jergg · 4 years
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junk time
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jergg · 4 years
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thinking about moms on mothers day
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sometimes a family is a boar, a tiger and something that might be a fox but not really sure
Kuvirea and Misadori are a fae kacheek and silver kougra, K is their adopted moehog son. They're kind of ‘found family’ in both story and meta... my main account pets for ~15 years who were standalone concepts at the beginning, but they meshed together over time. I used to just have Kuve being snippy with Misa all the time but she mellowed out if you know what I mean... and eventually saying K has two moms wasnt a joke anymore. Although sometimes I have to say it like a joke because who knows what will wake up mods on neopets dot com
Kuve is a tiny strict accountant/homeowner/busybody, Misa is an ex-mountain bandit/wild tiger (but actually opposite of a tiger mom) and K their mushy little pile of laundry. He fills out when he grows up but he's still kinda mushy (and is still small enough for Misa to swing him around). K loves his moms because he’s a good kid and while he turns to Misa for hugs/wrestling/piggyback rides/opening jars, funnily enough tries to model himself after his daintier mom with parasols and morning tea.
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blue glows
Insomniac sorta-police sorta-paranormal investigator Rai (grey kougra) is the kid of Roha (she's also a leopard but she was temporarily a dappervolk shroom rabbit for obvious reasons) a Life Fountain - so she is near immortal, nigh indestructible with super self-healing and such an overflow of magic aura she causes blue shrooms to sprout around her. But Rai's dad was a human, so his genes are dilute and his only supernatural powers are glowing hands and mild healing ability which lets him live on very little sleep. His aversion to sleep might be due to to some childhood incidents where Roha would go to sleep for weeks/months at a time, typical LF habits but not great for raising kid.
As a spacey 200-yr old, she was kinda unwittingly negligent of her half-human kid but never hostile, practically incapable of being upset. Even though she never stopped being spacey (or maybe because other kids made fun of that) Rai has always been defensive of his mom. His best memories with her mostly involve food. Since he grew up and moved out, she's always happy to see him again and now tends to wake up when he visits. maybe she's starting to notice that without the LF immortality aspect, he's aging a lot faster than she is...
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picking out toys for your teenage daughter
The most dysfunctional but oddly also the most coherent family here, the Face Eaters are semi-feral mountain-wandering shapeshifters who chop down/eat humans they come across, and reproduce by cloning. The family is about ten strong, but there's only one child. Shu (ogrin) is a clone of her mom Ran, who is the clan queen (subeta exp #118, although I always compare that to a faerie xweetok.) They're shifters, that's why a fox bug has a llama kid it makes total sense shhhhhhhh. 
Everyone in the family owns a mask to help the kids differentiate between the nearly identical adults, but that's all that you own in the Eater clan, everything else is to be 'shared' with whoever can grab it off you, and it's almost impossible to keep secrets from the horde. As an insular bunch of clones it's better not to have a sense of self, but life has gotten boring in recent generations and Shu gets restless and runs away.
Ran is proud of Shu probably because Shu most resembles her, and has total confidence in her daughter's abilities but isn't much in the way of empathy. Meanwhile out on her own, Shu's actually somewhat afraid of her mom, mostly that she's coming to take her stuff and maybe eat her new friends. But to them it's the equivalent of a kid having their parent barge into their room, so maybe she takes after her mom's lack of common sense too. One thing about the FE clan is they don't really know how to express contempt for each other so she'd probably greet her mom with a smile when the time comes. maybe they'll figure something out.
weirdly enough I don't think any of my characters have living dads (except one who is also adopted, but not officially) oh well those thoughts for another day
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jergg · 7 years
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grimy lookin humanized versions of the last post with the kougs
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jergg · 7 years
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cat people
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jergg · 7 years
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mmhmhm I’ve been doing some new petpage pictures and changed some design things
Misa has some nice ties around her waist now, other than a couple beads there is a red feather. since I stopped drawing Kuvirea with her feather hat over a year ago I guess that’s where it went (fwiw Kuve now almost always has a red ribbon as part of her outfit)
the other change is Rai has spots on his ears like most big cats since i havent drawn the back of his head a lot anyway. his friend also has spotted ears that I forget to draw half the time, even though it was always part of his design wh oops
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jergg · 7 years
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another dump of stuff from the last month-ish. wasn’t on neo a lot but a certain other site had masquerade so i got a lot of outfit doodles
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jergg · 8 years
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misc junk of my neos (and one non-neo) from the last month.
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jergg · 6 years
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Sao and Rai again in humanish form after that last set, thinking about halloween and spooky movies as usual
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jergg · 6 years
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bc entries from halloween for the spooky duo
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jergg · 7 years
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my kougs cosplaying their RO classes as best a cat can do
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jergg · 8 years
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kinda been wondering about whether to post stuff because of all these pets that dont look very pet like. oh well heres some from this month
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jergg · 8 years
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myth themed bc entries from a while ago. the baby versions are because I thought I was gonna get kicked for looking non-neopetsy :V
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jergg · 9 years
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flower, fire and squid cat and their complimentary neos
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jergg · 9 years
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bunch of lookup pictures and a guild thing featuring cake. unintentionally got a lot of petpets got involved though i know the middle guy is really well disguised
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jergg · 9 years
hm gonna be busy next month for a bunch of reasons so here’s this text dump I kept telling myself to fix and post.
It’s related to my last “info” dump here but about an enemy species??
Life Fountains are a species that exist in the story my petsite characters run in. On the characters who are LFs, I put these bullet points on their page:
Life Fountains are characterized by an overflow of personal life energy, termed aura, which can take a variety of forms.
The aura has a regenerative effect on the Life Fountain who made it, and usually (but not always) a similar positive effect on their environment. The Life Fountain has minimal control over the speed and direction of the aura.
Life Fountains will regenerate faster than they decay, leading to effective immortality.
Life Fountains will regenerate faster than they decay, also leading to biological growth that eventually consume them. Once rendered immobile and unconscious they merge with the land.
Life Fountain aura does not affect the non-living.
Extra stuff is going here....
Life Fountains are basically human shaped creatures for most of their (apparent) lifespan. They live in very primitive mountain villages but can survive in any kind of environment pretty easily thanks to their powerful self-healing abilities. The defining characteristic of the LF is their aura which is simply a substance produced in their body. The aura itself can take a gas or liquid forms, but the most common is a faint light that can be extended or hidden will some amount of willpower. As said above, the normal effects of an aura on living beings are positive, you could even call it supernatural healing or regeneration/growth. Life Fountains themselves can survive all sorts of dangers and can easily pass without eating or sleeping much longer than a normal person.  Their relaxing lifestyle and healing properties make villages popular destinations for human spiritual/health retreats as well.
However it took a while for the villages to come to light, for a long time the only visible variation of the species were the aberrants who were exiled and had come to the cities to live among humans. These tended to have auras with very different effects and appearances from the majority of LFs. For a while it was believed that they were actually all different species, until their similar origins became revealed in interviews. Then the saying was that Life Fountains all had unique auras. It was hard to get any organs to actually study, or find a reason to operate on one as even the exiles lived abnormally long, healthy lives and typically had little reason to enter a hospital.
*The first study was done on a partial LF with very weak aura and died of a normal (car) accident. In the future, as the villages were revealed and the cities more open to wanderers, live dissections became possible and that was when studies really picked up.
As it turns out, the aura-producing organ is actually a sort of growth spread over a large portion of the body (often caked around the stomach, heart or lungs). This means that it can be removed or damaged -  but the Life Fountain can still survive on the aura stored in the rest of those parts. And of course, the organ will grow back in its entirety. Removed aura production organs, strangely, disintegrate after a few minutes.
Life Fountains effectively combat any normal health issues in their own body, and can overcome any toxin or even major injuries. Once adults they appear to age much slower than normal humans – and once they appear elderly they seem able to last for centuries in an identical state. Theoretically their healing could prevent aging, but balancing the regeneration of all aspect of aging is borderline impossible, the brain might rot while the body stays or vice versa. The most dangerous time to willfully delay body decay is around puberty. Imbalance is not completely unfixable but janky growth tends to be one of the only possible health pains to an LF. So most choose to age without a fight.
Brain Death/Defunct state:
When the first studies were carried out on the villages, researchers were worried about the large elderly LF population and the lack of modern health care. The physical health of these LFs was fine but they showed some odd mental signs, notably talking to an inanimate landscape. It wasn't until a body was discovered lying on (or rather, in) a nearby mountainside that the 'end' of the LF lifecycle could be seen.
Life fountains may be especially robust but their aura is never regenerating in perfect balance and this becomes evident in old age. Tumor-like excess growths start sprouting up all over and inside the body, hindering normal biological processes. These are not real ‘damage’, these tumors cannot be healed away. Their original bodies are slowly crushed, the senses and mental state become harder to preserve and eventually life may stop being enjoyable. At this point, the tradition is to willfully terminate their brain activity and let the biological growths completely take over. In time they will assimilate with anything left nearby long enough. In the villages, the LFs ready for brain death retreat to the mountains where they sleep, and at some speed parallel to their aura's, they will be absorbed by the landscape. Though they lose consciousness they do not technically die - the area they have seeped into becomes abnormally rich in life energy, and at times some shadow of willpower to defend itself can be seen in the plant and animal life, some say as much as landslides and foul weather can be provoked out of this 'living' ground.
Sometimes an child will emerge from the growths and this child is always Life Fountain- a close copy of the defunct body that spawned it. It was known that Life Fountains were capable of typical mammalian reproduction, but in the villages it is good luck to have the population sustained by 'budded' clones. The nice legends go: only a peaceful and fulfilled LF could bud after brain death.
(This isn’t really true....)
Most of the villages have a simple primitive religion that encourages the lifecycle and most LFs are content to follow it, or content to wander away without bothering their homeland. The only show of force within the community is against those with auras that are not compatible with the land, or are destructive. They call these exiled/aberrant ones.
vs Shapeshifters
The stereotype of a pure Life Fountain is rather peaceful, a bit careless with personal safety, and possessing poor personal hygiene. What you'd expect from a being that does not need to care about normal safety or health conditions.  In human civilization they care little about interpersonal relationships as they are likely to outlive those around them, even among their own they have a certain detachment, prioritizing a stable community over individuals. They are unconcerned with fitting in and can appear dull or childish. Funnily enough much of this runs opposite to stereotype of shapeshifters, super filial creatures who to try to fit in (then spirit away fresh humans for their offspring to infest.)
Life Fountains are very much the biological enemy of shapeshifters. All aura, regardless of form, burns shapeshifter flesh and permanently stops it from being able to shift again. The word 'burning' is more accurate to the painful sensation than the appearance, as it does not (usually) look particularly gruesome. A large blast of some LF aura can put a Shapeshifter out of commission in both the long and short term.
This ability combined with the fact that aura does not hurt normal humans, makes the usually lethargic LFs useful in hunting shapeshifters. As the increase of kidnappings and murders related to shapeshifters increases in urban areas, hunting is the line of work most exile LFs fall into.
Life Fountain Characters:
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Traebule: black smoke
Trae is an exiled Life Fountain with a huge, dense aura that looks like black smog. It siphons color from the living and leaves a fine black dust when it is left hanging. He wandered into a desert industrial town where the lived for over a century, blending his aura in the factory smoke. As mayor he led the people through a military takeover and bombing, and into a few decades of peace, but after the shapeshifter Freenet attacked him it was realized that his beloved town was just corpses being dragged through century-old routines by his manipulative aura.
The smoke aura does heal most ailments, but it also degrades the mind. Combined with how incredibly slow the aura is he tends to cover people in it too long which can cause major brain damage, at worst a vegetative state that moves based on memory and can’t deal with new interaction. Once the aura is removed, the 'zombie' can no longer live. Restraining his aura causes a solid buildup in his organs leading to congestion and vomiting, very odd small symptoms to see in a LF. The buildup be cut out or he can inhale some corrosive cleaning substance, which is what he loads his pipe with (it really functions more as an inhaler.)
He abuses his healing factor without concern. The aura is really dense and can instantly heal cuts and keeps everything sealed in the case he is dismembered or something. Before his town blew up he was completely in charge, and would sleep or eat or go without moving for weeks, habits he still falls into at times. His saving grace is that he is inquisitive enough about the world to never have considered Brain Death.
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Misaki: fireball
A young looking, unusually athletic Life Fountain with a light but high-pressure aura that looks like  multicolored fire. Unlike Trae, she can completely restrain it for quite a while, but must eventually expel it and that is what gives her that trademark 'firebreathing.' The aura is so fast moving that it produces heat and can easily light real fires. While aura is supposed to benefit humans, hers tends to be more damaging. It is however ideal for taking out shapeshifters quickly and permanently.
For a pretty long time (ie a lot of drawings...) she only released fire from her mouth, but she can actually shoot streams with better control from anywhere in the air around her. Most of her skill sharpening came from chasing down a famous shapeshifter posing as a celebrity (Fen). This was when she learned to slow and lighten the aura load so it could be cast over a crowd without hurting humans, as well as manipulate the shape of a stream to chase her quarry into places she couldn't reach, though she is quite fast/small/smart enough to catch most runners.
Misaki is also the spawn of an aberrant Life Fountain/Shifter hunter, claiming her ‘parent’ taught her some things then died. Supposedly this is the Life Fountain that the shapeshifter Van captured and ‘killed’. But strangely, the body was never recovered, and LF bodies are supposed to be pretty durable...
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Raikovu: blue blood
Rai is a partial Life Fountain whose mild aura is only released in a blue light around his hands. His aura is far more subtle than Trae or Misaki's – for one he can't send it out in clouds like they do, he can't even extend his aura at all. He is, however, a (committee approved) shapeshifter hunter. His aura is so faint it is hard for shapeshifters to notice even at close range. He can also easily mark them for confirmation with casual skin contact - they often don't notice the light burn. After confirmation he relies more on heavy weaponry and backup to apprehend the culprit.
He is an typical offspring of LF and human parents. His healing isn't as fast as a normal LF's but it is clearly active. He specifically uses it to survive without sleep. He sleeps abnormally little, as in a few minutes a week, but the decay is offset by the healing. His aura does not fix aging, serious disease, or injury as effectively as most LFs but he has a record of good health (considering his late nights) and is likely to have a long, but not completely inhuman, lifespan.
Though his aura doesn’t have extreme/instant health effects, it does have a blue glow so he cover his hands when undercover – but only then. Keep them covered too long and the Life Fountain tumors begin to appear. Surgery can take those off, but of course his healing takes time and he's far less apathetic to being cut up than the full LFs.
I’m thinking on making Cadmus/Cilix/Nereid (the acitius bunch) LFs too, but older ones. That would mean all the LFs are based on cat-like petsite creatures. dunno how to feel about that yet.
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jergg · 9 years
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Rai and Sao from the dream/nightmare theme week
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