cpirits · 3 months
(( DIRTY QUESTIONS || @swimmingforthegold said: [ 💞 + Sousuke , would you let me top you? //lmao I'm sorry I couldn't resist // ]
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★ ━━━━━━ "Yes." He said quickly, cheeks turning red. "I'd let you do anything you wanted to me."
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soundingstars · 1 month
@swimmingforthegold x
Makoto had been looking into possible camping spots for the two of them to visit as a way to have a weekend getaway just for the two of them. He managed to figure out a few places that would be perfect, he just needed to see if Rin wanted to go. 
It seemed that he was interested because of the excitement that crossed his face. It was enough to make Makoto smile. 
“Then we will go, I have a few places picked out but I want us to decide which one to go to. Just us this weekend, no one else.”
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Red-haired Athletes
Seirin High’s swim team had a practice match with Samezuka Academy’s swim team. This was of no concern to Taiga though who didn’t hear about how a swimming team from out of town was coming to his high school for a practice match. He did know how to swim in addition to surfing because it was a necessary skill for a surfer, but he was more of a basketball junkie.
Right after class let out, Taiga was eager to head on over to the gym to practice. He loved basketball so much, it didn’t matter whether he was in a game, practice although training could be painful at times, playing one on one, or playing by himself, he just had to play. In his eagerness to get to the gym, he bumped into someone as he ran.
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“Oh sorry, I didn’t see you there!” To be fair though, Taiga was 13 centimeters taller than the guy. He noticed the jersey the guy was donning. Was he an athlete too? He sniffed the guy out of curiosity. With one sniff, he could tell this guy was a strong athlete! “Do you play some kind of sport too?”
[ @swimmingforthegold ]
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orcx-nus · 11 months
oh, shut up and kiss me. //-wiggle eyebrows- bc I can also I miss your face (o.o)/ hope you're doing well ;3;
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There's a beat of stunned silence that follows, with Makoto caught off guard by the other's sudden proclamation.
He had managed to convince Rin to tag along to the aquarium with him with the excuse that he wanted to show him the new 'dog shark' on display, but honestly he had just wanted a reason to spend time with him after being apart for so long. Makoto never let his feelings for the redhead be known, for fear he'd be rejected and cause the ruin of their friendship. After all, it had only been three years or so since they all reconciled and managed to rekindle their relationship; he couldn't risk ruining it all so soon. Especially with the distance they all had to handle, what with Rin training all the way in Australia and rarely getting a chance to visit.
At this point, Makoto had resigned himself to wallowing in his feelings one-sidedly as long as he needed to, sure to never let anything get in the way of their group's harmony. That's how he'd always been -- willing to give up his own happiness and comfort for the sake of others. Yet he couldn't help but feel some tension whenever the two met privately.
Makoto could've sworn the rising tension was something only he could feel, that he had been doing a great job at hiding and holding back his feelings as much as possible. But now, he was no longer so sure.
Honestly, he'd imagined such a scenario over and over in his head before, thinking of how he'd act, how his mind would be racing, how he'd deny the other or become a blubbering mess as he tended to do... Yet in this moment, his mind was oddly at peace, blank; his heart was louder than ever yet amazingly steady at the same time.
In this quiet, dark, and empty part of the aquarium as the fish swam peacefully around them, it's as if everything just sort of fell into place.
Without a word, the brunet cupped Rin's face between his hands, brushing past a few of those soft, red locks ever so slightly. He paused for a moment, just barely a moment, and before the other had a chance to change his mind he closed the distance between them into a kiss.
A kiss that he hoped conveyed every thought, every emotion, every desire that he had been holding back all this time. A kiss that, at least to him, felt just so very magical. A kiss that felt like a dream come true. A kiss that he wished he could never wake up from if it truly was a dream.
Oh, those lips were softer and lovelier than he had ever imagined...
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captianimarum · 2 months
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@swimmingforthegold || Boi notices boi
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"Well, hello, stranger--- you have a nice holiday?"
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tsukuharuko · 1 year
what aesthetic color are you ?
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You have a soft heart. Your home is full of little sentimental nick-nacks you've made, been given, or picked up on your travels, and anyone who enters is immediately put at ease by your comforting energy. Your friends know they can turn to you for a cup of tea and a tight hug, or, if necessary, a kick in the ass. At times, you find yourself tending to others more than you do yourself, and you often take on more than you can bear of others' sadness. Just remember-- you are worth the same kindness you show the people around you. They would want nothing less for you.
Tagged by @stellarisen​
Tagging @strawberrycolaaa​ @swimmingforthegold​ @strdstd​ @treasurechcst​ @legendreign​ @talentbloomed​ @kisumshi​ @changeandmovingon​ @sharedpractice​
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undefeatedlegend · 3 months
┌──═━ Rule Book ━═──┐
Just a few notes on my RP rules.
01. Flexible. 
✧ First off, I’m willing to rp with anyone from any fandom and even OCs. Concerning plots, we can always work something out and see what happens next. I’m pretty flexible with ideas so I can rp anything. 
✧ I RP canon/au/crossovers…even crack just for the hell of it. Whatever as long as it's fun.
02. Shipping. 
✧ I am willing to be multishipping with anyone, I guess it depends on how the chemistry is between our characters. Who knows if it’ll work out.
3. NSFW.
✧ NSFW, I’m willing to do this as well but please it has to be 18 and over, Mun is over 18. No exceptions.  
✧ NSFW threads will be either under Read More or not, it all depends on my rp partner. And they will be tagged accordingly, #;; nsfw #;; nsfw-ish.
THERE WILL BE TRIGGER WARNING ON EVERY TAGS I MAKE WITH JAEKYUNG WHEN ITS NEEDED. As we know, the manhwa is graphic. I would like to express that despite how I am portraying this character, I will portray him as in the manhwa, he is rude and brutal.
4. Godmoding. 
✧ No Godmoding, which is obvious. So please do not do that.
05. Threads. 
✧ If I do forget a thread, please let me know since I tend to be busy with work and real life. But don't mention it every 10 minutes. It just gets annoying and makes me think of not responding. Not to be a pain but I want to be considerate.
06. Hate. 
✧ I will not and refuse to tolerate hate that is sent to me. So don’t bother because I’ll block you on sight. Do not send any kind of hate to anyone. I know a lot of people may not like this character so please be respectful and do not send me hate messages. I will just ignore and click delete, so please don't bother.
07. Asks. 
✧ My inbox is open 24/7. Anons are welcome, same for any random asks from any of my followers. I enjoy talking OOC as well so please feel free to ask me anything! And don't be afraid to approach me!
✧ New follow starters are not written (it's because I suck at coming up with starters ;3;) but feel free to tag me if you have one! But if I do feel inspired to send you one, I will tag you, and it's up to you if you want to reply or not. If you don't, no hard feelings!
09. Disclaimer. 
✧ Disclaimer: I do not own any of the series that my muses are in, they belong to their respectful owners. I will add more information as I continue to work on this blog.
10. Muse =/= Mun. 
✧I do not condone what my muse does, or say. I have a muse who could do terrible things and in many people's eyes, is a complete jerk. I do agree with most of the things he has done, but I believe in my heart as the manhwa progresses, I think Jaekyung will come around and be a better person. The manwha is not completed yet so who knows what will happen in the future.
However, I don’t condone his behavior or his words when he hurts others. Just because I write it doesn’t mean I condone such a thing.
11. Icons. ✧ Icon template by @jessource Icons are made, cleaned, and edited by me so please…don’t steal. Fanart, gifs are not mine, and if I have the source for them, I will make sure to post it. But if I can’t find them, I will let you all know and I would appreciate it if you help me in finding them. If the creator doesn’t want me to use them, then I will immediately apologize and take them down.
12. Jaekyung face claim: Park Seo Joon (ex. THE DIVINE FURY in 2019)
✧Hello, My name is Bernice, but you can call me B. I have been rping for almost 15+ years under different platforms, 7 of which are on Tumblr. Mun is 35+ and has a busy life. I tend to disappear randomly due to it. So please forgive me as I do that.
I also have two other blogs, @swimmingforthegold & @changeandmovingon
✧ Well that’s all, thank you for reading and thank you for following me. Hope to rp with you all soon. :3
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toranoya · 4 months
Rin's desires....sugary treats from Nagisa, lol. Yes I see you @swimmingforthegold
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mangher-a · 2 years
Rin making grabby hands at Tetsuya, just because he can. 👐
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. 哲也 .
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A small smile settled on his features as Rin so eagerly wanted him to come over. Who was he to deny him? A few steps and he could lean down, trapping Rin between his arm on the couch he was sitting, and press a kiss on his forehead as a greeting.
Then he placed a kiss on the tip of Rin's nose and lastly on his lips.
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brxnd-new-dxy · 2 years
After a long day of training and doing some photoshoots, Rin laid in the large bed in the hotel they were staying. He sighed, he really didnt want to do anything or go anywhere at the moment. "Kagami, want to order food service? I'm quite comfy right now and I dont want to move." //lol I had to, I hope you're doing well friend
Usually Kagami’s response to that would be that he could just cook something himself for them both instead, but honestly? He couldn’t be bothered to do much right now either, comfy as he was next to Rin on the bed. So, without further ado, he reached for the phone.
“Yeah, sure. What would you want?”
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cpirits · 8 months
Disclaimer for writing with me:
I use BETA editor now, but I do use X-Kit rewritten extension for cutting threads. I also use the queue for posting because I get overwhelmed by posting normally.
Low activity (sorry if it takes me a long while to reply, rp is a hobby) // Ask based first-time interactions preferred // non-exclusive/non-selective // I ship with chemistry &/or lots of plotting // multiship/multiverse (ships can be platonic: mostly under 18 or sexually oriented: over 18 // nsfw/dark themes sometimes in batches // OC friendly // IMs && ask open for anything
There may be mentions of/threads with NSFW themes, like underage drinking, rape, incest, death, smoking, abuse, trauma, etc. I do not condone these, but some muses do these things/talk about them. I tag my stuff, feel free to blacklist the tags. IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT UNFOLLOW ME PLEASE. THIS IS MY BLOG TO RUN AS I LIKE.
I suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, OSDD, & chronic pain, among other things. These play a big deal in my activity, and mean that I won't always be here on PC, but am always on mobile.
[[ blog imprinted with @nainarufa && @anomieheld @waterlord && @hxdrostorms && @chxmpionofjustice && @mirroredworlds && @kitxkatrp && @draighaearn && @crystalprotector && @draigysgafn && @silverinthedark @draigwenwyn && @kenichijoujiofkindness && @kurogane-redfox && @verratensduo && @historias-multorum && @predannost && @swimmingforthegold && @preciousangelyu && @kazeshinigami && @ardensfides ✨ ]]
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soundingstars · 1 month
@swimmingforthegold x
He couldn’t help, but give a smile with the reaction that Rin decided to give because of his teasing. Anyone who knew him could consider his teasing to be a rare occurrence since it didn’t happen too often, but he couldn’t resist when it came to his boyfriend sometimes. 
“The look on your face tells me otherwise. I can tell that you are, Rin.”
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Of Swimming and Basketball
Kanagawa’s Kaijō High was known for being nationally famous for its athletics. Practice matches between opposing schools often happened at Kaijō High because of its equipment and space. On this day, Kaijō High‘s swim team had a practice match with Samezuka Academy from Iwaitobi but this was of no concern to Yukio as he was the basketball team's captain. Kaijō High‘s basketball team had the day off today.
Instead of going home right away, Yukio had brought along his guitar knowing that today was his day off. With his studies and duties as the basketball captain, his favorite guitar had been neglected and he wasn’t going to head home on the chance his annoying little brothers were around as they could be pretty noisy!
Yukio was headed towards the music room when a maroon haired guy crossed paths with him. He had seen many faces before as part of the disciplinary committee, but this guy’s face was new. He was the same height as him and the same age as him. He was wearing a sport jacket that didn’t have Kaijō High's colors. He must’ve been from another school.
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“Are you lost? The gym’s in the other direction.”
[ @swimmingforthegold ]
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orcx-nus · 2 years
[ NECK ] ― your muse kisses my muses’ neck. ;)
[ NECK ] ― your muse kisses my muses’ neck.
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He had been trying so hard, oh so hard, to hold back.
After all it was not often that Rin got to visit from Australia. Makoto had to make the best of the time they did have together. But despite staying in contact at least once a day, a long-distance relationship did take its toll on the body.
Full of excitement, he just wanted to spend quality time with the smaller redhead. There were so many places to see, so many things to experience together before the Olympics.
Even though all he truly wanted was to devour him.
The giant thought he had been doing a good job... until now.
He doesn't quite understand what's gotten into the shark, the other seeming grumpy for the last couple of hours. As they make a quick stop at his apartment to rest before their date, the brunet gives his best attempt to resolve whatever issue they may be having, but he starts to lose hope as nothing he does seems to work.
At least, until Rin suddenly wraps his arms around his large body and straddles him.
Makoto blinks in confusion, surprised at the sudden gesture. It's not exactly unwelcome, but just as he's about to question his boyfriend some more--
The orca sucks in a sharp breath of air, feeling razor sharp teeth graze a small trail up his collarbone and up to his neck. It ends with the sensation of small, warm lips planting a kiss at the exposed skin, and Makoto shivers.
Finally, he releases a breath he didn't realize he had been holding, and his arms swiftly pull the smaller body, pinning the swimmer beneath him.
"... I'm sorry, Rin, I didn't realize..."
Normally gentle eyes give away the killer whale instincts rising up within him as he brushes his hair back. There would be no more holding back now.
"... I thought it would be better to wait... But I'll give you all the love you want."
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aodamo · 2 years
Finally it was his first turn to compete, and of course he was going to show off towards his girlfriend as she sat at the bleachers behind his team. He grinned and winked at Nana before taking off his jacket, of course tossing it to her before heading to the platform.
[ @swimmingforthegold ]
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Nana's eyes were wide with awe as she held her boyfriend's jacket tight against her chest, cheeks a bit warm from his blatant flirting and revealed form, but she'd ignore that. Normally the quiet photographer wasn't one to shout and cheer, but she loved Rin and wanted to do her best to encourage him, so she gathered her courage and took in a deep breath. " Y-you can do it Rin! " She shouted before he was out of hearing distance, face now stained red over the fact that she stuttered, but her water-like eyes never left him.
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Training camps were something that Karasuno always looked forward to especially when it comes to crossing paths with new schools. And ones that they've played against before. This time they were at the grounds of Samezuka Academy that seemed to be close to the size of some of the larger schools that they visited. They were going to have to make sure that their first and second years weren’t going to make fools out of themselves though. Or cause any trouble while the team was here. 
The visiting teams were going to be underneath the same roof for the next two weeks, chaos was going to be underneath that roof though. Most of the teams were ones that they had gained friends mixed with friendly competition. He wouldn’t be surprised if silly arguments would appear, it tended to happen a lot among his teammates. 
There was plenty of room for the visiting teams though while it would be a new experience to deal with Samezuka’s volleyball team. This would be the first time that they would be crossing paths, but a new experience to gain knowledge and test the skills that have already been honed. 
Of course, Suga made the mistake of leaving his bag on the bus causing him to have to make the walk back to retrieve it. He had gotten caught up with unloading after figuring out where the training camp was going to take place on the grounds of the large school. 
He soon realized though that he had taken a wrong turn on the way back to the volleyball gym. Suga let out a sigh glancing around to try and figure out where he was before he would call one of his coaches or teammates to help him get back to the gym.  
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