scarletfir · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Chicago Blackhawks Grateful dead & Company Parody steal your Puck tshirt.
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startyourfuturerp · 5 years
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Due to exceeding the limit of inactivity, please join me in wishing SCOOBS all the best and unfollow the character below:
NOAH PUCKERMAN ( @thepuckrman​ )
As usual, if you need a hiatus, please reach out to the main.
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ginandsmythe · 5 years
SEBASTIAN: Do you have coke or are you strictly green?
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scarletfir · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Grateful dead & Company Chicago Blackhawks Stealie tshirt.
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startyourfuturerp · 5 years
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Congrats, Lauren! You’ve been accepted as Noah Puckerman. Please remember to follow everyone here, and send in your account within 24 hours!
name: Lauren
age: 26
timezone: EST
triggers: rfp
past blogs: rfp
name: Noah Puckerman
age & date of birth: 19/ December 18th
schoolyear: Sophomore
hometown: Teterboro, New Jersey
major(s)/minor(s): Aviation
Badass. Sex shark. Impulsive. Just a few of the words that would describe Noah, ‘Puck’, Puckerman. Or so he’d want you to think. Puck was born in Tereboro, New Jersey on the first night of Hanukkah. His father was a deadbeat and his mother could barely make ends meet. His father took off right after his younger sister was born, never to be seen again. Puck was only 9, but quickly stepped up to be the man of the house, wanting nothing more than to provide for his mom and younger sister. He worked odd jobs here and there, but his eyes were always on the skies. Living right near an airport, Puck’s biggest joy was watching the planes take off and land. He secretly hoped his dad would come back on one of those planes.
Once Puck hit middle school, he quickly rose in popularity. His mom and sister were still his main priority, but he started to focus on many other girls, too. Because he was from the “rough” side of town, guys picked fights. He couldn’t deny that he enjoyed a good fight, especially one where he came out on top. Once he went into high school, Puck was known as the school badass and sex shark. Titles he enjoyed and proudly lived up to.
Sophomore year, he got a girl pregnant. While he wasn’t quite ready to settle down with her, he was ready to become a father. He bought the baby books; he bought the onesies. Puck softened almost instantly at the thought of having a child. He was so ready to be a better father than his ever was for him. Or so he thought. The girl was not ready herself and so she terminated the pregnancy. Puck hardened and refused to talk about the baby ever again.
No one thought Puck would be able to make it into college, let alone graduate high school, Despite being tough and a bit of a manwhore, Puck had dreams of getting out. He remembered the planes from his childhood. He wanted to get away from it all and he knew that was the best way of doing so. Puck applied himself for senior year and somehow managed to land in Ginsburg University as an Aviation major. Although he works hard in school, he still works hard at keeping up his rep as being a tough guy, never letting anyone see his true heart.
samples: rfp
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startyourfuturerp · 5 years
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startyourfuturerp · 5 years
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Congrats, Scoob! You’ve been accepted as Noah Puckerman. Please remember to follow everyone here, and send in your account within 24 hours!
name: scoob age: 26 (fun fact: i often have to check my own birthday to remember this bc time isn’t real) timezone: pst pronouns: he/him triggers: rfp past blogs: rfp
name: noah elias “puck” puckerman
age & date of birth: twenty two, 4/18
schoolyear: sophomore
hometown: sandusky, ohio
major(s)/minor(s): physical therapy with a minor in music
Growing up in bumfuck nowhere already made a place like Ohio feel miserable enough, but having to do it with the reputation that Eli Puckerman left behind? That made it a whole new ballpark of hell. It was definitely some kind of dirt bag record that between all the local rednecks, beatniks, and losers, there still could be a man like Eli who could bring shame to his name. He had various identities, reputations, secrets, and enemies across the C’s of Ohio which made sense for a man with the brands of womanizer, abuser, con artist, gambler, and drunk following him where ever he went. But the treatment in good ol Sandusky was always much more fierce and fresh due to simple face it was full of a town both sick of his shit yet couldn’t seem to keep their attention off of his family.
It didn’t take long for the whispers to start of Eli Puckerman having skipped town on his wife who was as equally blind sighted by a pregnancy as he claimed to be. While some rumored it wasn’t even Eli’s, the most popular comment was it didn’t matter if the patriarch came back, because that child would still wind up as another kid Eli Puckerman didn’t raise. So it was no shock that the day Sarah was born, Ava told a ten-year-old Puck he had became both a big brother and the man of the house. She didn’t sound happy to say it, and Puck didn’t fully know what that meant at the time, but it would be one of the first times Noah Puckerman would step up to impossible odds. Granted, that was easier said than done when it came to a kid that hadn’t even grown out of his thrift shop Power Rangers shirt (however, the day for that came pretty quick).
While Puck wanted to due justice to the titles he had been given, he couldn’t help but be plagued by thoughts of what happened. Even with Eli’s inconsistency, as a kid, Puck always was ready for the days (or late nights) his dad would come stumbling back in from a bender, and when he did, it was a good thing. Eli was his son’s hero, and Eli could attribute that bit of good, underseved karma to the fact his kid didn’t know any better, yet. Instead of being a monster, he was the guy guiding Puck into manhood: teaching him the best rolling papers to use, which beers were for the right times of days, how to talk to women in way his mother didn’t need to know about… Noah and Eli had their own world. And once the man left, so did everything that had become Puck’s foundation.
From that point forward, it became more and more clear of all the signs his dad would have left them no matter what he did. No matter if his mother got pregnant or not. He started to find the faults in the memories of his childhood like the times he noticed Ava flinch when Eli was near and wound up, his father leaving at all hours only to return without explaining anything, his parents subtly fighting with sharp words rather than volume, the times Eli would remind Puck he needed to be better, the kinds of friend’s his father had and brought home… the list had no end in sight. Eventually it got to the point where it didn’t matter if these realizations came from his own memories, his dreams, by authority figures, or just random people on the street– there was always a new level of low the respect Puck once had for Eli could go. And once Puck’s childhood was shattered by all his continual thinking, he tried to do the opposite of that in order to stop it all together: acting without thought. It was because of his acting out and seemingly general lack of caring that he earned a new title his dad never had: bad ass (number wah). Though, like everything else, that title came judgments and looks which Puck pretended to not notice, but always did.
If it wasn’t for the relentless way Puck never backed down from a dare that made him the ‘man’s man’ among his friends, it became unquestionable when he lost his virginity before any of the guys in his class. Jewish summer camp had treated him well, with Puck befriending some of the older guys that had also been forced there by their Yenta moms. Rather than let a summer go to waste, they hatched up a plan to sneak in to the theater camp across the way. It was there that Puck got his first experience with sex, and while at fourteen it was a brag to of slept with a nineteen year old, the effects were everlasting in socially good (and emotionally damaging) ways. Though, if you asked Puck himself, he’d see only the fact it was was obvious he had another talent to go along with his bad assery: teasing and pleasing. This new knowledge led to him constantly finding new conquests and succeeding in that department. It only flourished once he started a local pool cleaning business, too. The thing about being scum meant he was also the bad boy fantasy women from all ages seemed to enjoy. His life style quickly found an unsurprising alliteration of boozes, babes, bucks, and bongs– which naturally had even led to bail bonds. Or would have, if he wasn’t a minor and thus committed to juvenile detention with no bail.
They were just minor crimes, and while he would often pridefully share his story at parties, he’d never talk about in therapy. However, one thing that did come of it that no one noticed: having jail time be a new common factor between Puck and Eli made Puck all the more determined to pass his classes. As well was bully others a little less so he could focus on his own self. It was as if failing at not getting his ass locked up, it put an emphasis for Puck to accomplish at least one he knew Eli had never done: graduate. And Noah Puckerman would be damned before that became his fate, too. Unfortunately, not being the most book smart guy, or being all that great at asking for help, resulted in a struggle on doing things the old fashioned way. Thus, sometimes that meant doing shady things, but Puck already knew the real world wasn’t as cut and dry for him as it was for most. Some people got to play teacher’s pet, and other people, ones like him, got to play teachers plug (not in a weird way). See, Puck thought about things his classmates didn’t: teachers had needs too. So sometimes he’d be trading a top shelf J to a faculty member wanting to unwind at a Josh Groban concert for an A in their class. It didn’t harm anyone, and Puck knew he had to succeed somehow. He wasn’t going to disappoint his mom, sister, or himself again.
With enough motivation and method to his madness, Puck was able to get his diploma, and it was even more satisfactory on the account of he knew he had practically no one who believed he could besides his family. The next issue was that he hadn’t quiet planned for beyond that. Puck had played on his high school’s basketball and football teams, but didn’t look in to a scholarship for them. Scouts didn’t go out to Sandusky just for shits and giggles, either. However, unbeknownst to him, Ava and Sarah had managed to take samples of Puck’s music abilities and sent them to colleges around the country. When Puck heard he had an admission to Ginsberg with a full music scholarship, it wasn’t expected but it was welcomed all the same. At least, after the girls had spent forever convincing Puck to actually go and leave them, promising they would be okay. And while he had been initially hesitant going somewhere so new and unlike home, it easily was the best decision he made. You know, besides that threeway with the Dean’s twin daughters and bringing his drug business to college as a side hustle to pay for the costs his scholarship doesn’t.
samples: rfp
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startyourfuturerp · 5 years
would it be okay to change a fc for a canon character? like brittany as cara delevingne?
Hi nonners! While I’m absolutely thrilled to have interest in Brittany and I would love to see an app for her, unfortunately I am not allowing faceclaim changes for canon characters, except in very specific circumstances and for specific characters (eg; Santana, Puck, someone like Allistair who has absolutely no resources, etc). Heather Morris has plenty of resources, and she is Brittany. As this is a canon game, I would not be willing to change her faceclaim at this time.
Thank you, again, for your interest, and I do hope you still consider applying, because we would absolutely love to have Brittany here in our SYF family!!
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