#tadano skyli
haiverse · 5 months
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Tadano is the antagonist, at least a smaller one. He's a father that is neglectful of his own child and doesn't care what anyone else thinks about him.
He feels justified in practically abandoning his son because he did it for "the greater good" and "at least one of your parents are alive". He is sheltering other people and their children over raising his own son. Tadano is kind of a good person but he isn't a good father.
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haiverse · 1 year
Tadano Skyli
Meet Tadano Skyli, Haida's father.
He was born in a big village to parents that owned a bread making business. By the time he was a preteen, both of his parents fell ill and soon died. Ever since, Tadano had to keep the business afloat by himself and a few part-time employees.
One day, when Tadano was around 18 or 19 years old, he meets this woman named Eliska. Eliska wore these beautiful clothes, expensive jewelry, and gave off a sense of nobility. Tadano fell in love with her quickly and they eventually married.
Tadano learned that Eliska is a Hybrid and had 3 kids with her, Haida (the oldest), Kia, and Kai (fraternal twins). They moved into a cottage not so far away from Tadano's village and lived peacefully as a happy family.
That was until this group of Hybrid Haters had killed Eliska and, to Tadano, possibly killed the twins. All he has now is Haida, but he doesn't seem to appreciate him that much. He loves him, but he's always left his son sad and alone in a cottage for days or weeks to go on "hikes".
What does Tadano actually do when he's gone? Why is that more important than the only person in his family he has left?
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haiverse · 1 year
Eliska Skyli
Meet Eliska Skyli, the mother of Haida Skyli. She is a Hybrid, born half human, half Ice Dragon. Since she is a Hybrid, she was raised in a Hybrid house with other orphaned Hybrids. They each have unique powers and are treated like royalty. Despite them being treated like royalty, they really couldn't do much. Eliska was bored and tired of being restricted from doing whatever she wants. She wanted to go out and visit the world, talk to the common people, learn what it's like to go shopping.
So, when she was a teenager, she had a habit of sneaking out at night and going on little adventures. A couple of times Eliska became more daring, leaving during the day to visit the village closest to her home. That's where she met Tadano, her future husband. They fell in love quickly and, of course, got married when the time was right.
They moved into this cottage nearby the village (after so much convincing from Eliska's guardian and the King of the nation) to live peacefully and safe. Eliska and her husband had three children, Haida, Kia, and Kai. She raised them with the freedom that she couldn't have and the respect of nobility like Tadano couldn't have. They had everything they could ever want, yet not all good things like forever.
There are people who hate the existence of Hybrids, they want to kill every last one that has mixed blood, some even want to kill their spouses. Unfortunately, the Skyli family was target to a group of Hybrid Haters, they killed Eliska and almost got her youngest twins. Tadano pleaded for them to spare his children, that their mother was already dead. The Hybrid Haters were only satisfied once they could take a piece of Eliska back to show to their leader.
Why are Hybrids hated so much? How did they find Eliska? How many groups are even out there that are willing to kill for them? How do Hybrids exist?
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