#syds rtc aus
sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
rtc au where NONE of the kids know who they are and they’re all left unknown after their deaths so it’s a big old game of “who’s who” with each song being sung in a way that each kid tries to remember what is it they loved most in life to remember themselves, with karnak knowing damn well who they all are but the kids are stubborn and want to know themselves. i think an au like that would be interesting to say the least
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
uhhhhhh have some perfectdolls Savannah Doe haven’t written that in ages here you go
“So, how is life treating you?”
Savannah bit the straw of her soda cup. “It’s still hard to get used to,” she said genuinely, “I’ve only been alive for like a week, Penny.”
Penny nodded. “I know, but it’s so cool. You’re me, but when I was dead. And now you’re back to life. This is such a fascinating concept, the Lord above chose to bless you, Savannah.”
Savannah nodded. “Yeah. He did.”
She bit the inside of her cheek. “Penny? Can I confide something with you?”
Penny turned. “Of course, what is it?”
Savannah took a deep breath. “I don’t really know how to put this. But.. you know in movies how the girl always meets this handsome guy and she starts revolving her life around him?”
Penny nodded. “Please don’t tell me you’ve met some guy like that already. They’re usually horrible.”
Savannah shook her head and laughed. “No! I just- I have someone like that. Only I don’t know how to tell her.”
Penny sat up. “Her?”
Savannah didn’t answer, but she did see Ocean walking past, talking with Constance.
She smiled as Ocean crossed her vision. She was slowly falling for the redhead teenager, and that’s something anyone in Uranium could see.
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
I should be sleeping but these two lesbian idiots have possessed my brain and look I love them a bunch so yeah more perfectdolls for your scrolling comfort
Pizza. It was warm. It was gooey. It was Savannah’s new favorite.
“I love this,” she said, devouring the slice Ocean had given her, “It’s so good! When I was Jane, I couldn’t tell how things tasted so this is incredible.”
Ocean laughed as Savannah ate ravenously. “Well, help yourself! Just don’t eat too much or you’ll hurt your stomach.”
She found the remote and scrolled through the channels. Savannah was transfixed.
“That’s how TV works? That’s way easier than old VHS tapes!”
Ocean laughed again. “How would you know how VHS tapes work, Sav?”
Savannah shrugged. “I guess I just know.”
Ocean found a movie for them to watch. “Here! We can watch Alice in Wonderland.”
Savannah looked at the movie in confusion. “What’s that?”
“It’s a movie about a girl who finds herself in a strange world. I figured you might relate to it.”
Savannah turned to Ocean. “Let’s watch it!”
They sat on Ocean’s bed, eating pizza, wearing pajamas, watching as Alice ventured out into this odd place. Savannah watched with such intent, it was like she was living through Alice’s eyes.
Ocean watched as Savannah kept her eyes to the screen. She was still so new to this, but she adapted quicker than she thought. It filled Ocean with pride, seeing Savannah flourish.
Once the movie ended, Savannah reached for her fifth slice of pizza.
“Sav, honey, I can’t let you eat any more,” Ocean said, sliding the box away from her.
“But Ocean! It’s so good!”
“I know! But your stomach is going to explode and I can’t have that on my conscious.”
Savannah pouted. “Fine.”
She nibbled on her final slice and Ocean laughed. “Don’t give me that look! It’s for your own good!”
Savannah frowned. “Isn’t that supposed to be my own concern, then?”
Ocean paused. “Well, technically, yes, but-“
Savannah grabbed the pizza box and jumped off the bed. “Then I say I can have all the pizza I want!”
Ocean chased her through the house, both of them laughing loudly. Eventually Savannah went back to the room and sighed.
“I’m just messing with you. We’ll leave the box right there.”
She put it on the floor next to the bed and Ocean smiled.
“Hey, you wanna watch some more movies? And I could introduce you to the greatest dessert of all time?”
Savannah gasped. “You mean ice cream?”
Ocean nodded excitedly. “I think we have some in the freezer, come on!”
Savannah squealed excitedly and the two girls ran to the kitchen, found the ice cream, and continued watching movies long into the night, until Savannah’s head found Ocean’s shoulder, and they fell asleep as the TV screen flashed their forgotten film.
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
More Savannah and Ocean bc perfectdolls is superior and I love them both and um this au is rotting my brain away so I need to write about it yeah
The redhead turned to Savannah. “Yes, Sav?”
Savannah was looking at the ground, thinking.
“What color are my eyes?”
Her question was asked so quietly, it was as though she was afraid to ask it.
Ocean blinked. “Your eyes?”
Savannah still hadn’t seen a mirror, and her blonde hair covered her eyes. Ocean pulled off her headband and pushed it into Savannah’s hair.
And the biggest, brightest, greenest eyes stared right back at her. She paused, taking in the color. The light.
“They’re beautiful,” Ocean said, “They’re a beautiful green, Sav. With a little gray in them. Your eyes are one of a kind.”
Savannah smiled slightly. “Thank you. It’s still strange. I haven’t seen myself yet, but you.. you give very detailed descriptions of me.”
Ocean blinked, her face growing hot. “I do? I mean- I just think you’re very pretty and I want you to know that so I just- I’m sorry. I’ll stop talking.”
Savannah laughed softly. “No, please don’t.”
She took Ocean’s hands and looked at her with those shining eyes.
“I love how you describe me,” she said, smiling.
Ocean didn’t respond. Then she laughed awkwardly.
“Well, we better get to my house before it gets dark. Come on.”
She brushed off the dirt on her dress as she stood up and she helped Savannah up.
Savannah smiled. “Thank you, Ocean.”
Ocean shrugged. “No problem! I figured you’d need a place to stay and-“
“No, silly. Thank you, for helping me figure myself out. Even if it’s a little.”
Ocean blinked, then smiled.
“You’re welcome, Savannah. Now, come on. Let’s go home.”
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
Since y’all seem to love my Savannah Doe AU I figured I could write a little about it I guess?
Uhh yeah it’s all under the cut, reminder Sav and Penny are two separate people, thanks :)
ummmm mainly for @fucking-gay-frogs and @sugarcoated-dandy bc they love this au a bunch <333
Light. Dark. Pushing. Pulling. Overfilling. Emptying.
And then.
A trip, and hands in the cold wet grass. It had just rained.
An itch, in the neck. But the neck isn’t there. But the head?
Feel. Warm cheeks. Long hair. A full neck, with just a scratch.
Search. A mirror. To see. The truth.
Voices. Bodies. Laughter.
Garbled. But loud. Cover ears. Still there.
Faces. Blurred. Hands, warm. Holding. Name. Name asked.
You don’t know. You don’t know who you are. You just remember the accident.
“She needs first aid!”
“She needs to breathe.”
“She needs- Ricky?”
A boy. Crawling to her. Holding hands.
A name. A small simple name coming to mind.
Do you remember? Yes.
“Savannah. I am Savannah.”
Pause. No speech. Everyone’s confused.
“So Jane Doe came back too? With me?”
Pigtails. Freckles. Big worried eyes. Another girl, like her.
“You’re… Penny?”
Eye widen. “How do you know that?”
Confusion. “I don’t know. I only remember-“
Quiet. The pain is too unbearable.
“Well, we’re all okay. That machine brought us back. He gave me my head back. But you had the other head, didn’t you?”
Look up. “You remember. I was- lost. A lost person. Now I have a name. And a life.”
Blinking. Realizing. She was a person. She was Savannah.
“Well, we can’t leave you here,” another voice, loud and worried, “You can stay with me, my parents aren’t ever around.”
Red hair. Warm smile. Familiar face.
She nods. “I’m Ocean, Savannah. I voted you to come back, remember? As Jane?”
Savannah took a moment. “After you realized choosing yourself was immoral. I remember.”
Ocean held Savannah’s hands and helped her up. She stumbled, but was able to stand.
She saw the other people. She helped up Ricky, who seemed unable to walk and talk anymore, but he was able to stand with her support.
She looked around. The girl with purple hair. Who played that silly recorder.
She looked around. “And Noel. And Mischa. And Ricky. And.. Penny.”
Penny smiled. “That’s right, Sav.”
“Who’s Sav?”
“It’s you,” Ocean explained, “It’s a shorter version of Savannah.”
Savannah blinked, then slowly did something she never thought she could do. She smiled.
“I like Sav. I like you guys too. I hope I can understand why that machine brought me to life, but I think he’s dead.”
The others laughed, and Savannah was confused until Constance explained they thought she made a joke.
Turning around, they all saw the rollercoaster. The wreckage they all climbed from. Alive.
Now there was Savannah. A new member, an unknown face.
But soon she wouldn’t be so unknown. And that was guaranteed.
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sydneyofalltrades · 11 months
i might start posting more ab my ride to hadestown au bc that au is slowly possessing me wayyyyyyyyy too much
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
Um I can write a little Savannah Doe bc she came back to me but my precious child is like a toddler in my brain, she wanders and doesn’t know how to find her way home sometimes.
Savannah stared at the pale girl in the glass, with a full head of curly blonde hair, the faintest constellation on her nose, and the green-gray eyes Ocean loves.
This was… her. She was.. real.
“I look so.. so..”
There was nothing she could say that could do herself justice. She was frail. She was strong. She was so confused.
All she could do was stare at the girl with the rosy cheeks and delicate hands.
Ocean walked out of her room. “Yep, got your accommodations set up.”
Then she saw Savannah staring at the mirror. “Sav? You okay?”
Savannah turned to Ocean. “This is how I look. Ocean, this is how I look.”
She held up her hands. “These are my hands. Full of blood. They were stiff and empty in that warehouse.”
She tugged at her hair. “I didn’t have hair this long. I didn’t have eyes. Now I do. And now I’m real and now I-“
She tried to catch her breath. Tears were spilling out of her eyes. Her heart was pounding wildly. She held her hand over it.
“I have a heart. One that’s beating. And pumping blood and oxygen. And I don’t know how to cope with this.”
She tried to take slow breaths and calm down. “What am I?”
Ocean walked over to her and took her hand. “Sav. You’re a miracle. No one else in the world has your hands. Your eyes. Your heart. You’re a wonder, Savannah. Nothing else should matter, okay?”
Savannah just stared at Ocean. At this girl who had put her down for her own self-interest, now telling her of her worth.
“Ocean, I don’t know how to handle this. I’m just so confused.”
Ocean smiled. “I know, and that’s why I’m here. To help you understand. Okay?”
Savannah nodded slowly. Ocean wiped a tear from her face.
“Now come on. You haven’t eaten anything since we got here. What should I get for you?”
Savannah tried to think. “Um. I guess some pizza?”
Ocean grinned. “I’ll get us two.”
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
I just remembered I don’t have any random Savannah Doe headcanons so hear y’all go
Savannah, after a while of choosing, uses they/she pronouns, they feel the most comfortable for her
Savannah loves cupcakes. A little too much sometimes, but every year on September 14, Constance is sure to make her a cupcake with a single candle for her birthday
Sav’s curly hair is NEVER tangled. Like, ever. Ocean gets jealous at how perfect it gets even after they just wake up, then Savannah reminds Ocean her head was once a doll’s head
Sav gets nightmares of the incident more than anyone else in the choir, to the point where anything remotely reminiscent of the accident triggers her horribly. For a while, she couldn’t leave the house because of her paralyzing fear of losing her humanity
Besides Ocean, Penny is the closest to Savannah, they act as sisters to the point where people in school teasingly call Sav “Savannah Lamb”
While Sav does stay close to Ocean, she still interacts with the rest of the survivors. With Constance she learns to bake and watches Disney movies to help her when life gets too graphic, Noel teaches her about makeup and frequently paints her usually short nails, Ricky takes time to teach her about the vast galaxies and universe while also giving her company with his cats, and Mischa usually lets her listen to his rough cuts of his raps
Savannah’s favorite food is pizza, and she eventually makes Ocean teach her to make it on her own, so she can have an unlimited amount of pizza whenever she feels like it
Autumn is Sav’s favorite time of year, and also rainy spring. She loves the cool air, the falling leaves, the autumn colors, and she enjoys staying inside as the water droplets cover her window, or being outside and feeling the cool rain against her skin
Every once in a while, Sav will have a reoccurring dream. She stands in front of a mirror and sees Jane Doe, the broken girl with the doll’s head. She’ll have to remind herself that’s not who she is. Eventually, she finds the mirror in her dreams and only sees Savannah Doe, a 17 year old girl with the curliest blonde hair, and green-gray eyes, who was in love with life and was happy
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
um so i mayyy have anotherrr ride the cyclone au in progress of being written? maybe kindaaaa??
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Ride the Cyclone: A New Musical - Maxwell & Richmond, Legoland - Richmond Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Penny Lamb/Tammy Edwards Characters: Penny Lamb/Jane Doe, Ezra Lamb, Tammy Edwards, Ricky Potts, Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg, Noel Gruber, Constance Blackwood, Mischa Bachinski Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death, Necromancy, (i guess), Magic, Angst with a Happy Ending, Penny has powers, lesbian love, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Resurrection Summary:
Penny Lamb walked away from the accident. But did she walk away with no consequences? Karnak’s magic seeped into her as she passed, and now the quirky girl who went from Saskatchewan to Orlando for her favorite singer is now the creep who no one wants to be around But Penny can handle that. The choir is still by her side Even if they’re dead..
New story alert!! To everyone who enjoyed my “spookiest girl in town” idea, I made it a fanfic!! Enjoy!
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
Why do I curse myself with so much RTC aus? Now I have like seven of them and they’re all tryna fit but I focus on one and the rest are all depressed and it sucksssss bc I always seem to make more
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
new chapter haha
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
WAIT WAIT RTC au where everyone comes back, INCLUDING!! both Penny and Jane, who chooses to go by Savannah. See, Penny and Savannah are two people in this AU, Savannah experienced the death while Penny experienced the life so Karnak’s magic gave Savannah the chance to explore her own life and make her own path. So the crew now has a blonde, tall, teenage girl obsessed with the concept of death who enjoys singing to herself on rainy nights
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
RTC au where the show takes place in the Middle Ages and the fair was actually a traveling troupe with Karnak as the fortune teller, each of the kids were in different classes, Ocean and Constance were in the aristocracy, Noel and Ricky were middle class, and Mischa was a foreigner who lost his title after his mother died. Penny was a peasant, but all six of them find themselves in the company of the traveling troupe and all of them die mysteriously. Penny being the sole survivor is beheaded under charges of murder, even tho she didn’t do anything. The main plot of the show hold relatively stay the same, but yeah I think Middle Ages RTC is something I will think about for years
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
I'm out of ideas today so have this little drabble
"Moni, what are you doing?"
Moni froze, holding the coffee cup and Redbull can above a thermos.
"Getting my daily caffeine intake," she responded, dumping the contents of both into the thermos. Mason sighed.
"Mon, you're not supposed to be drinking all that before school, your head might explode."
Moni took a sip of her concoction. "Maybe, but I need to stimulate my brain, Mason, it's the only way the voices will leave me alone."
Mason took the thermos. "Moni. No. You need sleep."
"Perhaps," Moni agreed, "But I'm not a person who can follow societal norms and sleep on time."
Mason shook his head and saw Noel walking past.
"Noel, tell your sister she needs to stop consuming her body weight in caffeine."
Noel snorted. "I'm drinking three Monsters and black tea, I can't make Mo-Mo go to sleep early if I can't."
Moni gave him a high five and snatched her thermos back. The Gruber siblings went back to being horrible to their health and Mason just watched in exasperation.
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
omg I have failed at posting Moni content bc my brain was sad but we're a little better now so leggo
Moni and Mischa, both being foreigners and not having English as their first language, will both be VERY confused by idioms and turns of phrases
Noel: Ugh, no dice. We can't go out.
Moni: What dice?? Where?
Connie: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!
And my personal favorite:
Penny: We really dodged that bullet, huh guys?
Both Moni and Mischa: WHAT BULLET? Were we being shot? WHAT THE FUCK???
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