#table for four please (me and the voices) dot png
distraughtlesbian · 2 years
so we all just have to live with the knowledge that in some impossible universe where saccharina could be a part of the plot without jet’s death, both jet and ruby would have loved saccharina immediately and fiercely. she actually wants to take the throne! she’s cool! she’s tall! she has magic swords! she has a dyed undercut! she’s travelled the world! they would have been absolutely fucking ENAMOURED! amethar would have been overjoyed to have finally found her! he literally sent envoys searching for catherine after the war ended because she was the love of his life, and saccharina is the living, breathing embodiment of the love they shared!!! even caramelinda, who has zero stake in saccharina’s life or wellbeing, would have in all likelihood respected and might’ve even come to like her, maybe could have bonded with her over their shared love for lazuli!! we all just have to go to work and do our homework and buy groceries and feed our pets knowing we could have had all that, that saccharina COULD HAVE had a family the moment she found them after spending her whole life longing for them, but instead ended her story with her father across the continent, her stepmother coolly neutral towards her, jet dead in the ground, her relationship with ruby forever coloured by their first meeting and the fact that it will be years before saccharina is anything to her but a poor man’s jet, and burdened with the leadership of an entire nation at the age of 23! we all just have to pretend like that’s not completely devastating
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