#tad and chad
itsreaditandwow2 · 9 months
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Keith Leak Jr. as Chad from The Fairly OddParents
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shellstudios · 4 months
Why the internet can't establish an Amazing Digital Swap (Swap AU) that we all can agree on.
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itsyoung8 · 9 months
The age of the students at Bullworth Academy (part II)
Hello! Today in this second part I'm going to talk about the age of preppies. Happy reading!
-> I'm going to assume that Bullworth Academy is a high school
-> Since it is a high school located in the United States, four years ago and not three as in Europe (ex: France). That's why I'm going to make the following cut:
1st year: 14-15 years old - Freshman
2nd year: 15-16 years old - Sophomore
3rd year: 16-17 years old - Junior
4th year: 17-18 years old - Senior
Derby Harrington:
When Derby speaks when he walks alone, he can be heard saying this: "Why won't my father let me cash in my trust fund? It's like he doesn't understand: I need a yacht too!" After doing a lot of research, it turns out that, in most New England states, you have to be at least 16 years old to be able to drive a boat alone without the assistance of an adult. Derby's line of dialogue suggests that he can drive his own yacht himself. We can then deduce that Derby is either a 16-17 year old junior or a 17-18 year old senior
Bif Taylor:
Two lines of dialogue from Bif can guide us on an age. The first: "She'd totally dig me if I had a car". As seen with Russell, the minimum legal age to drive a car is 16 years and a few months (for some New England states) but with restrictions, otherwise you have to be 18 to drive without restrictions. We can already say that Bif is at least 16 years old or older.
The second line of dialogue reads as follows: "Does my trust fund kick in at eighteen or twenty-one?" The majority in all New England states is 18 years old and this line of dialogue makes me think that Bif is very close to reaching the majority. I came to think that Bif must be a 17-18 year old senior
Pinky Gauthier:
Pinky in conversation: "Daddy says he'll buy me an Italian convertible when I turn sixteen!" This line of dialogue allows us to rule out the possibility that Pinky is a junior or a senior. In addition, "I heard we'll be allowed to bring our own servants next year!" This suggests that Pinky was already at Bullworth Academy last year as if this year and last year, servants were not allowed. I conclude that Pinky is a 15-16 year old sophomore.
Tad Spencer:
"They'll have a hard time topping last year's carnival." We know from this line of dialogue that Tad is not a freshman otherwise he wouldn't use the words "last year". Also, in The Eggs, Tad explains to Jimmy that he's not an old rich guy like all the other Peppies but a new one. This suggests that Tad probably arrived at Bullworth Academy a year before Jimmy, otherwise the new term wouldn't make sense if he had been in school longer than that. I've come to think that Tad is probably a 15-16 year old sophomore.
Gord Vendôme:
What I'm saying for Gord is not certain.
During a mission, he can be seen talking with Parker. If we listen to their conversation, Gord says he's going to work in his father's office this summer. In the United States, the minimum age required to work is 14 years old with constraints, otherwise it is 18 years old without constraints. So all years of high school are possible for Gord. However, the fact that he talks quite often about law school and how much he is looking forward to it may make us think that he may be a 17-18 year old senior.
Parker Ogilvie:
"Dr. Crabblesnitch is making Hopkins a Prefect, even though it's his first year." We can see that Parker is probably not in his first year at Bullworth Academy, so not a freshman. When he gets hit by a bicycle, he can be heard saying: "I should have daddy drive me." This sentence may make us think that Parker is not yet old enough to drive a car. So, we can deduce that Parker is a 15-16 year old sophomore.
Chad Morris:
Chad is the one who gives me the most trouble because there are hardly any clues that could tell us how old he is. The only thing I found is: "want to ride on my scooter, jimmy, next weekend sounds good?" As seen earlier, the minimum legal age in New England to drive a vehicle is 16 years and a few months or so. He is then either a 16-17 year old junior or a 17-18 year old senior.
Justin Vandervelde:
Another one that I can't give a specific age range on lol. Well, I can say that Justin is not in his first year because during a free conversation with another preppie, one of those lines of dialogue is: " My dad arranged for me to get perfect marks this year." This clearly means that he is not a freshman. Then, with this line of dialogue: "I think I'll skip university and go straight to my father's business." I figured that by saying that, he must be close to going to college. I've come to assume that he may be a 17-18 year old senior but nothing is certain.
Bryce Montrose:
Bryce is not in his first year as he has been working at Golf & Yacht to pay for his studies and has been for several years (starting in the 1st year). In addition, he uses the word "kid" in several lines of dialogue. Suggesting that he's older than Jimmy, in which case he wouldn't call him that if he was the same age as him. Finally "I'm making valuable contacts at the Golf & Yacht club. One guy offered me a VP job when I finish at Bullworth". This line of dialogue leads us to believe that he is very close to completing his studies at Bullworth Academy. I'm starting to think maybe he's a 17-18 year old senior
Here is the end of this second part. In the next part, I'll talk about Greasers. A la prochaine!
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nllick · 10 months
I very much believe each and every single one of the preppies are queer. I just refuse to believe they're straight.
Chad and Bryce are canonically dating
Gord is openly bisexual
Derby is a closeted gay man who's forced to be with his cousin, and Bif is madly in love with Derby which they're implied to be in a relationship anyway.
Justin fangirls over Ted and even questions his sexuality in voice lines
Tad is gay in his own ways..Parker I don't even have to explain you can just tell
and Pinky really doesn't care who she's with she just wants to be treated like the princess she is and she'll be happy. Although she's definitely the type to prefer girls because they just..understand her🤷‍♂️
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vandertones · 1 year
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(pretend there are small chairs)
hey this took me too long. did some minor fixes so we’d be able tell them apart. this has been a fun process!
… derby and bif? idk shopping? leave them alone
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jimothy-hopkins · 9 months
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Merry Christmas
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bi0-12 · 11 months
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Little Preps
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preppybryce · 22 days
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United States of America 🇺🇸 80s inferior Preppy Kids!😄
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reospride · 2 years
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hiii hellooo hiii!!!! Im neeew!! Just wanted to share my silly little reference art for Preppies!!! !!!!!!! Colors mostly from @s4samus bc I enjoy her coloring a little too much!!!
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qwainte · 1 year
Headcanons/speculation about how the preps acquired their wealth and current source if income:
The Harringtons: "Harrington Oil" can be seen advertized on the go-cart racetrack so we can assume they are oil tycoons. Derby is featured in Aquaberry advertisements so perhaps his family are shareholders and invest in other luxury clothing brands as well.
The Gauthiers: It's hard to say. Chad mentions Pinky's father bought her an entire ice cream factory so maybe he owns a major food manufacturing company a la Nestle. I also guess her parents are philanthropists considering that she has no qualms about donating to charity
The Taylors: Bif mentions his dad possibly bulldozing some low-income housing so I'm going to say land development and real estate. If he gets hit by a car Bif will mention his father being an attorney. I'm also going to consider Derby's little jab about him being a Democrat and say his dad is a political attorney.
The Spencers: "Spencer Shipping", a shipping manufacturing company; Tad says his father is a self-made man but perhaps his mother is old-money, hence the inbreeding. She may have came from an old British aristocrat family, and Tad does his best to replicate her accent.
The Vanderveldes: Sounds like "Vanderbilt" so imma say railroads
The Vendomes: Gord's dad is an attorney and owns a law firm that specializes in criminal cases. He also owns several hotels so he's in the hospitality business
The Montroses: Bryce's dad has gambled away most of their money and whatever source of wealth they have isn't enough to get their family out of debt. The best guess I can give is that his father is an investor and is currently seeing little to no returns on his investments (after more digging I found a quote were Bryce states his father told him he "lost a bundle in the stock market").
The Ogilvies: Literally no dialogue hints at his family's business so let's say his father owns a large vehicle manufacturing company and his mother is a professional conductor.
The Morrises: Chad mentions his father a lot like he's a really important person so perhaps he's in politics or works on the board of education. He mentions not receiving his usual care package from his mother, meaning that she may not live nearby in the Vale. She may have a profession that requires her to travel a lot. Judging by Chad's quotes about the environment I'd say she's an environmentalist.
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itsreaditandwow2 · 9 months
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Shayne Topp as Tad from The Fairly OddParents
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dedinsiidee · 1 year
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Looks like aquaberry has some new models :D
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s4samus · 2 years
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mental illness
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itsyoung8 · 5 months
If the preppies had Twitter
HI GUYS I'M BACK!!!! Please excuse me for this long absence, I have just finished my exams. So I'm now available to post again regularly!!
A while ago I had thought about (it doesn't happen often so believe me when I say this lol) to make headcanons on a character but I didn't really know who to do and then came up with the idea of doing a "if the students of Bullworth Academy had twitter" so here is what it would look like for preppies:
Pinky Gauthier:
Popular Twitter
She tweets "Hello", she has 500 likes and 152 RT
Twitter is his diary
In her bio there is a link to her Instagram
Derby Harrington:
"Harrington never lose" in bio
Makes problematic tweets
He was suspended several times
Settles scores with Johnny in space every 4 mornings
Bif Taylor:
Defends Derby at all costs whenever he's in the sauce
His pinned is his thread on his favorite hip-hop and rap sounds
His PP (Profile Picture) is him with his Bose Championship belt
He blocked Jimmy after the latter displayed himself with the boxing champion's belt
Tad Spencer:
He has a private account on which he spits his hatred on Derby
He posts pictures of the pastries he makes in his free time
participated in Mister Twitter (I swear we had that in France lmao) but lost
blocked Cedric Grolet
Gord Vendôme:
Twitter with a lot of followers too
Hit-tweets because they're funny
Makes indirect comments on his crush so that the latter understands that Gord is talking about him (this is Vance)
Once he saw a picture of Jimmy in an "awful" outfit (he was the one who said it) he flagged the tweet for violent speech
Parker Ogilvie:
"gnome stan account" in bio
A real ray of sunshine in the TL
More follows than followers but he doesn't care
Chad Morris:
Has put Chester in header
Rt tweets about animal protection
He and Ricky have blocked each other but insult each other's family trees in space
Has a private account where he likes Lola's tweets
Bryce Montrose:
Doesn't have time to go because he juggles classes, work and boxing
Justin Vandervelde:
Tries to make people laugh with his tweets but they flop
When there's a scuffle in space, it adds fuel to the fire
In his "likes" there are only tweets from Ted and the other preppies
His dream is for Ted to follow him back
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nllick · 10 months
Lowkey a cute couple though
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lemoonsalt · 8 months
headcanon zodiac signs of some bully characters bc im bored ♡
gary: GEMINI 💀
jimmy: libra/aries
pete: VIRGO this boy screams virgo
johnny: SCORPIO/aries
peanut: capricorn
vance: taurus
lola: gemini
norton: libra
derby: GEMINI
bif: leo
pinky: pisces
gord: sagittarius
justin: gemini
tad: capricorn/virgo
parker: cancer/pisces
chad: leo
bryce: sagittarius/cancer
ted thompson: scorpio
damon: leo
kirby: capricorn/libra
mandy: aquarius/leo
russell: taurus
trent: libra/taurus
earnest: leo
beatrice: cancer
algie: leo
edgar: aquarius
zoe: gemini
idk a shit about signs so I chose them according to my little knowledge (?
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