vaporeon2010317 · 6 months
*Cit. Vaporeon feels a cold shiver run down her. A bad feeling in her gut.*
Sage needs help...
*She tucks Auryn into her bed and texts Sylveon.*
I need you to come to my apartment. It's urgent.
On my way
*Sylveon arrives at the apartment quickly, Cit. Vapor letting her inside.*
Sylve, Sage needs help getting Assistant back home. I can't help her as I need to watch Auryn, but you can. Would you be willing to do that, sweetheart?
Of course.
Ok, take my sword. It won't be as strong for you, but it's something. The sword has a button on the side that activates the water blade. It's easily transported in pen form, do you understand?
Yes, I understand, Vapor.
*Cit. Vaporeon gives her gf the pen and hugs Sylveon tight.*
Stay safe, Sylveon.
I will, my love.
*Cit Vapor lets go and cups Sylve's face for a moment.*
Now go save our friend.
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Sylve: How is spring not everyone’s favorite season? There are pink trees guys! Pink!
Sage: It’s hot?
Sylve: But PINK!
Assistant, taking an antihistamine: Allergies are a problem too, y’know
Sylve: PINK!!
(Sylveon2010 - @vaporeon2010317 Sage - @sagehyperfixates Assistant - @evilassistantbutnotmean)
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tumbletownfanfiction · 9 months
Part 2 of the drama club au with two new drama club members :
[Cit.] Vaporeon2010, the triple jobed freshman of the drama club who's recently had to run solely on McDonald's, KitKats, and Coca-Cola alone to deal with being a actor set designer and a playwriter for the drama club. (I imagine she's the one who wrote the script from part 1)
Sylveon2010, the beautiful freshman with a lot of talent for age 15 and got the lead first try. Super sweet and sportive, just wants everyone to get along.
Bonus points if Terra gets jealous of Sylveon
- 🌊
“Vapor!” Sylve scolds. “You need to actually eat real food! Put the KitKat down!”
“You’ll never take me alive!” Vapor shoves the KitKat in her mouth, chugs the rest of her Coca-Cola and runs. The dark bags under her eyes are obvious as she darts past Sylve. The lead actor sighs and glares mildly at the other people in the room.
“Why didn’t you stop her?!”
Chad shrugs. “She was writing the script.”
“Well now I have to go pin her down and make her eat!”
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By the way, Assistant, Sage is sending blessings your way.
- Sylveon2010
Oh awsome! Be sure to let her know that the fae bring her good vibes :))
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vaporeon2010317 · 8 months
In Sylveon’s apartment (while she’s there, just chilling), a thud is heard from her bathroom. Going over to investigate, she finds Sage lying in the bathtub, white butterflies lining the edges of the wall tiles, the mirror, and the counter. It looks like they’re sleeping, and they don’t seem to be in pain, but the lower half of their top is torn with the edges stained yellow as her exposed stomach has a cosmic-looking, slightly glowing patch that’s slowly shrinking as if knitting itself back together. Didn’t Vapor say that Sage’s blood is golden ichor?
(OOC: I kinda want this to be a just-Sylve thing, see how Sage and her play off each other when Vapor isn’t around at the moment)
*Sylveon, after hearing the thud and finding Sage, starts to breathe faster. She goes and grabs the first aid kit, getting the bandages and returning to Sage.*
"Oh dear... I'm not entirely sure how to help, but a bandage is a good start..."
*She wraps the large bandage around Sage's "patch" attempting to stop the bleeding. *
"There. That should be a little better... I gotta call someone... but Vapor's out on bestie night with Goon and Alex, and I don't want to bother her while she's out for a fun night with friends! Oh... what am I gonna do?"
*Sylve looks worried as she talks, mostly to herself before looking back to Sage in the bathtub.*
"Well... getting you out of the bathroom might be a good start."
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vaporeon2010317 · 6 months
Hey, there! I'm Vaporeon2010. I role-play, create stories and artsy stuff, and try to have fun here on Tumblr. This is my main blog, which has a mix of everything I like to do here. Hopefully, you enjoy what I post! All my role-play characters here on Tumblr under the cut.
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○Tumblr Town Role-play : Main Universe○
Cit. Vaporeon - This blog
Sylveon2010 - This blog, pink text
Aruna Mal Harrison, aka "Crescent" - This blog, blue text
Memiri Belle [Tornata] - @memiri-belle
■Tumblr Town Role-play : Shadow World AU■
Shadow Vaporeon aka S.V. - This blog, red text
Memiri Belle [Windchime] - @memiri-belle , orange text
[Coming Soon]
☆◇Tumblr Town : Role-Swap AU◇☆
Vaporine Mediterranean Atlantica - @magic-and-tides ; blue, orange, and purple text
Sylvania - @magic-and-tides , pink text
Memiri Belle [Nixie] - @revived-brezzes
[Coming Soon]
[All blogs masterlist]
▪︎¤Fallen Bravery¤▪︎
Camyrn Casey aka C.C. - This blog, orange text
◇~☆Perepheral Illusions☆~◇
Eevee - @apocalyptic-eevee-pov
□●Supercharged : Maybe Gone, Never Forgotten●□
Andromeda Orion/Chantrea & Nyx Orion - @stars-of-the-city
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vaporeon2010317 · 4 months
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If you know, you know.
(Original sorce : eeveeissocute on Instagram)
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vaporeon2010317 · 4 months
*Someone knocks on the door. The knocking is accompanied by giggling.*
Huh... who could that be...?
*Sylveon walks to the door of her apartment and opens it, curious as to who this visitor is...*
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vaporeon2010317 · 10 months
(Cit. Vaporeon is home alone, the apartment empty except for her. She's simply practicing her ukulele, strumming the cords of a song close to her heart...)
*She's singing* If everything comes crashing down, I pray that you'll still be around. I'll sing to you to mask the sound of missiles breaking up the ground. And I could get through world war 3, as long as you were there with me. No where else I'd rather be, when the world falls into anarchy.
*She finishes the song and her practice. Cit Vapor has her hair tied back, an unusual choice for a girl who always wears her hair down... then again, she has curly hair, which is a pain to brush. Cit. Vaporeon puts her ukulele on its hanging stand and is about to go to bed...*
*knock knock*
Hum? Who's visiting this late?...
*Cit. goes to the door, opening it, finds the girl from long ago standing right in the hallway of the apartment building. Not one of her waved locks is out of place, and her sky blue eyes shine more beautiful than ever...*
Hey, Vapor. I'm back.
*Cit. Vaporeon immediately hugs Sylveon, an overwhelming happiness. Her love is finally home...*
I missed you so much...
I missed you too. I'm sorry I couldn't return sooner. Is it alright if I come in so I can catch you up with what happened to me?
Yeah, of course!
*Cit. Vaporeon invites Sylveon inside, glad to have her back home...*
(Ooc : For those of you wondering the song below is the song Cit. Vaporeon was practicing.)
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vaporeon2010317 · 6 months
A knock at the door.
No one is there but a bird with a message.
"You Are Invited To The Chaos For A [Specil] Something. When? Saturday."
Sylve! There's gonna be an event at the Chaos again!
"Well... wanna start planning outfits?"
Of course!
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vaporeon2010317 · 7 months
For Vapor & Sylve, what are your favorite things to bake?
Cookies and brownies. They're delicious and the first things Sylveon taught me to bake.
For me, it would have to be cupcakes and those mini-cakes. Something is just so much fun about decorating them!
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vaporeon2010317 · 9 months
A letter appears in front of Sylveon and Cit.Vaporeon.
Dear Miss Sylveon2010 and Vaporeon2010,
We of the Aurorites regret to inform you that our Lady is in a rather poor state, one of great sorrow. We humbly request that you use the Golden Dragonfly Key granted to you from the invitation to the Hiburnal Solstice Ball to come and assist our great lady in this hard time.
Sincerely, Lianna, Kiran, and Phoebe
*Sylveon and Cit. Vaporeon quickly read the letter. Stopping baking prep and putting ingredients away.*
Oh Sage...
"Off to the Archives we go to comfort her?"
*The two get things cleaned up there, then grab the Key and head to the Archives...*
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vaporeon2010317 · 10 months
(Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Tumbler Town...)
I'm finally home... it's been way too long since I've been back here. I had originally left to help my brother move in, but a lot of family drama had happened that made me have to stay longer. (My Aunt and Uncle got divorced, and there was a lot of other stuff I don't want to mention.) My phone had broken so I wasn't able to contact the person closest to me... but I'm back with a new phone, happy to return home. I can't wait to see Vapor again...
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vaporeon2010317 · 10 months
(Cit. Vaporeon is home alone, wondering out loud to herself...)
I need to tell someone about Sylveon, Me trying to keep her a secret is becoming too difficult...
I know it hurts to remember her... her laugh, her sky blue eyes, her everything. But if I don't tell anyone, I-I feel like I'm gonna burst...
*Tears come to her eyes as memories flood in...*
Sylve... my first friend... my love, please... please be ok...
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vaporeon2010317 · 9 months
Curse my mind for thinking of A Role-Swap au after receiving this ask...
Anyway, Cryptid wants me to go through with it (despite the fact that I only wanted to make one au for this role-play) so, here are the roles swaps I have set. (So far)
NOTE : All ships cannon to the original role-play stay cannon in this au regardless of roles. THE ROLES DO NOT DETERMINE WHO GETS SHIPED WITH WHO.
T.B. has Goon's role (He's already transitioned in this au)
Assistant has Cit. Vaporeon's role (they are human in this au)
Sylveon2010 has Assistant's role (she is a fae in this au)
Memiri has Sunny's role
Cit. Vaporeon has Sage's role (she's a freaking goddess!)
Caffeine [@captive-caffeine] has Terra's role (I'm saying "Terra" because Caffeine would have the pre-transtion role)
Melatonin has Misra's role
That's who I have right now. I'm going to tag people and to the people I tag : What do you guys think about it so far?
@cryptidwithaninternetconnection @cats-and-confusion @the-belle-siblings @sirlordevil @deadless-corpse @boredgoon @sagehyperfixates @the-excellent-papyru
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vaporeon2010317 · 10 months
Ooc : So, just for curiosity, my friends in the role-play, which team are you when it comes to the love triangle drama.
(@deadless-corpse @sirlordevil @evilassistantbutnotmean @boredgoon @the-belle-sisters @doctor-shay-d-guy @evilblr @sidekickblr )
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