like it.”
Lucette smiled, because she knew what Snowwhite actually meant. She wanted her to bring Kane to her performance.
‘Why not? I haven’t been to the Opera in months. No harm in going.’
“Yes. I will bring him to see you.” She answered, looking over her shoulder at the clockwork with a subtle smile before walking out the small room.
As her ship sailed for home, Lucette stood on the prow, watching the fading tower on the island disappear the further away they got. 
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“Send a message to my uncle to see if there’s any nearby dates without lessons. It has been a long while since he and I have enjoyed a night out” She ordered, her mind already spinning with plans.
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soulmusicsongs · 2 years
20 Christmas Soul Songs You've Never Heard Before
Listen to 20 of the best alternative holiday soul and blues tunes.
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Christmas Soul Songs You've Never Heard Before
Black Christmas - The Harlem Children’s Chorus ‎(Black Christmas / Do You Hear What I Hear, 1970)
Burrito - Don Lucas ‎(Where’s Flo / Burrito, 1962)
Call Me For Christmas - Gary U.S.Bonds (Call Me For Christmas / Mixed Up Faculty, 1967)
Feliz Navidad - Carlos Patato Valdes (Masterpiece, 1993)
Funky Jesus - The Jive Turkeys (Funky Jesus  / Get Down Santa, 2010)
Good Morning Blues - Dee Dee Ford (I Just Can’t Believe / Good Morning Blues, 1959)
Happy Birthday Jesus - Sam Sweetsinger Bell (Santa´s Funk & Soul Christmas Party - Vol. 3, 2015)
Happy Hairy Hippy Harry Claus - Rocki Lane And The Gross Group (Happy Hairy Hippy Harry Claus / Santa Soul, 1969)
It’s Christmas Time - Sun Ra and The Qualities (It’s Christmas Time / Happy New Year To You! 1956)
Jingle Bells - Shawn Lee’s Ping Pong Orchestra (A Very Ping Pong Christmas: Funky Treats, 2007)
Lonely Christmas Tears - Bobby Allen and Exceptions (Lonely Christmas Tears / Please Santa (Bring My Baby Back to Me, 1969)
Merry Christmas Darling - Hop Wilson (Chicken Stuff. Houston Ghetto Blues, 1970)
Plum Puddin’ - The Ramsey Lewis Trio (More Sounds Of Christmas, 1964)
Presents For Christmas - Solomon Burke  (Presents For Christmas  / A Tear Fell, 1966)
Pueblito De Belem - Juan Torres (Feliz Navidad Con Juan Torres Y Su Organo Melodico, 1972)
Santa Claus, Jr. - Jim Cagle (Christmas Time / Santa Claus, Jr., 1975)
Santa Soul - Rocki Lane And The Gross Group (Happy Hairy Hippy Harry Claus / Santa Soul, 1969)
Soul Christmas - Count Sidney & His Dukes (Soul Christmas Part 1 / Soul Christmas Part 2, 1967)
Soul Santa - Funk Machine (Soul Santa (Part I) / Soul Santa (Part II), 1973)
We Three Kings - George Conedy (Merry Soul Christmas At the Hammond Organ, 1972)
And there’s more Soul Music for Christmas
10 Funky Organ Tracks To Get You In The Christmas Spirit
10 Gospel Songs for Christmas
And More Funky Christmas Soul Music
Black and Blue Christmas Soul Music
Christmas Soul Music
Christmas Soul You’ve Never Heard Before
Disco Christmas
Funky Christmas Songs: A Top 20!
A Funky Xmas to you: 50 great Christmas songs
Instrumental Christmas Soul Music: 20 Awesome Tracks
Lonely Christmas Songs
More Christmas Soul Music
Soul Santa Songs
Stax Christmas Party With 15 Awesome Christmas Tracks
Top 20 James Brown Christmas Funk
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tfc2211 · 2 years
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Play ▶ You’ve Been Naughty Christmas Mix MPEG-4 Audio
01 - Merry Christmas - DJ Tron 02 - Joy to the Angels - Tribecastan 03 - Groovy Kind of Christmas - Johnny Osbourne 04 - Sleigh Ride - Mark Shane's X-mas Allstars 05 - Jingle Bells - The Dirty River Jazz Band 06 - Merry Christmas, Baby - Vernon Garrett 07 - Santa's New Bag - Rudi and The Rain Dearz 08 - Santa's Coming - DJ Tron 09 - Santa's Got A Mean Machine - JD McPherson 10 - I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In - The Glenn Crytzer Orchestra 11 - Rudolph - The Modern Grass  12 - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Mark Shane's X-mas Allstars 13 - White Christmas - Slowey and The Boats 14 - Black (Soul) Christmas - Timi Terrific and The Redheads 15 - Disco Claus - The Bionic I 16 - Happy Birthday Jesus - Sam Sweetsinger Bell 17 - Xmas Time Is Here Again - Cleveland Robinson 18 - Funky Santa Claus - White Chimney 19 - Christmas Wrapping - The Waitress 20 - Christmas Time In Motor City - Was (Not) Was 21- The Merriest - June Christy 22 - Sleigh Ride; Jingle Bells - Caiola & Ortolani; Jimmy McGriff 23 - I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm - Texas Moaners 24 - Joy to the World - Mark Shane's X-mas Allstars 25 - God Rest Ye Merry Gents - Skafish 26 - In The Bleak Midwinter - Baked A La Ska
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The noises were back. The noises coming straight from beneath, down the mountain slide and echoing from the crystal trees of Old.
She hisses loudly, not moving even the fraction of an inch, but all her 8 optics were focused on the edge of the forest at the foot of the mountain. Her back itches, her claws pressing against the sealings on her pedes.
She wants to move, wants to go, and fly free so badly, but she can’t. She cannot fly off now. Not now. Not until the reason she was hunkered in the innards of a mountain were ready to depart as well. But the song is back, drifting on the winds, accompanied by the sweet and musky smell of shed life energon and the mech she was fleeing from. She called him VoiceTempter, Sweetsinger, Deceiver, CloudChainer. His voice was all she ever wanted; all she could think about anymore. It went into your processor, nestling into every little nook and thought, invading every process, every memory. Trying to lure her in, like he had others, tried to get her to leave, to join him.
But she was stronger. Had to be stronger than ever for she was not alone.
The long and deadly spikes along her tail glinted in the dual suns as she twitched at a deep note reaching her audials and not for the first time she wished for the ability to clamp her audial receptors shut. But she needs them, to listen to the sounds coming from the small pocket of heat and glowing stones in the mountain she was wrapped around.
The movement was enough though, to get her noticed, her camouflage on the mountain side now unnecessary.
Like insects approaching a prey carcass they streamed from the in between the trees, breaking the precious crystallized flora and stepping on it in their haste to follow the commands of the WrongSoother. Their battle cries telling her enough to know about what they wanted.
If he could not have her now, he would just take from her what she wished to protect, for what she stood strong and defiant.
Screeching in fury she comes to her pedes, the folded wings on her back stretching out and darkening the sky, maroon spirals and cobalt eyes glowing in the armor covering her wings, a warning to keep away, to back off. But they are still running on, small balls of plasma withering away as they meet her armor, not even denting or scratching her.
She wants to preen about her protective plates, but she had seen others rely on it and the swarm of insects, prey and inferior predators had worn them down, covering them all over, ripping away at plates and cabling, rendering them into nothing more than mere parts to be used to lure others out.
She would not end like this!
Bellowing her defiance into the winds blew away the first handful of insects, but also the tempting and soothing whispers that reached for her spark. Shaking her immense frame she allowed her claws to slide out, destroying the stones she was resting on, sending more than a few stones tumbling down the mountain side, crushing one or two insects.
Her tail though was securely wrapped around the mountain top still.
She was towering above them, her maw as tall as some of those inferior ones! She would bite them in two! She would stomp them into the ground! She would rip them apart, piece by piece for daring to interrupt her!
Roaring loudly, she can feel the clicks inside herself, where a few chemical chambers connected now, opening pathways around her vents to feed the chemical mixture into her mouth, igniting it with a snirk of her fangs and venting out.
A torrent of green-bluish fire rolled from her maw, engulfing the oncoming mechs and leaving behind puddles of melted metal running down again to pool at the Deceivers pedes. She was sad to see her flames would not reach him. Stomping on another insect to crush it, she closes her maw, the chemicals eating away at the soft inner lining of it.
The bigger mech at the edge of the forest is just watching her, an amused glint in his optics that infuriates her further, stoking the rage burning deep inside her chassis, sending her tanks rumbling to produce more of the chemicals she could use.
He is playing with her, thinking she could not smell the Juggernauts and Behemoths he has laying low inside the forest groves. But she cannot go away, cannot take flight now.
Not when she can hear the soft sounds of breaking shell underneath the stomping pedes, soft whimpers, and scratching of claws. Her first egg had broken, her first eggling breaking free. Not long now and she would be able to go!
Roaring again, her tail grip tightens. She wished to send croons to her small ones, calm them down and tell them to hunker down, but she cannot without giving away everything.
The CloudChainer changes his tones, his willing puppets prostrating themselves for a second, even if she takes a bite to break a few of them, before they all start crawling over her tail, the only part of her that was still and not fighting back.
Screeching in fury her tail curls abruptly, spearing a few puppets on her spikes to throw them into their fellows. Over her bellows and screams, she can hear another egg layer breaking, another whimper joining the first. But also, pede steps.
Her processor freezes for the fraction of a moment, two of her optics refocusing on the small entrance to her impromptu nest. There! A small purple prey-predator was making its way inside, hungry claws reaching for-
Her jaws engulf not only the mech, but also the stone around, crunching through everything, compacting it until the screams of the prey died in between her fangs. Her tail swishing once over the mountain side, hoping to dislodge the waves of insects crawling up her hind legs now, poking daggers and sharp teeth into the seams between her plates.
But she can only focus on her small ones now, the nest open, one egg broken and squished, but two formidable and full small protoforms huddling close to the last egg, still unbroken and unblemished.
She cannot wait anymore. They know.
He knows.
She screeches at her small ones, pressing her open maw to the opening in stone, her two small ones darting on shaky pede inside her mouth and into the small caverns for holding her protoform safe. The egg she scoops up with her glossa, carefully maneuvering it inside.
Her wings scratched and with more holes than she would like to admit, open and flap, making her huge frame jump from the mountain side. Huge balls of plasma erupt along her sides painfully, shaking her in the air as she takes flight, heading straight up to breach the atmosphere between planet and space.
Another lucky shot to the side of her snout has her screeching, her egg free and falling now. She tries to reach for it, curl her serpentine frame to snatch it back up, but the burn of plasma along her side is enough to keep her distracted. She misses the egg.
Loudly trumpeting her loss, she shoots upwards and away on shaky wings, crooning to the two small ones in her caverns. Two lost, two living.
She would not forget.
But for now, she must escape the WrongSoother, his voice already reaching for her and her cubs again.
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makeusamixtape · 6 years
More killer rock 'n soul Christmas tracks here, featuring Rufus Thomas, The Ronnettes, Sharon Jones, The Flaming Lips, Elvis, Rotary Connection, Smashing Pumpkins, Clarence Carter and much, much more!
Tracklisting 1:21:48
1. Rufus Thomas - I'll Be Your Santa Baby (1973)
2. Tommy Lee And The Orbits - Jingle Rock (1960)
3. Bob Seger And The Last Heard - Sock It To Me Santa (1966)
4. Cimarons - Silent Night/White Christmas (1971)
5. Isaac Hayes - Winter Snow (1969)
6. Carleton Carpenter & Billy Eckstine - Christmas Eve (1955)
7. Vulfpeck - Christmas In LA (2015)
8. The Ronettes - Sleigh Ride (1963)
9. Timi Terrific & The Redheads - Black (Soul) Christmas (1983)
10. Donny Hathaway - This Christmas (1971)
11. Elvis Presley - Santa Bring My Baby Back (To Me) (1957)
12. Three Aces & A Joker - Sleigh Bell Rock (1960)
13. Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings - Ain't No Chimneys In The Projects (2009)
14. The Joe Gibbs Family of Artists - Winter Wonderland (1982)
15. Milly & Silly - Getting Down For Xmas (1973)
16. Marvin Gaye - Christmas In The City (1973)
17. Connie Francis - Baby's First Christmas (1959)
18. Elvis Presley - Santa Claus Is Back In Town (1957)
19. Kacey Musgraves - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (2016)
20. The Flaming Lips - Christmas At The Zoo (1995)
21. Noel Stephen & The Darlings - Be My Electric Blanket (2013)
22. Cimarons - Holy Christmas (1971)
23. Rotary Connection - Christmas Love (1968)
24. Sam Sweetsinger Bell - Happy Birthday Jesus (2015)
25. The Staple Singers - Who Took The Merry Out Of Christmas (1970)
26. The Smashing Pumpkins - Christmastime (1998)
27. Joe Tex - I'll Make Everyday Christmas (For My Woman) (1967)
28. Jimmy Jules & Nuclear Soul System - Xmas Done Got Funky (1977)
29. Clarence Carter - Back Door Santa (1968)
Download right here!
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vosdecepticorum · 9 years
«TARN! Where have you been?! I missed you! I'm sorry, I got lost, I left the ship for a bit without telling anyone and then it moved out of range! How are you?! You have a CHILD?!»
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heroic-flying-medic · 9 years
[ muse profile meme ]
[ A very descriptive and detailed profile of your muse ]
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc.
If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own! ( If you’re in doubt on some hover over them to discover what you should put in there! ) When you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!~ 
Tagged by :  Reading the post made by thankorblamemelater
NAME: Pharma (also referred to as 'nice Pharma' or 'doctor')
AGE:  Approx. 4.5 million years
SPECIES:  Cybertronian
GENDER: Technically Cybertronians have no gender, but he can be considered 'male' just for the sake of having an answer
PROFESSION: Medic, currently CMO of the Nice Peaceful Tyranny
                   { PHYSICAL ASPECTS }
BODY TYPE: Like most fliers, Pharma's frame is tall and lean, though not fragile
EYES: A rich amber colour
SKIN: Mainly white with dark raspberry, violet-indigo and cyan areas, also including a bit of orange
HEIGHT: 26 feet, 14 inches
                             { FAMILY }
ANY PETS?: yes [ x ] || no [ ✓ ] - not until his cybercat is complete; then it may also be considered more of a companion or friend than a 'pet', but oh well it fits here
However, he has come to think of the DJD as a family of sorts
                          { SKILLS }  
Physical Prowess: 7.3/10
Speed: 15/10 (flier)
Charisma: 7/10
Intelligence: 9.2/10 
Courage: 8.6/10
Firepower: 7.8/10 
Stamina: 6.2/10 (again, flier- needs to refuel often due to high-performance engine)
                         { TRAITS }
Witty (when he's comfortable)
Brave (well, you'd have to either be brave or stupid to betray the SG Autobots, and brave sounds better)
Easy-going (very rarely is he irritable though that seems to have changed)
Stubborn (can be good and bad)
— —- NEGATIVE ——-
Stubborn (self-explanatory)
Somewhat lack of concern for own self-being (he doesn't do it on purpose, I promise)
Often overworks himself
Plagued with nightmares (which sometimes he tries to force insomnia on himself to avoid)
                                      { LIKES }
COLORS: Amber, turquoise
SMELLS: Rain, night, aromatic crystals
FOOD: Energon goodies
DRINKS: Energon- favorite is a light spritzer with a bit of silver and cobalt
yes [ ✓ ] || no [ ]  (though he is somewhat of a lightweight considering more than a couple of glasses will do him in)
                  {  OTHER DETAILS  }
SMOKES?: yes [  ] || no [ ✓ ] 
DRUGS?: yes [ ✓ ] || no [  ] (before he left the Autobots, unwillingly took them - if taking them is even a proper word for having them either forced into him via injection or oral tablets)
LICENSE TO KILL:  yes [  ] || no [ ✓ ]     
EVER BEEN ARRESTED?: no [  ] || yes [ ✓ ] || almost [  ] (nearly executed too)
DONE! Now tag other 15 people [ or more/less if you want ] to do it!
Tagged: sweet-singer, kaon-warmfuzzies, emergency-vehicle, lobe-the-mnemosurgeon saevusbellator, sparkeaterblackfire, whateverimdeadpool and anyone else who wants to do one 8D
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ask-atomizer · 9 years
Finally, I’m home…
Atomizer docked his small ship on to the NPT for the first time in nearly two month…well that is at least what Atom’s calendar said, however if felt like it had been a life time ago sense last he’d seen any of his mates. Had his sparklings grown up sense his departure? Did they even know about him?
Sighing and holding his helm in his servo he slowly rubbed his face trying to wipe away any fatigue. Getting up he stashed away his “tools” safely locking them away in a closet that appeared to be a normal wall panel - Didn’t want Dock Officials to see his little stash of toys. Walking to the bottom of the ramp Atomizer stretching his arms and legs doing a quick transformation to his alt and back before staring out into space both mentally and physically.
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lobe-the-mnemosurgeon · 10 years
sweet-singer сказал(а): Don’t you think it’s too early to post untagged spoilers, dear Lobe-mun?
I wouldn't have done it otherwise. But OK - the post is deleted.
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✦ ❇ #
((✦ I like seeing you on my dash
((I'm flattered to be on your dash.))
((❇ I love the way you write 
((fghd;iogusdt Thankyou!))
((# I’m too shy to approach to you
((Gosh, I'm a big dork! Talk to me hun, and let's do something!))
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cacklingphase6er · 10 years
[Innuendo meme]: "I’m dripping wet."
Unseen to the optics in the dark environment, the Phase-Sixer skittered across the walls and ceiling. He didn’t need his eyes to know where his adversary was; olfactory sensors and electroreceptors told him everything he needed to know regarding the green tankformer’s position. 
 He cackled madly as he hopped from wall to wall, moving to confuse the other. In the process of doing so, he’d set off a trap—one that drenched his ‘guest’ in liquid. This liquid, as it so happened, was very, very flammable, and burned hot enough to cause at least some damage to even a Phase-Sixer’s armor.
     ”KhehehHEHEHAHAHAHA~! You’ll be dry soon enough~!” Cackle jumped again and landed next to Tarn, pointedly skidding so his claws would create sparks as they scraped the ground. The hope, of course, was to ignite the fluid. 
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the-good-knockout · 10 years
It feels like everybody's got at least one! Who do you know that's so cool, you're scared to talk to them?
Oh, I don’t know.  I like to think most of the individuals I encounter are very approachable but still there might be a few.
Do you have individuals you’re afraid to approach?  I can’t imagine you being afraid to approach anyone!  You’re so open and outgoing. 
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heroic-flying-medic · 9 years
5: Your muse finds mine tied up in his room.
((cut for potentially triggering content))
/Pharma grunted with effort as he attempted to free himself from his compromising position. Somehow the medic had ended up tied to his own berth, presumably while recharging. Ironically, he’d just began to feel safe and comfortable in his own hab-suite. Knowing someone had snuck in and restrained him- rather uncomfortably- in his recharge really didn’t make him feel confident about the integrity of the lock on his door.
It was quite a sight, really. The jet was painfully tied up with both arms spread out over the headboard of his berth with his legs bent and tied to the sides, leaving an awful pain in his back. Ironically, Tarn had reprimanded him for recharging under his desk for that exact reason. At least no one had ever snuck into his office and tied him up.
Pharma groaned in pain as he felt the joints in his shoulders and hips straining. As a medic, he knew the joints wouldn’t bear a load like his body while strained like this for very long, and Pharma was no escape artist. He’d have to call someone to help.
Looking down at himself again, he realized how embarrassing that would be. With his legs spread his panel was completely exposed. A warning creak from his right shoulder stopped him reconsidering. He’d rather be embarrassed than have his shoulder dislocated, or worse, snapped off. This kind of position brought back terrible memories for him, providing a distraction from the task at hand. He imagined a dark, red eyed figure hovering over him, the confines of his room transforming into a wholly different place he’d rather have never visited again. A whimper of fear escaped his vocalizer, and the figure let out an ominous laugh,garbled and laced with static.
His venting picked up, amber optics wide and cycling themselves behind their lenses./ N-no, please! D-don’t hurt me! /The figure tilted its head and blinked its dim red optics at him, silently questioning Pharma’s plea. The fact that it hadn’t spoken only made the matter more terrifying.
It chuckled again, an eerily calm, staticky tone to it’s voice. Its hand transformed into a buzz saw and its head tilted again, grinning.
Pharma could feel his fuel pump beating fast, spark burning so hot he swore it’d melt his chest plating. Stuck in his horrifying living nightmare, he’d completely forgotten to call for help./ N-no, NO! /The medic thrashed in his restraints, desperate to escape. He felt his shoulder snap from the tension, screaming in pain.
Fans whirring in a desperate attempt to cool his searing frame, he gasped when he heard the figure speak, leaning in to reveal its familiar face./ Don’t worry doctor; this won’t hurt a bit. /Pharma screamed, optics nearly busting as he felt the saw make contact with one of his wings, white-hot pain searing through his arm directly and spreading throughout the area. The hot ache slowly climbed down his frame and coolant streamed down his face./ HEEEEEELP! PLEASE SOMEBODY! AAAAAAAGH!
/Someone must’ve heard him, because a distant voice called out for him, trying to break him from his nightmare. Unfortunately Pharma was simply too frightened to react./
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ask-atomizer · 10 years
sweet-singer replied to your post:(( Well…not sure if I should apologize for not...
((( But I never get on and I feel like I don't do much on here.))
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