#sxilors ocs
sxilor-1010 · 5 months
I gained confidence and a bit of inspiration from @thatpaperdoll's OC post, so here's info about my Ghostbusters OC Selena Autumnwood!
Name: Selena Autumnwood
Age: 29 (GB 1), 34 (GB 2), N/A (Disappears in GB AL & Frozen Empire)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Occupation: Bookstore Owner / Witch (GB 1), Bookstore Owner / Witch / Guardian Angel (GB2), Guardian Angel (GB AL), N/A (GB FE)
Face Claim: Zoey Deutch and Picrew.
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Personality: Selena is a lively and sunny woman with an emotional heart deep down her soul, attributes that make up a guardian angel. However, despite those good traits she can come off as naive or even airheaded which is one of the reasons why she came to Earth. Despite these flaws, Selena was very curious and steadfast to understand humans and how society functioned. Her first few months were a bit tricky and had almost revealed her identity, but she's managed to keep it on the downlow. When it comes to bad situations, Selena can often become empathetic and cry to herself (as a way to not have people worry), which often leads to her kindness becoming vunerable.
Facts & Trivia:
- Being a guardian angel means she has omniscience knowledge of everything in the universe, but Selena rarely uses this as she prefers learning things on her own.
- She chose to become a bookstore owner and a witch due to her love of reading and as a way to explain her 'magic' on Earth. Later on she ends up getting a side job working at Ray's Occult Bookstore.
- She owns a black persian cat with orange eyes named Midnight who is very sassy at first.
- The reason why Selana came to Earth was part of an angelic contract she signed. Said contract is guardian watch over Earth with being attached to a person as a bonus. (Can y'all guess which person she guarded?)
- While she does not interfere with business regarding the Ghostbusters, she has handled some of their more nastier work (Demons and such) given her job. It always left the Ghostbusters wondering who was helping.
- Selena ended up revealing her secret to the Ghostbusters long after she became close with them (and because Egon had a high suspicion given a quick scan shows PKE levels off the charts. They are the first humans to ever know her true secret, and Egon being the first human she fell in love with.
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kariachi · 1 year
Some commissionwork! 1900 words of OC goodness for @sxilor-1010!
“So, what do you think it is?”
The twins had bolted from their father’s room as soon as they’d realized they had a new and curious Thing to investigate, too excited to think to act inconspicuous until they were nearly to their bedroom. Thankfully, nobody had been there to see the stuttering switch from a full run to a totally non-suspicious meander as they went inside and shut the door. Almost they’d considered locking it, before deciding their family would probably have more questions if they tried the door and it was locked than if they looked inside and found them hiding something.
You could bluff why you were hiding something, but doors didn’t really get locked around their household. Hence the situation at hand.
“I don’t know,” Scorch said, half-leaning over Ignus’s shoulder as he turned the strange piece over and over in his hands. It was an odd, irregular shape, a single curve and many straight edges with sharp corners, with a mulberry crescent moon stood out against the blackness of it.
“It has to be something cool, for Papa to be keeping it in his room.”
“I mean, Papa does keep a lot of boring stuff too. Like paperwork,” Scorch pointed out.
“Yeah, but those are in his office, this was in his room,” Ignus countered, shaking his head. “He doesn’t keep just anything in there.”
“He might, we don’t know.” Ignus rolled his eyes.
“He probably doesn’t keep just anything in there,” he said. “I bet he got it off some nightmare monster or something.”
“Or-” You could see the possibilities sinking into Scorch’s mind as he picked up his brother’s train of thought. “-maybe it’s some sort of ancient artifact.”
“Or maybe it’s an amulet of power!” Scorch’s face twisted a bit at the idea, even as Ignus nearly vibrated with the possibilities, and he eyed the piece closer.
“It doesn’t look like an amulet. The shape’s all wrong, and it’s not on a cord or anything.”
“So, maybe that’s why Papa doesn’t wear it or anything, because it’s weird.” That seemed, reasonably sensible. Rolling all these thoughts and ideas in his head, Scorch pulled away and stood up off the bed.
“Come on,” he said, “I think we’ve got a book we can use.”
One’s sister being a bookworm by nature can lead to many issues, especially when one needs to access the library while not letting people know what they’re up to. After all, the twins had broken the rule to not go into their father’s room, and had taken something they’d decided was valuable at that. It wasn’t as if they could just walk up and risk her seeing what they had on them. And so, they had been forced to lay in wait for her to leave before bolting inside.
They had to be quick.
The shelf with the spellbooks they could probably have gotten to via muscle memory, between their studies and their use of the ones on the lower shelves in some of their pranks. They skidded to a stop at the foot of it, and Scorch immediately raised up on his tiptoes and stretched to reach the top shelf. Technically, those were the books they weren’t supposed to have access to- their mother had once mentioned rearranging that shelf once Crane was old enough to get into things- but they’d seen other members of the family working with them. Knew, to some extent, what was inside.
“I’ll hold the shelf,” Ignus whispered as it became apparent they were simply too short to reach on their own, and they couldn’t rely on time to drag over a chair or something and put it back after, “you climb.” Scorch looked at him questioningly, but nodded, waiting for Ignus to put his weight and strength against the piece of furniture before he climbed up a few levels. Only just far enough to grab the book they were looking for before jumping back to the ground. He waved it with a grin his brother matched.
They dashed out of the library before catching themselves and meandering back to their room.
Five. They went through five different identification spells and got nothing. Worse, they couldn’t be sure whether it was that the piece couldn’t be identified with the spells they had at hand, or if they weren’t doing the unfamiliar magic right.
Just in case, they tried each spell multiple times. Alone. Together. Changing little bits up. Enunciating as much as they possibly could. Everything and anything.
Still nothing.
“Okay,” Scorch said, setting the book aside with finality, “we’ve got to try something else.”
“Yeah.” Ignus nodded as he spoke. “If I look at another spell I’m going to go cross-eyed.” With a sigh he leaned back enough to flop across Scorch’s bed. “Maybe it’s one of those things where if you get it hot it does something?”
“That sounds, kinda risky..” Scorch said tentatively.
“We don’t have to light it on fire or anything, just get it close enough to warm up. Like with a candle.” With a quiet hum, Scorch considered this, then tossed the piece to Ignus.
“It’s worth a try.”
The fire didn’t do anything to the piece and that is all that will be said of that incident. Nothing important was damaged, nobody noticed, it’s fine.
(“If Mama asks, we don’t know where this shirt went, and aren’t even sure I ever owned it, okay?” Watching as his twin shoved the wadded-up mass of cloth under his bed to be disposed of at a later date, Ignus nodded along.
“I’ve never seen it before in my life. She’s probably mixing it up with one of your other shirts, or maybe something Big Brother used to own.” Crawling back out from under the bed, Scorch threw him a grin.
They spent the next good while working on the solving of the mystery. If circumstances had been different mayhaps they would have given up after the fire, or at least gone to one of their elder siblings for help, but no. For one, there was no way their siblings wouldn’t have concerns about the matter if they found out. Best case scenario: they took the piece away as something potentially dangerous. Worst case scenario: They told their parents. As such, the two of them continued to keep matters to themselves.
They would try some new idea to get this mysterious piece to do something, it would fail, and they would try another.
Putting it on a cord and trying to use it as a divining object. Nothing.
Sitting there, wracking their brains for any odd things around the estate it could maybe serve as a key for. Not a clue.
Saying random spells and magical phrasings at it. Didn’t do a thing.
Doing a stone rubbing? Revealed jack all.
Holding it up to a mirror? May as well not have happened at all.
Failure got tiring after a point, and getting called away started to feel like a relief, favorite meal or no.
Dinner that evening was, an experience.
“Really? Really?”
“What was I supposed to say, ‘we took something from Papa’s room and have been trying to figure it out’? We needed some sort've lie!”
“You didn’t have to build on it!” Shaking his head, Scorch knelt to grab the piece out from under Ignus’s bed.
“I’m sorry, Mama asked and I panicked.”
“I’m not helping you this time. It’s our birthday, we shouldn’t be giving presents.”
“You say that now, but you haven’t abandoned me yet,” Ignus said, sitting on Scorch’s bed and patting the spot beside him until his twin came and sat in it. “Anyway, you have to admit it worked.”
“Yeah,” Scorch sighed. “If Big Sister asks what book exactly we got the idea from-”
“We’ll say we borrowed it from a friend a while back, can’t remember the name. Right now though, we still need to figure out what this thing does!” Though Scorch didn’t pop right back into excitement like his brother, he still smiled as he turned the piece over in his hand.
“So, identification spells didn’t work,” he said, “neither did fire, putting it up to a mirror didn’t do anything…” Humming, he tapped a crooked finger against his mouth. “I think there’s some things that do stuff when you put them in water- like stuff from dragons and sea monsters and things. We could try that?” Ignus grinned.
“To the bathroom then,” he said, shoving off the bed. “A full sink should work, right?” The enthusiasm was contagious, and all brotherly squabbles fell to the wayside as Scorch followed after him.
“I think so. As long as we can get it fully submerged.”
One ear each on the hallway, the pair stared into the sink. It was full as they could get it, with the piece sat, precariously and off-kilter, in the vicinity of the bottom. They had been stood there for about four minutes. The piece had done nothing.
“I was honestly really hoping on this one,” Scorch said. “I mean, the moon is associated with water, it would’ve made sense.” Ignus turned a look on him- not upset, but questioning.
“Why didn’t we try earlier if that’s, a thing?”
“I only thought of it while we were filling the sink. It made so much sense…” Heaving a sigh, Ignus nodded along beside him.
“Well, that’s a wash then,” he said, then gave a little laugh at his own pun. “Maybe it has to be outside? Like, under the moon and in water?” With a sigh of his own, Scorch reached in and grabbed the piece out, almost going to dry it on his shirt before he thought better and grabbed a towel.
“It’s worth a shot. Can’t hurt, right?”
Every manor that had ever existed had a pond somewhere, and when you lived there it wasn’t hard to find. Yes, when you were a pair of young boys trying to keep a secret you still had to sit back and impatiently wait for everyone to head back to their rooms so you could sneak out to it, but still. It was there, they could’ve found it with their eyes closed, and they even managed not just climb out a window out of pure pent-up energy and enthusiasm.
Ignus slipped the piece into the water, watching it vanish in the darkness, and the pair waited with bated breath.
Heaved a sigh in unison.
“Okay, I think we can say water is out now,” Scorch said, nearly whined, as his brother rolled up his sleeves and set to feeling around the edge of the pond for the piece. If they lost it there they really would be in trouble. Huffing as he pulled it from the muck and water, Ignus accepted the towel Scorch handed him and set to cleaning the piece and himself off. For a long while they simply sat there at the edge of the pond in silence, each’s face screwed up in thought.
“I’m out of ideas,” Ignus said, swallowing back a yawn and glaring at the piece like it had caused it. Scorch didn’t bother hiding his own. Magic and excitement were tiring things, and they’d been swamped in them.
“It’s getting late,” he reasoned. “We’ll think better in the morning.” Ignus sighed, still glaring at the piece, but eventually nodded. Together, the two of them returned to their feet and turned, dejected, to sneak back inside.
Tomorrow then, surely, they would figure this strange item out.
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sxilor-1010 · 10 months
Laws of Robotics in a nutshell:
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sxilor-1010 · 2 months
Thinking about the fact that Pancakes doesn't really understand why Sebastian is sometimes mean to her.
The giant fish hybrid makes comments about how small he remembered her, how her creator treated it with compassion and love, nothing he ever got during his experimentation.
Pancakes' memories are fuzzy after the Blacksite Lockdown, not being able to remember them or their name, but that's why she was trying to find them.
So... did Sebastian know its caretaker personally? And if he did...
Why is he mean to her instead?
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sxilor-1010 · 1 year
tfw i'm thinking abt my ultrakill oc and gabriel,,,,
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sxilor-1010 · 1 year
Here's a little something special I've been working on for The Orthos Family blog. The beginning of the bigger picture I got in store :)
Narration - @jakethevoice
Art - @InfernalJade Characters - Me / @theorthosfamily
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sxilor-1010 · 1 year
I promised I'd show off my beeg Halloween oc family, so that's what this post is about. All the art was done by my buddy @InfernalJade on Twitter and Newgrounds, please go check her out.
Other than that, here is my biggest group of OCs I have. Update (4-8-23): Added their respective voice claims! Please check for the latest reblog to watch. Update (8-6-23): Renovated the sypnosis and character descriptions so they're better written! Please take your time rereading :) Update (9-4-23): Made an Introduction video for the blog, please watch that first here before reading about each characters!
Within our world lies many tales, and in those tales lay legends told throughout history. Tales of trolls and true love, cautionary tales for children and the childish, and stories of the supernatural and superstitious. All of these fables were recorded over the years by many different people over many decades.
But that’s only to the people of Earth and the Dead. Beyond both planes lies a third realm, one where the Autumn Equinox rules forever. The days and nights are never too cool or hot, and a place full of humans and creatures of myth. This realm is Samhvilia, and it is the home of a wealthy family known as The Orthos Family.
The Orthos Family has been around for generations, and have been seen as high royalty to many in Samhvilia. It is here that The Orthos Family are keepers of deep knowledge. Books of lost history and much more from Earth are found and polished for Samhvilia to read. Whatever kind of book you wish to find, The Orthos Family will have it somewhere within their library filled walls. Not only that, but they’re the family that holds the Power of the Autumn Haunt (Halloween). Without it, Halloween would’ve been lost to time long ago.
But… even if they hold much knowledge from past decades, there is one story that remains untouched, untold by time. There is more to The Orthos Family than what everyone sees, and when two of the youngest sons in the family find a piece of an unsolved puzzle, they discover there is more to the Family and Samhvilia than anyone would ever thought.  Join the children of The Orthos Family, as they embark on a journey of mystery. To understand a rabbit hole of untold history, and the true powers of the Autumn Haunt and those after it.
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Founded by the Patriarch Samhe (Saw-way) Orthos, The old turnip has lived through much history and hell that he's grown tired over these last generations. He's often reserved to himself, but his cold and what feels like emotionless attitude can make the hairs of anyone who sees him stand up instantly.
He's not used to the world and how much it's changed, even outside of Samhvilia. His personality is that of a strict father, a tough and cold attitude to show he means business. In his spare time, Samhe likes writing in his room or reading a gothic book to himself.
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Following Samhe is the Matriarch of the clan, Willo Orthos, A rutabaga headed nature spirit. She's somewhat similar to Samhe in terms of a strict parent, but she doesn't come off as cold or emotionless like he does. In fact, she's quite the opposite. Willo takes happiness in ger role as a matriarch and mother, teaching her children lessons for them to use as they grow older, and even offer a helping hand to those in need.
She has a few degrees in spell making, culinary alchemy, and party arrangements. Other than that, Willo is loved by her family and even by some other children. A kind mother despite being uncanny.
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Moving from Samhe and Willo now comes the children. The first son of the family, Crane Orthos is the eldest of The Orthos Family children. He was raised by Samhe under a golden child influence, which developed his personality into that of pride an arrogance.
There are days where he's selfish, yet this doesn't mean Crane is completely heartless. He cares deep down for those close to him, whether it'd be his family or close friends (assuming he even has any friends). In his spare time, Crane likes to practice his sword fighting skills alongside writing down stuff in his private journal.
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The next child of the Orthos Family is Hallows Orthos, the second oldest son in the family. Hallows' personality is described as charming and energetic, an optimistic go getter who loves playing tricks and pranks and having fun. He is also close to Crane, despite Crane having slight jealousy towards Hallows for being the Spirit of Halloween.
He doesn't care too much for his family's history archiving tradition, but rather he embraces the Autumn Haunt every single day. He is the Spirit of Halloween afterall, so to keep such a title and power is important. Otherwise Halloween as a holiday would've been nonexistent long ago. When he's not playing tricks or gobbling down bowls full of candy, Hallows loves playing around with his younger brothers and visiting Earth from time to time.
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Next is the adopted daughter of the Orthos Family, Batile orthos is a vampire bat fairy who hailed from a different part of Samhvilia before she became a foster child. In the family, she's the older sister. It's unknown whatever happened to her previous family, but Batile doesn't remember. She's quiet, sassy, and a reserved bookworm who, like an actual bat, spends time hanging from ceilings reading or sleeping.
She's often the medium between Hallows and Crane whenever they argue, the older sister to keep Ignus and Scorch from making bad decisions, and her relationship with Willo by learning magic and feeling like she's a part of the family. In her free time, Batile likes to read magic books to help furbish and even improve her magic skills.
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Finally, we have Ignus and Scorch Orthos, the younger twin brothers of the Orthos Family. Ignus is the one in the orange sweater vest, while Scorch is the one in black. Ignus and Scorch's behavior and age are equivalent to that of tweens, ones who love to play tricks and find new adventures wherever they go. They can be a bit dumbfounded, and even comedic, but both twins stick together even when things get dark.
Ignus is described as adventurous and mischievous, while Scorch is smart and cautious. Together, these two like to cause hijinks wherever they are, and they also have a great relationship with Hallows.
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Binded by flesh and soul; We, The Orthos Clan, dedicate to the archives of this world.
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sxilor-1010 · 11 months
He is forming.
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sxilor-1010 · 10 months
One of the things I enjoy about TFA Emilyn is that she's able to be on the scene first to get pictures and live information unlike Sumdac's camera bots who often come after the situation is dealt with.
She's quick on her feet (literally because she wears special skate boots that help her move around fast) to get a story and the gist even in risk of her own life, and even in the face of danger she'll save some people or get anyone out of the scene to avoid further injury or fatalities.
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sxilor-1010 · 1 year
tfw you wanna write a fanfic featuring two of your favorite hyperfixations even if they have no correlation to each other
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sxilor-1010 · 5 months
Thinking about Selena and Egon's relationship and how tooth achingly fluffy soft it is................ 💚💜 /vpos
There's moments where the two would read together in silence at Ray's bookstore, or Egon teaching Selena some cool science and earth things because she's a guardian angel—
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sxilor-1010 · 1 year
At this point, everytime I think back to my crystal candy ship in Ben 10 (Tetrax x my OC Nova), I realize its practically just selfshipping since Nova's technically a self insert in the Ben 10 universe-
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sxilor-1010 · 1 year
tried doing a screenshot redraw from the Danganronpa anime with my oc Kikomiwa Unmeishiro, the Ultimate Siren and I gotta say for somebody who knows jack shit about shading I think I did a good job?
There's some detail errors since I'm still trying to work out her redesign, but overall I like how this came out. (Now if only I could edit Nagito in there– ;-;)
redraw on the left, original screenshot on the right
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sxilor-1010 · 1 year
A small introduction to my Danganronpa OC: Kikomiwa Unmeishiro, The Ultimate Siren.
Originally born to a poor family, Kikomiwa Unmeishiro was the most "beautiful" one in the family, according to her mother. With her grey colored eyes and her naturally smooth black hair, she was a beauty. But what came of her beauty also came at a strange... price.
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For some strange reason, Kikomiwa's physical beauty wasn't the only thing that was apparent. Her voice, whether speaking or singing, had an effect on the human brain that would trigger the reward centers and "hypnotize" people. Everytime she spoke, boys and girls would flock to where she was and admire her as if they were hypnotized to do so the moment she spoke.
This frightened Kikomiwa growing up, and it was bad enough that she had to stop school entirely. No matter what she spoke, men would flock to her and treat her like an idol when she never wanted the attention like this. To her, it was a curse.
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But to her parents, this was an opportunity, a greedy one at that.
Because Kikomiwa's voice had an effect of luring people to worship and adore her, her mother and father took advantage of Kikomiwa's voice and forced her into the idol industry. She became a beloved singer, loved by all, yet her parents knew it wasn't enough. She was forced to sing and sing, perform and perform constantly, not to mention keeping up with her "fans" and making sure they get noticed.
All of it eventually blew over after Kikomiwa's last performance was big enough to reach chart tops, but not big enough to claim first, who at the time belonged to Sayaka Maizono. Her parents were selfish, and they kicked Kikomiwa out with nowhere for her to go. She was offered help by her fans, but she didn't want help from the people who ruined her life. Her family, her fans, everyone.
After a while of living on the streets, Kikomiwa was eventually scouted and taken into Hopes Peak High. Kiko remains silent, refusing to talk or even sing around anyone out of fear that a repeat of her entire career will happen again. All she wants is someone to call a true friend, to find somebody who will love her for who she truly is rather than her beauty.
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sxilor-1010 · 1 year
tfw I remember I have a danganronpa oc I used to ship with Nagito and no amount of old 2010's cringe can hold me back from doing it again–
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sxilor-1010 · 1 year
With the Orthos Family, they live in a big halloween like town named Samhvilia and there's a lot of spooky / halloween creatures living in it-
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