#sylas tag pending
voidselfshipp · 3 years
The fact that sylas proyect skin prestige version nerfed/hid sylas tibbies is a crime.
Riot thats homophobic of u /j
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onemanrenaissance · 5 years
Smoldered Earth
Next to Godliness
*A Saturday Night
Two messily poured Macallan shots raced their way across the slippery bar top; two sidewinders crashing into the awaiting hands of what appeared to be very good friends or two very pretentious acquaintances.  The two embraced their libations – a few sheets in for each, but neither kept tally; they choked those down while heading back into the thrust of the exhibit.  A warehouse/pop up of various art displays – the type that catch fire & trend socially via tagged locations & pervasive backdrops – served as scenario for the this summit of sorts.
 “It’s…it’s this odd grey area I’ve mastered in the last few years…the point right before I push…it’s like I’m in there &…I-I can sense the reflex or the conditions & deduce from there,” Sw!tch slurred in between various attempts at landing the right pose.
 Bub, sprawled across the floor in front of Sw!tch, angled to capture something remotely flattering, attempting to negotiate his phone.  Suddenly, Bub popped up as if something novel dawned on him.
 “Right before you push, huh?”  Bub started as Sw!tch stared back with a dim lidded dry expression; “…I was wondering why I’d do something as primitive as take a camera phone picture when it’s a dozen security cameras & over 200 phones in here at the moment, 17 of which are angled at you.”
 “Creepy flex…” Sw!tch started, “…so, that’s how your powers work…I’ve seen a few technopaths, but most need physical interface – but they we’re still able to track your ass down from your signature.”
 “Novice groupies,” Bub sneered.
 *Two Hours Before
           Sw!tch had no clue who or what’d he’d meet inside, but he resigned that it wouldn’t be in the realm of his worst case probabilities – it never is, & he wouldn’t let that stall him tonight.  He looked over the edge of his dash at the security camera that had conspicuously angled itself towards his vehicle on arrival.  He knew that whoever was trailing & surveilling him, had been digging for information on his mother, Sharlyn Isaacs, was inside, & he had no name – just a dark web pseudo.  He exited his vehicle, & made his way alongside the buildings perimeter, emerging from the cameras peripheral into its direct view as it adjusted its gaze. Entering space, he knew the behavioral affects trafficked in by my technopaths, & that they would position near the back house since proximity is the name of the game, hissing off any other competition or potential usurper like a feral cat – thus isolating themselves; so, more than likely near security, servers, or both.
            Bub leisurely sipped his drink while rapidly perusing circuit sets to relay to cameras inside the facility when he felt a blinding pinch begin above his right eye; it felt like the slow birth of migraine as he heard an unfamiliar voice spill over his shoulder.
“Yea…proximity is my thing, as well,” Sw!tich started, “…now you know how my powers work…& I need to know why you’re prepping to dox my 60 year old mother.”
 “I see you got my invite,” Bub started, extending his hand after rubbing his right temple, “…I’m Bub.”
 Gripping his hand while staring suspiciously, Sw!tch, responded, “Sylas Issacs, Jr.”
 “C’mon, government,” Bub quipped, eliciting a smirk from Sw!tch, “…but what do powered call you?”
 “Switch,” Sw!tch responded.
 “Ahh…” Bub exclaimed, “…because you can disable powers…turn things off…”
 “& on,” Sw!tch started, “…I can exert, force particles on a molecular level in powered & non powered…there’s a finesse to manipulating beyond that point—but, yea that has nothing to do with why I’m here. You’re researching my mother; I get security alerts on familial inquires because of my profile, I had my TP’s locate you, & I assume you saw us looking at you, & I received your invite to this “marketing social.”  Cute, touch. So why?”
 “I was hired,” said Bub.
 “By?” Sw!tch responded.
Shaking the loose ice cubes in his now empty tumbler, Bub responded, “Your sister.”
           It was a release of sorts – the situation was suddenly more complex than it was the second prior, but for Sw!tch, it was a case of “better the devil you know,” & he realized Bub’s employment & or short term alliance with his sister were his only insights into her endeavors.
 “Bartender…two doubles of whatever he had,” Sw!tch said leaning over the bar & motioning at the mixologist before looking back at Bub, “we’re about to become fast friends.”
*Two Tuesdays After
“So…..explain me to this cleaner business again?” a puzzled Sw!tch stammered out climbing between a wall & adjacent dumpster, Bub just ahead of him standing in front of two green metal doors.
 “Essentially…people pay me to clean traces of digital presence, dark web resin…I’m a one man contingency plan if you will...” Bub started, “…if something should impair or dispose of my clients, I handle disposing of the pertinent, traceable impairments known as data.”
 “& investigation falls under your auspices,” Sw!tch questioned.
 “With the money your sister has I’d jack off a dolphin, or let her put grapes in my potato salad,” Bub responded while decrypting the RFID lock on the entrance.
 “Caucasianally Poetic,” Sw!tch retorted, & continued, “why are we coming in the back entrance of the hospital?”
 “We’re going to the morgue,” said Bub flippantly.
 “Yea, about your invites,” Sw!tch whispered while bawling in his lips, “…yea, this is why I don’t do “hero” shit.”
 Turning to Sw!tch, Bub responded, “why are you whispering?  No one’s down here, we’re on between shifts & everyone else is dead.”
            Bub continued to lead them down the corridor, & banked left into room & then paused before slowly rescinding from its entrance planting his back against the wall adjacent.  Head titled from a distance, attempting to identify what halted Bub in his tracks, Bub shh’d Sw!tch as he inched closer & peered around the corner to see an attendant upright & sleep behind a desk.  Slowly recoiling back, eyebrows lifted, he scowled at Bub.
 “No one’s here – everyone’s dead,” Sw!tch mockingly sneered.
            Bub was mid sentence asking what they could do when they heard the attendant yawn & bustle in the chair during a stretch; Sw!tch quickly disabled the attendant’s sight & auditory functions temporarily & rushed Bub into the room.
 “Smooooooth, Sw!tch, the Helen Keller,” Bub exclaimed as the man flailed & fell from behind his desk to the floor in a spastic stupor.  
 “He’ll be fine,” Sw!tch murmured as he stepped around the man in a full panic on the floor beneath him, “…why are we here?”
 “One of my clients is in here, & I need his thumb to unlock his phone – I can’t “Bub” my way passed biometrics just yet,” said Bub pulling the phone out of his pocket & waving it, just before locating the mortuary cooler drawer containing his clients & easing forth his corpse.
 “Oh, God he’s crying,” muttered Sw!tch looking back at the attendant, “I always forget to turn that off, too,” he said swinging back forward as Bub unzipped the body bag, “Aaron Spivey?!” Sw!tch exclaimed.
 “How the hell do you know, Aaron?” asked a concerned Bub.
 “Daedalus is one my firm’s bigger accounts & Aaron was one of the contacts when we first inked the deal years ago…when did he die?” Sw!tch responded.
 “Two nights ago,” Bub responded.
 “How?” asked Sw!tch moving back towards the desk.
 “Autopsy pending,” said Bub turning back to look at Sw!tch, “are you eating that man’s kettle corn chips, Switch?!”
 They’re salt & vinegar & they we’re unopened!” Sw!tch responded dryly with a mouth full of chips.
 “Anyway, I’ve got what I need – we need to head to his place now…can you switch him back on”
            Bub reprogrammed they unlocked mobile device, & Sw!tch restored the attendants senses to much rejoice on his end. They arrived to Aaron’s apartment; it wasn’t messy as expected, but lived in.  The loft was spacious, & completely automated, so the space continued on in his absence & didn’t feel stale or unattended.  Bub took to searching the premises for the collateral specified for decommissioning per his client as Sw!tch slunk down in the large sectional sofa in the living room, backed by a large floor to ceiling windows overlooking the bustling metro below.  The coffee table centered in front of Sw!tch had large cashmere throw draped over it, & it looked odd & off put, but Sw!tch removed his shoes, propped his feet on it, & leaned back for a bit respite.  Drifting a little, Sw!tch began to rustle his heels back & forth on the soft throw, as the faint occurrence began to resonate in his mind that a throw on coffee table was kind of peculiar, the throw’s silky underbelly caused it to slide off, unsheathing a portion of the large, amber yellow, resin coffee table.  Sitting up, Sw!tch’s head tilted slowly as he looked at the coffee.
 “BUBBBBBBBBBBBBB!” Sw!tch yelled until Bub stumbling over himself made his way back into the living room.
 “Wh-what’s wrong?” he questioned with alarm as he looked at Sw!tch, who wide eyed, was pointing down at the resin coffee table encasing a women’s body.  “No, no, no,” Bub exclaimed walking around the sectional to get a closer look, “I dump data, I don’t dump bodies!”
            Sw!tch stood frozen as Bub got down on his hands & knees to peer closer at the women seemingly fossilized alive, at the time, in amber.  Then Bub reeled backwards – back & shoulders first, then neck.  His whispered & manic “no” beginning to crescendo.
 “What….WHAT….WHAT else is wrong now besides Jurassic Jane here…what else is happening on this Bub adventure” Sw!tch began rattling off & pacing, “this why I don’t this “hero” shit, it’s bodies, dolphin dicks, white women in tables,” trailing into what sounded like a low prayer.
 “That is Portia Mackavic,” Bub said softly.
 “Who?” Sw!tch responded opening one eye, breaking from his fervent prayer.
 “Portia Mackavic…mercenary…pretty much the hand of organized, stealth syndicate, Killer Concert,” Bub responded to Sw!tch’s blank expression, followed by a pause, & Bub shattering said pause with, “Mackavie!”
 “Bitch, Mackavie,” Sw!tch responded before heading for the door, “we gotta go!”
            Time slowed  as they were heading for the door, stepping off the carpet, breaching the laminate flooring in the kitchen, the sink & island to their left; that’s when they heard the high pitched whirling – akin to the sound of a whisper, but loud & growing towards a piercing wail as the sound & its source neared.  An AirTronic GS-777 entered the home in the bedroom further to their left; the blast flooring them both, flinging the drywall the comprised the bedroom towards them in chunks, blended with glass & all manner of décor reduced to projectile debris.  The ringing in their ears subsided – met then by the concurrent cadences of fire alarms, flushing sprinklers, emergency sirens, & the lamenting of trapped victims & onlookers.  Bub nudged Sw!tch who was still looking about from his prone position on the floor.  Both stumbled from the front down the lengthy hallway to the still operative & oddly empty elevator.
 Jamming the lobby button repeatedly with his bloody thumb, Sw!tch looked over to Bub, & said, “what do we do about the body?”
 As the elevator door closed, Bub responded, “there’s some messes you just can’t clean.”
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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I am so concerned/hj
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Hi hello , I married sylas of Dregbourne, so now im Jerico of Dregbourne :) In ur face lux
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Cw:manipulation ment. Ask to tag.
Ok to rb.
Summmary: im jealous of lux so this happened. Support is appreciated.
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Jerico huffed, sitting with her legs against her chest, her face on her knees,with a single tear falling down her cheek. Why does he call _her_ "little light"?.
Come on, he used her. She shouldnt be jealous of her!. But then again, lux deffended Him from execution.
She lets her tears run wild, as she looks at the side of the bed where he sleeps. She felt stupid for being jealous, its not like he cared for lux. He never did.
Yet here she is crying her eyes out.
Sylas almost freaks out when he hears jeri cry.
He rushes to her and hugs her tightly-- what happend?--He asked concerned.
--sylas, do you love me?
What kind of question is that, of course he does. -- of course I do! Why wouldnt I?-- he inquired again wiping away her tears.
-- then why do you call lux "little light"...
The Man looks at his girlfriend, thats why shes crying, shes jealous.
Sylas cooed and pulled her in his lap, hugging her waist tightly.
-- I just feel bad for her, deep down, I shouldnt have used her, I know that now, but jerico, let me be perfectly clear, I dont feel anything for lux, and I never Will, shes not you, and if she stands between my revolution, I wont hesitate to choose change over her. You are my special someone. You are the only woman I love-- sylas said, kissing jerico, to then cuddle her against his chest.
Jeri sobbs hugging his waist. It takes her some minutes to relax. And he caresses her hair softly.
-- I love you jerico, dont let anyone tell you otherwise, youre my everything-- he cupped her cheeks making her look up at him. With red puffy eyes of crying-- youre all I need in my life jerico
Jeri smiled finally, and kissed him, sniffing.
Sylas smiled too.
They spent the rest of the day cuddling in the sofá watching the fireplace.
-- Im known for stealing powers, but the only thing im proud of stealing is your heart , though it seems like you stole mine first
Jeri giggled pressing her body against his chest.-- dork...
He kisses the top of her head-- this dork is all yours babe...
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Thinking abt......
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
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If blurry Open the image, okay to rb
The art//how long it took me to do it//+ some preplanning .
I dont tend to do light/ shadow sketches but since im taking my time with this one I went, why not.
Anyway enjoy!
Dont repost my art <3
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
And they were roommates
Cw: slight violence, ask to tag.
Ok to rb.
Summmary: the owner of the place sylas is staying at returned from her trip around the freljord so now they have to share a home.
A/n: weird roomate au(ish) with sylas lets go!!!!! I finally got an idea for him. Also the hood hes wearing is the one in the GIF.
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It was a tiring day on the freljord.
Sylas was tired of training the New recruits, he took off his shackles ( more of an accesory and a symbol of rebeldry than anything else). They fall heavily on the floor.
-- tired of todays training, captain?-- asked a woman, making herself and him some tea.
-- who are you?! -- asked sylas.
-- oh, sorry-- apologized the woman-- im jerico, im the owner of this cabin, I came back from my little trip around the freljord and well, Inna told me you were staying at my cabin
-- oh, yes sorry-- the Man scratched the back of his neck, awfully shy in contrast of who he is outside the rebellion-- uhm welcome back, t that tea for me?
Jerico nodds, and sylas grabs the tea Cup joining her at the edge of the bed.
-- quite the ruckus youre generating around here-- said jeri--demacia has it coming, I mean, you cant hide a part of people and sentence it , specially when its so common!,im super in for the cause here, should you need anything, just tell me
The Mans happiness grows, the cute Lady hes talking to also supports Him and his cause?!. W wait, did he just call her cute?.
His cheeks turn red and he looks away, drinking his tea-- uh, thanks, its really nice that you support my cause
Sylas is an outspoken Man, hes clever and hes leading a rebellion,but all those years in prision and his youth, being prohibited any sort of contact, well you can say his social skills are a bit rusty.
He never quite learnt how to talk to girls either-- s so-- said sylas-- youre a shapeshifter?
-- uh-huh -- smiled jeri-- nice guessing by the way
-- uh I didnt guess, I can tell, my powers...they read people, and I sensed that you can alter your form, nice powers b by the way!
Nice powers? Oh hes making a fool of himself! But, shes chuckling.
--Thank you-- jerico then stood up-- well, guess we are roommates, but just because you are the leader of this whole thing, youre not absolved of doing the dishes
Sylas laughed-- guess not-- he took her cup and nodded.
-- ill go pick up supplies for today,ill be right back!
He watched her go with a huge smile on his face, he could feel his fingertips sparkle with happiness while he washes the two cups. His day got a whole lot better.
And so, the Next couple weeks got interesting, jerico was so pleaseant to be around with, he could discuss his ideas, beliefs, she listened carefully and provided nice insight, without her, his plans wouldnt be and effective as they were. He made sure the rebellion knew that.
His feelings remain there, he just loves her, so much, he cant hide his smile, his laughs that are warm and boisterous when she makes a joke.
And he loves the way she patches him up when he comes back beaten up, the way her hands trace his skin as she wraps the bandages around his wound. Escolding him for being so reckless.
Like that time he accidentally cut himself while making dinner with a Knife.
-- you gotta be more carefull! Youre lucky I came back home in time!
-- its not like I would have bled to death jerico,youre overreacting..-- he teased with a smile.
Her cheeks turn red and she wraps the bandage around his hand-- I just worry about you! You dont take care of yourself so I do it for you, I care for you because-- --She stops as if she was going to say something else-- because youre fighting for the right thing, and because I can see all the hurt in your past, and you matter so much to me, and I dont want you to suffer anymore
Sylas softly tilts her face up by the chin, smiling ever so warmly, making her cheeks turn redder. -- I appreciate you taking care of me, I really do, its very sweet of you, and im happy to say that im lucky to be your friend, to have someone as you always looking out for me, thank you
She smiled and still held his bandaged hand, not that he minds, her hands are warm after all.
She pats his hand and looks to him-- lets go and make some dinner alright?
-- I like that plan, lets go
After cooking togheter ( with Fleeting glanzes And brushing hands against eachother they Ate their dinner, talking about tomorrows mission.
It was a big one and in jeris eyes the worry started to be noticed by sylas who insisted that everything was going to be alright.
Theres was only one thing, of all this weeks spent togheter sylas always sleeps on the couch ( by his decission). Jerico was having none of it tonight
-- sylas, sylas wake up-- she softly shook awake his friend.
--Whats up?-- he asked half asleep.
-- come to bed with me, youre freezing cold
-- jerico I said im fine just give me another blanket!
--youre so stubborn just get out of the sofá!
He rolls his eyes and goes to lay down with her.
He pulls her closer with a smug grin-- happy now?
-- now that you arent freezing cold?, why yes
He chuckles-- c'mon I can see you blushing
-- yeah I am, thats what happends when you share a house with a handsome Man such as yourself...
Sylas Cheeks turn Pink and he chuckles, interlazing his fingers with hers.
-- yknow I never tried to use your powers, how does shapeshifting feel like?
--well why dont you try it?
Sylas is taken back, he nodds and uses his powers to extract a piece of jeris.
He transforms his hand into the claw of an animal-- its...weird
She holds his hand and transforms her hand into the same thing he transformed his,and interlazes his fingers.
Almost on command their hands turn to normal at the same time. They chuckle and with half lidded eyes he says-- good night jerico
-- night sylas
The Next morning he parted for the mission, jeri was still asleep and he looks at her sleeping oh so peacefully, he sighs and kisses her forehead before going out to war.
Now, jerico had strict instructions to stay safe with the rest of the rebellion, but she couldnt stay with all that worry on her.
She sneaked past the members of the resistance and ran to the battlefront.
She came in time to save sylas from a demacian soldier.
-- what are you doing here?!-- he asks under his hood.
-- I couldnt sit by and let you get yourself Killed! Let me help!
--Jerico go back this instant!-- he grabbed her arms-- im trying to Keep you safe!
--my decision is final! Im staying!
He sighed and nodded
They ravaged the demacian army, sylas looked at the soldiers with a smile.
Jerico stands by his side, and as soon as he finishes his little monologue she puts a hand grabbing the edge of his coat, her other hand cups his cheek and as he pulls his hood down she kisses him.
He hugged her waist with one hand and the other he cupped her cheek.
The rebellion gasps as the soldiers look confused.
When they part lips sylas only grins and kisses her again. They would be unstoppable now.
But as any victory needs its celebration, when they came home they did nothing but cuddle. After all, even heroes need a rest.
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