malefacere · 3 years
@the-sxrpent​:  ♡♡♡♡ @arscarrietia:  ♡ yEETS IT AT YOUR FACE @kanaphs:  y'all mind if I ♡♡♡♡♡ @laplacemail:  ♡ ! @etherux:  ♡!!! @hartblooms:  ♡♡♡♡♡ x 27672 times am i late i hope not!!! @niaevum:   ♡♡♡ @enoqian:  ♡♡♡ !! of course of course !! c: @petalsechoes:  ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡!!!
IF YOU LIKE MY BLOG, SEND ME "♡" || accepting
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Compiling you all onto a single post because HOLEY MOLEY that’s a lot of you.  I feel so incredibly loved & honored that you all feel this way.  Genuinely, from the little ooc posts I do & the interaction I get on them to stuff like this, you guys always make me feel so welcome.  Coming back to this blog, no matter how long, feels like home to me.  It reminds me that the world is filled with love & warmth & truly makes me happy. Some of you may know that this past year has been ROUGH for me.  From people being cruel to IRL being a mess I won’t go into the details of.  But it almost made me quit completely.  Belial as a whole was almost ruined for me bc of some individuals in my life.  So a massive heartfelt thank you for digging me out of my little hole & making my days just that much brighter & reminding me why I write & love this awful idiot Primal. Thank you for giving me the strength to take another step.  It means more to me than I can express with words.
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elevatumtactica · 3 years
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She just recently bought tickets to Disneyland,the whole crew was going with them and some of her family as well just being her brother Morgan and Owain. Already she knew that her cousin was going to bother Belial throughout the day they were going to meet up with them later.So now they were in the park meeting with the princesses including the princes which excited Kore with Gran and Lyria dragging Sandalophon that left Lucio and Lucifer to join them since they holding onto her hands walking with her while she was walking together as they got in line to meet Belle then after they were going on some rides.During their wait Aladdin and Peter Pan to greet Kore and even invited her to play sometime both characters also kissed her cheek doing the same to Lucina while Lucio was taking the pictures.
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toestalucia · 3 years
"Tell 'baby wings' if he wants to throw down I'll be down but you know who else I'll be down on?" Yes him. "It's so funny to see him pissed off even Ursula's wings are bigger than his."
   And as per always comes the grimace at his choice of words, and, as they often are, they are ignored. " But they're cute ", they add, their hands held up in front of them to kind of mimic the wings moving (even if Gran had never actually seen them used in any way). " Don't make fun of him ", said the hypocrite, " he's already too pretty, imagine his ego if his wings didn't look like that ", although, wouldn't some say Lucio's looks contrasted by the toy-looking wings was a charm point? Maybe they'd have to ask Altair about that one...
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desusstella · 3 years
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“Thanks to you everyone started calling me “babywings”I hate you so much right now.”
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@the-sxrpent​ liked for a starter
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“Who are you? You shouldn’t be here in the adeptal realm. Mortals aren’t capable of handling the energy here.”
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caeruleis · 4 years
@the-sxrpent​ (Plotted Stater)
    Slender fingers brushed absentmindedly through rose-tinted locks. A soft smile stretched upon pink lips as she watched the crew go about their day. Though not truly a member of their growing ranks, she stopped in rather often to check on Europa and bring word to Michael on how their newly appointed, but endlessly stubborn Supreme Primarch was faring with his newfound responsibilities and powers. Admittedly, as his adjunct, Michael should be the one to check in on him - she did, of course, from time to time, but they were both hot headed by nature and, as a result, it seemed they often got sidetracked. A shame, when they were so similar to one another. But she supposes it’s to be expected and, with time, she’s certain they will get along swimmingly. Then again, she does enjoy checking in on the crew in order to have an excuse to pester Cagliostro about her research and life in general. She had a soft spot for the alchemist, and she was rather adorable when flustered. 
      Alas, she doesn’t find herself in the company of any one of them. Sandalphon and Europa, well, she’s not entirely certain what they’re doing, but she suspects they’ve both been tricked by the Singularity into doing something outrageous that has been thrust onto them as some strange Skydweller custom. And, oh, she did enjoy watching them struggle to adjust. Having frequently lived amongst mortals throughout her life, she had a greater understanding of them than most of the archangels, and she couldn’t stop herself from finding their fascination and clumsy manner endearing. Cagliostro, on the other hand, was apparently out in pursuit of supplies, leaving her to enjoy a cup of tea, that she supposed should be coffee to honor both Supreme Primarchs, by herself. 
      Or rather, she perhaps, would have preferred had she been entirely alone. Europa had informed her that Belial had been allowed to join the crew and, in place of Michael who’s history with the former adjunct was less than flavorful and who she doubted could retain her level-headedness when confronted by the sight of that man, she had come to observe him with her natural, almost serene calm and endless grace that sheltered far more sinister thoughts circling within her head that failed to show on her visage. The Singularity was free to do with their crew as they wished, but this was, truly, toeing the line and she has a difficult time reasoning out how they had convinced Sandalphon to allow it to happen. Ah, but he is the archangel of cunning, she supposed she shouldn’t underestimate his ability to persuade others, but she can be rather devious herself. 
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      Right leg crossed over her left where she sits, smile never wavering upon her features when she finally spots the fallen from where she sat upon the railing of the ship - delicate cup with a distinctly herbal scent held within her hand. “Oh, Belial, I was hoping you might be able to join me for a moment.” Her voice betrays not a hint of hostility - the same soothing tone she uses on the rest of the crew; the one that left little room for argument despite its gentle nature. “I’ve been told you recently become a member of the crew, though I’m not one myself, I would like yo extend my congratulations. On behalf of my fellow Primarchs, I hope you are faring well and aren’t fighting too much with our dear Sandy or my beloved student.”  
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aaetherius · 4 years
@the-sxrpent​ || Continued from here. 
   He had never never intended to disturb Belial. He’d only been passing by the other’s room on his way to the cafe - the dead of night might have been a rather strange time to make coffee, but in all the years he had spent in Canaan he had never slept once. Now he found it difficult to near impossible depending on the day, to close his eyes against the starry sky, even when the rest of the crew had long since turned in. Mindlessly brewing a cup of coffee against the hum of the ship’s engine and the quiet cackle of the wind had become a routine of his by now. The familiar, repetitive nature of the task was both soothing and mind numbingly simple. But he never did make it to the cafe that night. Silver lashes bogged down by heavy eyelids obscured hazy eyes that just barely notice that the door to Belial’s room is slightly cracked, and he swallows the yawn that threatens to creep up from his throat as he makes his way over to it. Exhaustion clings to his features as he reaches out to grasp the knob with the intention of pulling the door shut in case the fallen was asleep.
      But fingers still against frigid metal when he hears the other’s voice tear through the thin walls of the ship. The door rattles slightly against his palm as those shouts echo out into the otherwise empty hallway. He can make out the words clear as the sun on a balmy summer afternoon, and his back goes rigid. He hadn’t always been privy Lucilius’s whims, though he was often more aware than most of how the gears turned in the Astral’s mind. and he, certainly, knew precious little about the extent of Belial’s relationship with their creator aside from what it was at face value. But he still feels a chill run dow his spine, and he can’t bring himself to simply let the other be, so he gingerly pushes open the door and steps inside, drawing it shut behind him to drown out the sound of the fallen’s cries so others will be none the wiser to his turmoil. 
      “Belial.” His voice is soft, little more than a whisper as it escapes his lips, but falls dreadfully short - drowned out by the other’s fitful shouting, and he realizes the fallen is asleep. That he’s dreaming. Though he supposes the more appropriate term would be nightmare. He makes his way over to where Belial sleeps, boots silent even as they move across the floor. Shimmering wings tucked tightly behind his back to muffle the sound of rustling feathers when the wind strikes them. He’s well aware he shouldn’t be here - well aware of the fact that the ones he’s cursing is both himself and their former master, even if he’s not mentioned by name there’s little doubt in his mind. Perhaps, at one time, he had been perfect in the eyes of their creator, but he had never been so flawless despite how the other archangels had viewed him. He and Belial had been created at the same time, yet the archangel of cunning had never received the same treatment as he had. 
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        He reaches out a hand to shake the other awake when his voice seems to fail - lodged somewhere between his dry throat and core that aches in sympathy, but it falls shot when Belial seems to startle himself awake. Slender fingers left lingering in the chilled air between them as his gaze flickers over to the other’s face. An apologetic look slipping onto his features as if he’s been caught doing something terribly wrong and, truthfully he has, he shouldn’t have entered in the first place. “Forgive me, Belial,” he begins, and his tongue tastes stale. The words stick to the roof of his mouth as they’re spoken. Voice a strained whisper. “Your door was open, and I heard you...” He would rather be honest. “I was concerned for your well-being. It was not my intention to pry.” He hangs his head down. White locks brushing against tired eyelids. “Would you like for me to leave?” Despite his words, his feet remain firmly planted on the ground.     
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heroesofvalor · 3 years
starter - @the-sxrpent​
Right when it is all over and Ilsa finally takes a break and ease her stress from the Society’s previous mission op on rescuing Cassius and stopping the moondwellers, she’s around at town, looking for a place to chillax and eat some ice cream.
But she met someone that is either on Gran’s side or Djeeta’s. He seemed familiar but she barely never remembered him.
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“Your aura’s kinda familiar. Are you now one of Gran or Djeeta’s ally by chance? Unless i’m wrong.” In fact, who was ‘Singularity’ to him which she won’t bother. 
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djodditty · 4 years
@the-sxrpent​ replied to your post: Put “stay with me tonight” in my inbox for my...
He nodded he was feeling very..emotional right now as if he wants to burst
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“I’ll make it quick ok?” With that she left his room to run down and change into something to wear for bed. 
When she came back she just wear a simple tunic and shorts. “Do you want to go ahead and lay down and just cuddle for a bit?” Djeeta was no mind reader, she wasn’t even close to being a genius, but she could tell something was wrong with the primarch.
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vigilantevesperia · 4 years
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“Heh  as long as you don’t teach them about somethings you say. I doubt the captain would like  thatt.”
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elevatumtactica · 3 years
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Today was special day for them,it was their wedding day.It was what they been planning for a long time now it’s here the planners did a good job.Everyone was here including her father he made adjustments to her dress and he left her to join Morgan in the chairs as the other guests started coming in.Kore was already excited to walk down the aisle leading her Mother to her father who’s waiting for her. Since her father was stubborn Robin her mother offered to walk her down the aisle and give her away to her Belial the ceremony hasn’t begun yet her father was already crying.
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toestalucia · 2 years
"Oi Gran, check out my lovely soft long bunny." He smiled pulling it out it looks just like Belial well kind of. "I ask them to make one of you so we can hold hands together." Nothing lewd about hand holding now is there?
"I was curious Sandy has one for himself so i had to see where he got it from and it was from some Harvins." He cant wait to see the little angel's reaction that he has a bunny as well.
   Gaze curiously focused on the object in his hands, eyeing it for a second before reaching out to grab it from him for further inspection. Huh, wasn't that kind of cute... The long arms and legs, the ears, the soft fabric... Belial was talking and Gran was registering none of it, too busy squeezing the hands and face of the bunny. Katalina and Ryan would adore something like this, wouldn't they? Their love for plushies and soft things the first thing they thought of when holding it.
   Then, there's the mention of Sandalphon and how they were made, and Gran's interest in the conversation reignites. " There's more of them ? " just as soft and cute as this one? That sounded nice...maybe Gran could get one for Lyria and Vyrn too...
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desusstella · 3 years
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“I don’t suppose this is what the skydwellers call being hit on.”He blinked from what the fallen had said about a more inappropiate pickup line which wasn’t for the children to hear.He knew the fallen angel well enough that he actually meant it or was joking around like always he couldn’t tell.”You do know the children are around you should save it for someone special.”
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starter - @the-sxrpent​
Just Bonnie in a regular basis of hunting monsters with involving cash and she just noticed this handsome man. He doesn’t look like a Darkstalker or a Dark Hunter but she seemed impress of his fashion, somehow. She’s not even paying attention on where she is because this isn’t Majigen.
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“Are you some kind of an angel? Your taste in fashion seemed top-notch!” She can’t help but to be in awe.
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caeruleis · 4 years
@the-sxrpent​ (Plotted Starter)
    He’s had plenty of bad ideas throughout his short lifetime (this would be among them). One could argue that allowing the fallen angel to join their crew in the first place was one of them. And, sure, some of the other members weren’t all that thrilled to have Belial aboard, but that wasn’t, at this exact moment in time, his problem. Right now, his problem was that the other didn’t quite fit into the crew, or rather, spent too much time on his own. Quite possibly for lack of a better choice, but that’s where he came in. So long as he was Captain of this ship and the ragtag crew he had collected, no one was going to spend their time without him in their hair. At least until they moved onto sticking to someone else. The usual, he assumes - people come and go constantly. There’s nothing in his life that chooses to remain for long, and he can’t bring himself to blame anyone for realizing they have bigger and better things to do, even if it eats away at him. But he dismisses the thought with a firm shake of his head - light, brown locks tumbling in front of his youthful features with the motion and tickling the tips of his ears where they brush. 
      He purses his lips to hide the grin that begins to nudge at the corners of his lips when he spots the fallen - alone, perfect, just how he had planned it. Belial might have earned the title ‘archangel of cunning’ but he could be pretty cunning himself - or well, he thought he could be. The weight of the ballon balanced in his palm as he peered around the corner at the hopefully unsuspecting man made him think he was pretty cunning. Magic-kissed fingers press against the slick latex, and he can feel the water swish around inside of it when it gives it a gentle squeeze. It wasn’t everyday that he was given an excuse to hurl a water ballon at one of the strongest beings he’s ever had the displeasure of fighting, but the sun was high in the sky - heat bearing down on them as they sailed through bright skies to their next destination. His own robes were sticking to his skin and a good chunk of the crew had spent the better part of the sweltering afternoon stowed away in their rooms or leaning over the deck to get just a brush of the breeze against their faces. He, on the other hand, had spent the day funneling water into the balloons he had purchased at their last stop and throwing them at random crew members.
      And Belial was his current target. He sucked in a breath through his nostrils to quell the sound of his breathing (did he have super-human hearing, who knows, but he’s not taking that chance). Pressing the balloon to his chest, he tip-toes closer - so slowly that he can feel his lungs beginning to throb from holding his breath, but he won’t be bested. He’s nothing if not stupidly stubborn and willing to take on the most inane of self-imposed challenges. But, after a little of silent shuffling, he’s managed to get in range - body still hidden behind part of the ship as he winds his arm back and hurls, with all of his might (which, given the fact that he’s more of a healer and mage than a swordsman or melee user, isn’t actually that much) the water balloon right at the fallen angel. 
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       Oh, he looks utterly pleased with himself when he slips out from his cover. Grin downright wicked despite the almost sheepish facade he tries to put on as he runs his fingers through his already messy hair before he brings his hands sown to sign, ‘My bad, my hand slipped.’ A wheezy laugh that’s largely muffled bounces within his strained throat as his smile widens. Oh, he’s had a lot of bad ideas. This was just another one to add to his ever growing list.        
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tempusxvernum-moved · 4 years
☀️ I want to rp with you, but I’m not sure how and 🎂 I’m new to your blog, and I want to be friends
Symbols for the Mun
//I’d love to roleplay with you too! You can always send a meme my way, or if you’re up to it, we can always plot something together! :D I apologize if my OC amount is intimidating or anything XD
/And I wouldn’t mind being friends! I’m pretty bad at being social, just a forewarning XD
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