#tachibana ren
qweaenr · 3 months
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“Those who cause pain; those who bring destruction; those who hold evil in their hearts… they will all be purged by Bofurin, without exception!”
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nanakorobiyaokii · 1 month
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wind breaker || another style collection [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
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arcobaleno-22g · 4 months
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una-hive5 · 2 months
Windbreaker stuff
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mianexil · 4 months
◇ The way they take care of you during your period ◇
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
💫 [ Girl, I hate this heavenly punishment for being a woman. But don't worry, these sweet kittens will take care of you during this lame time ]
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
ㅡ Suo, Umemiya, Kotoha, Sakura, Tsubakino, Kaji
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Suo has found warm-ups that alleviate the pain of cramps so that you use less painkillers (after all, they can have a negative effect on the body). He comes to you and does this workout with you. He also brings tea that has a calming effect and makes it for you.
Suo is patient enough, but in your case, it can be said that he has a separate oasis of calm in reserve for you. If you feel like a mess, then he will take you on his lap and hug you. Not too tight, so that you feel more free, but not too weak, so that you feel comfortable until you get up yourself.
Suo is not simpleton. He studied the intricacies of the female anatomy when you started dating so that nothing would catch him off guard in the future. Therefore, he understands why this is happening scientifically but doesn't understand why the world is designed so that the wonderful sex suffers every month.
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A white-haired man runs out of the "Pothos" and Kotoha shouts after him.
《 Don't forget to buy a heating pad!! 》
And all because 2 minutes ago you wrote that you needed his warm embrace.
Umemiya is absolutely fine with the topic of menstruation. He is one of those guys who will go to the store and ask the saleswoman to advise him on the topic of pads/tampons.
What are the safest ones for your health? Which are the most convenient?
Hajime will study everything with a serious attitude in order to take good care of you during this period.
He will definitely download the calendar app and set your dates there to prepare in advance.
And of course, he went to Kotoha to get a lecture on how best to take care of you.
Don't worry, honey, Kotoha will definitely bring him up strictly as it should be.
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God, this girl is so sweet. Next to her, all your bad feelings seem to be blown away by the wind.
Who but a woman will understand another woman.
She'll take good care of you: sweets, painkillers, hugs, everything for you.
She will definitely take a day off from Pothos to be with you during this period.
Long, sweet conversations to distract you from feeling unwell, cooking delicious omuraisu for you, it's all about Kotoha.
A cozy movie night? Definitely.
Well, if you want ice cream, then there is always Umemiya, whom she will send to the store as a deliveryman.
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This boy doesn't understand women's stuff at all. Of course, he will be confused at first when he hears an explanation of why you look so exhausted.
Sakura can't stand the sight of the only person he let into his heart suffering so much. He wants to help, but he doesn't know how, and because of this he is very angry with himself.
It's understandable, this little savage does not even know how to take care of himself properly, what does it say about taking care of others? However, this does not mean that he does not want to.
《 Damn, stop suffering in silence. Just tell me, what should I do? I'll do it right now 》
Sakura will blush like a tomato, standing in the store at the shelf with feminine hygiene products, but this does not mean that he won't get a full bag, because his embarrassment can't be compared with the desire to benefit you.
Upon hearing your request for a hug, Sakura will turn to you all blushed, but as soon as he sees your slightly swollen, tired eyes, his body will start moving on its own. Embarrassment doesn't stop him anymore, this is not the time to worry about it.
His arms wrap around you, pressing you against a warm body as if you are about to disappear and he has to hold you.
Yes, he's not experienced in such things yet, but he's trying his best for you.
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Tsubakino is very gentle, but when you feel bad, he reaches his peak.
Tasuki has never experienced anything like this, but he's very knowledgeable about this topic.
He immediately notices when you feel bad, even if you try to hide it. And he will immediately take you home to give you a sense of comfort and relaxation.
Tsubakino will distract you from unpleasant sensations with all sorts of beauty treatments: moisturizing face masks, manicure, massage, everything for your comfort.
Do you want some sweets? ㅡ He will bake you cookies.
Do you want to cry and lament? ㅡ Don't keep it to yourself, honey. He will wrap you in a plaid, and his gentle fingers will wipe the tears from your eyes, holding you in a tight embrace for as long as it takes.
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Kaji will leave the patrol of the city, leaving it to his team to be with you at this time.
He doesn't quite understand how best to behave in such a situation, but his beloved feels unwell, which means he will do everything he can to make you feel better.
Ren will listen to your instructions and silently run back and forth, doing them.
He will bring you a jar of lollipops from his house so that you can choose what you like.
If you want to complain about your condition, he will listen to everything, and then put his headphones on your ears, turn on calm music and sit next to you, stroking your hand.
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
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youghvaudough · 4 months
I will forever appreciate a theme in my fictional stories, & that’s exactly what Wind Breaker (by Nii Satoru) has, so, I present:
Wind Breaker characters have a theme to their names.. a thread:
Bōfūrin / 防風鈴
so, even though our protag group’s name is written and visually represented as “wind chime”, Bōfūrin’s name is where this group’s theme of trees/plants start:
防風鈴 (“prevent/protect” “wind chime”) has the same reading as 防風林, a type of forest planted strategically to prevent wind erosion of soil — much like Fūrin’s mission of protecting and serving their town
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all of Bōfūrin’s named members (and close associations) so far have some element of tree/plant/wood in their last name (if you look at the kanji of their last names, you’d see a lot of wood radicals/木字旁):
桜 遥 • Sakura Haruka: 桜 / cherry tree
(fun fact: his name 遥 / haruka means "far"; also it's commonly a feminine given name)
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蘇枋 隼飛 • Suō Hayato: 枋 / sandalwood (?) or tree used as timber, general term for wooden beams in houses
(fun fact: his last name 苏枋 is the Chinese name of a traditional reddish brown color, named after a pigment made from 苏木!)
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楡井 秋彦 • Nirei Akihiko: 楡 / Siberian elm
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杉下 京太郎 • Sugishita Kyōtarō: 杉 / Japanese cedar (cryptomeria japonica)
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柊 登馬 • Hiiragi Tōma: 柊 / holly osmanthus (osmanthus heterophyllus)
(fun fact: his name 登馬 means "to mount a horse"; no, not that kind of mount, the regular horseback riding kind)
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梅宮 一 • Umemiya Hajime: 梅 / plum tree
(fun fact: his name 一 is just "one")
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This association also extends to Kotoha, who is very closely associated with Bōfūrin:
橘 琴叶 • Tachibana Kotoha: 橘 / orange tree
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now, Bōfūrin members yet to be featured in the show: (spoilers below the break)
(if you want to go to later parts: part 2 - shishitoren & part 3 - noroshi!)
梶 蓮 • Kaji Ren: 梶 / paper mulberry (broussonetia papyrifera)
(fun fact: his name 蓮 / Ren means "lotus")
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椿野 佑 • Tsubakino Tasuku: 椿 / Japanese camellia
(fun fact: their name 佑 means "to help/protect" or "to bless"!)
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桐生 三輝 • Kiryū Mitsuki: 桐 / empress tree (paulownia tomentosa)
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柘浦 大河 • Tsugeura Taiga: 柘 / mandarin melon berry (maclura tricuspidata)
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There's also 桃瀬 匠 (Momose Takumi, "peach tree") & 水木 聡久 (Mizuki Saku, "wood"), the two other Heavenly Kings
I hope I have rly driven the point home here,, /lh
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the-original-skipps · 4 months
Wind Breaker 3rd Popularity Poll Results 🏆
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faintrustle · 4 months
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thinkingotherwise · 4 months
Giving Wind Breaker characters a soda tab so they can exchange it for a kiss
Based on this tiktok I stumbled upon and loved so much I had to turn it into short hc: https://www.tiktok.com/@allie_202_/video/7235944267623992619?lang=en
I didn't know it could be so hard to take this thing of "the correct way"
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Knows what it means and gives it back immediately.
You start laughing joyfully at his (their) expectant face and puckered lips and you give him (them) the biggest smooch ever. He (They) smile back grateful and you are sure to receive some soda during your next days, just to give them more tabs and kisses.
Nirei, Uryu, Tsubakino, Kiryu
Knows what it means but teases you about not giving it back
He teases you trying to throw it away and when you pout at him and call him names in this pouty voice of yours he smirks before moving to you and making you say what you really want because the soda tab is not enough, he wants to hear you say you need his kisses.
Togame, Suou, Seiryu, Kusumi
Doesn't have an idea about it and searches it in google to get to know what to do
After checking out the Internet and getting to know what it means he (she) will start collecting the soda tabs always keeping one on him (her) to give you whenever he (she) wants a kiss. It could be the most random time and he (she) will take out the tab and give it to you asking for a kiss.
Hiiragi, Kotoha, Enomoto, Arima
Doesn't have an idea about it and needs you to explain it
He carefully listens to you explaining the stuff, and when he receives the kiss from you he will go get a soda can and try his best to get the tab off, because he wants another kiss. After trying unsuccessfully, he will tell you to just say the next time you want a kiss because it surely took some effort to get the soda tab with the middle part intact, and you don't need to trouble yourself like that.
Sugishita, Sakura, Tsugeura, Kaji, Kanuma
Doesn't have an idea about it and throws it away just to search through the bin when you tell him what it's for
When he finally finds the tab he comes to you and asks for a kiss he deserves in exchange for the thing. He spends hours learning how to get it off correctly, so he can give it to you for more kisses from you in return. He gets irritated whenever he fails and you need to listen to it for hours.
Umemiya, Tomiyama, Kota, Inugami
Tags: @misticbullet
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apparently-artless · 2 months
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⋆⋅☆ Wind Breaker Characters Wallpaper Edition Pt 2 ☆⋅⋆
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demilypyro · 6 months
Oh my god....
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The glasses.... they were still enchanted.... He's been seeing girl Tachibana this whole time.... This moment he first puts them on after swapping... He's seeing girl Tachibana.... It's been 10 chapters.... He never said anything....
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He claims he likes Tachibana better as a guy but this whole time he's been seeing girl Tachibana and hasn't tried to do anything about it..... I thought this arc was mid but no it's peak romance actually
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suosgirl · 3 months
Party in the USA (the dayger’s going crazy)
Word Count: 15k+
୨ৎ Read me before interacting!
୨ৎ Characters: Hayato Suo, Haruka Sakura, Hajime Umemiya, Kotoha Tachibana, Jo Togame, Ren Kaji, Mitsuki Kiryu, Akihiko Nirei, Choji Tomiyama, Toma Hiragi, Kyotaro Sugishita, Taiga Tsugeura
୨ৎ Warnings: mdni, gn!reader, alcohol (lots of it), alcohol consumption, weed, weed consumption, cigarettes, ooc (most definitely), shitposting, for fun! – if I’ve missed one, I apologize + please let me know!
୨ৎ Note: I feel very well qualified to write about this. I have hands-on experience and feel strongly about this topic. Please feel free to send me an ask regarding any of my references (I have attended many, many daygers.) This is actually so americancore and niche of me – sorry (not sorry). Also! Don’t be fooled, I hate America!
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Hajime Umemiya | “Hey! Hi! Are ya hungry?”
The first face you see when you walk in, all in his shirtless glory
An absolute king at grilling – he’s got burgers, hotdogs, skewers, the works
The lettuce and tomatoes? Yeah, he grew them
Will take every chance he has to tell everyone too
Be careful though – for as much as he’s hot, he’s also a yapper
Being behind the grill unlocks a side of him that not many know – his dad side
“There’s a lot at steak… it’s un-grill-ievable!”
Buzzed & responsible – doesn’t let himself get too lit when he’s grilling
But once everyone’s had their fill and he’s got some downtime? Oh he’s inviting everyone to shotgun a beer with him
Can slam down a can in like 3 seconds no joke
Then, he’ll turn to you with stars in his eyes waiting for your words of praise and acknowledgement (how do you tell him that he did it so fast that you didn't see it?)
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Toma Hiragi | “Whaddya drinkin’?”
You’re telling me you WOULDN'T trust this man to get the best liquor for the party?
Gonna go out on a limb here and say that he leans toward either Hennessy or Casamigos
Throws back his shots like a fucking champ – no chase needed (he likes the burn of it)
Definitely a heavy weight, so he’s got at least 2 of whatever he’s drinking just in case
Also doesn’t drink chase because of his stomach, so you know – go big or go home
Never lets you pour your own shots (chivalry isn’t dead, everyone)
And … if you ask him nicely … he’ll birdfeed it to you
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Ren Kaji | “Chase is over there – you need help getting it?”
With how much candy he has to inhale on a daily basis, it just makes sense that he would be getting the soda, juice, or whatever pairing he thinks goes well with the corresponding liquor
And he definitely went with Hiragi to pick everything up (so cute)
Also in charge of the playlist for the day (I know his music taste is impeccable)
If you tell him this, though, he’d try to be so nonchalant about it (inside his heart is doing little pitter patters)
I feel like he has little shit tendencies and once everyone is feeling good he’ll see how many times he can queue Party In The USA until someone notices (wears his headphone tho bc ofc he would get annoyed)
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Akihiko Nirei | “I made it! It’s really good – want a sip?”
I just know he’s got the most insane recipe in his notebook (he’s got the exact measurements and brand names too)
Based on countless interviews, many trial runs, and many hangovers –  he’s perfected it to a T
Literally one cup has everyone on a good one – and he’s somehow got it to not taste like alcohol at all?
So proud of it too – if you tell him how good it is he’s got hearts in his eyes and he’s offering to get you another cup (with your consent of course)
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Haruka Sakura | “I just grabbed the first one I saw … is it good? Do you like it?”
He’s new to this you know, so he’s keeping it cute and simple and easy
Besides, you can never go wrong with a pack of seltzers
He’s so cute and flustered about it too –
Like imagine him standing in front of the fridges just looking at all of them and getting slowly overwhelmed by all the different types and seeing that they all have different alc % and it’s getting so confusing
He just grabs one that looks decently good or has a name that seems kinda familiar to him and he storms off
And it’s literally like Twisted Tea or White Claws or something
But, as I said, you can never go wrong with a nice basic seltzer
Compliment his choice (even if you know it was made on a whim) and he’ll blush (he blames it on the summer heat)
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Hayato Suo | “Do you want me to get your back?”
Sweet, thoughtful king
Brings sunblock and aloe vera gel because he just knows that everyone else will forget the basic necessities
If you need help getting your back, he’s more than happy to offer his services
Also – who would he be if he didn’t bring green tea shots (it’s a given)
He actually created them not many people know that
It’s always the perfect ratio too – never too strong and never too weak (the perfect balance)
Anyways, also a heavyweight (potentially) but gets just a bit touchy when he’s buzzed
So when he offers to reapply sunblock on you despite having done it less than 30 minutes ago, who are you to say no?
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Kyotaro Sugishita | “I need a partner … You any good?”
This man absolutely demolishes at beer pong
Never leaves the table actually (and stays undefeated the whole dayger)
He’s so tall like he’s got built-in stats for it already
If Umemiya takes a break from grilling and comes to join him? Oh they’re absolutely wiping everyone
If beer pong was an Olympic sport, Sugashita would’ve already been scouted
Because he’s so good, he doesn’t even need a partner that’s at the same level as him – he just needs a partner
But – to him, making at least one cup is better than nothing, and if you’re able to do just that? Oh, you’re never leaving his side
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Mitsuki Kiryu | “You want a hit, cutie?”
It’s actually canon that Kiryu smokes like I just know it in my heart and soul
Loves to make different blends too, some with rose petals and some with lavender 
His blunts are so pretty too, and he’ll use pink wrapping papers
Also has a small bong just in case anyone wants it in that form — and also edibles
And also cigs
He has money, why wouldn’t he show out?
His lighters all have decoden on them too, and they all have his name spelled on it (he was tired of people stealing them)
Also incredibly respectful – brings his own ashtray that he disposes of on his own
I feel like he transitions a lot of people into smoking for the first time (if they’re interested, of course! Would never peer pressure.)
But …. Oh boy… the way that he would gently tilt your head back to blow a hit into your mouth
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Kotoha Tachibanau | “I’m gonna get you so wet!”
Give this girl a break she deserves to have fun!
Stays in the pool most of the time, but also loves to soak up the sun so she’s got her own self-care agenda for the day
Loves water guns! Brings like 2 or 3 of them
Also probably brings a book to enjoy by the pool when she’s tanning
Definitely the type to get the ice water from the coolers and spray anyone who tries to come within 5 feet of her
If she feels silly (and buzzed) she’ll pour jungle juice into them and shoot them into people’s mouths
Takes this time to truly relax and unwind (we love a work-life balance!) – and loves doing it beside you
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Taiga Tsugeura | “Don’t forget to drink water!”
Absolutely brings cases of water and liquid IV
He’s all for partying, don’t get him wrong, but he’s also got to hit the gym tomorrow so
Makes sure that everyone’s got a bottle of water on them – his virtue is caring too much
Also decently good at beer pong, but his downfall is that he throws the ball too hard and ends up hitting people like 10 feet away from him in the head
Also strikes me as unhinged, so – if you’re cool with getting pulled into the pool, then he’s definitely your guy
Definitely does flips while diving into the pool to try and impress you (it works)
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Jo Togame | “Need some help with that?”
What Sakura may lack in seltzers, Togame makes up in beer
If there’s one thing he knows, it’s a good brand of beer
Also clocked in my mind as a heavyweight, so if he’s up to drink, he’s bringing many many cases
Has a bottle opener that has sentimental value to him – probably one that Choji got for him
Can also pop it open with his teeth (but no one ever lets him because it’s bad)
("Sure, okay, whatever squares" — he listens.)
If he sees you struggling to pop the cap off, he’s already grabbing it from your hand and doing it for you – no questions asked
(Ask him while he’s buzzed, and he’ll do it with his teeth, all while staring into your eyes)
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Choji Tomiyama | “Let’s take a shot!”
The first thing he does is do a cannonball in the pool (this is so canon)
If you’re a soju lover – he’s got it!
Brings all the flavors too, but is most partial to yogurt-flavored soju
Is flitting all over the party talking to everyone and anyone
(Tries his hand at beer pong – going to go out on a limb here and say that he sucks)
However! He is a heavyweight!
Can hold his own with Umemiya and Togame for sure
Is definitely the one gathering everyone together to take some shots
Will probably ask Kaji to play Shots by LMFAO and Lil Jon every single time (after the first time, Kaji starts ignoring him)
If you’re open to shots, is absolutely pulling you by your arm to take yet another one
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pumpkin-piiee · 3 months
I've seen people making up different story arcs on what will happen after the Noroshi War so here's mine.
*Manga spoilers ahead*
Maybe in the future, Nii Satoru-sensei might create a story arc about a sukeban*.
*A sukeban is a delinquent girl gang that emerged in Japan from the 1960s to 1970s.
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Credits: yaz1ska on Instagram
Sukebans were formed due to bōsōzoku a.k.a. male biker gangs or the yakuza not accepting female members. The rise of sukebans has a huge impact on the feminist movement in Japan. Each gang has their own rules, hierarchy, and ways of punishment. E.g. Cigarette burns were considered a minor punishment if a gang member was disrespecting a senior member or stealing a boyfriend.
My thoughts if it were to come true
If the author included a story arc about a girl gang, I would have faith in him. I mean look at how well-written & well-designed the ladies in wind breaker are.
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Credits: Pinterest
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Credits: Mangapill
*I love how the author would draw sketches of Kotoha with major characters such as Tsubakino and Sakura. This means that Kotoha is more important than we have initially thought. Moreover, kudos to Nii Satoru-sensei for not sexualising Kotoha. I am sick and tired of mangakas sexualising female characters for no reason.*
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Credits: Nii Satoru on X
Not to mention many of us know that Nii Satoru-sensei is good at writing complex characters such as Tsubakino.
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Credits: MyFigureCollection
Story Arc, Characters & Operation
As for how this story arc will be executed, I believe it will cover topics such as feminism, struggles of womanhood and mistreatment of women.
Moving on to how this sukeban operates, here's my input. I believe everything they do is the complete opposite of Bofurin. E.g. instead of protecting their own town, they protect themselves. This is because the town they live in is also the complete opposite of Makochi, hostile and narrow-minded.
*I just thought of making this sukeban the complete opposite of Bofurin because I think it's interesting to see their reactions. It's also hilarious because the opposite of a boy gang is a girl gang. Get it? Okay, I'll stop.*
I also believe maybe this sukeban and its base can act as a sanctuary for women of its town who were mistreated by men such as giving them food, shelter etc.
I believe the overall vibe that they give is going to be like the military instead of high school.
As for their leader, maybe she'll be the opposite of Umemiya, stoic and serious. However, it is interesting if she was a good leader like Umemiya because so far we've only seen bad leaders in Wind Breaker.
As for their gang name, maybe it will be associated with elements such as water or space. This is because the other gangs e.g. Bofurin 防風鈴 is named after the wind element, Noroshi 狼煙 is named after the fire element, Gravel and Shishitoren 獅子頭連 are named after the earth element along with KEEL is named after or related to the metal element.
*I know that Shishitoren are named after animals but animals are also related to Earth sooo*
Final Thoughts
Overall, this is just a random thought of mine that I just want to share. If Nii Satoru-sensei doesn't include a story arc that talks about girl gangs, I won't be disappointed or upset as long as he writes a good story.
*P.S.. this is my first time ranting about an anime so feel free to critique or educate me if I've made a mistake. Also, I still have some opinions regarding this sukeban idea so should I create a part 2?*
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11rosebunny · 4 months
Hiragi will never let you pay for a date when you're out eating, expect a fight to break out if you ever try to pay. This man will NEVER let you spend money on him.
For whatever reason, Nirei had a notebook filled with information about a girl he liked in middle school. One day, a group of his classmates saw his open book and found nearly 6 pages that had random facts about his crush. He ended up getting beaten up by the girls friends.
Togame sometimes pretends he's fallen sick so Choji won't bother him.
In the morning, Sakura couldn't be bothered to ever prepare breakfast for himself, it's become so normal for him to skip breakfast, it even annoys him if someone tries to feed him.
Suo surprisingly gets a bit annoyed with picky eaters.
Speaking of eating, Togame is a human vacuum that nearly eats everything.
Tsugeura is terrible at math.
Endo loves lying, it's so annoying because many people can never tell when he's being serious or not. He won't even tell you if he is or not, you just have to guess.
A small thing that Umemiya punches himself for is when he used to have a small fictional crushes in the comics he'd used to read as a kid.
Kaji sometimes listens to eating ASMR.
People are shocked when Tsugeura had been rejected by a whopping of 5 Highschool girls.
Kotoha gets lonely sometimes after running the coffee shop by herself, she really wishes another girl her age would roll around and visit the shop to befriend her.
Choji likes drinking those banana flavoured yogurt drinks after witnessing Taiga drink one.
Togame is very forgetful.
Suo has a small collection of different teas from China, his goal is to collect all of them and taste them individually.
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karasukarei · 2 months
🎐Wind Breaker wind chime charms🎐
I'm opening preorders for these charms from 7 August, and I'd love to hear your thoughts so I can make some final adjustments to the shop!
You can fill in the interest check here!
Thank you ^_^
Product samples
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Available designs
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littleplantfreak · 21 days
Dreamcatcher (sfw)
(or who has dreams, nightmares, and anything in between)
Sakura has dreams and nightmares, although most of the time he only remembers snippets. Prone to gasping awake or shooting up into sitting position during nightmares. The type to have dreams about his friends and feel like they’re at fault for what happened. Once he had a dream Nirei stole his food and he wouldn’t let Nirei sit next to him during lunch the next day without telling him specifically he better back off his sandwiches.
Whenever Hiragi has a nightmare, stomach cramping follows. Whether it’s his stomach causing them or them causing further stomach distress, he’ll never know, but he has tea and medicine to settle down before trying again. Mumbles in his sleep on occasion, and it’s really kind of cute.
It’s no surprise Umemiya is a dreamer. Sure maybe once in a blue moon he’ll have a bad one, but for the most part they’re really weird and silly. Loves to talk about them at breakfast the next morning, recounting his time flying with a penguin, or being chased by trolls. He remembers the whole thing usually, though he’s such a deep sleeper that once he’s worn himself out enough and has one of those big, drool inducing rests, he just sleeps with no dreams to be had.
Suo is vague, beats around the bush, and generally likes to joke around. When he tells his friends he dreams in black and white? He’s actually telling the truth! He doesn't have good or bad dreams often, but when he does, he likes to laugh about them in the morning. Something about them looking like he’s watching an old movie makes them all the more funny.
Kaji has nightmares more than dreams, but mostly he sleeps without either. He’ll be in a shit mood the next day though, because the nightmare will have him tossing and turning, trying to find the comfiest spot on the bed that seems to have disappeared in the hour or so it took him to be woken by it. Another sleep mumbler. He can actually sleep with his music blasting in his ears pretty easily too!
Kotoha dreams most of the time. She’ll exchange sleep stories with Ume, but hers always seem to be a little tamer than his. Has a diffuser that cycles through colored lights she’ll put on if she has a dream she deems ‘not great’ and a stuffed dragon her siblings got her that guards her dreams on the nightstand next to her bed. Sometimes she’ll have it on the pillow next to her for no particular reason; it’s just soothing (and so soft and cute.)
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