undefeatedlegend · 9 days
—— » [ @maljefe ] said:
❝ grabs his chin. “hmm… cancel your plans for tonight. I’m taking you to WEPA to fight. better not lose and embarrass me.” a good owner takes their hound out to get all his aggression and energy out, after all! ❞
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【 էհҽ էվɾąղէ —
it was late in the evening when his unwanted visitor came into his room. but then again, living in this hellhole she was able to come and go as she pleased since he was pretty much sucking here due to her 'persuasion' in wanting him alive. she saw some sort of sick purpose to use him, and Jaekyung didn't have anywhere else to go. he rather be dead than to keep serving his life for this woman.
he just recovered from one of his fights that she forced him to participate only to see her telling him, or demanding was more like it, that he had another fight to attend. and was told that he had to win no matter what.
"Tsk, I know that already."
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he scoffed at her since it wasn't the first time ( and knew it wouldn't be the last) he heard her speak the same shit over and over every time she needed him to fight.
at least he was keeping busy with what he enjoyed, beating the shit out of people and getting paid really well. even though he despised being told to do it.
"You know I'll win every time so don't get your damn panties all in a bunch."
he said as he rubbed his knuckles they were still sore, but at least the bruises went down somewhat. he looked up at her since he was sitting on the foot of his bed, slate-colored eyes glaring up at the woman.
god, he was really tired of being her lapdog, but what else could he do if he wanted to stay alive.】
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undefeatedlegend · 9 days
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【 էհҽ էվɾąղէ —
the air felt thick around him, and his chest felt light as he kept feeling how hard it was to breathe. the sensation of this weight over his shoulders felt so heavy like he was holding something there for years. and each second of the day it felt heavier and heavier.
he couldn't believe he confessed one of his deepest thoughts to someone he barely knew. but he couldn't stop himself from trying to talk about his past. not even his coach knew how dark his childhood was. he merely ignored or stormed off whenever anyone tried to get close. the last thing he needed was to be lectured about working on his manner.
tsk as if he was going to listen. no one would listen to him anyway, why would he even bother? not then, not now.
until Lily, that was.
he almost lashed out at the touch on his hand, the idea alone of a foreign contact on his skin that made him so angry, so....confused.
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but hearing Lily telling him about how she could relate to his abuse, how she understood him on how it felt to be tormented by others Jaekyung froze at the spot, his slate-colored eyes looking down at her in surprise because....who would do something like that to her? she was beautiful, understanding, kind.
who the fuck would do that to her?
he looked down at their hands and without even thinking about it, it was like his body was craving someone's touch, to know what it felt like to be held with no other intention. just holding hands was so strange to him.
his long fingers curled around her smaller hand, giving it a soft squeeze as something behind his eyes began to sting. but he pushed it back with a glare, not at her but at the feeling of what that sensation could be.
"thank you..." 】
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lily almost thought it better to leave. make sure he didn't have to worry about her popping ever again. her body was rigid and tense and she wanted to cry but she didn't. that was a feat in and of itself. she sat there in the silence that was there just in the hopes he would say something. even just telling her to fuck off and never bother him again. something--that's all she wanted.
then he.. apologized? her emotions caught in her throat and she looked over at him and listened to him. seeing his defensive and tense body language, she worried she absolutely messed this up. then, he explained himself and that.. that made her understand him better. she figured it had to do with something that happened to him. no one was just like this for no reason.
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lily moved her hand and took his gently. "i understand. more than you know.." she let out a breath. "i wasn't abused or neglected by my parents but i was heavily bullied at school and by my community for being different. you don't have to say anything else, okay? i didn't want you to feel forced to talk about these things."
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undefeatedlegend · 9 days
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【 էհҽ էվɾąղէ —
as she spoke, Jaekyung felt himself fall onto his knees before her. his eyes wide in shock as he searched for any deceit, for any lies that showed him that what she was saying was nothing but utter bullshit. yet deep down he knew, he knew that what she spoke of was real
during his time with his 'family' he had been trained ruthlessly, nothing but a killing machine and was sent on mission after mission to deal with numerous 'problems' as his boss had put it.
and yes, he had seen some crazy shit, impossible even. but it was still hard to believe that supernatural beings were out there. and according to her, they were the ones that killed his boss.
he narrowed his eyes and let out a snarl as he felt her fingers gripping his cheeks, and he could feel just how strong she was. was she one of them as well?
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his mind went into overdrive as she 'kindly' proposed a way to stay alive. maybe he could use it to his benefit, he could find out who did this. who killed his boss. his family. what else did he have to lose? everything was gone in his life.
he remained on his knees as she began to walk away, the click of her heels echoing loudly in the large room made him shiver with anger.
he scowled as he slowly raised to his feet, turning to face her as his eyes met hers. his gray eyes darken at the thought of wanting revenge and if he had to be her lapdog to get it, then so be it.
"fine. i'll go with you, but i have one condition. if you really didn't do this, then i want to know who did. I'll kill that fucker with my own hands."】
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Such fight in him. She wondered if there was a chance for her to use that for her own gain. It was clear he was loyal to his former (loser) boss, but was he willing to part ways with that? Was he cheap enough to be bought by another? To server and roll onto his back for the one who killed the one he cared for?
" Bitch? That's so rude, little lost puppy. I'm trying to have a talk with you here. You weren't around for the raid here, but I hate to break it to you... Minus for this man bleeding at my feet, everything else wasn't my doing. It seems he pissed off more than one supernatural with his dealings. Everyone you knew, everything you were- it's all gone. You're alone now. " Fingers slacken as she releases him, dragging nails up his chin and jaw only to grasp his cheeks. " Shall I take you home with me, or should I leave you here to be torn apart like everyone else? "
Lips curl into a cold smile and, finally, she lets him go for good. Turning around she clasps her fingers behind her back, striding back to the corpse on the floor. " I don't care either way, but I guess I could do this much for the geezer. I only wanted him dead, but it seems the other group took advantage of my move. "
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undefeatedlegend · 9 days
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【 էհҽ էվɾąղէ —
Jaekyung remained standing as he stared down at the man before him as he began to strip. He smirked wide with each piece that fell onto the ground and he could feel his length twitch with anticipation. He then let out a soft hum as his eyes hungrily ranked over the other's plump body. With a lick of his lips, he scoffed...
"So confident, aren't you? Don't worry, it's perfect. Now hop on the bed before I push you on it." 】
Hiroyuki would find himself gazing at the other as he commanded him to undress. He could do that. Hands gripped at his kimono as the sumo would then slip it off. Hands then grabbed at his fundoshi, and Hiroyuki would be bare before him, just like he asked. "Is this to your liking?" He'd ask. His girth on full display as his large belly covered his manhood.
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undefeatedlegend · 9 days
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【 էհҽ էվɾąղէ —
looking down at Faye, Jaekyung wondered what was going through her mind about his proposal. would she agree to it? or would she reject the idea of going back to his hotel room and maybe come up with ideas on what they should really do before his match over the weekend.
he still had his smirk, but it only grew more as he felt her small, delicate hands over his chest, a soft movement from her as she pushed him back only slightly. normally he wouldn't let anyone dare to touch or push him away but there was something about their playfulness that the martial artist felt that he wanted to continue their little game.
at mentioning sneaking around to his hotel made him chuckle, a low rumble deep in his chest as it looked like she was interested in coming to him after all.
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but what she said afterward was the thing that made him feel all the more desirable to have her in his bed even more. bending over so their faces were of the same distance, he kept his voice low as it looked like they had to keep it a secret for her sake.
"dont worry, Faye. i will teach you more than just kissing, and will make sure you enjoy every second of it."
he then straightened up, with a quick glance around them to check if anyone was observing them, Jaekyung then discreetly gave her his contact info.
"text me later. I'll send you a car to pick you up. I have to head to my coach since it looks like I'm not done being in his hellhole. see you later?"】
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Oh... how scandalous! Faye had been questioned before regarding such acts, but never before had she considered saying yes. I'll get in trouble if I go with him. Can I get away from my manager? Will the guards accept another bribe to let me go? I don't know if I can keep that up much longer.
Pressing her hands to his chest she urges him back just far enough for him to be able to read her lips. ' I have to be smart or else I'll get caught sneaking around. Where is your room? If we're in the same hotel it might work out. ' She truly hoped that they were in the same one.
Glancing around she cups a hand around her mouth, ensuring only he'd be able to read her lips. ' I've never kissed anyone before. Do you... can you teach me? '
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undefeatedlegend · 10 days
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He's so damn fine #joojaekyung #BL #BLmanhwa #Jinx
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undefeatedlegend · 10 days
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undefeatedlegend · 10 days
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Уходить очень тяжело — до тех пор пока не уйдешь. А потом познаёшь, что легче нет ничего на всем белом свете.
Джон Грин «Бумажные города»
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undefeatedlegend · 10 days
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undefeatedlegend · 10 days
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Привычка терпеть и приспосабливаться превращает людей в бессловесных скотов, даже превосходящих их в беззащитности. И каждый новый день порождает новый ужас зла и насилия.
the habit of tolerating and adapting turns people into dumb beasts, even surpassing them in defenselessness. And every new day gives rise to a new horror of evil and violence..
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undefeatedlegend · 23 days
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【 էհҽ էվɾąղէ —
As the two came into the bedroom, Jaekyung turned towards the man and crossed his arms after loosening his robe and exposing more of his body. He was only wearing some black tight boxer shorts.
"Alright, Hiroyuki...I need you to strip now or else I would do it for you. And I won't be gentle."
Okay, that was way more money than he got in a week. He couldn't believe his ears. The sumo wrestler would nod his head as he would then begin to follow him along. "Anything. Okay, I can do that."
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undefeatedlegend · 23 days
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【 էհҽ էվɾąղէ —
This beautiful woman was willing to talk to him, to make him want to talk to her without any bickering, or fighting, or teasing like before. He let his eyes fall onto the floor, a frown adored his face as the corners of his lips mimicked the movements of a scowl as he pondered her words. In all his life, he never had anyone to have a decent conversation with, not counting the advice of his two coaches as they were the only ones he truly respected.
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But Lily...beautiful, feisty, professional, strong, and kind Lily was doing her best to have a conversation, a deep one at that, and he felt like he was being overwhelmed since he didn't know how to express himself. If it wasn't with anger or cockiness, he didn't feel comfortable to just talk.
But for her....he was willing to try.
"I'm s....I'm sorry."
He began, barely a whisper as his gaze remained down, afraid of what her reaction would be. His hands tightened into fists as his back was erect, his body tense. He just couldn't relax, was he worried about the outcome? Afraid of what she would think of him? Would Lily still hate him afterward?
"I never had anyone to talk to like this. I was abused and neglected as a kid. Been bullied at school for as long as I remember. Talking was never my forte since I was mostly alone to deal with my feelings."
He shut up for a moment, he could feel himself breathing heavily as there was a lot he said about his past. Jaekyung made sure to keep his past a secret, no one should know about the obstacles he had been through.
Until now.】
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of course. it was too much to ask for, wasn't it? her hands in her lap and her head down. fidgeting with her hands and breathing in softly. she tried to keep her emotions in. it wouldn't benefit anyone if she went about crying and whining about things, would it? her chest and shoulders felt heavy and she couldn't look him in the eyes. this was a feeling she didn't like and avoided. it was easier just to snap back at him but she was truly just very tired. tired of fighting and arguing.
"just.. nevermind. forget i said anything."
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the exhaustion in her voice was prominent. "i'm not going to force you to talk about things. i'm not going to fight and beg you. i don't have the energy. i did that with the last guy and it just put me in a spot i never want to be in again. i can't. i don't care about the teasing, i just want to be able to have a civilized conversation with you sometimes."
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undefeatedlegend · 23 days
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like & reblog if used
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undefeatedlegend · 23 days
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undefeatedlegend · 23 days
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Why so pretty, dude?
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undefeatedlegend · 23 days
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undefeatedlegend · 23 days
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— А где я могу найти кого-нибудь нормального?
— Нигде, — ответил Кот, — нормальных не бывает. Ведь все такие разные и непохожие. И это, по-моему, нормально.
Льюис Кэрролл «Алиса в стране чудес»
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