oh that's a relief! endos are very harmful to us systems. here is a carrd that explains (https://why-endos-are-bad.carrd.co/#whyendosarebad),
since only recently you've started exploring your system I recommend reading these to help, but I do recommend seeking for a therapist since as a system myself I don't wish this upon anyone /gen
(https://osddideducation.carrd.co/#systemeducation) (https://www.carolynspring.com/blog/what-are-the-signs-and-symptoms-of-dissociative-identity-disorder/) (https://dissociation-station.carrd.co/)
may have to type the links in your search bar as asks don't support actual links sadly.
Nice uh idk what say
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circulars-reasoning · 2 years
Summer System Education Week!
Today’s Prompt: Alters
The experience of having alters is… odd, to say the least - especially as an avid RPer and writer. I’ll keep the ramble under a cut, since it’s so long!
Tw for sui ideation mentions.
When I was in high school, we conceptualized ourselves as “characters who took over for Rice when she got too stressed out from life.” It was just me (Wade) and Sierra back then, and we thought of ourselves as two halves that made up who “the body” (or, Rice, in our minds) was. We would switch between home and school - Sierra got school, because she could be a badass bitch there, and I got home, cause I was everything I felt my parents wanted.
But then new alters formed. It was slow - sometimes we didn’t notice at first, and sometimes we did. When Sie formed, it was when our “friend” (quit ions meant for sarcasm) was threatening to leave our friend group because “nobody loves her anymore.” Sierra had started fronting at home more, which confused us, but I started just. Fading back. She was the host now - she could do whatever she wanted. (Not healthy I know now). And suddenly, Sierra was just so stressed out that… Sie was there. It felt like Sierra was just gone for a few minutes, and in her place was this child, crying, just begging for the friend not to leave because we craved that love so much.
Sie was sudden. Numb, who came not long after, was not. He formed because we were suicidal. I really struggled the most with wanting to lull myself - but it was all just passive ideation. Over the course of a few months, my depression started getting worse. We felt… so dead. And one night, when I was just sitting in bed, crying without really feeling it, the emotions suddenly hit again and I couldn’t handle it - and then Numb was there. And the feeling was completely gone.
We’ve gotten a LOT more splits since then. All of them have one thing in common; they came when we were even the slightest bit stressed. Debra split when we were at our most suicidal. LED split when Debra was harassing us night and day, to help handle the persecutor thoughts. Curtis split when we were so tied up in our sexuality and how “it was an abomination” (my parents words) that we let ourselves get hurt more than we could understand, at the time - we were just about 15 or 16. Ve split when our switching became unmanageable as we had it, and she switched when nobody else could. Roy split in the shower one day, when we were caught in a flashback. Octavian split when triggered by social media. And Avery split when I finally, finally came out as who I really am.
I’ve never written it all out before, especially for people to see. But I am happy to share it now. Nobody is EVER obligated to share (this is highly personal, after all). But I’m sharing this for a reason: I keep seeing lately that alters can form for any reason. But I feel as though that’s not true; I think alters form due to stressors in life, and adapting to handle them. That’s not “for any reason” - that’s a specific one!
Now, after we’ve done a lot more therapy and thinking about our splits and why we formed, it’s a lot easier to figure out “is this an OC or is this an alter.” OCs, we create on the spot. We “step into” those characters for RP. It impacts our behavior, before and after RP, when we RP those characters. But it’s so fundamentally different from how alters form and front. Alters aren’t created on the spot - we don’t “purposely” create them. They are created during stressful events, unlike OCs. And rather than “stepping into” a character, we would describe fronting as “someone stepping into me.” Switches feel like a dance (though sometimes it’s more of a yank than a waltz!). They’re very physical - moving between two things, rather than becoming one thing.
I hope… ANY of that makes sense. We’re going to be posting more individual stuff today from each of us, with folks permission of course. 💙 This is just my big post describing EVERYTHING. Have a wonderful day!
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edneedtech · 3 years
The Edneed education management software ensures seamless learning with features like restriction modes for online tests, study material and attendance tracking. Contact us for a free demo and create your website in just 2 minutes. visit www.edneed.com
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itsedexlive · 5 years
Vineet Nayar, former CEO of HCL Technologies and currently the Founder-Chairperson of the Sampark Foundation is one of those people who has kept that spark well and truly alive.
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st47feed · 5 years
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circulars-reasoning · 2 years
Alter Spotlight: Curtis
Curtis felt this was important to get in today, in the discussion of alters. Poetry below, written by him. Happy System Education Week, everyone!
Tw in tags and under the cut.
Tw: sui (ideation and attempt), blood, SH, sex (mentions), depression
There’s so much more.
But I’m here, and I’m gay as fuck, and I’m just trying to live it up.
What does living even look like?
When I first came to be, birthed Of a mind that wrestled Grasped with every ounce of being At everything it’s been through, I was hiding the pain through smoke And mirrors I wished shattered.
But I was there, at least, finally. But was I? Was I me? Not yet, not yet.
I craved the taste of things familiar that I’d never tasted once. I craved the touch of things familiar that had never touched my skin.
Did they? Bury it. This isn’t living, it’s hell. I want to live. Is this living?
I moved on. I didn’t do anything; I recognized I’m just a fragment of a person, not real, just a part A piece of some dumbass chick’s life because she was too weak Too stupid to just come out and move on and-
No, stop, shut up, she’ll hear.
Whatever. I’ll keep her stupid body safe. I won’t do what I want, cause I don’t have a choice - there’s too many other fuckers in here who apparently matter more than me.
Time to spiral Downward, down my arm Tracing with a marker the broken cracks I feel inside A coping mechanism that fails me But god, these arms aren’t even fucking mine So what else can I cut? Where else can I bleed but in the fucking depths of my mind, god I just want to feel, or maybe stop, or maybe both- So I do. And it doesn’t fucking work.
It didn’t fucking work
I’m just f a l l i n g apart and the goddamn protector has to hold me while I break
Why me?
Why is there more than just Me?
Why can’t I just suck lollipops or dicks or the dregs of a cig, and get off these tits and dye my hair a dark green?
Why can’t I stand in my own body, without remembering all these things- the memories of
Touched skin. Screaming. Shatter, shatter- blood on the ceiling, how is this my fault? Blood on the ground but dissociate it away, she wouldn’t want that but death has new meaning, did I have a crush on her or just want to be her, and it’s all too much to think about.
And I’m still there, still bleeding, because it’s what I remember And Octobers are hell now, but god, it almost feels good because it was Mine. That’s what “living” looked like then. All I wanted was something that was mine. All I wanted was to be me.
And I wasn’t.
But now…
Look. Look with eyes and ears and soul.
See, me:
Married to the man who held me when I cried (in theory, at least, if we count littles as priests).
Happily in love, using sex to have fun instead of to cope.
Who needs smoke and mirrors when you’re loved?
Love. So much love; from me, from others.
And vines Vines growing up my arms (no, it’s not literal, At least, not in that way, And who needs a tattoo parlor when you’ve got an imagination like hers?)
Wait- pause that thought. Like mine. Cause she is me, and I recognize that now.
Even if I’m a pansexual, transsexual (and I mean that one literally, I don't have a better word yet-) cisgendered man with a taste for cock and lollipops,
And she’s a genderqueer cisgender woman whose sexuality is a big shrug and whose hobbies include sleeping forever and forgetting it all,
We’re still me and her and us and I. And always, always so much More.
There’s so much more than just who I am. There’s so much more than just alters. Because when I look in a mirror, I’m not an alter.
I’m her.
And she’s me.
And she loves me. And I love her. And I love me. And she loves her. And I am loved. And the universe loves me. And the universe loves the universe, and the stars welcome me.
Because I am finally,
And us is what living looks like. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just us.
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edneedtech · 3 years
The Edneed education management software ensures seamless learning with features like restriction modes for online tests, study material and attendance tracking. Contact us for a free demo and create your website in just 2 minutes. visit www.edneed.com
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edneedtech · 3 years
School Management System: Features That Institutes Need The Most- Edneed
In our daily lives, technology is an absolute necessity. Sleeping with an air conditioner on to waking up with a phone alarm, the effects of it are evident in everyone's life. It has impacted every sector of society. One of them is the Education Sector.
As we discussed earlier, how new advancements in technology are shaping the today and tomorrow of the world. There has been a significant change in the education sector, where people are more concerned with a digital presence. As the government introduced NEP 2020 - where they mentioned that it is important for educational institutions to have a digital presence.
Therefore, Edneed strives to promote learning by helping educational institutions to have a great digital presence by creating a website for their institution in just 2 minutes. It also provides the best learning management system - an effective digital platform that helps your institution with its day-to-day activities and a system that gets updated with new trends regularly.
Everything is effective when it gets updated with the trends. Updates make sure that the latest features are made available to you at the earliest. In light of this statement, Edneed strives to provide you with regular updates to maximize the benefits for your institution.
The latest updates on Edneed's platform
Let’s have a look at the changes that happened with the recent updates to Edneed’s platform.
Online Exams Enhancement
In today's educational environment, using unfair means in online exams has become a serious issue. But Edneed came up with a new feature of restriction modes, where teachers can use various restriction modes to eliminate this problem. The following restriction modes can be utilized through Edneed's Learning Management System to prevent any unfair means:
No Restrictions: In this case, the student won't have any restrictions during the exam. They can freely minimize the window at any given time.
Moderate: In this mode, the student will have a maximum of five chances to switch or minimize his exam window. After five attempts, the student's exam will be auto-submitted.
Restricted: In this mode, the students will not be allowed to switch or minimize their exam window. The student will be shown 1 warning. On the second attempt, the exam will be auto-submitted.
The Study Material
The second new feature added to Edneed’s platform is the study material. It is created to help teachers and educators in unfurling their feathers of knowledge, for students to get the kind of attention and guidance they deserve. Edneed Study Material functions as a course builder, where a teacher can build extensive course packs and reach out to their students in need.
“Edneed Study Material” is a platform, where teachers can upload their own study material for general studies or specific subjects and courses, so that their students never feel neglected, and get their tutor’s undivided attention. Whether you have a text file, a PDF file, or even a video file, where you explain and simplify subjects for your students, you can effortlessly upload them to the “Edneed Study Material”.
Edneed understands the importance of keeping up with the trends in this fast-moving world, which is why it focuses on how it can help you manage your institution’s activities more effectively. These new features have been introduced to eliminate the unfair means that students use while doing online exams and that the institution can upload study material for the students to have better learning. The Edneed team strives to provide the best features and services for your educational institutions to ensure the growth of your institution.
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edneedtech · 3 years
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The Edneed school management system ensures seamless learning with features like restriction modes for online tests, study material and attendance tracking. Contact us for a free demo and create your website in just 2 minutes. visit www.edneed.com
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edneedtech · 3 years
The Edneed school management system ensures seamless learning with features like restriction modes for online tests, study material and attendance tracking. Contact us for a free demo and create your website in just 2 minutes. visit www.edneed.com
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edneedtech · 3 years
Check out this blog to know some important reasons which is the best school management system in India to help your Schools/institutions & how it offers a comprehensive solutions for educators and learners that would help any educational institute seamlessly digitalize from a traditional mode of teaching to a digital. Contact us for a free demo and create your website in just 2 minutes.
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