#sxf twilight week
rlbbackup · 10 months
Summary: The Seventh Sun and her brothers have been killed... leaving a child in the god of lies' care.
A prequel of sorts to "Beyond Sun and Moon" regarding Loid's past. Please mind the tags!
Written for Twilight Week Day 2 - Soldier by the lovely @twiyorbase
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pjs-everyday · 8 months
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10. Hugs 🩷🎉 // Twiyor Month @twiyorbase
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twiyorbase · 2 days
Twilight Week Second edition is here! 🕵️
Please, read the images to obtain information and leave your doubts in the comments.
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Spanish ver.
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cat-anime345678 · 2 years
Spoiler 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂
Loid as a fan content creator , a fanfiction writer
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poor father
Loid is now an animator
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astersugar · 4 months
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Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight
Spy x Family Rare Pair Week 2024
Day 1: Handcuffs
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myriad-of-things · 1 year
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yeah go girl!!!! give us nothing!!!!!!
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
The worst part of Nightfall's obsession with Twilight and taking over as the Forger Wife is that for a mission that revolves entirely around having a child, her plan to deal with Anya is to heavily abuse her into submission.
Twilight has had struggles with parenthood himself, but he's never actively mistreated or worked Anya to the bone, because even back when he was more open about his disdain for the mission he acknowledged she's just a child that needs to be nurtured for success to be possible. Meanwhile Nightfall can't even dig up that kind of compassion to accurately do the mission because she genuinely doesn't seem to think of Anya as a person, just as a tool that comes with the role she wants to be in.
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twixfamily · 1 year
ok but here’s the thing. twilight probably assumes that a REAL FATHER would run home to his REAL DAUGHTER after a near fatal hostage situation and shower her with affection… oh he HAS to give her a hug with yor there watching! what if someone asks what his reaction was and it isn’t convincing enough? operation strix could be compromised if he doesn’t react the right way!
so if we get any emotional reunion between the two of them i think he’ll use that as an excuse. of course i believe he wad genuinely worried about her safety (he left a mission early to help her!!) but there’s no way in hell he acknowledges those feelings to belong to twilight rather than loid
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wondrousmay · 1 year
*Manga Spoilers*
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I think it’s not a coincidence that Anya repeated Twilight’s noble goal of making a world where children don’t cry to Billy Squire. The parallels between Twilight and Billy stood out to me. Both were normal people who experienced the loss of their family because of the senseless violence of the state and were led by anger to do unspeakable and irredeemable things. Anya reminded them of what they were truly fighting for.
Anya’s cries made Twilight remembered why he became a spy in the first place. And his words remained in Anya’s mind for her to repeat it back to Billy. Billy wanted to take revenge against the state that murdered his daughter. He thought he was fighting for justice but was this what Biddy truly stood for? Did Biddy wanted her father to take innocent kids hostage in her name? Anya’s word and demeanor reminded Billy of his daughter and this made him realized that he was and still is a father. And in the end, he chose to be Biddy’s father and surrendered.
This brings me back to Twilight. He had a noble goal but after a decade of lying, cheating, manipulating and all the other immoral things he had to do, he got desensitized by everything around him. Anya reminded him of his goal as a spy which was the start of his journey to reclaim himself. I hope that one day, Anya will make Twilight realize that he can choose to be a father instead of just a spy.
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Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 82... You have been warned...! 👌
[Breathes in... 😤]
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OH MY GOD!!!! 😱 THIS CHAPTER!!!! 😵 THAT ENDING....!!!! 💀
Ummm... L-Let's reel it back s-shall we...? 👍
So uh, at the beginning of this chapter, Nightfall and Agent Mustache are still waiting for Wheeler to show up, but they suspect that something is off... Then, we cut back to the park where the last chapter ended and see Wheeler and The SSS confront one another on who is who... Wheeler tells them that his green tie and "yellow" gemstone pin should be enough to prove who he is, so the SSS agents go to confirm that information and well...:
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Which means the "Wheeler" at the park was Twilight all along...!! 😲
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And that got me thinking that maybe the "Wheeler" that went up to Yuri in the last chapter was actually Wheeler and not Twilight like I originally thought... But, I'm still not 100 percent sure...!! 😩
Moving on, before they could catch him, Twilight already had some traps ready to go in the park to make it easier for him to escape, but the SSS are still hot on his tail...
After that, we this...:
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I was like...:
YURI!! WHAT HAPPENED!? 😵 Don't tell me that Twilight knocked you out OFF SCREEN!!
But then, on the next page:
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Me: Never mind...! 😅
It turns out that Twilight disguised himself as Yuri to make a quick get away from the SSS...! Though speaking of Yuri, we see him and Scarface (I think that's what I call him from now on 😉) looking around for Twilight when Yuri notices a shoe print that looks like the bottom of his shoes, even though they just arrived in that area... Yuri finds that his imposter's foot prints lead to the sewers, and he goes in...
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...Without any backup...
And after saying that Twilight ruined the fun he had tailing Loid with Yor (which I thought was cute 😊), things...
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...take a...
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...HUGE TURN...!! 😱
But before the chapter ended, we cut back to Yor, and...:
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Oh my gosh THIS CHAPTER WAS AMAZING (AND VERY STRESSFUL...!! 😵) There were SO MANY crazy things that happened in this chapter and the fact that it was only 16 PAGES LONG, I just-- I am SO READY for the next chapter!!! 😆
One of the things that I loved the most about this chapter was near the end when Twilight (disguised as Yuri) attacks Yuri... After he swings the pipe and is about to shoot Yuri, Twilight hesitates... Which shows to me that even though Yuri is his enemy, he's also Yor's brother, and I don't think Twilight is gonna hurt him... So, I definitely think that Twilight is the only that's gonna be injured in the next chapter, but we'll have to wait and see (AND I REALLY WISH THAT WE DIDN'T HAVE TO WAIT...!! 😫)
So anyway, I'll y'all in the next mission...! Take care and be safe out there...!! And also...
That is all!! 😁 SEE Y'ALL LATER!! 👋😊
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rlbbackup · 4 months
SxF Rare Pair Week Day 3! - Bubble Bath
Agent Twilight has been working for several days straight.
When he finally comes home, he's barely able to stand on his feet. SO his partners help him.
Inspired by the lovely CreativWit and @juuyeah! Thank you dears ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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itsmaferart · 2 years
Twiyor parallelism 1 → Garden vs WISE
(Warning: Contains manga spoiler)
In my previous post do a couple of analysis of Twilight and Yor individually, detailing individual aspects of their personality and the conflict that raises each character in their background. Now, I want to develop an analysis that will be divided into several parts, about these characters at the point where they are similar and opposite to each other, and how their dynamics develop. I clarify, that this is based on the manga and my own point of view, being my own theories of what it means - but this can change, depending on the course that follows the manga that is in issue. That being said, let's get started!
Before being immersed in Twiyor. I will start by analyzing the respective organizations to which they both belong.
One of the oldest theory within the SxF fandom is the "battle between Twilight, the spy, and Thorn princess." The theory is based on Yor, who is someday assigned to Twilight, going to meet and have an epic battle, and Anya is the one who ends up stopping them, and that will end the story. "- In short, that's what the theory is based on. And most of the fandom is only debated by who would win the two. However, I think we really need to look at the probabilities of this happening:
What is the conflict?
Of course, part of the dynamics of the plot and subplots of the chapters is that the characters do not discover their identities, with Anya being the first to interfere to prevent this from happening. Since, this could lead to the Forger family disappearing.
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That's right Anya!, frogs can separate your family!
However, the Spy x Family plot consists of two conflicts. The dichotomy between peace/war and truth/lie. On the one hand, the context of the plot speaks of two countries Westalis and Ostania, which live on the verge of restarting a war conflict. Peace is only transitory, a cover built so that from the shadow people affiliated with the government of that country (or another) plan the war.
Meanwhile, the relationship of the protagonists - Forger Family - and most of the characters around them, is based on lies and truths. Each character hides their true identity, having a double life that no one but them (and Anya) knows. But, on the other hand, each character has a truth that motivates to preserve lies. Although the methods are "selfish," the purpose of each character (except for some) is noble. It is at this point that both central conflicts have an impact on each other.
Certainly, Twilight and Yor are the main ones. Both have dangerous jobs to hide from the world through lies.
Now, when we look at their work I really question if: WISE and Garden are enemies? —It is really difficult to have any concrete basis on this subject, considering that we know very little about Jardin. But I going to build on what little we have so far—
WISE vs Garden
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Franky tells Twilight that they suspect an informant was killed by one of Garden's killers. Surprisingly, Twilight looks surprised and asks if these weren't just an "urban legend"? And that half of his acts are mere rumors. Franky claims that everything is real, and that they "purge" the "traitors of the fatherland." Twilight quickly assumes that every government has unofficial "paramilitaries" who handle dirty work.
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Which I miss a lot, implying that Twilight/WISE is not fully aware of Garden as we thought. They know their existence, but do not look too concerned as if they were not a "direct threat to them." Twilight himself reacts very calmly.
If we are guided by the Twilight and Yor ages, we know that both organizations surely existed long before they joined. So so far there may not have been a forceful encounter between them as to consider them enemies —unlike SSS who are clear enemy of Westalis' spies. If what Franky says is totally true: It implies that Garden has its own goal, which may or may not interfere with them. These killers are also military personnel who protect an ideal, in order to protect Ostania. And perhaps, they can "be against war."
In the Twilight backstory, we discovered that smear campaigns play an important role in the war, as the people of Westalis say that Ostania started the war, and vice versa. Franky again plays the role of "informant" for the viewer. Making clear, everything is actually the fault of the rulers, and the inhabitants of both countries end up suffering the consequences.
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The director mentions that "People who see war as just another way to make a buck" ...Mentioning that it is a despicable act and that his country, Ostania, does not need this "type of people."
I wouldn't know if this is a thought of his own, or if this is the aim of Garden. But, considering that Yor also yearns for a "peaceful life," I will assume that this is something Garden practices as a doctrine.
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The methods of the killers in the Garden may not be ethical, but we could say that they are those who think of fighting "fire against fire." Fighting the enemy with their same methods, so there are hitmen who only manage for money, while they for seemingly noble reasons.
In the same cruise bow there is an example of how the "black market" helped feed people who lost everything to war. The shopkeeper mentions that there is a family that worked hard to make the underworld run "honorably"
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There is mention of a man who took over this organization. This man looks a lot like the same man who was in the Anya and Bond experiments. Coincidence? I do not believe it
It is here that I see a little difficult for Garden to assign Thron Princess to kill Twilight, as a casual plea, similar to her other victims. If that were the case, long ago this would have happened, and surely there would be a huge reward for the spy's head. Otherwise with the SSS, if you have been looking for it for some time.
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Yuri mentions "someone who doesn't look his age." —Twilight lied about his age in the army, so they must have little information about him.
My impressions are:
Honestly, I doubt that at the current point WISE and Garden are really enemies, so I doubt that there is any interest in destroying each other, so I see it as very difficult for these two organizations to have any intention of crossing. Indirectly, I think both sides want to avoid war, either to "preserve peace" or to "protect their own ideals and interests."
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So I don't see an interest in sending their deadliest weapons into combat → Since their interest is not to stop espionage or internal purging forces. Both organizations strive to maintain control
The only way I see this possible is for a very catastrophic event to occur, where one side is incriminating in the eyes of the other.
However, I do not rule out the possibility of a meeting: There is a possibility that WISE will be framed or harmed in an event, that the Ostanian intelligence forces will end up blaming as part of a plan. Forcing the SSS and Garden to take action
But will Twilight and Thorn Princess really be able to fight by discovering each other? After all that has happened.... The impact that the truth can have for them can be so difficult that I really doubt that they can assimilate it
But I will leave this for the next analysis. I hope you enjoyed it!
What is your opinion?
You can read here the next part
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embodimentofwtf · 11 months
Give me your best conon compliant TwiYor fic recs
Or else I will make the demon under my bed suck on your toes when you sleep tonight.
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twiyorbase · 1 year
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This hasn't moved much in the last few weeks, but I'm back with a bit of news.
1-#TwilightWeek is coming!
2-#TwiYorMonth is happening! More information will be announced in August.
3- We could have a couple of micro-events very soon.
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cat-anime345678 · 2 years
Anya's reaction 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Loid face
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Poor yor , she is so stress out and panicked that she turned into spider man
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Best boy bond
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astersugar · 6 months
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help im in love,,,
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