#swtor 5.6
swtorgonewrong · 7 years
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Theron’s new hair looks so nice
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chivalin · 7 years
this is the first time bioware has managed to make me regret my choices/feel bad about playing as imperial ds since a certain someone ascends to the throne if you chose the republic previously...
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nevarin · 7 years
Everyone comments about the new hairstyle
But noone cares about his jacket.
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greyias · 7 years
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Copero is pretty.
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meatbag-status · 7 years
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So I’m thinking Valss is /was/ in it with Theron to subvert the Order of Zildrog’s efforts, but he didn’t tell Syndic and she gets branded a traitor. Then again, Theron doesn’t tell anyone either. All these edgelords hiding things from their fam and getting their fam killed. Anyway. So I think Valss’ vision was of Theron defeating the Order of Snake Worshipping Assholes, not the Alliance. And then the thing about the holomap…so intriguing. What’s also intriguing is that the Order of Zildrog would know about the old Sith Emperor at all. How’d they even know about the holomap the Chiss stole? My guess is Valkorion told them just as everyone on Nathema knew about his double identity. Greatest secrets, eh? Probably the thing about immortality and if that’s the case, then hooooly shit, what a perfect opportunity to bring Scourge back. And then I added that email snapshot at the end because, a duh, Theron transmitted it. That’s how they pulled it off, Hylo.
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rinskiroo · 7 years
If there was a chance to get Theron alone for five minutes during A Traitor Among The Chiss, maybe this would happen.  AU; lovers quarrel with lightsabers and blasters between two people who just can’t keep it in their pants.  Spoilers for 5.6/current storyline.
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lyristano · 7 years
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Copero is gorgeous. 😍
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lailasuniverse · 7 years
Theron: I need to look like a cringy traitor.
Barber: Say no more.
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reallystellacadente · 7 years
Raina Temple ?? from 5.6
Under a cut for spoilers
So, I took my Sith Warrior through 5.6 and when you got the chance first to ask why a human is with the Chiss, I didn’t. There was a more character approp question and Xhareen of all people would NOT call out someone on a question of alien-ness.
But then later, while you’re moving through Copero, the game auto-asks it for you. And so Raina says, the Chiss hid me because as a child I was a fugitive. Then you ask why, and she says, “it’s classified.”
REALLY? Is that still an issue but more importantly, wouldn’t a Force user, especially the freaking Empire’s Wrath/Outlander be able to tell that she’s Force sensitive when in close proximity to her?
Am I missing something from her story? Nothing about the “oh yeah and I murdered my dad for saving my life” is mentioned. 
Or is it ... wait for it ... just more sloppy one-size-fits-all writing? 
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chivalin · 7 years
just thoughts about the new update under the cut
i don’t really know what i expected but what we got felt really lackluster.
it didn’t introduce anything new and the order reveal wasn’t surprising at all. i definitely liked the chiss aspect but that wasn’t enough to turn the whole experience in to good territory. the final boss was interesting and i would have liked to know more about him but alas, he dead as fuck now.
i don’t really even want to talk about theron tbh. i spit out my drink when he came on screen, even though i had seen his new look before. he just... no. and how he didn’t seem to have /anything/ to give us (like small cutscene where he’s staring at our picture or something, showing that he’s 100% our side), other than the “hurrdurr i’m the evil guy now, look at how evil i am” was disappointing.
they might have fucked up the story but the fp is still fun and enjoyable, right? WRONG. i have never wanted to circle so bad around trash mobs as they were a fucking pain in the ass. the scenery was only nice for a couple of minutes, until it became claustrophobic since there were trash everywhere (and they were easily aggroed too fml).
and the fucking bosses. fucking christ. the first boss was a fucking nightmare. seriously. who the fuck designed this fp? shit ton of health and it took forever to cut it down. it was not fun.
second boss seemed so much weaker compared to the first one (and eventually the third one too). third one was the most balanced, even though it took quite a while to take him down (played as a tank w/ influence level 1 temple... sigh)
i enjoyed quite a lot of the bonus boss even though it took a long time to defeat. might have to do something with the semi good mechanics that were involved in it.
so, verdict from fp? chiss were good but the whole experience was overall lackluster: it had bad, really bad level design and the story bits were inadequate considering that the next story update is going to be god only knows when...
BUT! so that this wouldn’t turn into an entirely critical pondering, i like that you can now get decorations from fps (really nice bioware *thumbs up*). and the improved groupfinder (or activities window now) is also fucking amazing and long wished, so thank you for that too. it’s also nice to have the eyes back to normal, even if i realized that few of my chars have completely different eye color than what i thought lol. 
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insufficient-focus · 7 years
Why am I so nervous about this patch?
It’s story related nerves, to clarify. But why am I so nervous about it? Ugh.
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greyias · 7 years
We’re off to a great start! I log in, patch, and press the play button! The game pretends to launch, and then disappears completely, and is not even a process in the background!
Oh, game, never change.
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glitchy-npc · 7 years
Best guess at the planet we visit next
Theron mentions “of all the planets in the galaxy”
and devs have mentioned a planet we wouldn't think to return to again. 
What do you think it is?
I think it couldn't be one of the planets we could normally go to in a class story, so my best guess is Ziost or Nathema?
Though I’d laugh if it was Rishi.
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meatbag-status · 7 years
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rinskiroo · 7 years
Saganu: Kill her or I won’t ally with you.
Raina: She betrayed you, too.  At least imprison her.
Saganu: !!!!! This will mean civil war for the Chiss!!!!!
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A rather long instance with copious amounts of high-health trash and bonus objectives you had to go a bit off the main road to find.  But it was enjoyable.  I died twice to falling--once because I wasn’t sure where to go and the second the grapple didn’t catch me.
I am left unsatisfied as to w t f is going on, but there are a lot more clues (IN THE NARRATIVE, NOT JUST BECAUSE OF THE NAME OF HIS OUTFIT YA NINNIES) as to Theron being a double agent.
I was convinced Lana was in on it, but I dunno... we didn’t get to see too much of her in this.  She’s a better spy than Theron if she is in on it at this point.  (I still low-key think T7 is also in on it.)  Ok, I JUST got the letter from Lana as I was writing this--yeah, I don’t think she’s involved.  I hope Jas can get to Theron before she does. :O
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melissagt · 7 years
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New Dark I eyes look amazing! Now they’re not just orange...they actually glow and look like Sith eyes. 
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