yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Dear ask box monster! Please have a heart and don't eat my ask as you did with the last one I sent. Here's a cookie for you 🍪 hope this helps!
And since I'm feeling optimistic tonight:
Hi Malakai! I've just been scrolling through your blog in an attempt to distract myself from the meetings I have coming up this week, and that make my anxiety fly high. Your blog is always such a nice distraction in many ways. So thank you for that! 🥰
I hope your week is going great so far! Are those precious puppies already wreaking havoc in your house or are they as good and innocent as they look? I bet they're the best stress reliever to come home to after a tough day!
Sending you a big hug❣️ And a cookie for you, too 🍪 😄 Love, Leah
Yeah I’m sorry about that Leah! It’s kinda my fault too with my slow replies lately to all my ask. I think the ask box monster would enjoy the cookie tho 😂
I’m so happy my blog can bring you any type of joy my friend or any distraction whenever you need it 🥰🫶🏼 it’s always a breath of fresh air hearing from you and I hope this week for you is full of joy!
It’s a mad house in here 😂 darn puppies are little bullies hahaha I’m kidding they’re amazing and I love all of them very much. But 2 are leaving today to their new homes 🥰 good thing it’s family so I’ll still be able to see them very often! And you’re not kidding! I’m gonna miss being attacked by four puppies all at once 😂
Sending you a hug back my friend and thank you for the cookie. 🫶🏼🫂 please stay safe!
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Hi Malakai! I hope you found the way to your bed last night and got some rest ;) It's an everlasting struggle between the need to sleep and finally having some time to do the things you want, isn't it?
I usually try to trick myself into going to bed before midnight, and there's a let's say fifty-fifty chance it works. The other fifty percent are like "Yeah, I know it's late and I'll be tired af tomorrow but I absolutely NEED to finish reading/writing this one thing." 🤣
I wish you a wonderful week, my friend🌻🌞 Take care❣️ Love, Leah
Hello Leah, nice to hear from you again 🥰 I actually slept on the couch yesterday cause I was too exhausted to go to my bed. 😂
Yeah it’s a real struggle. My sleep schedule is all over the place at this point. Some nights I’ll get decent sleep and others I’m up all night 😕 I hope you’re able to get some good sleep tonight tho my friend 🫶🏼🥰 as always it’s a joy to hear from you! Stay safe and I wish you an amazing rest of the week and a great weekend 🥰🫶🏼
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
I must admit that I initially didn't plan to interact aside from yesterday, but I somehow keep coming back to read your posts 😊 Your positive vibes kind of draw me in, and your emoji army is just the cutest thing ever 😍 So, umm hi! Again, I guess.
Also, thank you so much for your kind words!! 💕 Yesterday was just one of those days where there's so much to do that you barely get to catch your breath, and it still feels like you didn't get anything done at the end of the day. Today was pretty much the same, but I also had homemade waffles and fresh strawberries and went for a walk. Which makes life much better 🤩
The day is probably not over yet on your side of the earth, but did you get to do something nice or fun today? Love, Leah
Muhahahah I got you in my web 😈 kidding kidding I’m just glad to hear from you again Leah 🥰 always nice interacting with other kind folks on here 🫶🏼 I’m glad you’re enjoy the blog it does mean a lot by the way 🫶🏼
Those are tough days and I’m hoping you get to have a lot more easier days in your future 🫶🏼 but oh look at that! You can never go wrong with homemade waffles 🧇😌 I still think you did well and you got a lot done even if you felt like you didn’t so I’m proud of you 😊
My day is still going and I’m sure I’ll have some fun today but it also depends on how this basketball game goes later 😂 thank you so much for the sweet ask! Sending you many hugs 🫂
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Hey Malakai! 🤗
I'm so glad you're back!! I missed seeing you and your positive vibes on my dash 🌞 But all above I really hope you're doing well, and that you got to catch your breath on your break!! Are you having a nice weekend so far?
I'm sending you hugs and sunshine❣️ And a smooch for your puppy! She's sooo adorable 😍
Love, Leah
Hiiiiiii Leah!!!!! It’s been so long 🥰 Glad to see an ask from you again. I really hope that vacation went well 🥰
I’m doing pretty good 🥰 the break was needed that’s for sure. I won’t lie my weekend is a bit boring 🥲 no plans or anything this weekend so looks like I’ll be bothering everyone during the weekend with my post! 😌😂
Sending hugs 🫂 right back at you! And Daisy is doing great 🥰 I’ll be sure to give her a smooch on the forehead just for you friend. As always stay safe!
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Hello, my friend 👋 How are you doing? And - if you don't mind me asking - how is the cute little puppy that you were holding in that one picture? She's so 😍😍😍 she (almost) distracted me from your hand 😜 Okay, I'll show myself out!
I should go pack my suitcase, anyway, because guess who will go on vacation tomorrow?? Yes, that's meeee!! I'm so glad to be off work for a few days as my job has been giving me a hard time lately. And it's my first vacation in years and the first one ever with my kid. I'm so excited (and nervous), you don't even know!!!
I'll be offline for a few days, but I'll say hi when I'm back. Until then, I wish you the best time! And please give that pup some cuddles from me❣️ Love, Leah
Hello Leah, it’s always lovely to hear from you again! I’m doing pretty good. Currently just relaxing 🥰 and she’s doing well as well!!!! I’m excited for her to get a little bigger so I can have her with me all the time! 😂 she was the point for that post silly not my hand 😂
And oh a vacation 👀 well I hope you have an amazing time with the little one 🫶🏼 please both of you stay safe and you definitely deserve this time! So take full advantage of it 🫶🏼🥰
I’ll be waiting to hear from you again my friend 🥰🫶🏼 and I’ll be sure to give her all the cuddles for you 😂🫂
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
*battles fear of being annoying* 👉👈 Hi Malakai! I'm glad to see you're back and doing fine!! 😍 I sent you an ask last week but it probably got eaten, too?
I loved seeing all those cute animal pictures (and a certain hand picture 👀) on my dash today!! 🥰 Unfortunately, I don't have a fur baby of my own to share, so I just wanted to wish you a great weekend❣️ Love, Leah
You’re not annoying I promise 😔 please never think like that okay? Also hiiiii Leah!!!! Always a joy to hear from you 🥰 sadly a lot of ask got eaten up since my break.
I’m glad you’re enjoying all the cute animals 🥰 and that certain hand video 👀😂 I hope you have an amazing weekend as well! Please stay safe and sending hugs 🫂
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Hey Malakai! You can bet your shirt that the interaction with that client conjured a big smile on my face, and so did your words btw 😊 Thank you so much, my friend!! I really appreciate your kindness!
I've been writing exclusively fanfiction so far and I only post my stories on my other also-NSFW-but-less-kinky blog. I've been trying to write shorter stuff for this blog here but it didn't turn out the way I wanted. Seems like I need a full background story to go with the smut I write 😂 Or maybe I'm just not capable of keeping it short 🙈 Anyway, I'll keep trying, and see how that goes.
And yayyyy, it's already Thursday!! I'm pretty excited for this weekend because I'll get to go out. I haven't done that for a whole long while, and I really hope it's going to be fun.
Do you have anything planned for the weekend? I wish you the best time❣️ Love, Leah
Hello there, Leah!🫶🏼 It's good to hear from you again! I’m so happy that the interaction with that client got you to smile, and so was I! I hope you smile more today, my friend.🥰
You do what’s best for you! If long posts are what you enjoy writing, then you should keep writing them. I don’t think I’ve seen any of your of posts on my dash yet, so I’ll be sure to keep a lookout for your posts on my dash!
Make that Friday.😂 I’m so excited for you to finally go out and have a blast! Just remember to stay safe, okay?🫶🏼 Also, yes, I do have plans this weekend that I am very excited for. This weekend should be amazing. As always please stay safe my friend and sending hugs 🫂
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Hi Malakai! I'm so glad to hear that you had a great weekend! And seeing you back on my dash has definitely brightened my day ☀️
I, too, think making memories together is important, so I get to step out of my comfort zone quite a lot 😆 However, I guess it's also important to have some kind of offset that helps you catch your breath. To me, this is mainly reading and writing. I started writing as an attempt to improve my English, and it has become some kind of outlet for things that float around in my head.
Recently, a kind client said something nice about my English and asked where I had learned it, and I was like "ummm... I read books and watch movies in English" 👉👈 As the code for "I write smutty fanfics on the internet" 🤣 Gosh, I still hope I didn't blush 🤣
I'm looking forward to reading your new posts! You definitely have a way with words, and I love how you can create a mood with a few lines 🤌
I wish you a nice day❣️ I'd prefer to say that I'm sending you some sunshine from where I live, but it's been raining all day, so you have to get by with a big hug 🤗🥰 Love, Leah
Hello there, Leah!🫶🏼 It's always nice to hear from you again. Also, thank you for the kind words.
Well, it has really worked. I can tell you that. From what I’m seeing, your English is really good!🥰 May I ask what your first language is? Also, writing does the same for me. I very much enjoy writing whenever I can.
That was super nice of them. It’s always lovely to get a random compliment from someone, so I really hope that interaction put a big smile on your face! Have you shared any of your writing on your blog?🤔
Thank you! I have a couple more to send out that are still saved in my draft and some I need to finish when I have the time, and I’m sure I’ll come up with even more on the weekend. So keep your eyes out.👀
I wish you a nice day as well!🫶🏼🥰 The weather is doing pretty well over here this week, so I can definitely say I’m sending sunshine! I do enjoy the hug, and I’m sending it right back, of course. Please stay safe, my friend! 🫂
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Hey Malakai! I hope you had a nice weekend and were able to be lazy and get lots of time for yourself as you had planned, and which sounds like a perfect weekend to me 😊
My weekend has been busy. I caught up on chores and other boring stuff, and I went to an amusement park and a swimming pool with kiddo. It was all lots of fun but also loud and crowded and pretty exhausting for introvert me. Luckily I also got to have some precious me time in the evenings, and I even got some writing and reading done, yay!!
Bracing myself for the week ahead now. I really need to file a complaint with whoever thought that two days are enough to take a rest and catch up on stuff 😜
Have a great week❣️ I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Love, Leah
Hello Leah and good morning ☀️ my weekend went great thank you and I hope yours did as well. Glad to be active again. Idk felt like I was away longer than usual 😂 even tho it was only the weekend 🤔
Omg all of that sounds like an amazing time! To an introvert to another introvert I can only imagine how that had to feel, but I’m super proud of you for still doing it and having such an amazing time with your kiddo! Making memories like that with your little kiddo is so important! May you two experience many more 🥰 also I’m glad you got some other things done and got not only time to read but to also write! I did a little writing myself 😌 so expect new post very soon!
Also yeah 😂 we need like five days of break and two days of work 😂 sigh me up for that!
I hope you have an amazing week as well my friend! As always it’s lovely hearing from you. Stay safe and sending hugs 🫂
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Hey Malakai! Thank you so much for sweetening my day with your message 🥰
Glad to hear you had a nice weekend, although the game didn't fall out as hoped for. Better luck for your team next time! 🍀
I guess you could say the same about my inline skating. Since no one here knows me irl (at least I hope so), I'll give you the honest answer to your question about how that went: I fell on my butt. In front of my neighbors. I'm fine, nothing's injured except for my pride, and the rest went well, but still 🙈😞 Like I said, better luck next time 😆
And 💯 agree that working out is good for your mental health. I used to work out in the morning, too, and I miss that. For the moment, the only time slot is in the evening after I've put my kid to bed and I'm done with work and chores. I can't go out for a run or so as it's just the two of us here, so yay for online gym courses! It's a constant toing and froing between wanting to work out and wanting to fall face first onto the bed, but I'll keep trying 😊
I wish you a great week ahead with lots of sunshine❣️ Love, Leah
Hello there Leah! Always nice to hear from you. I hope your morning is going well 🥰
Yeah the team I wanted to win got eliminated sadly so let’s hope next year is better 😂
I’m sorry to hear that you fell 😔 but I’m happy you didn’t get hurt or anything so that’s definitely a relief 🫶🏼 I remember the first time I went roller skating with a family member I fell on my butt as well 😂 good thing no one saw but them 😂 tho some days they bring it up still. I never skated again after that 😂 but yes definitely better luck next time for you! I’ll be rooting for you!
It has definitely helped a lot mentally. I can only imagine how tired you have to be after a long day of taking care of your little one! I have no doubt that you’re an amazing Mother for sure. 🥰 as good as working out is I believe a good amount of rest is so much better 🫶🏼 so please be sure to rest when you can! Stay safe and sending hugs 🫂
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Hey Malakai! I just stumbled over your blog after having a not-so-great day and reading your and your mutuals' sweet conversations felt like a much needed ray of sunshine. So, I just wanted to send some sunshine back to you 🌞🌻🌞 I wish you a wonderful day! Love, Leah
Hello there Leah 🫶🏼 nice to meet you and I’m sorry to hear about your not-so-great day 😔 I do hope it gets much better as the day continues. Also I appreciate the kind words so much. Please if you ever want to interact with me and my lovely following feel free to always do so! We’re all like a big happy family here just trying to be as supportive as we can whenever someone needs it. Thank you for the sunshine but I honestly believe you deserve it more for your sweet ask so here! 🌞🌻🌞 that’s all yours!
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Hi Malakai! I'm not sure, but your ask box monster might have eaten the last ask I sent you. (Please feel free to ignore this or give me a heads up if otherwise!! 😬)
I'll try to remember what I wrote as best as I can. The vacation I told you about was a bit of a bummer. My kid fell sick when we got there, so we spend lots of time in our hotel room. At least I got to sit on the balcony and look at the sea when she was napping 🙃 And most importantly, it was just a bad cold and nothing worse. I'm not going to lie, I was still bummed out. But it is what it is. And there will be more vacations some day. Btw, if you could pick any destination in the world for a vacation, where would you go and why?
And of course, my last ask contained more puppy love for Daisy!!! She's so cute and the name suits her perfectly; sweet little flower! 😍
I hope you've been having a nice week so far, my friend! Take care❣️ Love, Leah
Hello Leah 🫶🏼🥰 always nice to hear from you and I’m sorry if your previous ask got lost.
I’m sorry to hear that she got sick when you got there 😔 I can only imagine how much that changed the overall feel of your vacation. But you’re an amazing mother for still making sure she was okay 🥰 like you said im sure there will be many more vacations for you in the future! Where you’ll have so much fun 🥰🫶🏼
And hmmmm I’d probably say Japan 🥰 I wish I could give you a specific reason hahaha but it’s always been a place I wanted to visit for as long as I can remember 🥰
I’ll be sure to tell Daisy all the kind words and love you have for her. Im pretty positive she’ll love it 😂 she’s getting so big now and running around like crazy 😂😂😂
My week has been okay, a bit blah but overall okay 🥰 thank you for asking and I hope your week has been really nice. Please stay safe my friend and sending hugs 🫂
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Hey Malakai! You're very sweet to say all that. Let me just say that your kindness is much appreciated 🥰
I read that you had a meh day yesterday, and I hope things are going better for you today. I'm sending you a big hug and this cute dog video that made me smile today. Just in case❣️ Love, Leah
Hello there Leah 🫶🏼 glad to hear from you again 🥰 your kindness and sweet messages are always appreciated as well! I hope your weekend is amazing 🫂
This week hasn’t been my best week but I’m super excited for the weekends. Definitely going to be extra lazy this weekend 🤣 my body just really needs the rest right now. Also I saw the video and it was so adorable 😍 thank you for sharing it with me 🥰 hope to hear from you again soon. Till then stay safe 🫂
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
You're proud of me? 🥺🥺 Why, thank you so much! You're very kind! And you definitely got me in your web now 😂
I'm outing myself as someone who has no clue about basketball (and who is too short to play anyway) but I hope you enjoyed the game!!
Do you also like to play ⛹️ if you don't mind me asking? I'm always struggling a bit to find time and motivation to work out, but I plan to brush the dust off my skates this weekend. Let's see how that goes.
And since it's already Friday over here, I wish you a wonderful weekend❣️ Love, Leah
Hello again Leah it’s always nice to hear from you. Also yes I am proud of you 🥰 and you’re the super kind one so I appreciate you so much!
Sadly that game was a bad game since we lost that specific one. 😂 but hopefully we win the next one 😌
I use to play a lot of basketball growing up and it’s always been a favorite for me because of the pace. I enjoy playing and watching sports where it’s like go go go you know? Also I completely understand how difficult it can be to find that motivation and for everyone it is different. I workout because it helps me with my overall mental health and I use that as my motivation. A good workout just puts me in a good mood for the rest of the day. I’d love to hear how the skating went for you 🥰
My weekend was wonderful thank you and I hope yours was too 🥰
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