daisys-reality · 9 months
Hi! You can call me K. May I please get a reading (if still offering) on how and when I will enter the void state? Thank you!!!
how and when will you enter the void state? 🎴🪘☀️
hey anon, next time please request your reading off-anon or give me the name of a sideblog so that I can tag you💛
Learning from others, following someone teaching, being like an apprentice who is dedicated and works hard, collaboration (with others or just different parts of yourself or combining methods), success energy, feeling recognised, dancing/moving around, singing, having fun and going with the flow (regardless of your impatience, frustration or restlessness), confidence (ignoring all doubts and the negative lil voice in your head), being brave, being open (to unexpected opportunities) and honest and knowing that your surroundings/the void space is trustworthy/safe, be careful with procrastination because of fears(!), make choices that match with who you truly are, show who you truly are/just be yourself and everything will find its way to you, a good balance of logic/methodical approach and of going with your mood/passion, night time/sleeping/dreaming, counting, third eye meditations, perhaps something with water (ex. being in pool, ocean...), doing things that have been proven effective (ex. the counting part of many methods)
Perhaps while joyful changes happen in your life or when you feel like things in your life are moving forward/progressing, at a time when you feel like you need to make rapid decisions in life, when you're confident and trust the guidance you receive, when you complete/starting a chapter in your life, when there is a storm with thunder and rain or just during a stormy season, autumn season? or libra season so perhaps even october? or when the moon enters taurus (you need to look that up), early january could also be an option, or during spring time like april/mai but it doesn't feel like it takes that long tbh. It seems more like a time period of days (ex. between 3 and 10 days) or a few weeks. The number 2 also seems significant, so perhaps in two weeks?... which would speak for october again! Overall, it will be a surprise or just kinda unexpected to you!
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thrillhq · 4 years
Came to beg for an Anwar Hadid
yes please! bring us the last bit of the hadid squad! 
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daisys-reality · 2 months
Hey!I'm Elif and I'm a bit confused on my shifting/manifestation journey. I almost shifted with the void state and I entered Sabbath(the flow state?) but I don't know how I did it and how I can do it again. What tips do you have for me? Have a nice day!
Hey Elif☺️ as I (obviously) also don't know how exactly you did it or what works for you, I'll see what information I can get through tarot...
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What did you do that led to a successful attempt? (described by tarot)
. you followed a certain routine/plan/method. there was some type of structure that you integrated into your attempt to reach your goal. you were and thought pragmatically, you had a long term vision. you set boundaries on what you like doing and what you don't enjoy (as method). you were committed - perhaps you spent time planning or practicing beforehand, ex. for a week. perhaps you've noticed that you're gradually improving (which gave you confidence). all these things helped you feel stable and secure which in turn made you confident.
. while having a certain structure, you also tried to look at this from a spiritual perspective. perhaps you spent time thinking about a deeper meaning and about your own spiritual development. you gave the void/sabbath a (personal) deeper meaning. perhaps you tried out some other spiritual practice during 'the preparation time' or read some books. you meditated. you perhaps followed the instructions of a meditation. you had trust in the universe. you didn't rush yourself. perhaps it was night time.
. you were clear about your intentions. you knew that you're all that you need, so there was no need to wait, you just did it. perhaps you used all things available to you (your imagination, affirmation etc). you were efficient but also creative. you had a clear vision. you believed that magical things will happen. you remained positive and open for all possibilities.
. you were honest with yourself. you wanted to live or be authentic/true to yourself. perhaps that was your motivation. you freed yourself from other people's expectations and opinions. perhaps you already knew at that time what works for you and what does not, so the truth was known to you in a way. you meditated and meditation gave you answers and assurance.
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daisys-reality · 9 months
(from the beginning I want to say that I'm using google translator because I don't know English, if something is wrong don't blame me jksjsjkaksk) Lately I've had a lot of ups and downs with my manifestations, sometimes I feel very motivated, and other times I feel like nothing is real. I've known the law of attraction for about 4 years, and the law of Assumption for about 2, but I've never been able to manifest anything with any of them. I really don't understand why this happens, since most of the time though I have a good mindset about my manifestations, but I never get to manifest even a small thing... I don't know...
why haven't you manifested anything yet? 🌊🎰🪞
hey anon🤍 you didn't request it but i did a tatot reading for you to see what is going on here. Also, some of this might feel like 'tough love', sorry for this.😅
It seems like you started your journey with optimism and innocence. The possibility of manifestation made you feel boundless, carefree and full of energy. You wanted to follow your heart and you wanted to have faith in the universe to provide… Because of those endless possibilities and doors that opened up to you, you were faced with a lot of choices as well. Decisions had to be made but you got so caught up in your dreams that you started to ignore reality (- mind you, with reality I mean your situation, not necessarily the 3D world). For example, instead of actively visualizing your desires, feeling them to be true and seeing it as a committed act to your desires, you ended up with ‘wishful thinking’ being so used to daydreaming… Where did you make the decision to commit? Did you actively tell yourself/your mind that this is not your usual daydreaming session but you manifesting your desires? 
Not knowing who you are and where you want to be can easily make you distracted by those endless choices that you can make. You’re almost blinded by it… like a poor person finding a cave of gold. Don’t look at those opportunities from a position of ‘lack’. “I’ve never been able to manifest anything with them” - are you sure about that? Or did you talk yourself into thinking this? Look at your life - it’s your creation -> to see, you must look first. Open your eyes and start being grateful for your creations - regardless of good or bad. Get used to the thought of being the one who creates. Increase your belief/faith and confidence in yourself, not in the universe. Once you see yourself as ‘full’ and abundant, your perspective on things will change and making decisions and committing to them will become easier. Neville Goddard always said that you should make your desires small and "insignificant". So, put yourself on top - as the person who has all the power - because this is your own self made illusional world. 
Also, do you think that you’re reliable? Do you feel like you can rely on yourself? If not, why? Think about it. It might be advisable to assess your current situation and to take proactive steps to break out of your current cycle (- i’m talking about habitual cycles, and not about karmic cycles or something like that) and to embrace new experiences. If you feel disconnected, it may also be time to reassess your priorities and align them with your values (- also, are you aware your own values?).  Remember that change is a necessary part of growth and success. Even if the current situation may feel daunting, taking small steps right now can lead to long term success. So, don’t lose your focus. 
I can see that you might feel like you’re experiencing a major setback in your journey or that you’re back to the beginning.But perhaps you’re meant to either start over or reframe your plan with the wisdom you’ve gained in the past time. All those years haven’t been in vain, I promise. There might be much more hidden in you that you are yet to discover. Think of it as a chance to renew yourself right now and chart a path that will help you rise from the ashes - like a phoenix. :) To overcome your problems you’re advised to act self reliant and strong. (-> See how I didn’t say ‘BE self reliant and strong’. I know you are. You already have those qualities, you just need to act on them!) Sure, in life you will sometimes be met with competition and obstacles but remember that your willpower and focus will ultimately lead you to your desired ‘success’. So, have faith in yourself, take the reins and be in control of your own destiny. 
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On a side note, the number 7 seemed to be relevant in your reading. If you look this number up, you find : “This number is connected to growing self-awareness, intuition, wisdom, inner strength, spiritual revelations, and big shifts that can have a positive impact on your life. It’s a number that serves as a bridge or a connection between  our mortal realm and higher places.” Take this as a sign if you want.
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daisys-reality · 2 months
hello there daisy I hope that you are having a gooday so far today & is staying safe
I am giving you this little ask of mine because I wanted to ask of you to see if you could possbily show me in a lovely tarot reading of yours when & how I will enter the void state
bc I am currently trying to manifest myself to just randomly wake up in the void state & I am ngl I am having quite the trouble manifesting my desired scenario to come to fruition within the 3d
I just really want to enter it already & manifest my dream life & than after that just respawn to my wr & forever leave this disgusting universe
I am kinda getting sick & tired of dealing with these struggles rn & I would really prefer if I didn't have to deal with them at all
like the struggles that I am currently dealing with atm is just lack of trust, belief, faith, fear & doubts ect
I have many more problems that I'm dealing with that's just a few of them that I have pointed out
its just making things way more harder for me than it needs to be & I hate that so sm
i just wanna get things over with & just completely end my suffering
but I can't do that if I am dealing with this
so please tell me there is actually something good at the end of the tunnel for me bc I don't want to deal with these problems of mine anymore
also if you can you please add any random messages within the reading if there are any about me & my void state journey plz & thank you
btw I saw the angel number 1212 while I was making this ask for you
thought that I would tell you
Oh dear... I know its been already some time since I received this asked, so perhaps you already realized your plans. Even if not, I hope you're doing fine.
Regarding your tarot reading request, I will gladly do a reading for you. Perhaps it's not necessary anymore but I'll do it just in case. ^^
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Is there something good at the end of the tunnel for you? How and when will you enter the void state? + Advice from beings who love you dearly :
. I see that your health, especially your mental health, will drastically improve. You will gain peace of mind through mental clarity. You will be able to give yourself the guidance you so desperately seek. You will set boundaries for yourself about what you allow to reach you. You decide what you believe and what doesn't serve you. You will be strict about it and it will keep you on your throne, unbothered and confident. You will be the sole ruler of your earthly experience.
. To be honest, I don't think you will necessarily enter 'the void state'. I feel like there is something else you will do.
. If your first reaction while reading this was to get extremely worried, don't. There is no need to worry. This message is coming in strongly. Someone is trying to assure you about that. What you need to do is to release the parts of your past that feel like heavy baggage that you still keep carrying. Your mind desperately needs release. That's where all the worries and confusion and desperation is stemming from. Forgive your past self and accept what lies in the past to move on to a new life free from (emotional) burdens.
. This might be a bit random but I had this vision of a girl who has a little bird who is still learning to fly but is seemingly too scared to try. The girl is stuck in a life threatening situation and only the bird can help her out but only if it flies. She doesn't want to let the bird know about here worries because she doesn't want to unnecessarily pressure the little one more than it already does itself. So, instead the girl tries to be strong and patient and puts on a smile despite her burdens; she gives the bird all the love and assurance that it needs so that it becomes stronger and stronger, day by day. Nurtured by this love and trust the bird starts believing in itself, feeling assured enough to leave its comfort space and successfully tries to fly. "Finally", the girl thinks while tears of joy and relief stream down her face. The girl has put her trust in the bird and kept going no matter how long it would take, no matter how dark her current situation was. In the end, the girl was so glad she did. Nothing could ever compare to the joy she felt in that moment. Finally freedom.
. You are the girl and the bird is your inner self. Learn to trust yourself and give yourself the love and time to be able to freely "to try to fly" regardless of fears and doubts. Pressure won't do you good, it will only paralyse you. Take care of yourself as you would with a baby bird. 🧡🌷
. Also, there is strong emphasis on how you have to choose your connections wisely. Only spend time with people that uplift you and bring you joy. Spending happy moments with others and spoiling yourself/fulfilling your needs is a key element in reaching your goal. Things are going in the right direction when you feel like the path you're on is making you happy. If it doesn't, you might have to rethink your decision/path. There are many options for you to be successful. Trust your instinct. You want to be happy, right? Like truly truly happy? Then, I'm sure you know exactly what to do to reach this state of bliss. 🐦🪹☀️
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daisys-reality · 9 months
hii i seen your post from my search bar, it was of someone asking if they could get a free reading & you gave them one. idk if you’re still doing free readings but if you are, can i have one? if not it’s fine and you can ignore this 😭
my name is belle and i just want an overall shifting reading for advice on my journey and what’s holding me back? thank you :)
What's holding you back? 🌕🪡
hii @neptunals🌼, I think right now you’re feeling a bit lost or confused about your shifting journey. It seems like this confusion has also struck some fears in your heart.  You’re maybe projecting those fears of yours into your external environment. The cards say that things may not be as they appear to you right now. It’s almost like your subconsciousness creates illusions or you’re kinda deceiving yourself about something. I think you’re mainly confused about what is real and what not…Do your fear trickery or .. do you fear that all this is an illusion? Well, reality shifting itself is not an illusion - I can promise you - but I think your insecurities cloud your view right now.
I asked where you need to be in your shifting journey to finally shift and I got the ‘donkeyskin’ card. It's about a french fairytale and it states: “Donkeyskin was forced into hiding to escape a bad situation. Now she is faced with the decision to continue the life she created or to step out of her self made prison.” So, what does this tell us… I would say that instead of looking at your external surroundings and wondering if this is an illusion or not, you need to look inward, to acknowledge those insecurities/fears you have and deal with them. You need to consciously decide that you want to step out of your ‘self made prison’. Free yourself from those assumptions you have. You are not powerless, you are not trapped! No one restricts you. You are no one’s victim. You’re imposing this on yourself. Release those mental constraints and then make the decision to be free. Always be honest with yourself. 
This might seem like a big issue but it really is not. I would say it’s just a small but crucial one! I’m sure you can solve it rather quickly. Know that you are strong enough to be your most authentic self, you will always be able to protect yourself, so don’t fear. When faced with an issue, stay calm/composed and use your head rather than your heart first. Don't let your emotions get too much to your head. Always keep your eyes on the big picture, rather than the details of the moment. For you, it might be helpful to find someone to share your ideas and worries with who can give you another perspective on things.
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daisys-reality · 9 months
Hi! I hope this question isn't too much trouble but I've been meaning to have some insight and advice from someone for this. It's a little long forgive me 🙇🏾‍♀️
I've been working towards shifting and to say the least I'm proud of how far I've come I'm closer then ever, I found out how to shift the easiest least stressful way for me. I've shifted quite a few times but, I never properly got the hang of it. Now the next time I shift I want to stay there long term. But, it's been over 4 months now and I'm not moving.
I've done a reading for myself + gotten a reading + read your pap "why you haven't shifted yet" to sum it up it's all of pile 2 on your pap but, I don't want to do all that. I find healing in shifting and quite frankly I don't want to stay longer and fix what the outside says needs to be fixed I'm just tired and want to go home and heal properly. So is there a way I can avoid this and shift, or quicken the process atleast? Thank you! <3
how can you speed up the process? - the final step in your shifitng journey 🪦🌱🌅
Heyy anon🖤🍀 I think things are coming to an end already faster than ‘normally’ that doesn’t make it less painful though. I can see that the energy surrounding your current situation is full of feelings of betrayal/backstabbing, desperation, bitterness. You might feel like you have reached rock bottom right now and your emotional world might be quite messy… Honestly, you might not want to hear this but I feel like this situation escalated that way because it’s like a learning process to you and helps you serve the necessary ties and release everything that holds you back. You say that you don’t want to ‘fix’ all this but I feel like this is you currently fixing those things so that you can finally arrive at that place you call home. You know… you might think about having to fix the CR issues on the material plane but this is not necessarily meant. It’s all about your mind/inner world. I do think that your refusal to change has made the change that occurred more crushing than it needed to be… From what I can see, you will reach a point where you realize to yourself that you’ve taken on too much and that refusing help just made it unbearably hard. 
You should know that it’s not god nor the universe that doesn’t want you to choose the quick and easy way out… The only thing that has an influence on your life is yourself, your higher self or your bigger consciousness or whatever you’d like to call it. And the thing I know for sure is that you care about yourself. All those experiences you have right now are leading to you being able to fully enjoy and appreciate your new life. Perhaps it’s like the  ‘finding true emotional and spiritual fulfillment after many hard trials’ - trope. 
You say that your shifting experiences are what will help you heal but what makes the experience here any different that the one in your DRs? Are you able to enjoy the happy moments here? Are you sure you will just be able to deal with those things just because you are in a different space? Because I can see that when you skip this mental process here you will still struggle the same or even worse with those issues in your DRs… I don’t want to scare you or increase your fears but I feel like those are things you simply need to think about.  
Taking care of your mind and body, making yourself feel secure and loved is what will help you proceed ‘faster’. Learning to accept happiness and love for yourself and actively making yourself happy here is the advice. You don’t need to fix your environment or life, you need to fix/heal yourself. And this only takes ‘a long time’ if you keep avoiding it. I know you can do it. Do it for yourself, please. You have great courage and kindness. You may not realize how strong and powerful you are, but there’s no problem you can’t solve! The compassion you so freely give to others should also be given to yourself, don’t you think so?
(One a side note, you’re also advised to stay strong in your convictions if the right answer to tell is NO - especially in your CR life rn!)
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daisys-reality · 10 months
hii, hope you're doing well <3 I wanted to ask for a reading if that's alright? I've been on my journey for awhile, but I've been more focused on self-concept and manifestation rather than shifting to specific drs, yk? buutt, my goal is to shift before school starts again!! But anyways, here's my question!!
what changes should I make in my mindset to benefit my shifting journey?
Heyy @4nthonyyliving 🧡🦋 I'm feeling better now and yes, I can do a reading for you!
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What changes should you make (mindset-wise) to progress in your shifting journey?
You are generally resourceful and can juggle the ups and downs of life or of your journey but if you’re not careful things might turn out too much to handle and end up overwhelming you, making you unable to do anything at all and leaving you in a mess you never intended. You might be feeling overwhelmed right now due to a number of competing priorities(ex. not knowing what to do first - like shifting to XYZ first, focusing on managing your private life, working on your self concept first or manifesting your desired CR life etc.). You may be struggling with making decisions or finding it difficult to stay focused on anything for long.
It might be necessary to make solid decisions, now that you’re facing your situation because in order to overcome this, it seems to be important to readjust your focus and to set up a (more or less) structured plan on how to work on this (including setting boundaries!). Another essential aspect is to stay grounded, it will help you to focus on what’s truly important in your life right now. Sometimes, when you go all in, it increases the pressure and makes you feel overwhelmed, unstable and stressed! So, don’t take on too many things at once as this will only lead to further chaos and imbalance. Overextending yourself or neglecting your needs won’t help you either. Minimize your focus on just two or one thing at a time, and choose something that is fulfilling to you. Take small first steps into a direction that you feel drawn towards and then build from there, okay?
You’re also not trusting your intuition enough, you may be feeling like something is off but you can’t quite put your finger on it. Take some time for yourself out from others and tune into your intuition, ex. through practicing self care, meditation, reading, creative activities, journaling (to express your feelings and to gain some insight about yourself and the things that drive you) or just through focusing on your needs and on what makes you happy to get the clarity you need.
Another thing I feel the need to talk about is that you should be careful with depending (emotionally) too much on this ‘one thing’ once you make a decision on what to prioritize because you’re being warned against reacting emotionally to a situation that needs to be approached ‘dispassionately’ so to say. It seems like some feelings of heartbreak/disappointment/frustration might still linger around. Try to accept your loss, release the pain and those feelings/emotions, and move on with the past behind you. It could be the case that you’re projecting your fears onto others or perhaps onto the universe! It is important to remember that you are in control of your own happiness and that by working on yourself, you will feel more in charge of your own life instead of feeling like you need someone or something else in order to succeed and to feel good. By making this shift in mindset, you will feel more empowered and able to make those important decisions which ultimately help you to get to where you desire to be.
Remember that change is always possible, no matter how stuck you might feel right now.
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daisys-reality · 10 months
Hello I would love a reading! Can I have some messages from my Guides! I've noticed some synchronicities lately 7:07 every morning or matching after numbers 9:09 then 9:19 ect and I was wondering if my Guides are alerting me through my notifications? Thank you! N.V.W.
Hello @jeff-satur-is-my-baby-girl 🌹🌳 I'll see what message I can get for you.
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Are they alerting you through my notifications? What do they want to tell you?
Well, it seems that your guides did not specifically want to ‘alert’ you with those notifications. It was more like a little reminder to you. There does not seem to be any danger that you need to be alerted off. It could be that they just wanted to make you think more about you and the power you hold within, to reconnect with your inner self, your feelings and perhaps more with nature as well to be more in tune with your creations -  your life that you’re manifesting.
You might have neglected something in your life or you might have procrastinated on making a certain decision. 
Your guides gently want to ask you to consider which area in your life is feeling neglected. If there is such an area, it is time to make it a priority and to nurture and care for it. They might also want you to not be so resistant to change and to look deeper into your heart because there is something you’re not quite aware of, ex. insecurities, intolerance, a lack of inner harmony/balance, emotional drainage, instability, overprotectiveness (towards yourself or others). 
In addition, your guides also want you to know that your current challenges push you to be assertive and self-confident. Be willing to stand up for yourself and defend your position! You have the right to excuse yourself from those who only bring drama into your life. Bringing harmony into your inner world is more important right now than creating harmony outside of yourself.
‘Listen closely to your heart and trust your instincts.’
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daisys-reality · 9 months
Hello i saw your post for general reading is open, my question is if i will have sucess in career singing and acting? I have not started
My inicials are SB
will you have success with a singing and acting career? 🦾🍎🪃
hello @selene-destiny-201 🤍🌹 I will do reading for you but regardless what I get, remember that this is just based on the current energy. You can manifest the success and happiness you want with any career. Check out the law of assumption if you haven't heard of it before! Now that we talked about that let's get straight into your reading...
Well, to me it seems like a big maybe. I can see that you are able to reach success and stability in a singing and acting career but you would have to make a few sacrifices or rather adjustments for that which I’m not quite sure you're willing to make. I can also see that you have the necessary creativity and the ability to think innovatively. If you were to go down that career path, there are a few potential issues you would have to deal with or things you would need to keep in mind though: 
1) Acting upon your dreams. Having some kind of strategy, being brave and doing some bold actions while having a firm and just mindset. Not losing focus. Seeing the opportunities around you and being proactive.
2) Using your intelligence and being responsible with and committed to your decisions. Also, having to deal with the potential consequences. 
3) Having to deal with conflicting interests and getting pulled in multiple directions (trying to manage your career, relationships, family, health etc.) all at the same time, perhaps neglecting important things (time with loved ones/family) just because of your career - setting priorities will be necessary for a healthier outcome.
4) Having to put in a lot of hard work + being diligent + always willing to learn new skills while also honing your current skills. 
5) You would have to undergo some changes in your work or education (which might not be easy) for the sake of improving your circumstances for the better - So, it will be important to think long term, to keep being ambitious but also patient while enduring the not so successful/hard times.
6) Having to keep going and not giving up even while experiencing crushing failure, burnout, betrayal/backstabbing or other things that bring you to your knees. And also not making yourself into a martyr or being consumed by wrath, bitterness or the desire for revenge because of it!
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daisys-reality · 10 months
Hello i would like a reading i see that in your masterlist your ask are open bjt your dms and tarot request are closed. My question is if i can send my question?
Well, if you want to request a tarot reading, then no. Please wait until my tarot reading requests are open again! (-> I will probably open them next week again.)
If you just have a general ask/question, then you can send it in! 🩶
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daisys-reality · 10 months
Hi 💕 i saw your readings are open again:
My inicial is S and my pronouns are she/her
My question How will be my relationship with my future husband?
Something about me: I have black hair with some brown tones.
Thank you
hey anon, I'm afraid you misunderstood something😅 my ask are open for general questions but my tarot reading requests are closed at the moment. (But I will open them up soon again!)
I'm not mad or anything but I hope you don't mind sending your request in again at a later time when my tarot reading requests are open.🥺❤️ Also, I would prefer it if you ask for readings off-anon if it's possible. Thank you for your understanding.🙇‍♀️
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thrillhq · 4 years
I know we JUST opened but I am here to request for a Zac Farro to plot with pretty please 👉🏻👈🏻
they asked so nicely! bring us zac!
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