jergg · 4 years
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junk time
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jergg · 4 years
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thinking about moms on mothers day
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sometimes a family is a boar, a tiger and something that might be a fox but not really sure
Kuvirea and Misadori are a fae kacheek and silver kougra, K is their adopted moehog son. They're kind of ‘found family’ in both story and meta... my main account pets for ~15 years who were standalone concepts at the beginning, but they meshed together over time. I used to just have Kuve being snippy with Misa all the time but she mellowed out if you know what I mean... and eventually saying K has two moms wasnt a joke anymore. Although sometimes I have to say it like a joke because who knows what will wake up mods on neopets dot com
Kuve is a tiny strict accountant/homeowner/busybody, Misa is an ex-mountain bandit/wild tiger (but actually opposite of a tiger mom) and K their mushy little pile of laundry. He fills out when he grows up but he's still kinda mushy (and is still small enough for Misa to swing him around). K loves his moms because he’s a good kid and while he turns to Misa for hugs/wrestling/piggyback rides/opening jars, funnily enough tries to model himself after his daintier mom with parasols and morning tea.
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blue glows
Insomniac sorta-police sorta-paranormal investigator Rai (grey kougra) is the kid of Roha (she's also a leopard but she was temporarily a dappervolk shroom rabbit for obvious reasons) a Life Fountain - so she is near immortal, nigh indestructible with super self-healing and such an overflow of magic aura she causes blue shrooms to sprout around her. But Rai's dad was a human, so his genes are dilute and his only supernatural powers are glowing hands and mild healing ability which lets him live on very little sleep. His aversion to sleep might be due to to some childhood incidents where Roha would go to sleep for weeks/months at a time, typical LF habits but not great for raising kid.
As a spacey 200-yr old, she was kinda unwittingly negligent of her half-human kid but never hostile, practically incapable of being upset. Even though she never stopped being spacey (or maybe because other kids made fun of that) Rai has always been defensive of his mom. His best memories with her mostly involve food. Since he grew up and moved out, she's always happy to see him again and now tends to wake up when he visits. maybe she's starting to notice that without the LF immortality aspect, he's aging a lot faster than she is...
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picking out toys for your teenage daughter
The most dysfunctional but oddly also the most coherent family here, the Face Eaters are semi-feral mountain-wandering shapeshifters who chop down/eat humans they come across, and reproduce by cloning. The family is about ten strong, but there's only one child. Shu (ogrin) is a clone of her mom Ran, who is the clan queen (subeta exp #118, although I always compare that to a faerie xweetok.) They're shifters, that's why a fox bug has a llama kid it makes total sense shhhhhhhh. 
Everyone in the family owns a mask to help the kids differentiate between the nearly identical adults, but that's all that you own in the Eater clan, everything else is to be 'shared' with whoever can grab it off you, and it's almost impossible to keep secrets from the horde. As an insular bunch of clones it's better not to have a sense of self, but life has gotten boring in recent generations and Shu gets restless and runs away.
Ran is proud of Shu probably because Shu most resembles her, and has total confidence in her daughter's abilities but isn't much in the way of empathy. Meanwhile out on her own, Shu's actually somewhat afraid of her mom, mostly that she's coming to take her stuff and maybe eat her new friends. But to them it's the equivalent of a kid having their parent barge into their room, so maybe she takes after her mom's lack of common sense too. One thing about the FE clan is they don't really know how to express contempt for each other so she'd probably greet her mom with a smile when the time comes. maybe they'll figure something out.
weirdly enough I don't think any of my characters have living dads (except one who is also adopted, but not officially) oh well those thoughts for another day
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