#sygneth liveblogs antiques
sygneth · 4 months
Okay, so the reason I decided to go to this course in the first place is that I *love* antiques and if I could only afford another degree I would absolutely go study conservation, but, for now, it's not possible, so I decided to find some course/workshops. And god damn this was the best idea ever.
Here is a drawer, finished. Apparently, a missing drawer is a common thing in old furniture so it's handy to know how to make one.
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I made it from scratch, all there was at the beginning was two pieces of wood. Also, I decided to try inlay (and I loved it 100%).
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I also learned how to duplicate old keys by hand, because apparently no locksmith will do a key like that for a reasonable price anymore and old things sometimes miss a key.
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Some gilding. We also did schlagmetal on wood and clay, but this one is genuine gold on the cover of 19th century Bible so that's neat. The book itself was absolutely awesome.
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We also did engraving in glass (it was surprisingly easy and pleasant, I loved it) and in metal, and we learned how to make new things look old (this frame was also made from scratch, from a very dusty piece of rather new wood). Neat.
And two things I am most proud of (actually there is one more, but it's a gift, so I'll show you after I give it to the person)
This is 19th century handle cover etched by me (I think metal etching is one of my favourite techniques from now on, for real)
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And a chair that we have been making a brand new cushion for (it's made in 18th-19th century fashion, with springs and all.)
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sygneth · 4 months
I am back to the living and uhhh 70h of restoring furniture in 7 days is A LOT.
(If anyone's curious I have some pics and stories to tell)
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