#sylphscope says stuff
sylphscope · 1 year
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Dialogue from The Case of the Greater Gatsby, Episode 1 - A Long December
Screenshots from The Case of the Gilded Lily and The Case of the Greater Gatsby - Kickstarter Video!
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sylphscope · 5 months
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Couldn't help but think of the chorus of "Riptide" when I was reading the latest update, and kept thinking that it could NOT be a coincidence, and then knew that I had to make some form of edit to the karaoke panel, even if I had to spend more time with Davy singing karaoke to do it
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sylphscope · 2 years
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I can’t decide if it’s funnier if this fantastic line is something the Babes told her to say, or if this is simply Judy being her own amazing self. XD
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sylphscope · 2 years
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I know we say this all the time, but I’ll say it again: Thank you, Mary Kate Wiles, for writing subtitles that are SO fun and SO on-the-nose perfectly descriptive. And thank you, Dylan Glatthorn, for writing AMAZING music, including, yes, the most fantastically mournful wedding tune I’ve ever heard.
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sylphscope · 2 years
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Would love to use this line the next time someone asks me why I’m seated or standing in a weird way. XD
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sylphscope · 1 year
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Listen, I know they they're bots, but like...maybe I can let these ones hang out here for at least a little bit. XD
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sylphscope · 2 years
I know it’d be a lot of work to edit together, but I still want to toss this idea out there: A supercut video of every time in Shipwrecked Comedy’s work where a character throws an object off screen, and it makes a shattering/caterwauling/otherwise over-the-top and hilarious sound. I NEVER get tired of this gag. XD
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sylphscope · 2 years
In case anyone was wondering, I’ve decided not to do my Pokecember drawing challenge this month. I am considering maybe doing it during a less hectic month than December, though? Maybe February or something? Pokebruary? But I dunno, we’ll see! xP (And if I keep feeling excited for a particular idea by then, I might shake up my prompts? =o)
Anyways, thanks! <3 I hope you’re having a great start to your month!! Stay awesome and stay safe out there~
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sylphscope · 2 years
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I wasn’t originally planning on entering Shipwrecked Comedy’s fan contest for their latest The Case of the Greater Gatsby Kickstarter, but this mental image accosted me several days ago, and I knew I had no choice but to draw it. =D I hope you like it and that the eyes don’t stare into your soul too hard!
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sylphscope · 2 years
Shoutout to the little Deerling in the lodge that sometimes dozes off while standing up. <3
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sylphscope · 2 years
Every night you dream that you talk to a genie, when you wake up you can't remember what you wished for. One morning you wake up with a giant crab pincer replacing your right arm. What do you do?
First, I'd probably stare at it and do several double-takes. Also, several double-clicks.
Second, if we're being realistic, I'd probably figure it was still a dream, and then roll over to go back to sleep.
Then, upon awakening again, I might panic. All manner of panic, as you do.
Then, as I'm continuing to panic, but eventually remembering I haven't had breakfast yet, I'd go make breakfast. It would be trickier than I'm used to, what with the claw, but I'd manage eventually. Maybe I'd even crack open some fancy pistachios, because hey, that's MUCH easier now.
Having had a good meal, and perhaps with some panicked and weirded-out advice from friends or family, I might go to urgent care to see a doctor. I'd wear, like, some kind of blanket or loose jacket to shield myself from staring strangers. I'd probably freak out the doctor, but they might at least give me some recommendations. (Although I might not be likely to go visit the practical effects expert, or the marine biologist, or the exorcist.)
But, after some deliberation, I'd finally remember my dreams with the genie. Vaguely.
It'd maybe be enough to make me start looking into stuff like lucid dreaming. I'd do research, take lessons, look up carcinization, read lots of fantasy and isekai.
Anyway, by this point, I'd imagine that quite a few days and nights would have gone by, each with me not fully remembering my exchanges with the dream genie. No one else would have spontaneously grown crab pincers, but several other strange things might have happened. For instance, I might not have recalled before that my neighbor had fiery breath and guarded her house on the hill from intruders, but it's a very efficient deterrent, so, good for her.
In any case, after much trial and error and various shenanigans and several fantastic selfies and in-jokes, I'd finally start to get the hang of this lucid dreaming business. At long last, I'd approach the genie in my dreamscape.
"Why can't I remember what I've been wishing for from you?" I'd ask breathlessly, clacking my crab pincer in agitation.
The genie would smile pleasantly and laugh. "Me, taking wish requests from you?" they'd chortle. "Certainly not. I've simply enjoyed chatting with you each night for some nice company. Even if I did grant your wishes, I'd only give you three. It would be ridiculous to grant anyone so many as all the times I've visited you."
"Huh??" I'd bluster. "But--but what about--what about this?" I'd gesture, perhaps unnecessarily, at my right arm.
Again, the genie would laugh. "Oh, that?" they'd say with an amiable shrug. "You told me once how you hurt your thumb when trying to open pistachios. I just thought I'd help you out some."
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sylphscope · 3 years
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So, I rewatched the Headless Kickstarter video again, this time with the subtitles turned on.
Thank you to whoever is responsible for the captions, because in addition to being descriptive, they occasionally made me laugh even more than I already was. Amazing. xD
(Also, Shipwrecked Comedy’s Headless Kickstarter campaign!! There’s only 6 days left, as of my posting this! Go check ‘em out and support them if you can! Or at least watch the video, it’s great.)
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sylphscope · 2 years
Amphibia fans, gif makers of Tumblr--
I have a request!
I’m not sure if it’s been done already, but could someone please make a gifset of Anne’s main reunion hugs?
Anne running to Sasha on the bridge outside Wartwood, Sasha waiting with a delighted grin and open arms.
Anne running and splashing to Marcy outside Newtopia, Marcy turning around in surprise and amazement.
And then, finally, everybody else running to Anne instead this time when she comes back in the last ep, tackling her into the water, sobbing and laughing, as if to say, “It’s you. It’s you. It’s you. You don’t need to hang back in anyone else’s shadow anymore. We want to come to you, to you, as you are. Just as you are.”
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sylphscope · 3 years
I think we can all agree that this Amphibia villain is terrifying and deeply unsettling on a ton of levels--but we can also all agree that it is objectively absolutely hilarious that this horrific eldritch abomination is canonically named/billed as Darcy, right?
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(The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, ep. 4)
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sylphscope · 3 years
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This is an actual screencap from last week’s Amphibia episode. I can’t-- X’D It went by so fast in the montage that I was just like, “Wait--what was--what the--was that what I thought it was??”
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sylphscope · 2 years
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This is the first time Maxie showed up in the Pokemon Center since I scouted him, and I didn't expect to relate so hard to him being all, "Ugh, why won't this person email me back??" X'D
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