#tacca cuppheo
italian-pastry · 6 months
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yippee !!!!!!
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italian-pastry · 11 months
Welcome to the first official introduction of my original Magical Girl Story Little Beast Magica and her 8 most important characters! Some more fun little facts/mini-profiles under the cut but aside from that enjoy my sillies (and one not so silly !)
Lillith Young (voiced by Kimiko Glenn)
The Main Character! Good for her
After the death of her parents 2 years ago, Lillith one day starts dreaming of a strange world (Paradium) where Bug-Themed magical girls exist, working hard to protect their world from mysterious monsters that want to destroy everything. Wacky! Seems like perfect escapism to me!
Her eventual magical girl outfit (and powers) are Caterpillar (who are we kidding, Caterpie) themed!
Hortensia Sato (voiced by Stephanie Sheh)
Stereotypical "Excitable and Quirky Best Friend !!" She would do numbers on a Disney Channel Sitcome
We love her tho
Within Paradium, Magical Girls attend a special academy to train to be Magical Girls, and Hortensia is one of those trainees. After Lillith starts appearing in their world, Hortensia is the only other trainee with space available in her dorm, so Lillith moves in and now They're Besties and VERY excited to be magical girls together!!! Yippee!!! Surely her child-like naivety and optimism won't come around to bite her!
Her magical girl theme is a Honeybee!
Adonis Flor (voiced by Jeremy Jordan)
The #1 Best-At-Everything Magical Girl currently active in Paradium! He is favored by the narrative (me) and that is not a good thing for him!
Lillith's first exposure to Magical Girls when she arrived in Paradium, and BOY what an impression he made! He's very charming and good-natured, a real Superman type. Surely there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with him mentally, nothing at all! Just don't ask about his scar, why his hair isn't the same color as his eyebrows, anything about his childhood or anything about his personal life in general (here's a hint: he doesn't have one)
His Magical Girl theme is the Atlas Moth
Anh Freeman (voiced by Jordan Fisher)
Where Adonis is the general "best" Magical Girl, Anh is the one with the most Social Presence/Influence. He is litcherally an Influencer!
Another perspective on one's role and responsibilities within the Magical Girl system. While quite a few people don't quite respect Anh for how much he values the way he's viewed by the public, he's still a incredibly competent and celebrated Magical Girl. And, despite his VERY HEALTHY social media presence, he maintains a very strict Work-Life balance (helped by his PR manager and sister, Lin)
(although this is slightly undermined by his huge and pathetic unrequited Gay Crush on Adonis. He's been crushing since he was 12 he ain't stopping soon)
His Magical Girl theme is a dragonfly, specifically the Ebony Jewelwing Dragonfly!
Tacca Cuppheo (voiced by John Gallagher Jr.)
A very under-the-radar, disillusioned, play-by-his-own-rules kind of Magical Girl.
Is one of the VERY VERY FEW Magical Girls officially assigned to guarding/patrolling The Treeline, the part of Paradium bordering the forest where the monsters come from and thus the most vulnerable to attacks and plague breakouts. You'd think he'd be bitter from the sucky assignment, but his family is from The Treeline. Being able to protect it was his whole reason for becoming a Magical Girl, so he is perfectly content to let the higher ups ignore him and let him do his job as he pleases.
He thinks he likes being lonely, but he doesn't. He just never healthily grew out of his Angsty Teen phase (but he's getting there)
His Magical Girl theme is a Yellowjacket!
Valerian Allium (voiced by Eden Espinosa)
A Magical Girl a bit too obsessed with rankings and very good at getting in her own way. Kind of Lillith's self-proclaimed rival once she graduates.
Very angsty and stingy with her tragic backstory. All we got is that she is very determined to climb the ranks of Magical Girl-hood and to "prove herself." To who, I don't think even she is sure. A LOT of bark, but not as much bite - while she is quite Catty to Lillith and Hortensia when they first enter the field, she's pretty easily worn down to "vague tolerance" of the two.
Her Magical Girl theme is the Black Widow
(Fun fact, she doesn't know how to swim as inspired by the apparently MULTIPLE Black Widows that have drowned in my pool)
David Buleia (voiced by Clancy Brown)
Literally someone make him retire. A very Jaded Magical Girl far past his prime.
Being as uh... wise and experienced (aka old) as he is, he is assigned as Lillith's mentor once she graduates. He also ends up picking up Hortensia along the way since she and Lillith are a package deal. He is initially VERY against this idea, but as all grizzled old dudes tend to do, he gets very attached to the two very quickly.
His Magical Girl theme is the Rhinoceros Beetle (tbh, more Heracross than anything)
Ambassador Crina Allium (voiced by Meryl Streep)
As you can probably figure by the fact she's the only yt woman in this lineup, The Eventual Main Villain!
Once a very high performing Magical Girl, kind of the Adonis of her time. After she retired from field work, she worked her way up to Ambassador (aka basically CEO) of the Magical Girl program! What a girlboss!
Other notable feats include being Valerian's very subpar mother, Adonis' mentor/mother figure and the bane of Tacca and David's existence
Doles out Mommy Issues like they're candy
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