psychecoffee · 4 years
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Small extract from Dager; Maeve reminiscing over Susan.
taglist: @farrradays xx
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psychecoffee · 5 years
First Line Tag
Tagged by @thegreyboywrites - thanks:)
I didn’t know which WIP to do, so here’s both Rerum and Dager. My first line is always way too short lmao, so I’ve added some punctuation to make it a bit longer.
[Ch1] Aeres, Rerum: The world was so thick here- people, nature and the air was so distinctly different from Tyrtes and the inhabitants there; getting closer to the capital does that, Aeres rationalised, being so far from home, dauntingly brings out all the differences.
[Ch1] Here, Dager: I had orange juice in the morning; it wasn’t sweet, more mellow, like the soft colour yellow of the kitchen walls.
I’m tagging @marewriteblr , @marie-writess , and @farrradays ! No pressure though.
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psychecoffee · 5 years
Lukewarm rants are my delicacy
not those firery passions you frequent.
I love and live those words that come tough yet easy.
Ever your open book.
To get a word truth of feeling
in lukewarm greys
from you is so scarce that oceans
kiss those blessed stars more.
I beg for emotional
Sing me your truth
in passive lyrics
with non acidic tones.
I open my words
to you.
I finally expect yours in return.
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psychecoffee · 5 years
Surreal is her existence
So soft and opaque are her
Intentions .
Revealing herself is not in her nature and nor do I
Pretend that I can see her clearly
For she hides from me
And dances where I cannot reach .
She is that hopeless mirage,
And though I wish ever to be closer,
Each step takes me
Further from the memory of her .
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psychecoffee · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag
I was tagged by @notanotherhour :) thanks. Rules: Answer 11 questions, make 11 questions, tag 11 people. I’m already telling ya I’m not gonna tag, instead I’m gonna hot potato it to you! fellow writerblr reading this! Boom, you’re welcome.
1. Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
I don’t really share my work with anyone, and I’m actually rather private. Maybe secrets for myself? Like, I’ve only just realised something I did with one of the characters that was very telling of me, as an individual, and researching it further is uhm yeah, startling. But if you mean secrets, like character secrets, sure?
2. If you could ask one successful author three questions about their writing, writing process, or books, what would they be?
I don’t really know. Since I’m quite a private/anxious individual, I don’t interact with people a lot, and I wouldn’t want to bother them haha. Though, I would want to ask, how it changed them. So, how did writing about this impact you as an individual? For example, reading His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman, and Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin, really helped/changed me as a person when I most needed it. So I’d want to know how it impacted them too.
3. Do you have a library membership?
Yes, I do have one (not including college library). I even have an online app (BorrowBox) which I use my library membership for, so I can listen to audiobooks. Since my attention span for books is actually terrible nowadays...
4. Ebooks. Yay or nay?
Yay! I love paperback books, so much, but with my attention level? Ebooks genuinely help me so much- I can change the font, colour of the screen etc so then my attention lasts for longer. Ebooks are so friendly for neurodivergent individuals (i.e. those with dyslexia, adhd etc), so honestly they are so important! And more eco-friendly! (Though I still do have a thousand paperback books.)
5. What feeling do you want readers to get from what you write?
Intrigue! I love that feeling in a book when all the connections are being made and you have that sudden realisation that all those small things make this much bigger, more detailed design! That is what I would like to pass on to readers. Making people think twice, and question what they would do/think under certain circumstances.
6. What time of day are you the most productive?
Oof, I donno. I suppose really late (like now, 1 am) due to my amazing habit of procrastinating until the last minute. Ideally, I’d prefer to flip it around and have it be around noon.
7. What is your writing Kryptonite?
Actually getting down to writing, and dialogue, I believe. I always question whether it actually sounds human or not. And I’ve mentioned my attention span, and procrastination abilities haha.
8. Which scenes are your favorite to write?
When I finally get to the scenes I know every single detail about! The scenes that are 100% certain in my mind, as it fills me with so much relief and satisfaction to actually be getting this scene out!
9. What comes first in your development/outlining process, plot or character?
Ooh, if I’m honest, character with some plot- the main stuff. With Rerum, a scene came into my head with some of the characters, and the plot I had to work for- to get the main chunk out. It took me so long to get the twists, and the majority of it all.
10. What is your favourite novel to film (or TV) adaptation?
Oooh, so tricky. Defo Percy Jackson, like oh yeah those inaccuracies. I honestly don’t know- I don’t tend to watch things if I’ve read them, as it can be so disappointing- I’ll try though! I have to say, Harry Potter is the best adaptation I’ve seen. But I do read things I’ve watch, so :/ I’m really anxious about His Dark Materials being made into a series, but I’m so excited! Such amazing actors that I can just feel are gonna be stellar portraying those characters.
11. Do you think of yourself more as an artist or an entertainer?
I don’t think of myself as either. I just do what I love to do, and if that is entertaining or art, then great! That’s cool, but I don’t think of it that way.
My questions for others to answer, would be any 7 from the list above, and these 3:
How has writing impacted you as an individual?
What piece of literature has shaped you the most?
What would your favourite character think of you?
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