Jack's Libido Stems From His Previous Life's Sexual Poweress
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Let's be honest with ourselves Joseph Cullman in life was hot as fuck with or without the clown makeup. I do think he used his good looks to also sometimes survive on his own doing whatever he could to supply himself. From what have seen it left him with a lot of issues when he had to leave that past behind and become a squeaky clean child show host, because this is a children's show and children are sheltered from that stuff. I do think that even though it was just for survival he was actually pretty good at it where few clients could say they weren't satisfied. However, he always would feel empty because it was just sex and nothing. I like to imagine his Jack persona is very honey on main for the lead because he can have sex with someone and it means something. He can show his sexual poweress on someone who he can share personally with.
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Ian I Totally See Would Have Tried To Pass His Affair As Just One Mistake
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I know he shows he feels guilty, but he also seems to feel that the main character (Zaria in this case) would forgive him that easily but nope. Here is what Zaria would react if he tried to say that cheating is just one mistake.
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I could so see Zaria going on an angry tirade on his ass for trying to trivialize what he has done and how he thinks he could easily get back into her graces. Nope, she is going to shut that shit down and put him in his place which again he still won't get since he still leaves her messages.
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Ian And Jack: Two Love Interests Who Don't Love Themselves
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When it comes down to it both guys will probably be opposed to each other, but I notice one thing they share in common is that they don't really love themselves. Seriously, I think the game is making parallels where each of them form an unhealthy bond with the player because of the fact that they don't really see the true selves as worthy of being loved.
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We already know from what we have past scene that both guys have had a history of seeing themselves in the past unworthy of love. For Jack it's his past as Joseph Cullman who was loved by no one in his community, not even his parents. The same thing with Ian who had no one but the m/c to love due to even his mom being an abusive pos who belittled and controlled him. They both latch onto the main character because overall they no true love for themselves. Jack in his case hides it more better than Ian with his sunny persona and faux confidence. They both are clingy and will do anything to win the main character's love. With Jack we know it's by any means, and he probably will be the main antagonist because of it. It makes me think that a theme in this game is how one shouldn't latch onto other people to feel wanted and that they should learn to love themselves.
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Even though it's from a different show, I do think this line is good thing that sums up what the main character eventually spells out to them both that the can't let themselves be consumed by self-loathing and latch onto other people to help their own self-esteem. Jack needs to embrace he was Joseph and that he doesn't need to pretend to be perfect to be loved, while Ian as well shouldn't attach himself so much to the player to feel validation. I kind of hope in the good endings that this could lead to a healthier relationship with both guys whoever they choose.
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The Sunnytime Crew Show Kind Of Reminds Me Of A Live Action Show From The 00's Transported To The 80's
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Seriously, I have seen a lot of live action types of shows and it feels like it would be more 2000ish.
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If people still remembered the show it probably could have had a revival in the 00's with a new cast and crew. And Zaira would have been of the preschoolers tuning in. And again I think this another reason why she takes to Jack because again emphasis on it reminding her of the shows she loved as a child and makes her feel comfortable. And again lets her not feel she has to be this grown woman who can't enjoy anything kiddy.
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Jack Would Kind Of Be Behind Baby Care Due To Being From The 80's
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Sure he would be helpful by 80s understanding of babycare, but I think one area he needs help in is when it comes to newborns and SIDS. SIDS was just becoming understood at that age and it's now emphasized what not to do these days which is swaddle babies, cluster them with toys, and put them on their bellies. Something I think Zaria or any other m/c would tell him about. There would also be the emphasis on not giving them juice because juice for a baby has too much sugar at that age. Also baby powder I imagine Jack would try to get some but Zaria said baby powder is not used these days because it is known to irritate baby bottoms. Jack of course loving his m/c would hear and try to learn since he probably believes you are never too old to do so especially since he's going to be a upcoming parent.
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Shaun Would So Roast Ian As Being A Parasitic Predator
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I think this line from Rick and Morty really does fit Ian very well and I think Shaun should be the one to say it since Jack himself has some issues he shares with Ian. Shaun would see that Ian is someone who has been using the main character to foist their issues onto them, but never does anything in return. They might have a long history with one another, but he has attached himself to the play that they feel entitled that they should get back together. Shaun would even said eventually that pity would have turned them against Ian if he kept being that way due to feel obligated to him. Ian has for years played being pitiful that it's morphed into something so toxic that it would have dragged down the player even further.
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Autism And Jack
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You know given Jack is a child character from the 80's I have a feeling he wouldn't be up to date on autism, but if his beloved had them like Zaira does he would try to learn as much to accommodate them including their likes and dislikes. Also I totally see Zaira telling him not to support autism speaks because they are a bunch of hacks.
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Ian A Source Of Stability For Zaria
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I think one of the reasons why Zaria held onto Ian so much is because of the fact she was a child of divorce and was often switched between houses and always had to adjust one month or another. As said before this caused her to feel some lack of stability in her life and whiplash at times. The only constant in her life was Ian who she saw she could always rely on as a source of comfort. It especially was a source of comfort when she had to decide when she was seventeen which home she wanted to stay at permanently due to her father moving his side of the family to another part of Texas. Instead of going with her father, she decided to stay with her mother because she couldn't think of parting from Ian and everything. This would also lead to her also deciding to after college move in with Ian because she thought that with their long history they would build a stable life together. However, as the story goes her so-called source of stability turned out not to be and it crumbled her a lot. And again she's back to a place where she doesn't know how to stabilize herself again until she met Jack.
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Sunny Day Jack And Pride
Given that Sunny Day Jack is from the 80's, I imagine that Jack wouldn't be that familiar with changes that have happened when it comes to LGBT attitudes. In the 80's people were starting to come out, but there was still a lot of closeted attitudes especially in the children's industry. Given that Jack is said to be pansexual which was a term wouldn't be used as a description for his sexuality until the 90's I don't think he would have figure out his true sexuality in his past life. I also think he kept his attraction to guy's hidden so he wouldn't be ostracized by society and again he probably didn't know the term. Also I like to think that the main character would tell him more about pansexuality and how it could fit his attraction to people with no regards to their gender/sex. Zaria certainly would tell him especially if it's during pride month and I think she would be a big straight ally.
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Happy Birthday, Jack!
I like to think if Zaira ever found out what Jack's birthday was I think she would make him breakfast and her attempt is chocolate chip or strawberry crepes (or be experimental and try both). I do think she would do it for him since she always sees him doing nice thing for her so she returns the favor. I also think she gets him a cheap present and he really is grateful for it.
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Ian And Zaria Were Total Gravity Falls Fans
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Since I see Zaria and the main cast as Zers, they totally would have been young preteens when this came out. Seriously, I could imagine Zaria and Ian watching each new episode and having new theories each week or so. Zaria totally identified with Mabel because of her high energy and girlness, while Ian felt most connected with Dipper due to just being someone who kept more to himself and wanted to be seen as mature. I love to think when they were around that age they dressed up as Dipper and Mabel when they went trick or treating for the last time before it became childish to do so. Ironically, since an episode was about Dipper being embarrassed to be seen trick or treating. I totally see Zaria noticing Ian having a crush on Wendy which he would deny. I totally see them also watching the series until they got in high school to see how it ended. Shaun I also see could have been a fan as a kid and it would have been a thing they bonded in college over. I totally see Gravity Falls being one of Zaria's inspirations to write her children's horror book series.
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More Ian Break Up Songs
Seriously, this is a good description of Zaria's feelings when she's breaking up with Ian. She would so be disillusioned with love and relationships that she wonders if she could ever love again.
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A Man Too Good To Be True
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Again another Whitney Houston song to fit how dear Zaria feels about a love interest, but this time it's Jack. And it's from a "The Preacher's Wife". Seriously, it's a Christmas movie, but it's soundtrack is the bomb like any Whitney Houston song. Seriously, this song really describes Jack and how he seems to have captured the m/c's heart and just make her fall in love like a fairytale. She doesn't know why but she knows she can't live without him now.
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Lulubelle (SWWSDJ Oc)
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Name: Lulubelle Shields-Thompson 
Other persona: Jujubelle
Headcannon Voice Actor: Amanda Leighton
Relatives: Annabelle Shields-Thompson (mother); Rhett Shields-Thompson (stepfather); Abott Goneman(father-deceased)
Residence: Texas
Age: 6
Likes: Frozen yogurt; Pink lemonade; Dolls; Dresses; Princesses; Clowns; Her mother's approval; Kittens; Winning; Zaria;Sunny Day Jack; Getting dirty; Pink; Coloring & Drawing; Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches; Shaun
Dislikes: Pageants (secretly); Losing; Spinach; Practicing rehearsals for long hours; Harsh criticism; Not being able to get dirty; Cigarettes; Thunderstorms; Her restrictive diet; Having her stuff taken away
Personality: On the surface she seems like any other regular girl who is growing up with her mother and stepfather, but underneath is truly a sad child who is going through emotional and mental abuse. She craves her mother and stepfather's love, but they only care that she wins pageants and always berate her when she loses. She attaches herself to Zaria, Shaun, and Jack (even though he's invisible to her) because they show the love she lacks from her parental figures. She also believes people love Jujubelle more because she loves pageants and not herself. She sometimes wishes she could be Jujubelle all the time. She really wants to be an artist instead of participating in pageants which her stepfather and mother always dismiss as just childish. She tries to always be cheerful and have a good attitude, but the pressure and abuse leaks out with everytime she shows her true feelings on the subject matter of what she really wants. 
Background: A young girl who lives in the apartment next to Zaria who moved in recently with her mother and stepfather. Her mother has her frequently do pageants and is often training for them. However, despite being trained she secretly wants to be a regular kid and do regular stuff. Her mother then uses Zaria and Shaun as a way to babysit her when she and her husband doesn't have the time to look after her. She eventually also becomes acquainted with Jack who she treats as a imaginary friend since she can't see him but thinks he's real. Also due to the stress of the pageants taking their toll on her she developed a secondary personality named Jujubelle to help cope with the fact she doesn't like competing. 
* Her interactions with Jack help bring back the child entertainer in him and start to care for the girl while softening himself from being a yandere. 
* With the certain choices with how you interact, Lulubelle can let go of Jujubelle and be herself or fully embrace her to replace her birth personality. 
* While they do restrict her diet, they give her highly sugared lemonade so that remain active in the pageants. 
* Her mom is very restrictive about what she can eat in order so she can stay thin for contests. 
* Her mom always threatens to take away her stuff if she doesn't do exactly how she wants to or feels she didn't do good enough. 
* Frozen yogurt is only for when she wins. She is actually happy when she hears Zaria works at a frozen yogurt place. 
* Her mother doesn't allow her to get dirty so she doesn't mess up her good clothes. 
* Her stepfather frequently smokes around her. 
* She is based on Leanne Platter from King Of The Hill. 
* Her parents were never married and Abbot died in a workplace accident soon after Lulubelle was born. 
* Her second personality to cope with the abuse put by her mother is based on Carley from Toddlers & Tiaras. 
* Her stepfather isn't close to her and just wants to exploit her as much as her mother. And often finds her annoying when has to interact with her and doesn't give a hoot he smokes in front of her. He also harshly berates her whenever he feels she's out of line and if she doesn't comply with anything to do training for peasants. 
* Her mother often tells her stuff like she should be grateful she wasn't aborted whenever she thinks she's out of line or objects to practicing. 
* She's really scared of thunderstorms but due to her mother and stepfather's lack of care they often berate her for expressing that fear. 
* She is very close with Moonpie which would motivate her even more to want a cat. 
* In the good routes she eventually moves in with other relatives for her own good. 
* She secretly wants to be an artist. 
Created through picrew.me/ja/image_maker/22596…
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Zaria's Parents And Even Stepparents Butted Heads With Ian's Mother
Even though before the cheating they welcomed Ian as a member of the family, I do think they would have hated his mother because I think she would be that judgemental pos who looked down on them for one reason or another. One of them being they were divorced even though it's implied she was a single mom and isn't one to judge. Zaria's parents and later stepparents had to walk around her in order to help their daughter/stepdaughter's relationship with Ian. I think both sides even knew she was a toxic control freak who was emotionally abusive towards him and tried to do everything in their power to give him a safe haven from her.
Frankly, she reminds me of Joann Bishop from As Told By Ginger who everyone knew as a toxic smother who constantly insulted and belittled everyone around her. Even though she had justified misgivings with Carl, she was still even mean to those like Ginger herself who had a lot of limits with her. And I think Zaria would have had limits with her as well. I think in a lot of ways like Dodie did Ian would have stood up for his mom and excuse her trash behavior.
Given that Zaria has autism I like to think she would have bigoted views about autistic children and wouldn't be afraid to say some nasty stuff about her traits. I could totally see her straight up saying how two divorced households could handle a child like Zaria. And if Ian's mom ever said it in front of Zaria's mom the shoes and the earrings would go off but for Ian sake she kept it in because again Ian needed all the support he could get and they both knew she could find an excuse to end their friendship. In my opinion, I do think Ian's mom would thought she was too immature for her son and make passive aggressive comments which Ian would try to excuse her for but still it stung when she made them. And again I think she would have thought Ian would have outgrown Zaria and found a more mature woman. Even after their long relationship she would always would find something to nitpick Zaria at because in her eyes her son shouldn't be saddled with a behaviorally disabled woman. As I could show, I really do think Ian's mother would be one of those abelistic pos people who believes tons of Autism Speak myths about autistic children.
I think that's why both sides felt betrayed by Ian's cheating because they put up with so much shit from his mother and tried to give him a haven to him that he goes and repays this by breaking Zaria's love and trust. They still would feel sorry for him when it comes to his mother, but they also won't make him feel welcomed anymore due to what he did and hope one day he realizes his mistakes and just tries to get away far from possible from his mother and doesn't excuse the she she does.
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Mother's Day With Zaria
When it comes to mother's day I think Zaria would go out with her mother, half-brother, and stepfather since they still live in town unlike her father, stepmother, and half-sister who are. I like to think they go out somewhere like a Steakhouse because this is Texas and they like their meat. Jack will be there of course just to see what his future half of his in laws is like which Zaria would roll his eyes. Jack would probably behave himself and I think the only tense thing is when they ask about Ian and how she's holding up. She would be quiet for a moment while Jack would comfort her while sulking.
I also think they would mention Ian tried calling them all to contact even her brother, Richard, which would piss her off because that would be a new low for Ian to try to get her brother involved in their break up. They all have him on block because collectively even though they long accepted Ian as a member of the family were betrayed when he cheated on Zaria and cut him out.
For her stepmother, I think she just calls her and orders a gift for her and texts her happy mother's day. If she does ever show up from out of the town with the other half she would go out with them on another day from her maternal side.
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