inuhiime · 4 days
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' believe me when i say, i am desperate. when i say, i too am hungry for god. ' ( susan l. leary )
' you ache. you ache all over. you are aching to be you, but you're scared of what it means to do so. ' ( caleb azumah nelson )
' i don't need your praise to survive. ' ( louise glück )
' eventually someone is going to break your heart. eventually something you love is going to be taken away. and then you will fall to the floor crying. ' ( richard siken )
' if not this, then there is nothing. ' ( leanne dunic )
' someday, you will be in love again. ' ( sanna wani )
' no offense to god, but everything my mother prayed i wouldn't be, i became. ' ( hiwot adilow )
' we outgrow love, like other things, and put it in the drawer. ' ( emily dickinson )
' i could not stop myself from needing to belong somewhere, even if that somewhere was a burial ground. ' ( fatima aamer bilal )
' there is nothing that helps me sleep, but i keep going. i have found it best to live. ' ( samantha fain )
' i am always ready to leave. there is not a single room in this world where i belong. ' ( fatima aamer bilal )
' i wasn't fooled. i knew you at once. ' ( sylvisa plath )
' even at the moment of your failure, you are beautiful. ' ( lidia yuknavitch )
' tomorrow you'll be stronger. rest here in peace a little longer. ' ( timothy dekin )
' remembering you, i remember also compassion. i cannot explain this. ' ( jane hirshfield )
' i guess i'm crueler than i think i am. ' ( charles bukowski )
' and if i lie, i lie because i love you. ' ( anne sexton )
' what part of yourself did you have to destroy in order to survive in the world this year? ' ( arabelle sicardi )
' the cage is open. you can walk out anytime you want. why are you still in there? ' ( heather havrilesky )
' are you healed or do you only think you're healed? ' ( louise glück )
' when your disaster is everyone's disaster, how do you grieve? ' ( chad hartigan )
' where do you go when i don't see you? or who am i when you're not around? ' ( peter gizzi )
' do you think love only exists because death exists? ' ( katie marya )
' you can't have two worlds in your hands and choose emptiness. ' ( mary szybist )
' god, throw me a line. the drowning takes too long. ' ( mary szybist )
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nanivel · 6 years
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Sylvisas’s meta - her ‘inner demon’ is inquisitor and he gives her mindblowing powers. Like, literally mindblowing.
I finally happy with her horns, yes.
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Can you explain a little about each of your OCs fashion taste and maybe add a pic of the epitome of their style? I want to see which one is most like my own fashion preferences (if I wasn't too lazy to dress up lol)
All right, what I’m going to do is the rapid-fire. I’m gonna tell you names and what they dress like, since you were interested in finding out who matched, and then you (or anyone else) can ask further asks about anyone who looks interesting one at a time and I will GUSH
Venley (protag hero): Wears deep blues (but not navy). Likes swishy skirts, flowing sleeves, and layering. So much layering, especially leggings under short skirts.
Sophira (hero): Has a style I like to call The Worst(TM). Wears non-complementary colors. Patchwork sweaters and miniskirts. Loves rainbow tie-dye. Will not take fashion advice from Axeline and this is going to be the death of Axeline
Axeline (hero): Mostly sticks to red palettes with long coats and corset lacing but will try anything once.
Siademina (hero): Likes to pair cute blouses with bouncy short skirts. Tends to wear warmer colors or pastels.
Zefiraduc (hero): Purple and glitzy. She wants to be a famous pop star and dresses like one.
Arain (hero): Blacks and reds. If the outfit can allow her to blend pants with something skirt-ish, like a side panel, it’s an extra bonus. Always wears the fantasy equivalent of a baseball cap to go with it (and has emo bangs AND a huge ponytail).
Ailuen (hero): Mostly dresses in comfy things, tees and jeans, but when she wants to go all-out, she will pick a pink prom dress with ruffles and sparkles. A nice compromise is if she puts a fancy pink blouse over the jeans. During the planned arc where she becomes a Lawful Evil for a while, wears a white military uniform.
Alivain (deuteragonist villain): Mostly likes red, but occasionally blue or purple. Is a villain and dresses like a villain. Outfits are very bright and flamboyant. I’m toying with an “evil circus” aesthetic for the entire team and have written down some of him acting as the ringmaster, so go ahead and add a red ringmaster’s uniform to his most-worn. I also want him to have gloves with little claws built in at one point. Capes. And he wears high heels because he likes to feel tall and glamorous.
Versafina (villain): All black all the time. Lots of leather. Prefers pants vastly over skirts because she’s a dancer/martial artist who needs the mobility; also she just doesn’t like the femme aesthetic so much. Though she does enjoy wearing the highest of high heels specifically because training in them makes her more balanced and agile, and if she takes them off, you are dead where you stand.
Phantasia (villain): White cocktail dresses. Swanky and glamorous. Usually more pencil-skirt style or form-fitting than anything that has ruffle. Slits that show off the leg are a fave style of hers. High heels for her too.
Zangary (villain): I’m not entirely happy with his design, but for now, I have him in kinda generic dark clothes with an ostentatious long lavender jacket and a black wide-brimmed hat.
Dweixyn (villain): Pink minidresses/blouses and skirts. Has a favorite trench coat that has pink lining on the inside and is darker on the outside. Always wears sunglasses, even indoors and at night, for the aesthetic and no other reason. High heels for her too.
Belador/Belladore (villain): They’re kind of a rave-themed villain so I imagine lots of mesh tops and glow sticks.
Yridel (villain): I’m not entirely sure what her style is, but it needs to show off her cybernetic limbs. That is a must.
Sherida (villain): A form-fitting red bodysuit with a black motorcycle helmet that prevents you from seeing her face. Heavy-soled boots. Steal aesthetics from Vanitas Kingdomhearts? Me? Nooooo
Lirian (villain): “Sun” palettes, with pinks and yellows and reds. But also blue sweaters and skirts (dull in hue). I toy with one of her quirks being wearing ballet shoes everywhere she goes but I’m not sure if that’s silly.
Rachneira (villain): Wears lots of black. Not just a Goth but THAT Hot Topic Goth.
Tomagi (villain): Pink sundresses, particularly with gold lining.
Calpurniko (villain): Jumpsuits, overalls, beiges and dull colors, white tees, anything she can get dirty and not cry over.
Diamandian (villain): White lace. He is cis male but comfortable enough with his masculinity that he adores ruffles and lace hems. Has a matching white parasol and a white top hat.
Maraya (villain): Victorian-esque dress...blue?...and a big ol’ black cloak that hides her appearance. Her design is still kinda under construction because I started out going one direction and then made a hard left on her character
Anastasios (villain): Tunics and breeches. Greens and browns.
Kaxhalen (villain): He is an alien warlord so I’m trying to design a silver extraterrestrial battlesuit but not sure how to make it look unique
Osmend Osmodias (villain): Shiny golden suits. Fedora that’s pulled down to cover his eyes.
Orianelle (villain): black leather that shows a lot of skin. Tanks and shorts that bare midriff. Tall black boots with heavy soles.
Siersyrei (villain): Navy blue and that’s about all I know for now, though there are reasons I’d like her to have a skirt with shorts underneath.
Clancette (B-team hero): When in civvies, wears a lot of pink “kawaii” clothing. Jackets over tanks. Lots of pins with the fantasy equivalent of Sanrio characters. Rainbow stockings. As a Magical Girl, is associated with the color pink and element of wind; her outfit has a short and wide ruffly skirt and any way a breeze can be implemented into the design is welcome.
Xar/chelyna (B-team hero): When in civvies, he wears button-down shirts and blue pants. As a Magical Girl, she is associated with blue and water, so skirts that are long and wavy and any ocean motifs. Also enjoys a blue top hat.
Loveleigh (B-team hero): Both civvies and Magical Girl clothing are red/fire-associated. Likes slinky skirts and low-cut blouses.
Fernamele (B-team hero): Both civvies and Magical Girl clothing are yellow/lightning-associated. Another pop star wannabe who dresses in glitz and glitter, with swishy short skirts.
Zelladane (B-team hero): Civvies are sweatshirts, jeans, and heavy rubber boots with a lot of dirt built on them from her gardening. Magical Girl clothing is green/plant-associated, but with pink accents. Any piece that’s green with pink flower decorations on it automatically makes me think of her.
Aoliaoma (B-team hero): Undecided on civvies, but her big character quirk is that she seems perpetually sleepy, so I could see her just forgetting to change out of her full-length pajamas that are probably black satin. As a Magical Girl, her association is black/the void, and she has a short dress meant to look like that of a traditional witch, with a pointed witch’s hat on top.
Ravenille (antihero): Denim jackets and pants. Lots of denim. Silver face piercings and LOTS of them.
Arisia (antihero): I specifically see her in a blue tank top, a brown skirt/shorts and chain mail overlays. Anything with chain mail makes me think of her. Also, tall heeled boots. She might also wear a mask made of chain mail that covers the lower half of her face.
Lunisia (antihero): Pink. Skirts with leggings beneath. Quirky shoes, like black patent-leather with buckles.
Rhodelton (antihero): The ugliest yellow jacket you can imagine over a T-shirt and jeans.
Phaeley (minor character, could be moved to antihero squad): Black tanks and long skirts. Slightly Goth but not that much. Always wears a black newsboy hat.
Sylvisa (minor character, could be moved to antihero squad): Almost exactly Versafina’s style except more masculine. I should probably refine his.
Dashorra (minor character): Anything that’s split right down the middle as black/white is fair game.
Victorique (minor character): Shiny silver dresses with long skirts.
Isisa (minor character): White toga and gold hair ornamentation.
Phil (minor character): Is literally a sentient pile of green slime and never wears clothes, but if he did, it’d be business suits with tacky striped ties.
Tristabelle (minor character): I usually picture her in a dark blue low-cut dress with a loose, flowing skirt, but I feel like it needs refinement.
Madwyn (minor character): I usually picture her in a form-fitting black cocktail dress, but I also feel like this could be more special.
Diceanne (minor character): I usually picture her in a pink bodysuit with gold accents that lacks sleeves or legs, so I kind of want to do something with this and the concept of tackling the issue of revealing clothing and sexism and how much choice is had in the matter so I guess her final outfit will come to me once I’ve got the arc in mind
Beccatrice (minor character): I usually picture her in a white toga, but unless she and Isisa are part of the same order or class or something, I should probably make hers different.
Sharamantha (minor character): Brightly-colored overalls (pink, green, purple) over white tees. Sneakers.
Eudarmence (minor character): Shiny gold gowns. Any shiny gold gown. Also likes shiny gold hair ornamentation. Has to be the shiniest thing in the room.
Ilyènne (minor character): Either yellow dresses with loose skirts or this specific pink blouse with a huge ostentatious ribbon on the chest that I got in my mind’s eye once.
Riaudne (plot-device character): Pink-and-silver dresses. She’s royalty, but I want to play with her culture not being Eurocentric, so I want to shake up this design somehow but I’m not yet sure how
Aelistene (plot-device character): Brightly colored minidresses (mint green or deep purple), likes hair ornaments.
Magnus (Lawful Evil villain): All white all the time. Looks very regal - jackets, waistcoats. Very masculine as well.
Janiel and Tjeron are both mooks of the Lawful Evil faction and will eventually renounce their ways, but I have literally never pictured them in anything other than military uniforms that I originally designed as black but now have changed to white for symbolic deconstruction reasons
The following characters are still under construction to where I’m not sure of their fashion style at all: Valencindri (villain sidekick), Dr. Hope Lessness (villain), Mercy Lessness (villain sidekick), Lainnhartt (villain), Soligeo (villain sidekick), Khairic Kajé (antihero), Aerokai (antihero), Tredwulfall (antihero), Burqueley (antihero), Liodax (minor character), Ririko (minor character), Ayali (minor character, possibly antihero), Lilianet (minor character), Spectra (minor character), Prettiza and Kyista (minor characters who have to wear the same outfit), Rewnoki (minor character), Delena (minor character), Jaydrey (minor character), Mejame (minor character), Shananadel (minor character), Veline (Lawful Evil), Keiandra (Lawful Evil), or Oquian (Lawful Evil).
I hope this has helped you figure out whose style you match and also see how many freaking characters I have designed and I don’t intend to stop until I have enough to fill a huge fantasy world but then I’ll probably keep going anyway because my mind is apparently hooked on designing now
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sylvisa · 11 years
I've always claimed that Gatiss should be pronounced as 'gay-tease.'
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