#swtor farewell tour
rainofaugustsith · 3 years
The Black Talon OMG.
I'm still working my way through the flashpoint achievements I can do. I did the bonus bosses on both Imp/Rep sides of The Meridian Complex, finished up the "defeat ___ 25 times" achievements on Directive 7 and a few others. My stealthers Jenari and Suvia have been invaluable in getting these done. I didn't have the achievement on The Black Talon for killing the captain so I sent Suvia in, and...OMG. That is horrible. Like, absolutely horrible. WHY. You're basically surrounded by bodies at the end with that awful droid, and it's just...bad. I don't think it's reasonable for most people to kill the captain in TBT anyway. I'll be honest, I just don't kill him because I think it's awful. But: 1. Even if your character has no ethics - Kilran is obviously using the PC as a pawn and threatening them that they won't survive if they don't do his bidding. Even if you are playing a terrible character, that might rankle them, ie, "nobody tells me what to do." Doubly so if you're a Sith, you're going to listen to some damned Moff? 2. If your character is cunning and trying to establish the foundations of a power base/allies, here's your chance. Working with the captain and officers instead of massacring them could win you some allies, or at least some respect. If you're a Sith, hello, resources to use later, if you don't kill them. I still think the end decision in the Black Talon makes no sense. It's LS to turn over the General to the Empire to be tortured and DS to kill him. Frankly I think killing him to stop him from being tortured is far more merciful, but nobody in the writing team asked me. I also did the Esseles one - in that case I didn't have the achievement for keeping the Ambassador. Frankly because she wants to sacrifice the entire engineering floor, I have no issue turning her over to the Empire. I remembered that the Cartel Bazaar on the Fleet sold some neat stuff, so I felt Suvia deserved a Hoverchair for her efforts. Now she and Viri each have a different one. Suitable, yes.
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(This is also the PSA that the Cartel Bazaar Underworld vendors sell armor, pets and and mounts that cost $$$$$ on the GTN or Cartel Market for cheap + some cartel certificates. If you don't have enough Underworld rep to buy stuff, feel free to drop by my Manaan stronghold on Star Forge under Viridana Dragoi to play the contraband slot machine and earn rep. I'm still figuring out where it will go on Satele Shan, but probably my Yavin 4 SH).
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
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So as I march along getting as many achievements as I can on Viri's farewell tour, I came across this one on reddit - the secret Overwatch agent in the Cartel Bazaar. It's a jumping puzzle, which is not something I'm good at. I brought Brynn since she has Phase Walk, and I fully anticipated I was going to be there for hours. But as soon as I got there, a sorc whispered and asked if I wanted to be pulled up. True to her word, she pulled me right up to the agent, and it looked like she was hanging out there helping anyone who wanted help. As much as I gripe about how some of the playerbase is toxic, sometimes you meet really kind players. Thanks, random Sorc.
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