#t4t AND autism4autism???????? these ghouls have got it all
sphylor · 9 months
raindrop autism boyfriends... Dew is sensory seeking whilst Rain is sensory avoiding. so i (along with @divine-misfortune and @gh-woah-st) present to you:
Dew in the Abbey's recording studio booth shredding on his guitar just making as much noise as possible and Rain in the control room with his noise cancelling headphones on reading a book. they're both in environments that they find the most comfortable while still spending time together and enjoying each other's company (parallel play babeyyyy).
if they need to talk to each other they sign through the glass. like Rain noticing Dew trying to get his attention and when he looks up Dew signs "i love you". in response Rain gets up and breathes on the glass to make it fog up so he can draw a little heart in it.
they both take little moments away from whatever they're doing to just subtly watch the other and the way they get absolutely lost in their respective activities. Rain loves watching Dew's skilled hands and Dew loves seeing how Rain's facial expressions change as he turns each page. and occasionally they'll both look up at the same time and catch each other's eye and break into the goofiest grins and giggles. and god does Dew love the little shake of Rain's shoulders as he laughs and the way he tries to stifle his giggle in the back of his hand even though Dew cant hear him.
Rain makes Dew take proper breaks so that he doesnt strain his hands and Dew spends the whole break nuzzled into Rain's side while the water ghoul massages and stretches his hands. Dew will ask what's happened in the book so far and Rain will explain it all to him and gets really into it while Dew just listens and stares at him with so much love and adoration. when Rain's finished explaining, Dew will take a quick swig of water and kiss him on the forehead before going back in the booth.
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fab four headcanons lets go!
ghoul has a shit ton of scars. i mean, they all do, but ghoul has the most.
transfem jet star 🤝 transmasc kobra kid
party is the designated chef. they’re really good at cooking with like. feeling. you know? like how much salt? dc. just chuck some in. which therefore means:
kobra is a really really bad chef, because it’s not an exact science!!!! what is he supposed to do!!!
speaking of kobra! autism!!!!!!!! AUTISM!!!!!!
none of them are NT but. kobra is SOOOOsuperdupermega autism. if you even care.
ghoul loves those cringy ass shirts and stuff with sayings. like live laugh love. sunshine on the mind. he has a kiss the cook apron for when he makes bombs. you decide whether its ironic or not.
ghoul is also hard of hearing because i said so
the four have one big huge shared wardrobe that they all use, if stuff fits. like jet has a cool t-shirt that party steals, puts a funky belt on and wears as a dress. leather jackets and stuff are all communal. party and ghoul share the most, cause they're the closest in size.
kobra loves those silent cartoons, like tom and jerry, looney tunes, all that stuff, and he watches them with the girl all the time
while girlie's here, all of the four carry her differently. she sits on party's shoulders, jet puts her on their hip, kobra does piggybacks and ghoul will either scoop her up bridal style or firemans lift.
funkobra are in love by the way and they're t4t and autism4autism
this is random and not really in universe but kobra kid would LOVE rhythm games. like project sekai and bandori and stuff like that.
ghoul bites
^ that was going to be ghoul bites the skin around his nails but also. no he just bites.
he also has heterochromia
jet is the assigned medic of the gang and she's also the sharpshooter
speaking of which, jet star did kobra's top surgery
ghoul and kobra got drunk married one time and then didn't bother to fix it so they were married before they actually dated
ghoul has like. three shirts. and one pair of pants. that he never washes. and the other three hate it SO much. they're all begging him to get new clothes or at the very least fix the holes in the ones he has but he doesn't budge
ghoul sings the girl lullabyes
party can sew really well and makes clothes and stuff
jet loves dangly earrings and big clunky grandma bracelets, she has a whole jewellery box that party made for her and it's dark blue with light blue stars stuck onto it
anyway 👍 im normal about them
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